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Spell Jars and Pouches
Spell Jars and Pouches
Spell Jars and Pouches
Ebook104 pages42 minutes

Spell Jars and Pouches

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About this ebook

Ever wanted an easy way to do spells? Something that worked over time and can be reused?

Working with jars and pouches is a great way to do that. By adding in crystals, herbs, and other objects along with your own magic you can create a spell that also looks great. Explore ways for protection, prosperity, love, and many more.


Release dateAug 13, 2024
Spell Jars and Pouches

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    Book preview

    Spell Jars and Pouches - Anung Vilay

    Spell Jars and Pouches

    Spell Jars and Pouches

    Spell Jars and Pouches

    Anung Vilay

    Courageous Creativity



    1 Creating Spells

    2 What Is Intention?

    3 The Basics to Cleansing and Charging

    4 Ethics and Appropriation

    5 Protection

    6 Love

    7 Prosperity, Abundance, Success

    8 Creativity

    9 Growth, Change, Manifestation

    10 Clarity and Confidence

    11 Intuition and Magical Abilities

    12 Happiness, Peace, Luck

    13 Grief and Feeling Lost

    14 Health

    15 Not Truely An End

    16 Resources

    About The Author

    Copyright © 2024 by Anung Vilay

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    NO AI TRAINING: Without in any way limiting the author’s [and publisher’s] exclusive rights under copyright, any use of this publication to train generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to generate text is expressly prohibited. The author reserves all rights to license uses of this work for generative AI training and development of machine learning language models.

    First Printing, 2024


    What a world we live in now. Where all the teachings of old and new are at our finger tips online and in books we can buy or borrow. I love it. I’m grateful that you picked up this book. While spell jars and satchels are just one small way to do spell work it has many options open to you.

    You will not get bored.

    Not going to lie, I’m a little lazy. This book is years in the making of me experimenting what can work or not with as little effort. Because I was in the trenches in the dark ages when there wasn’t much out there for books for us fledgling witches. And yes, I was born before the the internet was widespread. (It’s official birthday is in 1983, but did not get into public use until 1993.)

    So what I could find out there was long, ritual-like spells. Especially coven ones. Which did not go well with this introvert. I am a solitary which through and through. Plus, it wasn’t like I was going to find a bunch of other pagans in the 90s in the suburbs of Minnesota.

    Surprisingly I did find some good books during high school in the county library system. And once I got my license I was off to the few occult shops in the big bad city. (According to some of my friends’ parents.) Then everything opened up for me. All the books and supplies I needed, but also a community.

    Though it did take me a while to really ask questions other then the basics. But knowing I had spaces and people to go to made me feel less alone. Even as a solitary witch you like to compare notes. Especially when you’re young, you don’t want to do anything wrong. Even if you never get indoctrinated into other religions their trauma is everywhere. Seeping into our everyday lives and what others teach us in mundane life.

    As time went on I figured out I was an eclectic witch. No specific teachings out there really called to me. Which seemed to track being mixed race, growing up with a bunch of other cultures, foods, languages, religions and in dozens of different school. Why not this too.

    I read up on Greek and Egyptian mythology first (I mean who didn’t have this stage). Hinduism, Druidism, Daoism, buddism, Taoisn, Shinto, Wicca, and so many others. I pretty much made it into my major in college. My senior paper was about trickster gods. Of course I’ve studied all the different ways of witchcraft.

    But what kept calling to me were charms and talismans. Things you could make to have around your home or you could wear that have a specific effect. Even in the fantasy books I read where someone would have a necklace that gave them the gift of elegant speech. Or someone who could charm their home to keep all harm away. We all wish for those kinds of absolutes, but we can work for that kind of magic in our own lives also.

    Its just doesn’t have the kind of flair we want.

    In this little corner, your magic can go double as decoration in your home. Whether or not you have people who come over who you are not as open with about some of what you do in your life. It doesn’t even need to be out for others to see for it to work. Its just for you.

    If you have it in pouches it can be carried in your bag or in your pocket. Other ladies carry it in their bra. Some stuff in in their boots. Whatever floats your boat.

    When you get farther along into your practice you can figure out what works with you and have your own personal pieces. These can be individual stones that you carry, jewelry, giant stones you keep in your home.

    My flavor is jewelry and I get to support small artists at the same time. Mostly because that is not in my wheelhouse of creativity. Metalwork may be earth element but it is also fire and that is not my second element. Others like to make their own. Grow it or scavenge their own pieces.

    This book is easy enough for beginners but can move you up to intermediate with what you put in, how much you combine into the jars, and other things we will go over later on. There will be easy steps but don’t feel like you have to get complicated right away. Explore and see what works for you. Some things will be a little different for you with your own practice, symbolism , and upbringing.

    Either way, have fun. Nothing I put in here will kill you. I think.


    Creating Spells

    Spells can be a creative and complicated as you want or as simple. If you’ve watch anything about magic and witches you’ve seen a range of spells out there. While some of what is shown in The Craft (1996) and Practical Magic it does have its base in fact, Hollywood always has to add its drama.

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