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How leveraging your criativity to sell your products and services
How leveraging your criativity to sell your products and services
How leveraging your criativity to sell your products and services
Ebook104 pages1 hour

How leveraging your criativity to sell your products and services

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About this ebook

It's great to see your enthusiasm for innovation and creativity! In fact, these skills can be extremely powerful and profitable in any type of business. It is important to remember that creativity is not just an innate gift, but also a skill that can be developed and improved with practice and dedication.
Close observation and the ability to think unconventionally are key elements in stimulating creativity. Here in this e-book are some tips to help you develop your creative skills.

In the content you will find:

- Ability to think in an unconventional way to stimulate creativity.
- How to explore different areas of knowledge, to generate a broader repertoire to generate ideas.
- How to record your ideas, even if they seem strange or not viable initially, but they can lead you to something great later.
- How to do brainstorming sessions, alone or with other people.
- Connect seemingly disconnected information to the process of learning and creative growth.

And much more!!!

Remember that practice is essential to developing your creativity. The more you exercise these skills, the more natural the idea generation process will become. Plus, take advantage of additional resources like information product guides to further hone your creative skills.

So, keep exploring, learning and experimenting, and you'll be on your way to creating a multitude of innovative products. Good luck in your creative adventures!
PublisherDigital World
Release dateApr 2, 2024
How leveraging your criativity to sell your products and services

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    Book preview

    How leveraging your criativity to sell your products and services - Digital World

    1. An Introduction

    Innovation and creation are such powerful abilities to have. To wake up in the morning with a brand new product idea and to be able to honestly say that you have so many ideas and not enough time to create them all is a great feeling indeed. It’s also very profitable as you can imagine.

    Thankfully, this is no naturally occurring phenomenon and can be learned, practiced and mastered to the point of at least one new idea a day. The great thing here is that this doesn’t just apply to online marketing either. It can be put to use in almost any type of business you can think of.

    All you need is the ability to observe, listen and pay attention to what’s going on around you, and the ability to think laterally. It’s not a complicated process at all, and doesn’t even require an amazing imagination or creativeness.

    Strange that most people don’t seem to have this ability, yet it’s sitting there, ready for the taking. I’m going to teach you how to use this simple method now. Practice makes perfect, but start now and along with the info products guides that follow, you’ll be able to come up with ideas for, and create as many products as you want, whenever and however often you wish to do so.

    2. Goals Of This Section

    ● To get your creative juices flowing.

    ● To get you creating products and services using ideas you never thought you could come up with.

    ● To make sure that you always have folders packed with ideas and inspiration for future products and services.

    ● To show you how to bring your new ideas to life, where others are stuck with an empty screen and writers block.

    ● To open your mind and encourage free thinking.

    ● To show you the methods I use every day to come up with many new ideas without even having to think about it.

    ● To immediately throw out that notion of not having any products to promote and never have to find yourself there again.

    ● To inspire you and give you and your business a shove in the forward direction.

    ● To get you to start taking action on every idea you have. You'll never have nothing to do ever again.

    ● To show you how to develop ideas into multiple products, ideas that didn't seem viable at all when you first thought of them that go on to make tens of thousands of dollars worth of sales.

    3. Getting Creative.

    The lifeblood of our businesses. Creating valuable products from the limited resources we have at hand, and turning them into something that's commercially viable, to be sold to people or businesses all over the world. It's what we do, and just taking this step and creating something that sells should make you very proud of yourself indeed.

    With a limited budget, and a tiny amount of resources, we can still create something amazing.

    The problem is, most people don't know how to do this properly, or effectively. People I meet every day tell me they wish they could start their own businesses, and even some close friends have come to me and told me this. My usual reaction is So if you want to, why don't you? and aside from the I don't have enough money replies, the most common thing they say to me is I can't, because I don't know what to sell.

    That's a huge problem in itself. One which I'm going to try and solve for you today, right here, right now, so much so that you'll have no problem coming up with ideas for new and exciting products that can viably be sold to a market that either already exists, or one you create for yourself in extreme circumstances (I’ll show you how later). If that sounds complicated, or you're worried that you don't have the imagination, or you never get any good ideas, don't be. That's why I'm here, and why I'm writing. To show you that you don't have to be some super genius that comes up with multi million dollar ideas on a daily basis to be successful.

    Aside from the main problem of not having any ideas, I'm going to show you what to do with old ideas, how to develop them and change them to suit particular groups of people, and make a good, quality, solid and reliable product out of something that originally looked like a dead loss.

    Also, to make things air tight, so you're totally confident about what you're creating, I'm also going to show you how to spot the ideas that won't work, before you even hit the planning stages. Your time is valuable; lets not waste it exploring unreasonable or unproductive opportunities.

    Now I'm really hoping that this will inspire you, and all the time you're here reading, be thinking about what kind of products that you can create. As we go through each point it'll be easier to come up with ideas. There's also something else I'd like you to not worry about, and that's the amount of ideas you're going to come up with. If it's just one, great, if it's more, that's great too. Let me tell you though, once you've launched a product, the ideas flow even more easily, and the longer you spend analyzing and working within a particular market, the more ideas you'll come up with, some even directly through trying to overcome problems and any brick walls you may hit whilst developing your own business.

    I'll be honest with you, last night I put down the plan for this part of course and what I wanted to cover, but I had to stop part way through because ideas just kept coming to me. I've got another five products now that I'm hoping to release within the next two years, not mention the other folders full of concept ideas that have yet to be developed.

    The bottom line is I love writing about this stuff, the possibilities get me excited every time I think about it. I hope it'll do the same for you, so without further delay let me give you one very important piece of advice to get us started.

    3a. Keep Everything.

    That one piece of advice is keep everything. If you haven't got one already, head into the folder containing all your business ideas, and create an 'in concept' folder. This is where you'll put your ideas, the good, the bad, and the downright crazy. No matter what it is, every time you come up with something, create a new notepad file, name it with your new in working product name, and write a short excerpt inside on what it's going to do for the person that buys it, and then go back

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