About this ebook
Every experience is an opportunity for inner growth. Being aware of the
hidden message is the rst step
Putting yourself rst means that it may be necessary to say no to someone
else, in order to say yes to yourself.
After living my lifefor50 plus years I understood my true self.I was able to
di erentiate between emotions and feelings. I learned true happiness,joy,
peace, contentment, and love is inside me not outside. Even when healing
happens from the inside, outer help is guidance, which you can follow
depending on your situation and experience. Only you are living your life,
everyone else is a traveler with you in your life journey on this planet.
I believe Self-healing is complete healing.
Feel your energy and heal yourself.
It is a saying that if you really desire something from your heart,then the
whole universe will work towards getting that for you.
If you need help I can be your guide.
Your talent determines what you can do.
Your motivation determines now much you’re willing to do.
Your attitude determines how well you do it.
-Lou Holtz
Sangita Patel
Sangita was in a car accident and lost her only brother. She suffered pain in the physical and emotional level for about 20 years. First time Sangita experienced Master Lin’s Spring Forest Qigong was in 2009. Once she started practicing qigong her 20 years of sufferings, pain and health challenges started to go away. Again, she got a health challenge with brain aneurism, heart attack, stroke, and vision problem. She got certified as a trainer under Master Lin in . Both her children got married, which led her to learn about building personal resilience with Heart Math Institute, Psychology and coaching. In 2020, she had a knee replacement and while she was recovering, she discovered QI-WALKING. She realized that all her life running around and coping up with the fast-paced world, slowing down is the key. In healing, the slower you practice, the faster your body heals. This helps to calm your body at all levels. Today she offers Qi Activation class online, which she learned and got certified as a trainer under Master Lin, the founder of Spring forest qigong. She feels deep gratitude towards the universal Love energy, her teachers, her children, mom, husband, and pets.
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-7756-7 (sc)
ISBN: 979-8-7652-5440-0 (e)