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The Mack Within
The Mack Within
The Mack Within
Ebook166 pages2 hours

The Mack Within

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The Art of Mackin' was written by Tariq "King" Nasheed.
Release dateOct 4, 2005
The Mack Within

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    The Mack Within - Tariq Nasheed


    Rolling Stone recently sent a reporter who was a total square out here to Los Angeles to do a feature story on me. He was looking for insight into my lifestyle, my success, and the whole mack subculture of the streets, but he also wanted to test me to see if I lived up to my reputation of being able to turn any man into a mack. That’s right, this dude wanted to hang with me for a week to see if I could give him a Mack Makeover.

    Now when I say this reporter was square, I mean he was a total square. It’s easy for me to teach people in the young, urban demographic, because most of them are at least somewhat familiar with the game. But here I was dealing with a square, middle-aged white guy who looked like an insurance salesman. He looked like the adult version of Harry Potter.

    And it was now my job to turn Clark Kent into Supermack.

    The first thing I needed to do was to get his tools together. I took him to one of my favorite clothing spots to get him some new gear. The whole mackin’ world was so new to him that he was literally trembling with nervousness as he was trying on his new clothes.

    Next, we rolled around town while I broke the game down to him. I gave him the basics of the mackin’ game, and he was soaking it all up like a sponge. The reporter told me that he had been divorced for about four years after twenty years of marriage. He admitted that he knew absolutely nothing about the current dating scene, let alone how to approach a woman. So I schooled him on the rules of the game, and later on that night, we set out to go to the club. This club was one of the hottest spots in Los Angeles. I knew that a lot of top-notch females liked to hang there, so I brought some of my best mack partners with us.

    Now I will admit, it did look kind of odd to have five young black guys and one middle-aged white guy hanging out at the club together. We told the reporter that people are going to think that he is our probation officer. But the vibe was cool, and he realized that he was in good hands with us. In the club, the reporter does everything that I tell him to do. He carries himself the way I tell him. And to his surprise, females were coming up to him starting conversations. Throughout the night, we saw the reporter interacting with different females, exchanging numbers, the whole nine. He was shocked to see that females there were so receptive to him. He didn’t know he had it in him to pull women like that. He told me that he was now a believer. All I did was tap into his mack within.

    The same game that I shared with that Rolling Stone reporter is what I’m going to share with you in this book. And if the sprinkle of game I laced that reporter with could upgrade his game that dramatically, just imagine what a whole book of the game can do for you.

    The Mack Within is a book designed to help men live up to their full mack potential. Let’s face it: Most men would love to have the game and confidence to get not only any type of female he wants, but also to achieve any goal he wants to in life. And despite the macho, I-don’t-need-no-help facade that many men hide behind, the reality is, a lot of guys are frustrated from not getting the results they really want out of dating.

    The first thing a potential mack has to understand is that the mackin’ game isn’t about ego or emotions. It’s about logic. You have to mack from your mind, not from your heart. If you are the type of cat who is emotionally driven, and you insist on getting your heart involved with every female you meet, this book isn’t for you. If you are one of those masochistic guys who secretly enjoys being played like a sucker by females, this book isn’t for you. If you are one of those guys who is proud to be a hopeless romantic, just put down this book and go pick up The Best of Lionel Richie.

    This book is for the guys who seriously want to put the mack down. Let me ask you:

    Are you tired of being Mr. Nice Guy and getting nowhere with females?

    Are you tired of waiting until you become a successful rap-per or athlete before you can get the type of woman you really want?

    Are you tired of tricking off drinks at clubs, just so women will talk to you?

    Are you tired of settling for second- and third-rate females, wishing you could get with females that look like the ones in music videos?

    Are you tired of being sexually manipulated by females?

    Are you tired of having to spend excessive amounts of money on females just to have them in your company?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book is for you.

    Before you can soak up all the game in this book, you must disregard everything that you have been taught about man/woman relationships. Forget everything you were taught in the square world. This book is going to give you insight straight from the street world. You will learn that the rules regarding man/woman relationships on a street level can be directly applied to relationships in the square world.

    This book will also give you important mackin’ pointers on topics like:

    How soon to call a female after you meet her

    How much money to spend on a first date

    How to mack to females at malls, bus stops, and other common spots

    Which females you should avoid

    How to get females to cater to your every need

    With The Mack Within, I’m not trying to turn men into something they are not. There are different types of macks, and different levels of mackin’. I just want to bring men to a level of mackin’ that is comfortable for them and fits their individual desires.

    There are a lot of guys out there who have the raw materials for being a true mack, but they don’t know how to channel their energy. I remember when Kobe Bryant first got into the NBA. Everyone knew he was a good player, but he and his team weren’t winning games. Kobe was infamous for hogging the ball and was perceived as a self-centered player. He was a good basketball player, but he wasn’t a good game player. So when Phil Jackson came into the picture, he showed Kobe how to hone his talents, and to utilize his skills correctly to become a team player. And that was when Kobe started to win championships. I’ll help you tap into your mack within and help you develop your raw mackin’ skills so you can start winning in the dating game. You can look at me as the Phil Jackson of mackin’.

    The Mack Within isn’t a book on how to get over on women, or how to deceive women. The word mack has become an almost misogynistic term in our society today. This book will also help clear up a lot of those myths and misconceptions about the true essence of what a mack really is. When you tap into the mack within, you will learn to find that balance and inner peace with yourself.

    Too many men are coochie-whipped in our society. This is frustrating to both men and women, because women eventually become frustrated with men they can dominate and control sexually. A lot of men are under the false impression that they are running the show in their relationships. And the worst part of being coochie-whipped is not knowing that you are.

    Here are a few signs that you are coochie-whipped, and you need to soak up this game:

    If you and your lady go out wearing matching outfits

    If your lady sends you to the store to get her feminine products

    If your lady makes you hold her purse at the mall

    If you had to hide this book from your lady

    If any of these things apply to you, it’s time to learn how to tap into the mack within.



    Every man has the potential to be a mack. It’s as simple as that. Every man. Yes, that means you, too. The question is, to what degree? There are first-degree macks, second-degree macks, and third-degree macks. Let me break it down for you.

    First-Degree Macks

    When a man becomes sexually active for the first time, he automatically becomes a first-degree mack. And after he gets his first taste of sex, he wants to know two things and two things only: how to get more women, and how to get better women. And in the mind of most first-degree macks, more is better.

    So the first-degree mack spends most of his time trying to figure out how to get more and better women. Even if the first-degree mack settles for a subpar female, he still has secret desires to have better.

    Which brings us to . . .

    Second-Degree Macks

    Second-degree macks are guys who are more experienced and who have figured out effective techniques for getting women. The second-degree mack’s primary focus in life is to get as many notches on his belt—that is, sexual partners—as possible. These guys are commonly known as players.

    Second-degree mack is the highest level of mackin’ that the average man will reach in his life. This is because the average man has been taught to value sex over everything else. (More on that topic later.)

    Third-Degree Macks

    Third-degree macks have been through their player stage and have decided to upgrade their game. Third-degree macks understand that when it comes to females, it’s all about quality instead of quantity . The third-degree mack knows why one top-notch female is better than twenty chickenheads.

    This book will get you to the third-degree level of mackin’. And once you have reached the third-degree level of mackin’, you have truly tapped into the mack within.

    The Foundation of a True Mack

    What you must first understand about the game is that mackin’ starts in the mind. It doesn’t start when you get an NBA contract. It doesn’t start when you get a record deal. It doesn’t start when you buy some new rims, a Rolex, or an Escalade.

    If you need material things to make you feel like a mack, what will happen if you lose those things? You won’t feel like a mack anymore. Let’s say you get women based on what your car looks like. If your car were to be repossessed or put in the shop, you wouldn’t get women anymore. Or, let’s say you get women strictly because you have a hit song on the charts at the moment. What’s going to happen when you don’t have any more hits? That’s right, no more women. The same thing that happened to Billy Ocean, Christopher Williams, Rico Suave, and the cats who made Whoomp There It Is. No more females are sweating them.

    This is why it’s important to focus on having game. You can lose all of your superficial material possessions, but game can never be taken away from you. This is why you must understand that mackin’ starts in the mind. Mackin’ is all about how you view yourself. Because the way you see yourself in your own mind is the way others will eventually see you, too.

    If you see yourself as a sucker, or as insecure, others will see you that way, too. But if you see yourself as a boss player, people will treat you like one.

    Confidence Is a Must

    The most important tool for a potential mack is self-confidence. When you have confidence, you look like a winner. And everyone, fine women included, loves

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