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OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints: Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3, 2nd Edition
OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints: Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3, 2nd Edition
OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints: Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3, 2nd Edition
Ebook628 pages4 hours

OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints: Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3, 2nd Edition

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About this ebook

Get to grips with traditional computer vision algorithms and deep learning approaches, and build real-world applications with OpenCV and other machine learning frameworks

Key Features

  • Understand how to capture high-quality image data, detect and track objects, and process the actions of animals or humans

  • Implement your learning in different areas of computer vision

  • Explore advanced concepts in OpenCV such as machine learning, artificial neural network, and augmented reality

Book Description

OpenCV is a native cross-platform C++ library for computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. It is increasingly being adopted in Python for development. This book will get you hands-on with a wide range of intermediate to advanced projects using the latest version of the framework and language, OpenCV 4 and Python 3.8, instead of only covering the core concepts of OpenCV in theoretical lessons. This updated second edition will guide you through working on independent hands-on projects that focus on essential OpenCV concepts such as image processing, object detection, image manipulation, object tracking, and 3D scene reconstruction, in addition to statistical learning and neural networks.

You'll begin with concepts such as image filters, Kinect depth sensor, and feature matching. As you advance, you'll not only get hands-on with reconstructing and visualizing a scene in 3D but also learn to track visually salient objects. The book will help you further build on your skills by demonstrating how to recognize traffic signs and emotions on faces. Later, you'll understand how to align images, and detect and track objects using neural networks.

By the end of this OpenCV Python book, you'll have gained hands-on experience and become proficient at developing advanced computer vision apps according to specific business needs.

What you will learn

  • Generate real-time visual effects using filters and image manipulation techniques such as dodging and burning

  • Recognize hand gestures in real-time and perform hand-shape analysis based on the output of a Microsoft Kinect sensor

  • Learn feature extraction and feature matching to track arbitrary objects of interest

  • Reconstruct a 3D real-world scene using 2D camera motion and camera reprojection techniques

  • Detect faces using a cascade classifier and identify emotions in human faces using multilayer perceptrons

  • Classify, localize, and detect objects with deep neural networks

Who this book is for

This book is for intermediate-level OpenCV users who are looking to enhance their skills by developing advanced applications. Familiarity with OpenCV concepts and Python libraries, and basic knowledge of the Python programming language are assumed.

Release dateMar 20, 2020
OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints: Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3, 2nd Edition

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    Book preview

    OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints - Dr. Menua Gevorgyan

    OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints, Second Edition

    OpenCV 4 with

    Python Blueprints

    Second Edition

    Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3

    Dr. Menua Gevorgyan

    Arsen Mamikonyan

    Michael Beyeler


    OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints Second Edition

    Copyright © 2020 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Commissioning Editor: Richa Tripathi

    Acquisition Editor: Denim Pinto

    Content Development Editor: Rosal Colaco

    Senior Editor: Afshaan Khan

    Technical Editor: Ketan Kamble

    Copy Editor: Safis Editing

    Project Coordinator: Francy Puthiry

    Proofreader: Safis Editing

    Indexer: Priyanka Dhadke

    Production Designer: Aparna Bhagat

    First published: October 2015

    Second edition: March 2020

    Production reference: 1190320

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78980-181-1

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    About the authors

    Dr. Menua Gevorgyan is an experienced researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. He is skilled in computer vision, deep learning, machine learning, and data science as well as having a lot of experience with OpenCV and Python programming. He is interested in machine perception and machine understanding problems, and wonders if it is possible to make a machine perceive the world as a human does.

    I would like to thank Rosal Colaco, for the dedicated work to improve the book's quality, as well as Sandeep Mishra, for proposing the book.

    Arsen Mamikonyan is an experienced machine learning specialist with demonstrated work experience in Silicon Valley and London, and teaching experience at the American University of Armenia. He is skilled in applied machine learning and data science and has built real-life applications using Python and OpenCV, among others. He holds a master's degree in engineering (MEng) with a concentration on artificial intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    I would like to thank my wife, Lusine, and my parents, Gayane and Andranik, for encouraging and putting up with me while I was writing this book. I would like to thank my coauthor, Menua, for bearing with my hectic work schedule and keeping my motivation high while we worked on this project.

    Michael Beyeler is a postdoctoral fellow in neuroengineering and data science at the University of Washington, where he is working on computational models of bionic vision in order to improve the perceptual experience of blind patients implanted with a retinal prosthesis (bionic eye).

    His work lies at the intersection of neuroscience, computer engineering, computer vision, and machine learning. He is also an active contributor to several open source software projects, and has professional programming experience in Python, C/C++, CUDA, MATLAB, and Android. Michael received a PhD in computer science from the University of California, Irvine, and an MSc in biomedical engineering and a BSc in electrical engineering from ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

    About the reviewer

    Sri Manikanta Palakollu is an undergraduate student pursuing his bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering at SICET under JNTUH. He is a founder of the OpenStack Developer Community in his college.

    He started his journey as a competitive programmer. He loves to solve problems related to the data science field. His interests include data science, app development, web development, cybersecurity, and technical writing. He has published many articles on data science, machine learning, programming, and cybersecurity with publications such as Hacker Noon, freeCodeCamp, Towards Data Science, and DDI.

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright and Credits

    OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints Second Edition

    About Packt

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    About the authors

    About the reviewer

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    Who this book is for

    What this book covers

    To get the most out of this book

    Download the example code files

    Code in Action

    Download the color images

    Conventions used

    Get in touch


    Fun with Filters

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Creating a black-and-white pencil sketch

    Understanding approaches for using dodging and burning techniques

    Implementing a Gaussian blur with two-dimensional convolution

    Applying pencil sketch transformation

    Using an optimized version of a Gaussian blur

    Generating a warming and cooling filter

    Using color manipulation via curve shifting

    Implementing a curve filter using lookup tables

    Designing the warming and cooling effect

    Cartoonizing an image

    Using a bilateral filter for edge-aware smoothing

    Detecting and emphasizing prominent edges

    Combining colors and outlines to produce a cartoon

    Putting it all together

    Running the app

    Mapping the GUI base class

    Understanding the GUI constructor

    Learning about a basic GUI layout

    Handling video streams

    Drafting a custom filter layout



    Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Kinect Depth Sensor

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Setting up the app

    Accessing the Kinect 3D sensor

    Utilizing OpenNI-compatible sensors

    Running the app and main function routine

    Tracking hand gestures in real time

    Understanding hand region segmentation

    Finding the most prominent depth of the image center region

    Applying morphological closing for smoothening

    Finding connected components in a segmentation mask

    Performing hand shape analysis

    Determining the contour of the segmented hand region

    Finding the convex hull of a contour area

    Finding the convexity defects of a convex hull

    Performing hand gesture recognition

    Distinguishing between different causes of convexity defects

    Classifying hand gestures based on the number of extended fingers


    Finding Objects via Feature Matching and Perspective Transforms

    Getting started

    Listing the tasks performed by the app

    Planning the app

    Setting up the app

    Running the app – the main() function routine

    Displaying results

    Understanding the process flow

    Learning feature extraction

    Looking at feature detection

    Detecting features in an image with SURF

    Obtaining feature descriptors with SURF

    Understanding feature matching

    Matching features across images with FLANN

    Testing the ratio for outlier removal

    Visualizing feature matches

    Mapping homography estimation

    Warping the image

    Learning feature tracking

    Understanding early outlier detection and rejection

    Seeing the algorithm in action



    3D Scene Reconstruction Using Structure from Motion

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Learning about camera calibration

    Understanding the pinhole camera model

    Estimating the intrinsic camera parameters

    Defining the camera calibration GUI

    Initializing the algorithm

    Collecting image and object points

    Finding the camera matrix

    Setting up the app

    Understanding the main routine function

    Implementing the SceneReconstruction3D class

    Estimating the camera motion from a pair of images

    Applying point matching with rich feature descriptors

    Using point matching with optic flow

    Finding the camera matrices

    Applying image rectification

    Reconstructing the scene

    Understanding 3D point cloud visualization

    Learning about structure from motion


    Using Computational Photography with OpenCV

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Understanding the 8-bit problem

    Learning about RAW images

    Using gamma correction

    Understanding high-dynamic-range imaging

    Exploring ways to vary exposure

    Shutter speed


    ISO speed

    Generating HDR images using multiple exposure images

    Extracting exposure strength from images

    Estimating the camera response function

    Writing an HDR script using OpenCV

    Displaying HDR images

    Understanding panorama stitching

    Writing script arguments and filtering images

    Figuring out relative positions and the final picture size

    Finding camera parameters

    Creating the canvas for the panorama

    Blending the images together

    Improving panorama stitching


    Further reading


    Tracking Visually Salient Objects

    Getting started

    Understanding visual saliency

    Planning the app

    Setting up the app

    Implementing the main function 

    Understanding the MultiObjectTracker class

    Mapping visual saliency

    Learning about Fourier analysis

    Understanding the natural scene statistics

    Generating a saliency map with the spectral residual approach

    Detecting proto-objects in a scene

    Understanding mean-shift tracking

    Automatically tracking all players on a soccer field

    ​Learning about the OpenCV Tracking API 

    Putting it all together


    Dataset attribution

    Learning to Recognize Traffic Signs

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Briefing on supervised learning concepts

    The training procedure

    The testing procedure

    Understanding the GTSRB dataset

    Parsing the dataset

    Learning about dataset feature extraction

    Understanding common preprocessing

    Learning about grayscale features

    Understanding color spaces

    Using SURF descriptor

    Mapping HOG descriptor

    Learning about SVMs

    Using SVMs for multiclass classification

    Training the SVM

    Testing the SVM


    Confusion matrix



    Putting it all together

    Improving results with neural networks


    Dataset attribution

    Learning to Recognize Facial Emotions

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Learning about face detection

    Learning about Haar-based cascade classifiers

    Understanding pre-trained cascade classifiers

    Using a pre-trained cascade classifier

    Understanding the FaceDetector class

    Detecting faces in grayscale images

    Preprocessing detected faces

    Detecting the eyes

    Transforming the face

    Collecting data

    Assembling a training dataset

    Running the application

    Implementing the data collector GUI

    Augmenting the basic layout

    Processing the current frame

    Storing the data

    Understanding facial emotion recognition

    Processing the dataset

    Learning about PCA

    Understanding MLPs

    Understanding a perceptron

    Knowing about deep architectures

    Crafting an MLP for facial expression recognition

    Training the MLP

    Testing the MLP

    Running the script

    Putting it all together


    Further reading


    Learning to Classify and Localize Objects

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Preparing an inference script

    Preparing the dataset

    Downloading and parsing the dataset

    Creating a TensorFlow dataset 

    Classifying with CNNs

    Understanding CNNs

    Learning about transfer learning

    Preparing the pet type and breed classifier

    Training and evaluating the classifier

    Localizing with CNNs

    Preparing the model

    Understanding backpropagation

    Training the model

    Seeing inference in action


    Dataset attribution

    Learning to Detect and Track Objects

    Getting started

    Planning the app

    Preparing the main script 

    Detecting objects with SSD

    Using other detectors

    Understanding object detectors

    The single-object detector

    The sliding-window approach

    Single-pass detectors

    Learning about Intersection over Union

    Training SSD- and YOLO-like networks 

    Tracking detected objects

    Implementing a Sort tracker

    Understanding the Kalman filter

    Using a box tracker with the Kalman filter

    Converting boundary boxes to observations

    Implementing a Kalman filter

    Associating detections with trackers

    Defining the main class of the tracker

    Seeing the app in action


    Profiling and Accelerating Your Apps

    Accelerating with Numba

    Accelerating with the CPU

    Understanding Numba, CUDA, and GPU acceleration

    Setting Up a Docker Container

    Defining a Dockerfile

    Working with a GPU

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    The goal of this book is to get you hands-on with a wide range of intermediate to advanced projects using the latest version of the OpenCV 4 framework and the Python 3.8 language instead of only covering the core concepts of computer vision in theoretical lessons.

    This updated second edition has increased the depth of the concepts we tackle with OpenCV. It will guide you through working on independent hands-on projects that focus on essential computer vision concepts such as image processing, 3D scene reconstruction, object detection, and object tracking. It will also cover, with real-life examples, statistical learning and deep neural networks.

    You will begin by understanding concepts such as image filters and feature matching, as well as using custom sensors such as the Kinect depth sensor. You will also learn how to reconstruct and visualize a scene in 3D, how to align images, and how to combine multiple images into a single one. As you advance through the book, you will learn how to recognize traffic signs and emotions on faces and detect and track objects in video streams using neural networks, even if they disappear for short periods of time.

    By the end of this OpenCV and Python book, you will have hands-on experience and be proficient at developing your own advanced computer vision applications according to specific business needs. Throughout the book, you will explore multiple machine learning and computer vision models such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and convolutional neural networks.

    Who this book is for

    This book is aimed at computer vision enthusiasts in pursuit of mastering their skills by developing advanced practical applications using OpenCV and other machine learning libraries.

    Basic programming skills and Python programming knowledge is assumed.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Fun with Filters, explores a number of interesting image filters (such as a black-and-white pencil sketch, warming/cooling filters, and a cartoonizer effect), and we'll apply them to the video stream of a webcam in real time.

    Chapter 2, Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Kinect Depth Sensor, helps you develop an app to detect and track simple hand gestures in real time using the output of a depth sensor, such as Microsoft Kinect 3D Sensor or Asus Xtion.

    Chapter 3, Finding Objects via Feature Matching and Perspective Transforms, helps you develop an app to detect an arbitrary object of interest in the video stream of a webcam, even if the object is viewed from different angles or distances, or under partial occlusion.

    Chapter 4, 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Structure from Motion, shows you how to reconstruct and visualize a scene in 3D by inferring its geometrical features from camera motion.

    Chapter 5, Using Computational Photography with OpenCV, helps you develop command-line scripts that take images as input and produce panoramas or High Dynamic Range (HDR) images. The scripts will either align the images so that there is a pixel-to-pixel correspondence or stitch them creating a panorama, which is an interesting application of image alignment. In a panorama, the two images are not that of a plane but that of a 3D scene. In general, 3D alignment requires depth information. However, when the two images are taken by rotating the camera about its optical axis (as in the case of panoramas), we can align two images of a panorama.

    Chapter 6, Tracking Visually Salient Objects, helps you develop an app to track multiple visually salient objects in a video sequence (such as all the players on the field during a soccer match) at once.

    Chapter 7, Learning to Recognize Traffic Signs, shows you how to train a support vector machine to recognize traffic signs from the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) dataset.

    Chapter 8, Learning to Recognize Facial Emotions, helps you develop an app that is able to both detect faces and recognize their emotional expressions in the video stream of a webcam in real time.

    Chapter 9, Learning to Recognize Facial Emotions, walks you through developing an app for real-time object classification with deep convolutional neural networks. You will modify a classifier network to train on a custom dataset with custom classes. You will learn how to train a Keras model on a dataset and how to serialize and save your Keras model to a disk. You will then see how to classify new input images using your loaded Keras model. You will train a convolutional neural network using the image data you have to get a good classifier that will have very high accuracy. 

    Chapter 10, Learning to Detect and Track Objects, guides you as you develop an app for real-time object detection with deep neural networks, connecting it to a tracker. You will learn how object detectors work and how they are trained. You will implement a Kalman filter-based tracker, which will use object position and velocity to predict where it is likely to be. After completing this chapter, you will be able to build your own real-time object detection and tracking applications.

    Appendix A, Profiling and Accelerating Your Apps, covers how to find bottlenecks in an app and achieve CPU- and CUDA-based GPU acceleration of existing code with Numba. 

    Appendix B, Setting Up a Docker Container, walks you through replicating the environment that we have used to run the code in this book.

    To get the most out of this book

    All of our code use Python 3.8, which is available on a variety of operating systems, such as Windows, GNU Linux, macOS, and others. We have made an effort to use only libraries that are available on these three operating systems. We will go over the exact versions of each of the dependencies we have used, which can be installed using pip (Python's dependency management system). If you have trouble getting any of these working, we have Dockerfiles available with which we have tested all the code in this book, which we cover in Appendix B, Setting Up a Docker Container.

    Here is a list of dependencies that we have used, with the chapters they were used in:

    In order to run the codes, you will need a regular laptop or Personal Computer (PC). Some chapters require a webcam, which can be either an embedded laptop camera or an external one. Chapter 2, Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Kinect Depth Sensor also requires a depth sensor that can be either a Microsoft 3D Kinect sensor or any other sensor, which is supported either by the libfreenect library or OpenCV, such as ASUS Xtion.

    We have tested this using Python 3.8 and Python 3.7, on Ubuntu 18.04.

    If you already have Python on your computer, you can just get going with running the following on your terminal:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

    Here, requirements.txt is provided in the GitHub repository of the project, and has the following contents (which is the previously given table in a text file):











    Alternatively, you can follow the instructions in Appendix B, Setting Up a Docker Container, to get everything working with a Docker container.

    Download the example code files

    You can download the example code files for this book from your account at If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit and register to have the files emailed directly to you.

    You can download the code files by following these steps:

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    Click on Code Downloads.

    Enter the name of the book in the Search box and follow the onscreen instructions.

    Once the file is downloaded, please make sure that you unzip or extract the folder using the latest version of:

    WinRAR/7-Zip for Windows

    Zipeg/iZip/UnRarX for Mac

    7-Zip/PeaZip for Linux

    The code bundle for the book is also hosted on GitHub at In case there's an update to the code, it will be updated on the existing GitHub repository.

    We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

    Code in Action

    Code in Action videos for this book can be viewed at

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: We will use argparse as we want our script to accept arguments.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    import argparse

    import cv2

    import numpy as np

    from classes import CLASSES_90

    from sort import Sort

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ python collect

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: Select System info from the Administration panel.

    Warnings or important notes appear like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Fun with Filters

    The goal of this chapter is to develop a number of image processing filters and then apply them to the video stream of a webcam in real time. These filters will rely on various OpenCV functions to manipulate matrices through splitting, merging, arithmetic operations, and applying lookup tables for complex functions.

    We will cover the following three effects, which will help familiarize you with OpenCV, and we will build on these effects in future chapters of this book:

    Warming and cooling filters: We will implement our own curve filters using a lookup table.

    Black-and-white pencil sketch: We will make use of two image-blending techniques, known as dodging and burning.

    Cartoonizer: We will combine a bilateral filter, a median filter, and adaptive thresholding.

    OpenCV is an advanced toolchain. It often raises the question, that is, not how to implement something from scratch, but which precanned implementation to choose for your needs. Generating complex effects is not hard if you have a lot of computing resources to spare. The challenge usually lies in finding an approach that not only gets the job done but also gets it done in time.

    Instead of teaching the basic concepts of image manipulation through theoretical lessons, we will take a practical approach and develop a single end-to-end app that integrates a number of image filtering techniques. We will apply our theoretical knowledge to arrive at a solution that not only works but also speeds up seemingly complex effects so that a laptop can produce them in real time.

    In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following using OpenCV:

    Creating a black-and-white pencil sketch

    Applying pencil sketch transformation

    Generating a warming and cooling filter

    Cartoonizing an image

    Putting it all together

    Learning this will allow you to familiarize yourself with loading images into OpenCV and applying different transformations to those images using OpenCV. This chapter will help you learn the basics of how OpenCV operates, so we can focus on the internals of the algorithms in the following chapters.

    Now, let's take a look at how to get everything up and running.

    Getting started

    All of the code in this book is targeted for OpenCV 4.2 and has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04. Throughout this book, we will make extensive use of the NumPy package (

    Additionally, this chapter requires the UnivariateSpline module of the SciPy package ( and the wxPython 4.0 Graphical User Interface (GUI) ( for cross-platform GUI applications. We will try to avoid further dependencies where possible.

    For more book-level dependencies, see Appendix A, Profiling and Accelerating Your Apps, and Appendix B, Setting Up a Docker Container.

    You can find the code that we present in this chapter at our GitHub repository here:

    Let's begin by planning the application we are going to create in this chapter.

    Planning the app

    The final app must consist of the following modules and scripts: This module is our implementation of a basic GUI using wxpython. We will make extensive use of this file throughout the book. This module includes the following layouts:

    wx_gui.BaseLayout: This is a generic layout class from which more complicated layouts can be built. This is the main script for this chapter. It contains the following functions and classes:

    chapter1.FilterLayout: This is a custom layout based on wx_gui.BaseLayout, which displays the camera feed and a row of radio buttons that allows the user to select from the available image filters to be applied to each frame of the camera feed.

    chapter1.main: This is the main routine function for starting the GUI application and accessing the webcam. This is a Python module and has a lot of helper functions that we use in this chapter, which you can reuse for your projects.

    The next section demonstrates how to create a black-and-white pencil sketch.

    Creating a black-and-white pencil sketch

    In order to obtain a pencil sketch (that is, a black-and-white drawing) of the camera frame, we will make use of two image-blending techniques, known as dodging and burning. These terms refer to techniques employed during the printing process in traditional photography; here, photographers would manipulate the exposure time of a certain area of a darkroom print in order to lighten or darken it. Dodging lightens an image, whereas burning darkens it. Areas that were not supposed to undergo

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