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The Lifestyle of Prayer: Life’s Journey
The Lifestyle of Prayer: Life’s Journey
The Lifestyle of Prayer: Life’s Journey
Ebook48 pages38 minutes

The Lifestyle of Prayer: Life’s Journey

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About this ebook

Have you ever wondered why your prayers aren’t answered,
and feel frustrated when others, who should be able to
support you through prayer, fall short? Life presents us
with many challenging situations, but there is an answer
through Christ Jesus and in prayer, where you can find all
the solutions you need. Jesus prayed and was empowered
to overcome many obstacles. He emerged from his prayer
time equipped to face the challenges ahead. Why? Because
he made prayer a regular part of his life, which led to
numerous victories. My brothers and sisters, you have the
same ability. It is not a gift, but a requirement for believers:
to pray. As you journey through life, immersing yourself
in the Word, praying, praising, and loving your fellow
humans, your heart and mind will be stirred. Prayer is a
lifestyle, and through it, you can maintain and sustain the
power of Christ. There is an answer for life’s challenges,
and it is through prayer.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 21, 2024
The Lifestyle of Prayer: Life’s Journey

D. S. Broderick

D-Andre is a native of Charleston, South Carolina. He is a son, grandson, brother, godfather, and a committed servant to Christ. He has dedicated 22 years of military service to his country and has faithfully served several churches. He gave his life to Christ in April 2000 and since then has devoted his life to seeking God for the answers of life and godliness.

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    The Lifestyle of Prayer - D. S. Broderick

    Copyright © 2024 D. S. Broderick.

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    ISBN: 979-8-3850-2518-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-3850-2519-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024909509

    WestBow Press rev. date:   07/08/2024



    Chapter 1The Journey Begins

    Chapter 2Discern You

    Chapter 3Consistency

    Chapter 4The Word

    Chapter 5Praise and Sing

    Final Thoughts



    Minister D-Andre is an exceptional teacher and leader. He showed patience as he trained me and others to pray. There are so many lessons I learned from him, but one vivid story comes to mind.

    One Saturday morning during prayer training, Minister D-Andre asked me to come up and pray, I was intimidated because I was a novice to prayer. I had my prayer handwritten and I asked him can I read from the paper, he looked at me and said, ‘Yes’. That gave me a sigh of relief and helped build my confidence in prayer.

    Thanks, Minister Broderick, for all you have instilled in me during those early morning prayer sessions. The patience and tenacity you exhibited gave me confidence to excel in my journey to prayer and intercession. I will never forget the passion you have for prayer and intercession and because of those trainings I am one of the lead intercessors at my church today.

    - Evangelist Alisha LaRae (Miami, FL)


    The Journey Begins

    This book is not like other books related to prayer and intercession; it is an epistle (message) of my journey into a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer is the most powerful and essential tool for all believers. Once we give our hearts to Christ, we must be willing to go the extra mile in prayer; it is a key to life and peace and a foundation to our lives and God-appointed gifts and ministries. We will not be perfect while living this life, but we can navigate our lives through prayer

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