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Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey
Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey
Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey
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Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey

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The past two decades in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have been times of tremendous change, with countries undergoing rapid transformation from centrally-planned to market-oriented economies. While poverty increased during the initial years of transition, primarily on account of the sharp economic contraction, the resurgence of economic growth in the region since 1998 has resulted in a rebound in household incomes and living standards. Data from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey (LiTS)—a joint initiative of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank—provides a unique opportunity to investigate the extent to which citizens of ECA countries are satisfied with their lives and with the performances of their governments, and to study key factors influencing their outlook in a systematic way across all countries of the region.The main objective of the LiTS was to assess the impact of transition on people, covering four main themes. First, it collected personal information on aspects of material well-being, including household expenditures, possession of consumer goods such as a car or mobile phone, and access to local public services and utilities. Second, the survey included measures of satisfaction and attitudes towards economic and political reforms as well as public service delivery. Third, the LiTS captured individual 'histories'—key events and episodes that may have influenced their attitudes towards reforms, and information on family background, employment, and coping strategies. Finally, the survey also attempted to capture the extent to which crime and corruption are affecting peoples' lives, and the extent to which individuals' trust in other people and in state institutions has changed over time.
Release dateFeb 19, 2009
Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey

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    Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union - Salman Zaidi



    Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union

    Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey

    Salman Zaidi

    Asad Alam

    Pradeep Mitra

    Ramya Sundaram


    Copyright © 2009

    The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W.

    Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A.

    All rights reserved

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    First Printing: February 2009

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    World Bank Working Papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's work to the development community with the least possible delay. The manuscript of this paper therefore has not been prepared in accordance with the procedures appropriate to formally-edited texts. Some sources cited in this paper may be informal documents that are not readily available.

    The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent.

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    ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7900-4

    eISBN: 978-0-8213-7901-1

    ISSN: 1726-5878                              DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-7900-4

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Satisfaction with life and service delivery in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union : some insights from the 2006 life in transition survey / Salman Zaidi . . . [et al.].

          p. ; cm.—(World Bank working paper, ISSN 1726-5878 ; no. 162)

    Includes bibliographical references.

    ISBN 978-0-8213-7900-4

    1. Health surveys—Europe, Eastern. 2. Health surveys—Asia, Central. I. Zaidi, Salman, 1967-II. World Bank. III. Series: World Bank working paper ; no. 162.

      [DNLM: 1. Consumer Satisfaction—Europe, Eastern. 2. Health Services—Europe, Eastern.

    3. Data Collection—Europe, Eastern. 4. Quality of Life—Europe, Eastern. 5. Socioeconomic

    Factors—Europe, Eastern. W 85 S253 2009]

    RA407.5.E85S28 2009







    The past two decades in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (ECA) have been times of tremendous change, with countries undergoing rapid transformation from centrally-planned to market-oriented economies. While poverty increased during the initial years of transition, primarily on account of the sharp economic contraction, the resurgence of economic growth in the region since 1998 has resulted in a rebound in household incomes and living standards. Little is known, however, about subjective welfare in the wake of this growth rebound, especially how people

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