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CompTIA Tech+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!: Exam FC0-U71
CompTIA Tech+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!: Exam FC0-U71
CompTIA Tech+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!: Exam FC0-U71
Ebook624 pages10 hours

CompTIA Tech+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!: Exam FC0-U71

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Prepare for, practice, and pass the CompTIA Tech+ certification exam on your first try

In the newly updated second edition of CompTIA Tech+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified! for exam FC0-U71, veteran IT expert and IT educator, Mike Chapple, skips the fluff and dives straight into exactly what you need to ace the entry-level CompTIA Tech+ certification exam on your first try. Filled with the kind of no-nonsense, straight-to-business info you're looking for, the book includes coverage of every relevant exam domain, a full practice exam, and additional multiple choice practice questions with detailed answer explanations.

You'll learn all about IT infrastructure, software development, database use, software installation, network connectivity, and more, as well as how all this valuable knowledge applies to common on-the-job scenarios. You'll also find:

  • Complimentary links to audio recordings of the book's Exam Essentials sections to help you review for the test
  • Access to additional online study tools
  • The information you need to reduce test anxiety and boost your confidence when you walk into the testing room on exam day

Prepare smarter and faster for the Tech+ certification exam with proven strategies created by the bestselling Mike Chapple and his team at CertMike. This book's perfect for people just getting interested in information technology and working towards a more advanced certification, like the CompTIA A+ or Security+ credentials. It's also a can't-miss resource for anyone who wants to learn basic computer literacy skills. Grab your copy today!

Release dateSep 6, 2024
CompTIA Tech+ CertMike: Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!: Exam FC0-U71

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    CompTIA Tech+ CertMike - Mike Chapple

    CompTIA® Tech+ CertMike

    Prepare. Practice. Pass the Test! Get Certified!

    Exam FC0-U71

    Second Edition

    Mike Chapple

    Logo: Wiley

    Copyright © 2025 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights, including for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies, are reserved.

    Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

    Published simultaneously in Canada and the United Kingdom.

    ISBNs: 9781394290659 (Paperback), 9781394290673 (ePDF), 9781394290666 (ePub)

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    To all of my students at Notre Dame. The energy, enthusiasm, and experiences you bring to the classroom makes me a better teacher and writer.



    I’d first like to thank the people who helped shape the vision for this series. The original idea was hatched over breakfast with two very supportive editors from the Wiley team: Ken Brown and Jim Minatel. I’ve worked with both Jim and Ken on many books over many years, and they’re both insightful industry experts who know what it takes to produce a great book.

    I’d also like to extend a special thank-you to my agent, Carole Jelen of Waterside Productions. Carole is also an experienced industry pro who can deftly navigate the murky waters of publishing. Carole is the one who pushed me to create my own series.

    Of course, the creation of any book involves a tremendous amount of effort from many people other than the author. I truly appreciate the work of Adaobi Obi Tulton, the project editor. Adaobi and I have now worked together on many books, and she keeps the train on the tracks! I’d also like to thank Chris Crayton, the technical editor, who provided insightful advice and gave wonderful feedback throughout the book, and Magesh Elangovan, production editor, who guided me through layouts, formatting, and final cleanup to produce a great book. I would also like to thank the many behind-the-scenes contributors, including the graphics, production, and technical teams who make the book and companion materials into a finished product.

    Finally, I would like to thank my family, who supported me through the late evenings, busy weekends, and long hours that a book like this requires to write, edit, and get to press.

    About the Author

    Mike Chapple, Ph.D., CySA+, is author of the best-selling CISSP (ISC2) Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide (Sybex, 2024) and the CISSP (ISC2) Official Practice Tests (Sybex, 2024). He is an information technology professional with over 25 years of experience in higher education, the private sector, and government.

    Mike currently serves as Teaching Professor in the IT, Analytics, and Operations department at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on cybersecurity, cloud computing, data management, and business analytics.

    Before returning to Notre Dame, Mike served as executive vice president and chief information officer of the Brand Institute, a Miami-based marketing consultancy. Mike also spent four years in the information security research group at the National Security Agency and served as an active duty intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force.

    Mike has written more than 50 books. He earned both his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Notre Dame in computer science and engineering. Mike also holds an M.S. in computer science from the University of Idaho and an MBA from Auburn University. Mike holds the Tech+, Cybersecurity Analyst+ (CySA+), Data+, Security+, Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certifications.

    Learn more about Mike and his other security certification materials at his website,

    About the Technical Editor

    Chris Crayton, MCSE, CISSP, CASP+, PenTest+, CySA+, Cloud+, S+, N+, A+, ITF+ is a technical consultant, trainer, author, and industry-leading technical editor. He has worked as a computer technology and networking instructor, information security director, network administrator, network engineer, and PC specialist. Chris has served as technical editor and content contributor on numerous technical titles for several of the leading publishing companies. He has also been recognized with many professional and teaching awards.


    If you’re preparing to take the Tech+ exam, you might find yourself overwhelmed with information. This exam covers a very broad range of topics, and it’s possible to spend weeks studying each one of them. Fortunately, that’s not necessary!

    As part of the CertMike Get Certified series, this book is designed to help you focus on the specific knowledge that you’ll need to pass the Tech+ exam. CompTIA publishes a detailed list of exam objectives, and this book is organized around those objectives. Each chapter clearly states the single objective that it covers and then, in a few pages, covers the material you need to know about that objective.

    You’ll find two important things at the end of each chapter: CertMike Exam Essentials and Practice Questions. The CertMike Exam Essentials distill the major points from the chapter into just a few bullet points. Reviewing these CertMike Exam Essentials is a great way to prepare yourself right before taking the exam.

    I’ve also recorded an audio version of the CertMike Exam Essentials that you can access online at after registering and logging on. You can listen to the audio review when you’re in the car, at the gym, or mowing the lawn!

    Each chapter concludes with two practice questions that are designed to give you a taste of what it’s like to take the exam. You’ll find that they’re written in the same style as the Tech+ exam questions and have very detailed explanations to help you understand the correct answer. Be sure to take your time and thoroughly study these questions.

    Finally, the book’s online test bank ( includes a full-length practice exam that you can use to assess your knowledge when you’re ready to take the test. Good luck on the Tech+ exam!


    Don’t just study the questions and answers! The questions on the actual exam will be different from the practice questions included in this book. The exam is designed to test your knowledge of a concept or objective, so use this book to learn the objectives behind the questions.


    The Tech+ exam is designed to be a vendor-neutral certification for those seeking to enter the information technology field. CompTIA recommends this certification for three types of people:

    Students considering starting a career in information technology

    Professionals working in fields that require an understanding of information technology

    Sales, marketing, and operations professionals in IT-focused companies

    The exam covers six major domains of knowledge:

    IT Concepts and Terminology


    Applications and Software

    Software Development Concepts

    Data and Database Fundamentals


    These six areas include a range of topics, from installing printers to securing networks, while focusing heavily on the basic knowledge expected of all IT professionals. That’s why CompTIA recommends the Tech+ certification for those in any IT-related field.

    The Tech+ exam uses only standard multiple-choice questions. Unlike other CompTIA exams, you won’t find performance-based questions (PBQs) on the Tech+ exam. This exam is designed to be straightforward and not to trick you. If you know the material in this book, you will pass the exam.

    The exam costs $138 in the United States, with roughly equivalent prices in other locations around the globe. More details about the Tech+ exam and how to take it can be found at

    You’ll have 60 minutes to take the exam and will be asked to answer up to 75 questions during that time period. Your exam will be scored on a scale ranging from 100 to 900, with a passing score of 650.


    CompTIA frequently does what is called item seeding, which is the practice of including unscored questions on exams. It does so to gather psychometric data, which is then used when developing new versions of the exam. Before you take the exam, you will be told that your exam may include these unscored questions. So, if you come across a question that does not appear to map to any of the exam objectives—or for that matter, does not appear to belong in the exam—it is likely a seeded question. You never really know whether or not a question is seeded, however, so always make your best effort to answer every question.

    Taking the Exam

    Once you are fully prepared to take the exam, you can visit the CompTIA website to purchase your exam voucher:

    Currently, CompTIA offers two options for taking the exam: an in-person exam at a testing center and an at-home exam that you take on your own computer.


    This book includes a coupon that you may use to save 10 percent on your CompTIA exam registration.

    In-Person Exams

    CompTIA partners with Pearson VUE’s testing centers, so your next step will be to locate a testing center near you. In the United States, you can do this based on your address or your ZIP code, while non-U.S. test takers may find it easier to enter their city and country. You can search for a test center near you at the Pearson Vue website, where you will need to navigate to Find a test center:

    Now that you know where you’d like to take the exam, simply set up a Pearson VUE testing account and schedule an exam on their site.

    On the day of the test, take two forms of identification, and make sure to show up with plenty of time before the exam starts. Remember that you will not be able to take your notes, electronic devices (including smartphones and watches), or other materials in with you.

    At-Home Exams

    CompTIA began offering online exam proctoring in 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Candidates using this approach will take the exam at their home or office and be proctored over a webcam by a remote proctor.

    Due to the rapidly changing nature of the at-home testing experience, candidates wishing to pursue this option should check the CompTIA website for the latest details.

    After the Tech+ Exam

    Once you have taken the exam, you will be notified of your score immediately, so you’ll know if you passed the test right away. You should keep track of your score report with your exam registration records and the email address you used to register for the exam.

    After you earn the Tech+ certification, you’re certified for life! Unlike many other CompTIA certifications that must be renewed on a periodic basis, the Tech+ certification is permanent and remains with you throughout your career.

    Many people who earn the Tech+ credential use it as a steppingstone to earning other certifications in their areas of interest. Those interested in technical support roles pursue the A+ certification, those interested in networking work toward the Network+ credential, and the Security+ certification is a gateway to a career in cybersecurity.


    This book covers everything you need to know to pass the Tech+ exam. It is organized into six parts, each corresponding to one of the six Tech+ domains.

    Part I: IT Concepts and Terminology

    Chapter 1: Computing Basics

    Chapter 2: Notational Systems

    Chapter 3: Units of Measure

    Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

    Part II: Infrastructure

    Chapter 5: Computing Devices

    Chapter 6: Internal Computing Components

    Chapter 7: Storage

    Chapter 8: Installing Peripherals

    Chapter 9: Input/Output Device Interfaces

    Chapter 10: Virtualization and Cloud Technologies

    Chapter 11: Internet Service Types

    Chapter 12: TCP/IP Networking

    Chapter 13: Application Protocols

    Chapter 14: Network Devices

    Chapter 15: Wireless Networks

    Part III: Applications and Software

    Chapter 16: Filesystems

    Chapter 17: Services and Processes

    Chapter 18: Drivers, Utilities, and Interfaces

    Chapter 19: Operating Systems

    Chapter 20: Software Types

    Chapter 21: Web Browsers

    Chapter 22: Artificial Intelligence

    Part IV: Software Development Concepts

    Chapter 23: Programming Languages

    Chapter 24: Data Types

    Chapter 25: Programming Concepts

    Chapter 26: Programming Organizational Techniques

    Chapter 27: Logic Components

    Part V: Data and Database Fundamentals

    Chapter 28: The Value of Data

    Chapter 29: Database Concepts

    Chapter 30: Database Structures

    Chapter 31: Backups

    Part VI: Security

    Chapter 32: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

    Chapter 33: Privacy

    Chapter 34: Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, and Nonrepudiation

    Chapter 35: Security Awareness

    Chapter 36: Securing Devices

    Chapter 37: Software Licensing

    Chapter 38: Password Best Practices

    Chapter 39: Encryption

    Chapter 40: Securing Wireless Networks

    CertMike Get Certified Series Elements

    Each book in the CertMike Get Certified series uses a number of common elements to help you prepare. These include the following:

    Exam Tips Throughout each chapter, I’ve sprinkled practical exam tips that help focus your reading on topics that are particularly confusing or important to understand for the exam.

    CertMike Exam Essentials The exam essentials focus on major exam topics and critical knowledge that you should take into the test. The exam essentials focus on the exam objectives provided by CompTIA.

    Practice Questions Two questions at the end of each chapter help you assess your knowledge and if you are ready to take the exam based on your knowledge of that chapter’s topics.

    Practice Exam and Audio Review

    This book comes with online study tools: a practice exam and audio review to help you prepare for the exam.


    Go to to register and gain access to the online study tools.

    Practice Exam

    The book includes a practice exam. You can test your knowledge of the Tech+ objectives that are covered in the chapters in their entirety or randomized. It’s your choice!

    Audio Review

    I’ve recorded an audio review where I read each of the 40 sets of CertMike Exam Essentials. This review provides a helpful recap of the main topics covered on the exam, which you can listen to while you’re commuting, working out, or relaxing.


    Like all exams, the Tech+ certification from CompTIA is updated periodically and may eventually be retired or replaced. At some point after CompTIA is no longer offering this exam, the old editions of our books and online tools will be retired. If you have purchased this book after the exam was retired, or are attempting to register in the Sybex online learning environment after the exam was retired, please know that we make no guarantees that this exam’s online Sybex tools will be available once the exam is no longer available.


    CompTIA goes to great lengths to ensure that its certification programs accurately reflect the IT industry’s best practices. They do this by establishing committees for each of its exam programs. Each committee consists of a small group of IT professionals, training providers, and publishers who are responsible for establishing the exam’s baseline competency level and who determine the appropriate target-audience level.

    Once these factors are determined, CompTIA shares this information with a group of hand-selected subject matter experts (SMEs). These folks are the true brainpower behind the certification program. The SMEs review the committee’s findings, refine them, and shape them into the objectives that follow this section. CompTIA calls this process a job-task analysis (JTA).

    Finally, CompTIA conducts a survey to ensure that the objectives and weightings truly reflect job requirements. Only then can the SMEs go to work writing the hundreds of questions needed for the exam. Even so, they have to go back to the drawing board for further refinements in many cases before the exam is ready to go live in its final state. Rest assured that the content you’re about to learn will serve you long after you take the exam.

    CompTIA also publishes relative weightings for each of the exam’s objectives. The following table lists the six Tech+ objective domains and the extent to which they are represented on the exam.



    Exam objectives are subject to change at any time without prior notice and at CompTIA’s discretion. Please visit CompTIA’s website ( for the most current listing of exam objectives.


    If you believe you’ve found a mistake in this book, please bring it to our attention. At John Wiley & Sons, we understand how important it is to provide our customers with accurate content, but even with our best efforts an error may occur.

    In order to submit your possible errata, please email it to our Customer Service Team at [email protected] with the subject line Possible Book Errata Submission.

    PART I

    Domain 1.0: IT Concepts and Terminology

    Chapter 1 Computing Basics

    Chapter 2 Notational Systems

    Chapter 3 Units of Measure

    Chapter 4 Troubleshooting

    IT Concepts and Terminology is the first domain of CompTIA’s Tech+ exam. It provides the foundational knowledge that anyone in information technology needs to understand as they begin their careers. This domain has four objectives:

    1.1 Explain the basics of computing

    1.2 Identify notational systems

    1.3 Compare and contrast common units of measure

    1.4 Explain the troubleshooting methodology

    Questions from this domain make up 13% of the questions on the Tech+ exam, so you should expect to see approximately 10 questions on your test covering the material in this part.


    Computing Basics: Objective 1.1: Explain the basics of computing

    Computers perform four basic operations on data: They accept input from users and devices, process data by performing calculations and other operations, store data obtained from input and processing, and provide output of their results.

    In this chapter, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Tech+ objective 1.1, including the following topics:






    Any computing device performs four basic operations: obtaining input, storing data, processing data, and providing output. This is true whether you’re dealing with a laptop or desktop computer, a server, a smartphone, a tablet, or another specialized computing device.


    Input is when we provide information to the device to help us do our work. Input often comes from users, and we provide that input in a variety of ways. If we’re using a laptop or desktop computer, we might provide input by typing on the keyboard or moving and clicking the mouse. On a tablet or smartphone, we’re used to interacting by tapping or swiping on the screen or by using our voices.

    Input doesn’t have to come directly from a person. Computers can also receive input from other computers, from stored data, or even from sensors. For example, the thermostat in your home is a computer. It receives input from a built-in thermometer that tells it the current temperature in your home. It also receives input from residents when they change the temperature setting on the thermostat screen.


    Processing is when the computer analyzes data and performs operations on it. For example, if the computer calculates the total amount of a customer order by adding together the prices of individual products and computing taxes and discounts, that’s an example of processing.

    Computers can also process data in other ways. When a computer manipulates an image file, plays a video file stored on disk, or predicts the weather, all of those actions are examples of processing.

    In most computer systems, processing is done by a special chip inside the computer called the central processing unit (CPU). We’ll cover CPUs and other ways of processing data in Chapter 6, Internal Computing Components.


    For a computer to be useful to us, it needs some way to provide us with output. Output is simply the computer reporting back to us on the results of its processing.

    Output can come in many forms. The simplest form of output is simply showing the results of processing data on the screen, where we can read it. We can also use a printer to create a paper record of output.

    Output can also come in other forms. Instead of providing us with the output of its calculations for us to read, a computer might use output to provide instructions to another device on how it should perform.


    When a computer receives input, it can do two different things with that input: It can store the data directly or it might perform some processing on that data (discussed in the next section) and then store it.

    Storage mechanisms allow computers to maintain data that they will need later. Computers can store data in two different ways. They might keep some data stored in memory, where the computer can quickly access it on a temporary basis, or they might write the data to a hard drive, cloud storage service, or other storage location where it may be kept more permanently.


    You should be prepared to answer exam questions asking you to read the description of an action and classify it

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