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MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide: Learn how to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive cross-browser web applications using this popular JavaScript framework
MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide: Learn how to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive cross-browser web applications using this popular JavaScript framework
MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide: Learn how to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive cross-browser web applications using this popular JavaScript framework
Ebook588 pages2 hours

MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide: Learn how to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive cross-browser web applications using this popular JavaScript framework

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About this ebook

MooTools is a simple-to-use JavaScript library, ideal for people with basic JavaScript skills who want to elevate their web applications to a superior level. If you're a newcomer to MooTools looking to build dynamic, rich, and user-interactive web site applications this beginner's guide with its easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions is all you need to rapidly get to grips with MooTools.

Release dateDec 27, 2009
MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide: Learn how to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive cross-browser web applications using this popular JavaScript framework

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    MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide - Gube Jacob

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    Table of Contents

    MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide


    About the Authors

    About the Reviewer


    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support




    1. MooTools and Me

    What is MooTools?

    Why use MooTools?

    The advantages of using MooTools

    Writing terse and elegant code

    Extending native JavaScript

    Cross-browser compatibility

    Working with the Document Object Model

    The advantage of using open-source projects

    Downloading and installing MooTools

    Time for action—downloading and installing the MooTools Core

    What just happened?

    Different MooTools downloads

    The domready event listener

    Rolling your own MooTools

    MooTools Core

    Time for action—exploring the MooTools Core Builder

    What just happened?

    Have a go hero — — explore the MooTools Core Builder output

    MooTools More

    Time for action—exploring the MooTools More Builder

    What just happened?

    The API concept

    MooTools resources

    MooTools Docs

    MooTools Users Google groups


    The MooTorial


    2. Writing JavaScript with MooTools

    Writing unobtrusive JavaScript with MooTools

    An obtrusive JavaScript example

    What's so bad about it?

    Don't repeat it if you don't have to

    It'll be hard to maintain

    It's a bad practice to have functionality in your content structure

    Time for action—rewriting our script unobtrusively

    What just happened?

    Removing our inline event handlers

    Using the DOM to handle events

    Pop quiz — — rewriting our script unobstrusively

    Creating MooTools classes

    What the heck is a class?

    Real-world analogy

    Creating a MooTools class

    The Implements property

    The options property

    The initialize method

    Our own Dog class methods: .bark() and .sit()

    Time for action—creating an instance of Dog

    What just happened?

    Have a go hero — — use the .sit() class method

    Time for action—giving our class instance some custom options

    Time for action—determining the value of our options

    Extending classes

    Time for action—extending the ShowDog class with the Dog class

    What just happened?

    Class inheritance

    Have a go hero — doing more with the thing

    Using MooTools classes

    The concept of chainability

    The Chain class

    A Chain example

    A look ahead: Chaining Fx .Tween

    Time for action—create a chain of Fx.Tween methods

    What just happened?

    Isn't MooTools classy?


    Have a go hero — doing more with chaining Fx.Tween methods


    3. Selecting DOM Elements

    MooTools and CSS selectors

    Working with the $() and $$() functions

    The $() dollar function

    The $$() dollars function

    When to use which

    Time for action—selecting an element with the dollar function

    Time for action—selecting elements with the dollars function

    Time for action—selecting multiple sets of elements with the dollars function

    What just happened?

    $() versus document.getElementById()

    Selecting multiple sets of elements

    Have a go hero — tween the list item element

    Common errors with the dollar and dollars functions

    The dollar function doesn't work with CSS selectors!

    Drop the pound # sign when using the $() function

    Pop quiz — find the bad apple in the bunch

    Selection using pseudo-classes

    Pseudo-class example: Zebra striping a table

    Time for action—using pseudo-classes to zebra stripe a table

    What just happened?

    Other pseudo-class selectors

    Working with attribute selectors

    Attribute selector operators

    Attribute selector example: Styling different types of links

    Time for action—using = attribute selector

    Time for action—using != attribute selector

    Time for action—using ^= attribute selector

    Time for action—using $= attribute selector

    What just happened?

    Attribute selector case sensitivity

    DOM selection makes unobtrusive JavaScript do-able


    4. The Core's Useful Utility Functions

    What is the Core?

    Browser: Getting information about the client

    Determining if the client has a specific feature



    Getting information about the client's rendering engine

    Determining the client's rendering engine and version

    Time for action—determining the client's rendering engine and version

    Checking if the client is using a particular web browser

    Have a go hero — checking to see if your browser uses Gecko

    Determining if the client has Adobe Flash installed

    Finding out information about the client's operating system

    Potential uses of this property

    Example scenario: Offering the correct download based on the client's platform

    SuperSoftware HTML

    SuperSoftware CSS

    Time for action—using Browser.Platform to customize SuperSoftware's download page

    What just happened?

    Pop quiz — finding out information about the client's operating system

    Exploring the Core utility functions

    Checking to see if objects are defined

    Seeing if an object has a value with $chk

    Checking if an object is defined with $defined

    Selecting the first defined object using $pick

    Getting the return of first working function with $try

    Dealing with time and intervals

    The $time() function

    Time for action—the $time() function

    What just happened?

    The $clear() function

    Time for action—exploring the $clear() function with periodical()

    What just happened?

    Utility functions for working with objects

    Extending objects with $extend()

    Merging objects with $merge()

    Iterating through objects using $each

    Time for action—exploring the $each function

    What just happened?

    Other utility functions in the Core

    Generating a random number with $random

    Converting objects to arrays with $splat

    Determining the data type using $type

    Limited use functions

    Creating a function placeholder with $empty

    Returning arguments using $lambda

    Creating a function that returns the specified value using $arguments


    5. Working with Events

    What are events exactly?

    Window events

    Form events

    Keyboard events

    Mouse events

    MooTools custom mouse events

    Adding event listeners

    Adding a single event listener

    Time for action—highlighting focused fields of web forms

    What just happened?

    Adding multiple event listeners

    Time for action—adding tooltips to the web form

    What just happened?

    Creating custom events

    Time for action—creating a custom event for showing help tips

    What just happened?

    Have a go hero — create your own custom event

    Removing, cloning, and firing off events

    Removing events from elements

    Removing a single event from elements

    Time for action—removing an event

    Removing a type of event, or all events, from elements

    Cloning events from another element

    Firing off events

    Time for action—firing off a click event

    The MooTools event object

    Using event object methods

    Preventing the default behavior

    Time for action—preventing the default behavior of a hyperlink

    Preventing event bubbling

    Time for action—preventing event bubbling

    What just happened?

    Stopping default behavior and event propagation

    Using event properties


    6. Bringing Web Pages to Life with Animation

    MooTools' Fx class

    Basic syntax

    Fx options

    Animating a CSS property with Fx.Tween

    Time for action — creating a hide/show FAQ page

    What just happened?

    Have a go hero — modifying the hide/show transition effect

    Tweening a single CSS property using the tween() method

    Time for action—toggling the visibility of a div

    What just happened?

    Fading elements

    Time for action - fading an image in and out

    What just happened?

    Highlighting elements

    Time for action - indicating blank form fields that are required

    What just happened?

    Animating multiple CSS properties with Fx.Morph

    Time for action - enlarging an image

    What just happened?

    Have a go hero — modify the transition type

    Using the morph() shortcut method

    Time for action - experimenting with morph

    What just happened?

    Other Fx methods

    Starting an effect

    Setting properties immediately

    Cancelling a transition

    Pausing effect

    Resuming a paused effect


    7. Going 2.0 with Ajax

    What you'll need

    Creating a Request object

    Request object options

    Request events options

    Running a function immediately when a request is made

    Running a function when the request is completed

    Running a function when the request is cancelled

    Other Request events

    Requesting data

    Time for action—requesting remote data

    What just happened?

    Requesting HTML and JSON data

    Working with HTML data

    Time for action—updating a web page with HTML

    What just happened?

    Loading HTML documents remotely

    Time for action—loading HTML data

    Working with JSON data

    Time for action—working with Ajax and JSON

    What just happened?

    Cancelling a Request

    Sending data

    Time for action—sending data to PHP

    What just happened?

    Setting and getting HTTP headers

    Setting an HTTP header for an Ajax Request object

    Getting an HTTP header

    Time for action—getting the Last-Modified HTTP header

    What just happened?

    Have a go hero — get the content length of the requested page


    8. Beefing Up MooTools: Using the MooTools More Plugins

    Downloading MooTools More plugins

    Time for action—downloading the Fx.Accordion plugin

    What just happened?

    Installing MooTools plugins

    Time for action—installing Fx.Accordion

    What just happened?

    Discovering a handful of MooTools More plugins

    Creating engaging content using Fx.Accordion

    Time for action—creating an accordion

    What just happened?

    Fx.Accordion options

    Downloading all the MooTools More plugins we need

    Time for action—downloading more Mootools More plugins

    Extending JavaScript's native Date object

    Time for action—building a Date calculator tool

    What just happened?

    Making web forms more user-friendly with the OverText plugin

    Time for action—creating a web form that uses OverText

    What just happened?

    Drag-and-drop with Drag and Drag.Move

    Time for action—creating a simple drag-and-drop game

    What just happened?


    9. Creating Your Own Plugin

    Why create a plugin?

    Designing the plugin

    Time for action—creating a design sheet for our plugin

    What just happened?

    Creating the ImageCaption script

    Time for action—writing the ImageCaption script

    What just happened?

    Noting down pitfalls and places of improvement to the script

    Converting the script to a flexible plugin

    Time for action—creating the ImageCaption plugin

    What just happened?

    Instantiating the plugin

    Time for action—basic instantiation of the ImageCaption plugin

    What just happened?

    Creating a more complex instance of the plugin

    Time for action—creating new instances of the plugin

    Creating multiple instances of the plugin

    Time for action—multiple instances of the ImageCaption plugin

    What just happened?

    Preparing your plugin for the public

    Documenting your plugin with comments

    Time for action—documenting the ImageCaption plugin

    What just happened?

    External documentation

    Time for action—creating a basic download page for the ImageCaption plugin

    What just happened?



    MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide

    Jacob Gube

    Garrick Cheung

    MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide

    Copyright © 2009 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, Packt Publishing, nor its dealers or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: December 2009

    Production Reference: 1111209

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd. 32 Lincoln Road Olton Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-847194-58-9

    Cover Image by Vinayak Chittar (<[email protected]>)



    Jacob Gube

    Garrick Cheung


    Chirstoph Pojer

    Acquisition Editor

    Douglas Paterson

    Development Editor

    Steven Wilding

    Technical Editor

    Bhupali Khule


    Hemangini Bari

    Editorial Team Leader

    Akshara Aware

    Project Team Leader

    Lata Basantani

    Project Coordinators

    Rajashree Hamine

    Srimoyee Ghoshal


    Cathy Cumberlidge

    Andy Scothern

    Production Coordinator

    Adline Swetha Jesuthas

    Cover Work

    Adline Swetha Jesuthas

    About the Authors

    Jacob Gube is a massive MooTools developer. He is the founder and Chief Editor of Six Revisions, a website dedicated to web developers and web designers. He's also written for other popular web publications such as Read Write Web and Smashing Magazine, discussing web technologies and development. A web professional for 8 years, Jacob is an in-house web developer specializing in distance-learning education and web accessibility, using PHP, MooTools, and jQuery (alongside other web technology acronyms like VB.NET and AS3/Flash) to get the job done.

    Garrick Cheung is a designer-developer and a member of the official Mootools Community team. He's currently a Senior Technical Producer for CBS Interactive developing for sites such as, and He's passionate about code optimization and loves to teach and develop in MooTools. Garrick also writes about code and development at his site,

    About the Reviewer

    Christoph currently studies Software Engineering and Business Management at the Graz University of Technology. He is an experienced web developer and has worked on numerous web applications for the past 7 years. He focuses on JavaScript and is a core developer of the MooTools JavaScript framework, as he enjoys pushing the limits of the Web. You can find a lot of his open source work on In his free time he enjoys watching TV series and hanging out with friends.


    This book is geared towards web developers who have a basic understanding of JavaScript and the related technologies that are involved with it, namely HTML and CSS. If you're familiar with a programming or server-side scripting language, code authoring in MooTools will be very familiar.

    The goal of this book is to give you a functional and pragmatic understanding of MooTools and is not intended for learning JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and concepts such as the DOM and unobtrusive JavaScript.

    This is the first book specifically designed for absolute newcomers to MooTools. It is a Packt Beginner's Guide, which means it is packed with clear step-by-step instructions for performing the most useful tasks.

    MooTools is an open source, lightweight, modular object-oriented programming JavaScript web application framework. The goal of the software is to provide a means for intermediate to advanced web developers to write cross-browser JavaScript in an elegant, flexible, and efficient fashion. The MooTools JavaScript framework includes built-in functions for manipulation of CSS, DOM elements, native JavaScript objects, AJAX requests, and more.

    You will start learning by 'doing' immediately. As each chapter in the book progresses, the topics get more complex. First you get to grips with the fundamentals of MooTools including downloading, installation, and basic syntax. Once you've grasped the basics you learn to make the most of MooTools' powerful framework. You will learn to bring web pages to life with animation and create exciting web pages with AJAX. You will also learn to customize MooTools to suit your own needs by creating your own plug-ins. You will soon be well on the way to creating web applications and web pages worthy of the Web 2.0 world

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, MooTools and Me shows how to download and install Mootools. It demonstrates how to troubleshoot the most common installation problems. Writing a simple MooTools code block to test that the installation has worked is also explained.

    Chapter 2, Writing JavaScript with MooTools demonstrates the difference between normal JavaScript against MooTools code. It explains how MooTools code can be far simpler and more efficient than ordinary JavaScript to achieve the same task.

    Chapter 3, Selecting DOM Elements gives an overview of the Document Object Model tree and an in-depth discussion of the $() function in the Element class. It showcases basic DOM relationships such as parents, children, and siblings. It also demonstrates how to select page links and then give them a certain color or style

    Chapter 4, The Core's Useful Utility Functions introduces native JavaScript variable definitions. It goes through each function and demonstrates how it works.

    Chapter 5, Working with Events explains different browser events such as mouse click, mouse hover, mouse moving and key press. It demonstrates how to build a super-charged web form in MooTools. Events are covered showing how to add event listeners to web page elements.

    Chapter 6, Bringing Web Pages to Life Using Animation introduces the different animation options available in MooTools. It demonstrates how to create a featured area slider. It demonstrates the MooTools Fx class and its useful methods for working with MooTools effects.

    Chapter 7, Going 2.0 with Ajax shows the basics of Ajax. It demonstrates how MooTools makes working with Ajax easy. It will explain how XML files can be used to simulate a relational database.

    Chapter 8, Beefing up MooTools Using the MooTools More Plugins demonstrates how to install and use the plug in system. It will explain how the Accordion area can be used to display content in

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