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The Chakra Cookbook: Colourful vegan recipes to balance your body and energize your spirit
The Chakra Cookbook: Colourful vegan recipes to balance your body and energize your spirit
The Chakra Cookbook: Colourful vegan recipes to balance your body and energize your spirit
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The Chakra Cookbook: Colourful vegan recipes to balance your body and energize your spirit

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The chakras are an ancient system of connecting the body and spirit to the energy of the planet. Learn how to deeply nourish and balance your life through the abundance of nature with this collection of modern and delicious plant-based, gluten-free and sugar-free recipes for mindful eaters.

Our energy body is attached to our physical body through seven points, which we call chakras. Each chakra represents different energies, emotions and physical organs in our bodies. The root chakra, responsible for grounding, is boosted by red foods: berries, chillies, tomatoes. Green foods such as spinach, avocado and kiwis channel the heart chakra, which opens us to trust and intimacy. By learning to recognize the imbalances in your body, and eating naturally colourful and vibrant foods, we make the most of nature's fantastic pantry, ensuring rejuvenation, nutrition and spiritual healing.
In this book, chakra expert and modern medicine woman Annika Panotzki shares everything you need to know about the chakra system, along with over 80 delicious and fully vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free recipes. Including ramen, wraps, rainbow burgers, mini tacos, bliss bowls, psychedelic chia, mocktails and infusions, every occasion and time of day is catered for. A morning section includes breathing exercises, smoothies, and setting intentions for the day. A nighttime section covers hydration, gratefulness and mindfulness exercises. Annika also suggests a 5-day reset programme to kick-start incorporating the chakra system into your life.
Release dateMay 17, 2022
The Chakra Cookbook: Colourful vegan recipes to balance your body and energize your spirit

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    The Chakra Cookbook - Annika Panotzki


    We live in a culture where we turn our backs on ourselves when it comes to our own health. It is time to trust the ability we already have within us. I meet so many people every day who express that they are tired of performing, of stressing themselves out trying to live up to a standard of perfection that we have been led to believe will bring happiness. We have tried this way of living for many years and are beginning to understand that everything is actually about the inside. If we do not feel good in body and soul, there is no designer bag or luxury holiday in the world that can fill that hole. First, we need to build up our energy, give ourselves love, peace and a pat on the back. Then we can buy the bag if we want, just because it looks good, and not to fill the emptiness. Raising one’s energy is about being more true to oneself, listening to the body and to the gut feeling.

    I want to show you that when you follow your inner voice you invite more ease, joy, energy and health into your life. This book’s intention is to be an inspiration to find your own way to do it. I want to remove all seriousness and invite creativity and joy, and to show that food and health are not so complicated when we rekindle our connection with nature.

    In nature is a wisdom that we humans have lived by and enjoyed for thousands of years. We just need to remember that wisdom again. We are part of this planet, and in nature there is everything we need to heal, stay healthy and reach our highest potential. It is natural that we want to be filled with energy and constantly renew ourselves.

    I just want to remind you of what you already know in your heart …


    It is easy to lose the connection to the natural world when we live in a city and have a busy life. But it is important to remember that our physical bodies represent the natural world and the elements. The root chakra is representing the feminine earth and the sacral chakra her waters. In the solar plexus comes the sun and the fires, and the heart chakra contains the wind, to be able to fly like an eagle. To create life here on earth they are all needed. It is all woven between the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine; the love story of the earth and the sun that creates lives. We are a microcosmos of the same principles. What we do to our bodies we do to the earth; if we respect and love the earth, we respect and love ourselves. It is all connected. Every little being and plant here on this planet is created by the same force. It is easier to see when we live close to nature and when we live by her cycles.

    To reconnect to our bodies and spirits we need to reconnect to nature. Heal the relationship with our greater mother. She is the one that gave us life so we need to honour her and all of her creations. Every tree, every plant, all the animals and each other. When we heal this connection, we activate our root chakra and foundation again. On this foundation we can build a new connection and inner self. This foundation starts with self-love, just as it reflects our love for Mother Nature. A mother’s love is unconditional. That kind of love can see perfection in everything and have humble, warm eyes for her child. That creates a safe environment to thrive on. A love to be grateful for and honour. This is how we need to look at ourselves and our bodies: through that unconditional loving sight. We honour ourselves by giving ourselves food, thoughts, actions and rest that our bodies can use to heal, refuel and reenergize. Natural food from our Mother Nature, already created so perfectly to match our cells since we are connected to the earth and all is one.

    We have forgotten to say thank you for all the gifts that she brings us, all the love that she gives, no matter how we treat her. She is here unconditionally. This is the way of ritual. We can bring ritual into our modern life in small ways during the day. When we honour ourselves we honour Mother Earth. A few minutes in the morning to do some breathing exercises, to thank ourselves, to put forth loving intentions, to give ourselves natural beautiful food, to give thanks for that food, to put a flower on her belly (the earth), to laugh and to live with an open heart. To support each other and all living beings by creating more peace, balance and love.

    Even in the city you can live by the cycles of the moon, as we did in ancient times. When the moon is full it is time to give thanks for what has created itself and give closure to what no longer is needed. In a modern way, see how you can declutter your home from unnecessary things, projects and relationships that bring you down. Close doors to old habits. Honour yourself with a beautiful flower bath and nourishing infusions. Give thanks and closure to what no longer brings joy to your life and soul.

    The week after the full moon you just keep on nourishing and honouring yourself. When the energy of the new moon comes it is time for a renewal – a cleanse like the 5-Day Reset in this book, taking on new projects, creating and activating. A ritual to bring in the new. Asking the universe to support your destiny path. To bring in more joy and passion. The following week is to take small actions to really support your visions of the new.

    Live by the cycles and honour yourself with rest and more quiet time after a more lively and exuberant time. Listen to your body in how to support these cycles. Eat seasonal produce. Support your body with different superfoods depending on your personal needs. It doesn’t have to be a big thing to matter. It will feel so good to live with that balance. Even if we don’t live on a mountain or in the rainforest we can still take the essence and incorporate it into our lives.

    What kind of a world do we want to leave for our future generations? It all starts with us. The responsibility for our own health, our choices, our actions. To listen to that inner guidance of our own intelligence. Our body and soul already know how to create balance. They tell us every moment through our gut feeling. Just relearn how to listen. You are a master healer and all it takes is trust and self-love. One step each day takes you far. We are here to enjoy life fully and to live in health and balance. When we support ourselves, life starts to support us and we co-create with nature and each other.

    It is the way of the heart, where all is connected and we find a higher meaning to this life and this planet. Together we thrive! We become the rainbow beings. Together, all of the colours are white, like the inside of a clear crystal and a prism. We become the light.

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