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STEM Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Adventures: Adventures in STEM: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Challenges, #1
STEM Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Adventures: Adventures in STEM: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Challenges, #1
STEM Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Adventures: Adventures in STEM: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Challenges, #1
Ebook364 pages2 hours

STEM Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Adventures: Adventures in STEM: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Challenges, #1

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About this ebook

Dive into a thrilling collection of 40 STEM-based challenges that will test your problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity! Each scenario presents students with a high-stakes, real-world dilemma that requires applying STEM principles in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Whether set in outer space, on the ocean floor, or in bustling cities, these challenges encourage innovative thinking and collaboration.


PublisherSTREAM Beyond
Release dateSep 10, 2024
STEM Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Adventures: Adventures in STEM: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Challenges, #1


STREAM Beyond is a dynamic, hands-on STEM education program that brings real-world engineering challenges into the classroom. Our project engages students from diverse backgrounds through interactive workshops, innovative learning modules, and mentorship opportunities with experienced professionals. By sparking curiosity and fostering a passion for STEM, we aim to empower young minds to pursue careers in engineering and technology.

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    Book preview

    STEM Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Adventures - STREAM Beyond


    To the dreamers, the problem-solvers, and the innovators of tomorrow.

    This book is dedicated to those who see challenges as opportunities, who believe that the impossible is just a problem waiting to be solved, and who use science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to shape a better future.

    To the students who light up when learning something new, and to the educators who fuel that spark with passion and dedication—this is for you. May your curiosity lead you to new discoveries, your persistence bring you solutions, and your creativity open doors to a world of endless possibilities.

    And to my family, whose support and belief in me have been the foundation for all my endeavors—thank you for always encouraging me to reach higher, dream bigger, and keep exploring.

    Together, we can create, innovate, and build a future where every challenge is met with knowledge, determination, and hope.



    This STEM project book would not have been possible without the support, inspiration, and collaboration of many individuals and organizations. To everyone who contributed their expertise, time, and encouragement, my heartfelt thanks.

    To the educators and mentors who constantly strive to ignite a passion for STEM in young minds: your dedication and creativity are the foundation of this work. Your unwavering commitment to fostering curiosity, problem-solving, and innovation in students is inspiring. Special thanks to those who shared insights, ideas, and experiences that helped shape this book into a practical resource for both learners and educators.

    To the students whose enthusiasm and love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fuel the future of innovation: you are the reason this project was undertaken. Your questions, discoveries, and unique perspectives push the boundaries of what is possible, and this book is a tribute to your potential.

    To my family and friends, who offered constant support, motivation, and understanding throughout the process: your encouragement kept me focused and energized. Thank you for believing in the importance of this project and in me.

    To the pioneers of STEM, both past and present: your breakthroughs and bold visions have paved the way for the next generation of thinkers, creators, and problem-solvers. Your work serves as a constant reminder of the power of science and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

    Finally, to the readers of this book: thank you for embarking on this journey of exploration, innovation, and growth. Whether you are an educator, a student, or a lifelong learner, I hope this book helps inspire your creativity, expand your knowledge, and spark the joy of discovery that lies at the heart of STEM.

    1. Underwater Research Lab Crisis


    In this story, students will use problem-solving and critical thinking skills to address a malfunction at an underwater research lab. The story integrates STEM concepts such as engineering, marine biology, physics, and mathematics.

    The Story:


    The Oceanic Research Lab is located 500 metres below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, where a team of scientists is studying deep-sea ecosystems. The lab is powered by a system of underwater turbines that convert ocean currents into electricity. However, after a strong underwater quake, the turbines have stopped working, and the lab is running on emergency battery power.

    Dr. Kaia Nakamura, the head engineer at the lab, has only 24 hours to restore power before the oxygen system shuts down. You have been called in as part of a team of experts to help troubleshoot and restore the lab's power supply.

    The Challenge:

    DR. NAKAMURA PROVIDES the following details:

    Lab Depth: 500 metres underwater

    Current Power Supply: Emergency batteries at 20% charge (estimated to last 24 hours)

    Turbine Power System: 3 turbines, each capable of generating 500 kW under normal conditions

    Ocean Current Speed: Current speed has slowed due to aftershocks, causing reduced turbine efficiency

    Required Power to Maintain Lab Operations: 1000 kW

    Time Frame to Restore Full Power: 24 hours before oxygen runs out

    Your Task:

    1.  Analyse the Power Shortage:

    ○  Calculate the power deficit based on the current ocean current speed and turbine performance. Determine how much power the turbines are producing and how much more is needed.

    2.  Optimise the Turbines:

    ○  Propose modifications or repairs to the turbines that can improve their efficiency despite the reduced current speed. Consider the following:

    ■  Blade Adjustments: Can adjusting the angle of the turbine blades increase power generation?

    ■  Turbine Placement: Would repositioning the turbines in stronger current areas improve performance?

    3.  Conserve Energy:

    ○  While working to restore the turbines, devise a plan to conserve battery power. What non-essential systems can be shut down to extend battery life and prioritise oxygen and communication systems?

    4.  Design a Power Restoration Plan:

    ○  Create a step-by-step plan to restore full power to the lab by repairing the turbines and reconfiguring the energy system. Consider safety protocols and equipment limitations.

    5.  Simulate Power Output Over Time:

    ○  Develop a timeline that shows how turbine performance will improve as modifications are implemented. Estimate how much power can be generated at different stages and how the lab’s systems will be powered during the recovery.

    Discussion Questions:

    What factors influenced your decision to adjust the turbine blades and reposition the turbines?

    How did you prioritise energy conservation in the lab? What systems were most critical to maintain?

    What are some alternative power generation methods that could be considered in underwater research environments?

    Extension Activity:

    ●  Turbine Efficiency Experiment: Build a model turbine and simulate changes in water current speed. Adjust the blade angles and test different configurations to determine how they affect power generation. Use a small water tank or fan to simulate underwater conditions and observe the impact of different factors on efficiency.

    This STEM-based problem-solving and critical thinking story challenges students to apply their knowledge of renewable energy, fluid dynamics, and engineering to overcome an urgent crisis, integrating real-world concepts into a hands-on learning scenario.

    2. Solar Rover: Operation Rescue


    In this story, students will use problem-solving and critical thinking skills to save a malfunctioning solar-powered rover on a distant planet. The story integrates STEM concepts such as engineering, renewable energy, and mathematics.

    The Story:


    On the newly discovered exoplanet Zelos-9, an exploratory mission is underway to gather data on the planet's terrain and atmosphere. The solar-powered rover, Explorer 1, has been collecting valuable information for the past two weeks. However, a sudden sandstorm has covered the rover’s solar panels with dust, causing its power levels to drop significantly. Without power, the rover will not be able to continue its mission, and the team risks losing all the data it has gathered so far.

    Mission Control receives an emergency signal from Explorer 1, indicating that its battery level is down to 15%. The team has to act quickly to save the mission and bring the rover back online.

    The Challenge:

    THE TEAM AT MISSION Control has the following information:

    Battery Level: 15% (can last for only 6 more hours)

    Solar Panel Efficiency: 0% due to dust coverage

    Required Power to Resume Full Operation: 50%

    Time for Full Battery Charge in Optimal Conditions: 8 hours (at 100% solar efficiency)

    Tools Available: An onboard cleaning system, limited to 2 uses, and a manual adjustment option to change the rover’s position to maximise sunlight.

    Your Task:

    1.  Assess the Power Situation:

    ○  Determine how long the rover’s current battery will last before it completely shuts down. Estimate how much time you have to restore power before the mission is compromised.

    2.  Clean the Solar Panels:

    ○  Use the limited cleaning system wisely. You can activate it twice to remove dust from the solar panels. Plan when to use it to maximise power generation.

    3.  Maximise Sunlight Exposure:

    ○  Adjust the rover’s position to face the sun directly. Use your knowledge of Zelos-9’s rotation and the sun’s position to optimise the angle for maximum solar energy absorption.

    4.  Develop a Power Management Plan:

    ○  Create a step-by-step plan to gradually increase the rover’s power while conserving battery usage. Decide when to clean the panels and how to adjust the rover’s position for the best results.

    5.  Simulate a Timeline:

    ○  Develop a timeline showing how the rover’s power will increase over time as the solar panels clean and adjust to maximise sunlight exposure. Make sure to balance energy consumption with power generation to keep the rover functional.

    Discussion Questions:

    How did you prioritise when to clean the solar panels and

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