Visualised Systems Engineering on Railway Projects
By Jong-Pil Nam
About this ebook
As a system engineer or a system integrator, he has participated in lots of railway projects – Western Sydney Airport (Australia), MRT-7 (Philippines), LRT1 (Indonesia), GTX-A (South Korea), National Rail Network (Saudi Arabia), Korea high-speed rail (South Korea), Bundang Metro (South Korea), etc.
With his academic careers and vast experience of systems engineering in railway projects, he sometimes gives lectures on Systems Engineering while participating in several Systems Engineering projects. He prepared this book based on his railway experiences and academic careers to help railway Systems Engineering beginners.
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Visualised Systems Engineering on Railway Projects - Jong-Pil Nam
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Published by AuthorHouse 12/19/2024
Systems Engineering exists to integrate engineering objectives, processes and activities in various industries especially in railway projects since railway infrastructure consists of multiple disciplines. Thus, lots of engineers who are involved in systems engineering are looking for applicable standards and regulations. For subcontractors or suppliers providing small equipment, it is relatively easy to get applicable guidelines such as ISO standards or EU standards. However, it is sometimes difficult for the main contractor at the top level in an organisational structure in railway projects to apply Systems Engineering methodologies as a system integrator. Of course, there are many textbooks and guidelines like INCOSE or SEBok that introduce the systems engineering process, however, it is not easy for systems integrators to choose any specific process to apply because those guidelines have a lot of contents to cover most industries. And furthermore, it is necessary modify and apply such methodologies to suit the characteristics of the railway projects.
My colleagues also have faced the same problems, and I sometimes felt the need to help them. So, I have developed a lot of processes that explain how to conduct systems engineering tasks. Using those graphical materials, I held several training sessions. While performing the sessions, I have prepared more slides, and these materials were very helpful to anyone who is struggling with certain issues in their systems engineering work. This is the reason why I have prepared this book.
This book focuses on the fundamental and practical applications of systems engineering to railway projects, and it covers most areas of System Engineering that systems engineers should know such as railway operation & performance, requirements, V&V, RAMS, configuration, cyber security, human factors, etc. This book introduces Systems Engineering considering the relationships between clients, contractors, and sub-contractors because the relationships between them affect the activities in the process of systems engineering.
The illustrations and graphical materials in this book will help readers easily understand the contents of this book. I’m sure you will gain an insight into systems engineering if you read this book.
I wish you success with your railway projects.
Jong-Pil Nam
M.Sc. of Railway Systems Engineering, PMP (Project Management Professional)
About the Author
Jong-Pil Nam
He began his career at Korea Rail Network Authority in South Korea in 1995. and between 2011 and 2012, he studied for a master’s degree in Railway Systems Engineering and Integration at the University of Birmingham, UK. He won the Best Technical Dissertation from the University of Birmingham for his dissertation.
As a system engineer or a system integrator, he has participated in lots of railway projects – Western Sydney Airport (Australia), MRT-7 (Philippines), LRT1 (Indonesia), GTX-A (South Korea), National Rail Network (Saudi Arabia), Korea high-speed rail (South Korea), Bundang Metro (South Korea), etc.
With his academic careers and vast experience of systems engineering in railway projects, he sometimes gives lectures on Systems Engineering while participating in several Systems Engineering projects. He prepared this book based on his railway experiences and academic careers to help railway Systems Engineering beginners.
Table of contents
What is Systems Engineering?
Application of Systems Engineering on railway projects
Optimisation of rail service & infrastructure
Framework of railway service
Headway, round trip time, and train sets
Train operation simulation
Requirements identification and clarification
Requirements development and apportionment
Traceability and change control
Verification and Validation (V&V)
RAM (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability)
RAM definitions
RAM calculations
RAM Management Plan
RAM techniques
RAM prediction
Required information
RAM demonstration
Safety analysis
Safety management techniques
Safety Management Plan
Safety Verification and Validation
Overview of Human Factors
Processes of Human Factors Integration
Human Factors Integration Plan
Human Factors Integration requirements
HF Validation
Overview of interface management
Interface or interference issues
Interface techniques and tools
Interface management process
Overview of configuration management
Configuration Management Plan
Identification, control and status accounting
Configuration audit
Overview of EMC
EMC Management
Earthing, Bonding, and Cabling
Human Exposure
Overview of software assurance
Software Assurance
Software Assurance Plan
Software development
Cyber security
Overview of noise and vibration
Noise and vibration management
Causes and mitigation measures
Effects and mitigation measures
Standards and References related to Systems Engineering
What is Systems Engineering?
Railway infrastructure is largely composed of structural elements and E&M (Electrical and Mechanical) systems. A structural element refers to fixed elements such as building pillars and walls that provide foundational support and stability. Conversely, E&M systems refer to devices or equipment that ensure the effective functioning of the railway. These systems are crucial for the operational aspects of the railway.
Since structural components are fixed facilities, once installed, they do not require ongoing consideration of operational issues. In contrast, E&M systems must operate correctly, effectively, and safely. Thus, systems engineering focuses on E&M systems related to these operational aspects.
Properties of a system
To gain a profound insight into Systems Engineering, it is important first to comprehend the properties of a system. From an industrial perspective, a system can be defined as [1] an integrated set of components [2] that interact with each other and the environment [3] to perform the required functions and achieve the desired performance [4] while minimising failures or risks. The properties of a system can be described as follows:
[1]A system is an integrated set of components.
[2]Components of the system interact with each other and the environment.
[3]The system should perform the required functions and achieve the desired performance.
[4]The system should operate with minimised failures and risks.
When it comes to [1], a system consists of multiple subsystems or components classified as actuators, controllers, and monitors. System development involves numerous suppliers (or subcontractors) that contribute to the development of different components, which must be properly integrated. The integration process requires meticulous planning and coordination to ensure that all parts work together harmoniously.
Regarding [2], interface issues frequently arise both between subsystems and between the system and its environment, which requires careful coordination and integration to ensure seamless operation. Moreover, system developers must consider the environmental impact of the system they are creating.
[3] represents the ultimate purpose of a system. Throughout the system development lifecycle, it is crucial to meticulously design and produce each component to meet the required functions and performance. Additionally, the integrated system, formed by combining these components, must also meet the required functions and performance.
When it comes to [4], risk management is a critical aspect to consider when designing a system. Figure 1 shows the types of risks and failure.
Figure 1 - Risk types and causual factors
< Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) >
In this book, the system hierarchy is defined as follows: the top level of the system hierarchy is referred to as the ‘System level,’ which consists of subsystems. Below this, the ‘Subsystem level’ consists of components.
In the context of railway systems, the levels of composition are as follows:
▪System level: a railway line.
▪Subsystem level: track, signalling, power supply, communication, rolling stock, etc.
▪Component level: the individual elements of subsystems.
The term ‘equipment’ is also used in this book. When referring to human-machine equipment, it is assumed that the equipment consists of actuator, controller, and monitor.
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering is a methodical approach that guides engineers in designing and developing products with optimised cost and performance. It focuses on the entire lifecycle of a complex system, ensuring that it is designed, produced, and managed effectively to meet all system requirements. By offering a structured framework, Systems Engineering enables engineers to enhance their products and achieve the desired functions and performance.
At the subsystem level, subsystem engineers participate in the Systems Engineering process, resolving interface and interference issues with other subsystems. They also need to reflect the allocated functions and performance in their design. Failure to address the issues can lead to a lack of consistency, non-compliance, and other problems.
Since all systems engineering (SE) activities aim to meet the project requirements, the level of SE is dependent on the complexity of the requirements. In this book, the author defines high-level requirements as difficult and complex requirements to fulfil.
Increasing the level of project requirements as much as possible will significantly enhance system quality, but that also leads to increased project costs. Conversely, the higher the level of requirements, the lower the failure cost of the system (or product). Therefore, it is important to find an optimal level of requirements, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Optimal requirements level
System Assurance
System assurance is frequently addressed in systems engineering activities. What does ‘assured system’ mean? An assured system provides a high degree of confidence that the system is expected to perform its intended function under stated conditions.
System Assurance refers to a justified level of confidence that an integrated system, comprising a collection of subsystems, will meet the requirements in an integrated manner. Thus, the activities of System Assurance are the processes to meet the system requirements. For successful systems engineering work, the System Assurance process is required. Similarly, to achieve System Assurance, systems engineering methodologies should be implemented.
An assured system must be processed at least as follows:
▪For equipment, all materials used in equipment development must be certified or must pass relevant tests.
▪Each component must be verified and validated through all phases, from planning phase to T&C (Testing and Commissioning) phase.
▪In the final phase of development, the final integrated system must be tested for client acceptance.
▪When applicable, the quality of the final deliverables must be demonstrated during the demonstration period while operating.
To assure a system, the following procedures are required:
▪Requirements must be complete and clearly defined.
▪Design and development must be carried out correctly.
▪Tests must be appropriately planned and rigorously conducted.
▪Tests must be conducted by qualified people who have no conflict of interest.
▪The quantity of supporting evidence must be sufficient.
The framework of system assurance should be applied to systems engineering activities to successfully develop a system, and these activities should be planned in a Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). A Systems Engineering Management Plan provides a structured approach to managing and executing the systems engineering process throughout a project lifecycle. It defines roles, responsibilities, processes, tools, and timelines, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and that system requirements are met efficiently. Additionally, it helps minimise risks and ensures quality control throughout the project lifecycle.
A Systems Engineering Management Plan should include the following contents:
▪Definitions and references: definitions of terms, abbreviations, and relevant references.
▪System overview.
▪Systems engineering overview: roles of systems engineering, definition of lifecycle, and lifecycle methodology.
▪Systems engineering management organisation: scope and responsibilities of each party.
▪Components of systems engineering activities: requirements management, interface management, configuration management, RAM management, safety management, human factors integration, verification & validation, integration management, and more.
▪Information management: communication processes, record-keeping, and approval procedures.
Areas of Systems Engineering in railway projects
Depending on the type of project or system, Systems Engineering tasks in railway projects may consist of the following components:
▪SE Management – Manage the systems engineering processes, internal schedule, and resources.
▪Preliminary O&M (Operation and Maintenance) Planning – Establish the preliminary O&M plan.
▪Operation Performance – Control the design of infrastructure and systems to assist engineers in each discipline in achieving operational targets, such as RTT (Round Trip Time).
▪Requirements – Manage system requirements.
▪V&V (Verification and Validation) – Verify and validate deliverables and activities of system suppliers to ensure they meet the system requirements.
▪Configuration – Control the project or systems configurations.
▪Interface – Manage interface items and issues between subsystems, equipment, products, and devices.
▪Software – Manage the software development process to ensure compliance with software requirements.
▪RAM – Manage the reliability and maintainability of each subsystem, equipment, product, and device to achieve target availability.
▪Safety – Manage system safety using safety methodologies.
▪Human Factors – Manage system design to ensure the man-machine interface is fit for use.
▪EMC (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility) – Manage the design of subsystems, equipment, products, and devices to eliminate or minimise EMC-related issues
▪Noise & Vibration – Eliminate or minimise noise and vibration caused by train operations.
▪Cyber security – Manage the design of networks and software to ability to defend against cyber-attacks.
▪T&C (Testing and Commissioning) – Manage T&C processes and activities.
▪Integration – Manage requirements allocation and interface among subsystems, equipment, products, and devices to ensure smooth aggregation.
▪RAM demonstration (after opening) – Detect, record, and analyse failures to manage failures occurring during the operation phase.
Of course, the disciplines of systems engineering vary greatly depending on project characteristics and size. They function like modules, so the scope of SE can selectively include various components, such as EMC, cybersecurity, and others.
Based on the author’s experiences, the framework of Systems Engineering activities can be outlined as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 – Framework of Systems Engineering
In a project, there will be four groups for systems engineering activities as follows:
▪[1] Control process: this process intervenes in and coordinates with all engineering and systems engineering activities.
▪[2] Requirements management: all requirements of rail domains and systems engineering will be defined, decomposed, allocated to each team, and managed through the requirements management process by using a requirements database.
▪[3] Deliverables management: all requirements are actualised (designed, manufactured, installed, tested, and integrated) according to requirements specifications (decomposed and allocated requirements).
▪[4] All engineering results and deliverables from [2] and [3] must be verified and validated through the V&V process to ensure that engineering results and deliverables meet the requirements specifications. And then the results of the V&V will be stored in the traceability matrix (or requirements database).
Near the end of the project, a compliance matrix will be prepared by capturing the original requirement descriptions from the contractual documents and referring to the evidence in the traceability matrix (or requirements database). Based on the compliance matrix, the deliverables are checked and accepted by the client.
ISO 9001 and ISO 55001 provide guidance for establishing the framework, and all systems engineering activities are governed by the standards.
System Integration