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A Simple Guide to Starting Your Midwifery Business: A Handbook of a Self-Study Course for Midwives
A Simple Guide to Starting Your Midwifery Business: A Handbook of a Self-Study Course for Midwives
A Simple Guide to Starting Your Midwifery Business: A Handbook of a Self-Study Course for Midwives
Ebook236 pages2 hours

A Simple Guide to Starting Your Midwifery Business: A Handbook of a Self-Study Course for Midwives

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About this ebook

Yet, despite the fact that many people who desire to work as midwives already possess the required education and expertise, only a small fraction of those individuals actually go out and establish their own practices. If you work as a midwife and are interested in acquiring more autonomy, alternatives, and opportunity for experimenting in your company, then this book is ideal for you.
This book serves as a guide for midwives who are interested in starting their own midwifery businesses, whether on their own or a partnership. It covers both available choices. This book is designed to aid those who are considering opening their own company in assessing whether or not going into business for oneself is the most suitable course of action for them at this point in their lives. In addition to this, it provides guidance on the legal, financial, and commercial challenges that are involved in the process of establishing a private practice that is solely dedicated to providing maternity care. There is a discussion on the professional and ethical problems that midwives encounter, such as the necessity to prevent conflicts of interest and to maintain their professional integrity intact. In addition, there is guidance provided on the many aspects of marketing and pricing.

Release dateApr 10, 2023
A Simple Guide to Starting Your Midwifery Business: A Handbook of a Self-Study Course for Midwives

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    A Simple Guide to Starting Your Midwifery Business - Nester T. Moyo


    A Handbook of a Self-Study Course for Midwives

    Nester T. Moyo

    Copyright © 2023 Nester Moyo All rights reserved.

    No part of this book can be transmitted or reproduced in any form including print, electronic, photocopying, scanning, mechanical or recording without prior written permission from the author.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to the course

    Course description

    Eligibility to the course

    Course content

    Course evaluation

    MODULE 1: The big picture of midwifery care

    About this module

    What you will learn

    The profession of midwifery: The big picture

    Midwifery as a separate profession

    The midwife as an autonomous professional

    Global perspective

    The philosophy and model of midwifery Care


    The Midwifery model of care

    Woman-centred care

    Definition of Midwifery Business

    Care in a midwifery business

    The perinatal experience

    Impact of the perinatal experience

    On the community

    On the family – husband, siblings and in- laws

    On the woman

    Impact of quality, respectful, dignifying midwifery care on women’s perinatal experience

    MODULE 2

    About this module

    Unit 1: The thinking process and the questions you have to ask yourself

    Why do I want to do this?

    To whom will you be providing this care?

    What are your qualifications?

    What are the benefits of your business?

    How will you overcome challenges and barriers?

    What resources are required?

    What is the role of your professional association?

    What is the role of the community leaders?

    Who else is working in this community?

    Who will work with you and be on your side?

    Unit summary

    Determine the legal structure of your business

    Choose a business name and a logo

    Create a Board of Directors

    Creation of the Board.

    Staff Policies and protocols

    Staff related policies and protocols

    Institutional policies and protocols

    Partners and investors

    Conduct market research

    Choose and find a location

    Plan your business

    How long will it take you to break even

    Find ways of making your business profitable

    Develop a formal business description and a project proposal

    Form a legal entity

    Develop a marketing and communication plan

    Strategic marketing

    Customer retention

    Competitive advantage

    Profitability drivers

    Short explanation

    Unit summary

    MODULE 3

    About this module

    Itemise the services your business will provide

    The services

    Acquire the infrastructure in which to provide these services.

    Location and situation

    Safety considerations when choosing the location and site of your business.

    The building and its surroundings

    The space inside

    Space configuration

    Designated functional spaces and suggested basic furnishings

    Administrative office

    Private quiet room.


    Consultation, examination and treatment rooms for pre and postnatal and well woman care

    Birth room (if possible, 2)

    Multi-purpose room


    Dining room if possible unless there is eating space in the kitchen.


    Laundry space

    Storage place for medicines, and supplies

    Sterilizing room

    Waiting room

    Private quiet room (in case of foetal and other losses)

    Interior decoration

    MODULE 4

    Physiological birth in a midwifery business.

    What is physiological birth?

    Continuous risk assessment

    Management of obstetric emergencies


    Transporting women in an ambulance

    Transporting newborn babies in an ambulance

    Things to remember

    Decision to transport network –another algorithm


    Monitoring, evaluation and learning




    Monitoring and evaluation framework

    Data collection


    Final word

    Module summary

    MODULE 5

    Module 5 Unit 1  Some helpful considerations

    Finding a business mentor

    Mobilise resources

    The multiple roles of the proprietor

    The proprietor as a leader, manager, a counsellor and supervisor

    The proprietor as a care provider

    The proprietor as a teacher, mentor and coach

    The proprietor as a person

    The proprietor as a professional

    Module 5 Unit 2: Continuing professional development (CPD)

    i. Conducting a learning needs assessment

    Types of learning needs

    Global needs

    Organisational needs

    Institutional needs

    Individual perceived learning needs

    Principles of needs assessment

    Decide how you are going to collect the data

    Develop the data collection tool

    Administer the tool

    Clean, analyse and interpret the data

    Cluster and prioritise the needs into short, medium and long term needs

    Develop a capacity development strategy with specific goals and expected outcomes

    Develop a training plan for the year

    Isolate what has to be covered now (before the business opens)

    Develop learning materials

    Implement the training

    Assess whether learning has taken place

    Evaluate the CPD activity.

    Record the process and its outputs

    One year later!

    Module 5 Unit 3: Stress, burnout and resilience


    Ideological discordance between the ideal care and care that is possible.

    Restrictive institutional and administrative polices and business politics to individual’s clinical decision making and practice.

    A feeling of being thrown to the deep end and expected to function with minimal or

    Heavy workload leading to physical, emotional and mental exhaustion leaving the

    Minimising stress and its impact


    Prevention and management of stress and burnout


    How does resilience develop?

    Some characteristics that make individuals resilient


    The message from stress and burnout

    Module summary


    Introduction to the course

    Health care is a human right. Every woman everywhere has a right to midwife’s care, a midwife who meets the International Definition of a Midwife. In many communities birthing is a special process, which brings joy to the family. The journey through pregnancy into motherhood carries so much potential for beauty and empowerment in a woman’s life. Even so, for many women in the world, birth also carries numerous challenges and risks, loss and suffering due to lack of access to skilled maternity care.

    Each woman is unique. She has her own expectations and preferences of what the outcome and experience of her pregnancy should be. At most, her thoughts are generally filled with joy and positive anticipation, occasionally interrupted by fear and trepidation. Prospective fathers have similar wishes and several fears of their own that, in most cases, go unexpressed and/or unexplored. This leaves them frustrated and confused.

    In some settings, quality of care that saves lives is only available from private practitioners because of under- resourced and under-staffed government facilities.

    Many midwives have a strong desire to provide care in a manner that allows individualised care so that women and their partners have opportunities to express their wishes, deal with the fears and share their joys. These midwives, aim to increase the number of women who have access to high quality, respectful and dignified care, assisting women and their families in welcoming their little bundle of joy into the world on their terms, and, at the same time, contributing to the reduction of maternal, newborn and child deaths and disability as well as reduction of prematurity and stillbirths rates; but they do not have adequate skills and enough know-how to establish a private practice.

    This course provides you with an opportunity to view midwifery from a much broader and possible different perspective than you have ever experienced before. It is expected that you will experience professional transformation and motivation as you acquire new knowledge and skills specifically required for opening your own midwifery business. I hope you will join the tens of midwives who have made success in opening and managing their own midwifery business practices, for the benefit of women, newborn, families and communities.

    Take pride in playing an important role in making pregnancy and childbirth safer for women; welcome to and enjoy the course on Starting your own midwifery business!

    Although the handbook is written by midwives with midwives in mind, the material can be used by anyone who wishes to establish their own business.

    Course description

    This course is designed to equip you with knowledge and skills in:

    Scanning the big picture horizon of midwifery care as a business

    Utilising the philosophy and midwifery model of care to underpin your midwifery business

    Approaching step by step to creating your own business including the processes of developing collaborative partnerships and community engagement

    Selecting from suggested approaches on how to make your business flourish and be successful

    Making use of existing networks of midwives in business

    Eligibility to the course

    To get the greatest benefit out of this course, you must be a qualified midwife who has gone through a midwifery education programme recognised in your country. You must be registered as a midwife with an up-to date license for practice and you are aspiring to start your own private midwifery business. If you are about to retire and would like to prepare yourself for a business in your area of expertise, or you are a young, mid-profession midwife who would like to try something new, or you are desirous of moving from being an employee to an entrepreneur, and possibly an employer, then this course is for you as it will provide you with what you need.

    Course content

    The course content is presented in five modules. Module 1 covers content on the big picture of midwifery, the philosophy and model of midwifery care, the birthing experience and the impact of care on the birthing experience. Module 2 addresses most of the administrative and legal aspects to be considered and adhered to during the process of starting a midwifery practice. Module 3 is focused on the site of the practice and priorities to be considered for this. Module 4 discusses the place of your business within an integrated health care system. Module 5 is centred on the midwife practitioner as the proprietor of the business, the multiple roles and responsibilities of the proprietor, continuing professional development, and the issues related to stress, burnout and resilience.

    These modules are interrelated and build on each other; however, they are self- contained units which are complete in their own right. It is possible to take only one module depending on your needs and preferences. However, if you have never engaged in creating a practice before, it is advisable to approach the modules sequentially and /or link a period of practice to each. It is also possible to take a module, go out and put it into practice before engaging in the next module. This can be discussed at the start of the course for supportive guidance.

    Course evaluation

    There are personal and professional benefits gained from completing this course as you move through the process of starting your business. You will gain prerequisite competencies and new information as you work through this course. You will learn about many legal aspects of midwifery you might not have thought of before as well as laws and regulations controlling the practice and education of midwives. Hence whether you end up opening a midwifery business or not, you will have grown to appreciate the value of what midwifery has to offer on a broader scale. You will also be able to use some course materials as reference.

    MODULE 1: The big picture of midwifery care

    About this module

    This module presents the big picture of the midwifery profession and midwifery care, demonstrating the broader context within which your midwifery business has to

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