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What Is LEGO?
What Is LEGO?
What Is LEGO?
Ebook121 pages31 minutes

What Is LEGO?

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Find out how these fun, stackable blocks became the most popular toys in the world.

The LEGO toy company was founded in 1934 by a Danish carpenter who loved making wooden pull toys. From its humble beginnings, the company has lived up to its name--which comes from the Danish phrase meaning to always "play well"--encouraging children to use their imagination and build whatever they can dream up.

In this book, author Jim O'Connor describes how a simple concept--small plastic bricks that snap together--morphed into a cultural phenomenon.
Release dateMay 5, 2020
What Is LEGO?

Jim O'Connor

Jim O'Connor Is an author and professional educator with a talent for creating brilliance from simple and complex subjects alike? This book began life as a University assignment in which Jim was challenged to teach a subject for which he knew little and one in which many of them knew much. The subject was cooking and the result impressive. Years later the result of that challenge is this book. Inside the reader is taken on a larrikins own adventure into mysterious world of impressive cooking and learns that brilliance in the kitchen is possible for anyone willing to think differently about cooking.

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    What Is LEGO? - Jim O'Connor

    Cover for What Is LEGO?Book title, What Is LEGO?, author, Jim O'Connor, imprint, Penguin Workshop

    For my sons, Robby and Teddy, who shared LEGO sets with me, and always wowed me with their LEGO creations—JOC

    To my kids Stephanie and Jason—TH


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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019054567

    ISBN 9780593092941 (paperback)

    ISBN 9780593092958 (library binding)

    ISBN 9780593092965 (ebook)



    What Is LEGO?

    A Toy Maker


    LEGO Takes Off!

    How Are LEGO Bricks Made?

    Branching Out

    LEGO’s Little People

    Good Times/Tough Times

    A New Leader

    Designing LEGO Sets

    LEGO around the World



    What Is LEGO?

    Billund is a very small town in Denmark, a country in northern Europe. Only about six thousand people live there. It is far away from Denmark’s capital city of Copenhagen. But every year over a million and a half people visit Billund.


    Because Billund is the home of the LEGO toy company. And LEGO fans from all over the world go there to visit LEGO’s main factory. There, nineteen billion LEGO pieces are made every year. That’s right. Nineteen billion. Those pieces come in dozens of different shapes, colors, and sizes that are used in countless different LEGO sets. Besides the original LEGO factory in Billund, there are four others, in the Czech Republic, Hungary, China, and Mexico. Altogether they make over ninety billion LEGO bricks a year. They also make seven hundred million tiny rubber tires for LEGO cars and trucks.

    In Billund, the crowds of LEGO fans also visit LEGOLAND. It opened in 1968 and is a thirty-five-acre amusement park for children eleven or younger. There’s the Vikings River Splash, Lloyd’s Laser Maze, and roller coasters such as The

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