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Insearch of Mickey Mantle: New and Selected Poems
Insearch of Mickey Mantle: New and Selected Poems
Insearch of Mickey Mantle: New and Selected Poems
Ebook105 pages32 minutes

Insearch of Mickey Mantle: New and Selected Poems

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About this ebook

Insearch of Mickey Mantle is a collection of poems about the search for an elusive hero and also about a deeper search, an inward search, an insearch, for meaning. The poems travel through the lush--and often arid--inner landscape of memory and relationships, health and aging, and nature and spirituality. The journey inward is the journey of the soul; it is the journey towards home. To take that first step is to take the first step towards healing and forgiveness. Insearch of Mickey Mantle invites the reader to embrace the soulful journey of being with gratitude and joy.
Release dateOct 9, 2024
Insearch of Mickey Mantle: New and Selected Poems

Logan C. Jones

Logan C. Jones, EdD, is a Supervisor of Clinical Pastoral Education and works in a hospital as chaplain and Director of Pastoral Care Services. Ordained in the Moravian Church in America, he is the author of No Man's Land: Poems (2014) and several articles on pastoral care and pastoral supervision. He and his wife live in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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    Book preview

    Insearch of Mickey Mantle - Logan C. Jones

    Lord of the Sea

    He stands in the surf,

    waves easily lapping at his knees.

    Being sixteen months old, he looks further out to sea,

    into the future where

    the larger waves crash and roar.

    He claps his hands, laughing.

    He bends down and

    splashes in the water,

    then jumps up and down, dancing —

    summoning the wind and the waves

    to him.

    His great delight is held with Joy and Gratitude.

    Just for a moment, in the golden afternoon

    at the end of summer,

    all of the ocean belongs to him.

    Just for a moment, he is Poseidon,

    Lord of the Sea.

    The Music of Heaven

    Bach plays in heaven,

    and Mannheim Steamroller

    during the winter solstice,

    and, of course, the Beatles.

    But when the angels need

    to smile,

    they listen for Kelli’s


    Her laughter comes from

    a wellspring of gladness,

    from a deep place

    of delight,

    of joy,

    of ease,

    of wonder.

    Born out of loss

    and the knowing of

    God’s acceptance,

    Kelli’s laughter

    is the music

    of heaven.

    Translating Rilke

    Rilke said:

    You must change your life.

    This is what he meant:

    You must become

    who you are meant to be —

    or else die

    a thousand deaths

    each day.

    Blue Ridge Fog

    A dense, soupy fog settles

    over the Blue Ridge,

    hiding trees, roads, fields,

    even the way home.

    You cannot see the road.

    The way ahead is unclear.

    You must slow down and

    pay attention.

    Like Jonah, you are swallowed up.

    The way home is hidden.

    Yes, you do know something

    about hiding.

    You have your many, many ways

    to keep from being seen

    and known by others —

    and yourself.

    Of course, the fog burns off and lifts.

    Now what?

    Now you can see

    and you can be seen —

    If you can be seen,

    then you can be known.

    If you can be known,

    then you can be loved,

    And if you can be loved,

    you can be forgiven.

    Lord, Remind Me

    Lord, remind me of my

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