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Be a Lion, Then B’eat Me!: Philosophizing Education to Earn Life; All Ages Matter!
Be a Lion, Then B’eat Me!: Philosophizing Education to Earn Life; All Ages Matter!
Be a Lion, Then B’eat Me!: Philosophizing Education to Earn Life; All Ages Matter!
Ebook219 pages2 hours

Be a Lion, Then B’eat Me!: Philosophizing Education to Earn Life; All Ages Matter!

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About this ebook

During the third millennium, the number of education pillars has increased
from five to six: the family, the school, the library, the nature and community
members, with the addition of the Information technology. The challenge of
educating has become more complex. Access to information is now easy, but
controlling the type of information and the form of knowledge resulting from
it is getting difficult.
Within this new framework, students must be helped to understand their
situations and the source of laws that govern learning in relationship to
themselves, teachers, government, and the educational system. The student
in this situation is only receiving what has been decided, and it remains up
to him or her to learn, comprehend, digest, and manage these informations.
Dr. Monya Haddadi has created a whole new ecosystem of knowledge
management ways as a result of her life experiences, her academic background
and her personal philosophy in a rapidly evolving and rich complex society. Be
a Lion, Then B’eat Me is at the same time a scientific composition as well as a
life summary of a successful, beloved, and happy student who have seen peace
in all life circumstances. Dr. Haddadi provides solutions that put students in
harmony with their situation, make use of it to the fullest extent, and rebel
against all the difficulties surrounding modern education/life.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 29, 2024
Be a Lion, Then B’eat Me!: Philosophizing Education to Earn Life; All Ages Matter!

Dr. Monya Haddadi

Dr. Monya Haddadi is a Moroccan Professor, Neuropsychologist and Author born in the middle of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Province in a fertile and rich, hilly region called Ait Bouyehya. She was raised and educated there for the first thirteen years of her life before moving to Tiflet, a nearby village. From middle school to multiple colleges, she have experienced a flourish studying journey from biology, pedagogy, neurosciences to philosophy and psychology, therefore writing went for her as the adequate way to represent her successful channel of exchanging knowledge. Author of many scientific papers and academic books paragraphs; Be a Lion, Then B’eat Me to be her first print personal book from her written unshared library.

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    Book preview

    Be a Lion, Then B’eat Me! - Dr. Monya Haddadi


    Be a Lion,

    Then B’eat Me!

    Philosophizing Education to

    Earn Life; All Ages Matter!


    Copyright © 2024 Dr. Monya Haddadi.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5152-2 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024907784

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/25/2024




    Chapter 1: Why do we learn?

    Chapter 2: is the brain and learning dual change?

    Chapter 3: the seven goals of the school

    Chapter 4: School Alternatives

    Chapter 5: Learning and the learner

    Chapter 6: The Specificity of Learning in the Intermediate Stages (Teenagers and Adolescents)

    Chapter 7: Types of learners: a look and a solution

    Chapter 8: Learner With special circumstances: (the LSC)

    Chapter 9: Sights to help by the examples’ treatment approach: Help on: Success criteria, its construction and how to manage it.

    Chapter 10: Understanding Relationships

    Chapter 11: Forms of relationships within the school



    Numerous countries and societies suffer from poor educational products and their uselessness. These results are fed by several tributaries, including: wasting school time on the part of the learners and/or teachers, frustration due to narrow horizons, final formations that do not keep pace with the requirements of the market, the deterioration of the security situation in schools and their surroundings, the difficulty and abundance of curricula, the deterioration of the social situation of the teacher statute and the decline of budgets directed to the sector. Some countries know some unique and personalized forms of difficulties produced by their conditions.

    Here, we focus on the main pillar of education: the learner, and the term learner was chosen more than all its synonyms because it refers to the person who is being formed, and several partners intervene in that, as it is a comprehensive term that transcends the walls of the school and the home, and transcends the limits of time and place, and its goals are unified between people, which it is the building of generations.

    We provide the learner with solutions that make him in harmony with his situation, make use of it to the fullest extent, and rebel against all the difficulties surrounding him, and make them secondary to his eagerness to develop his mind set desperately.


    - Education has been and still is what makes human beings the most special creatures on Earth. This unique ability to acquire new knowledge ceaselessly is one of the characteristics that led to the dominance of the human species and its leadership of this world.

    The external world is an open school with which our existence has intersected since the inception of our awareness while we were fetuses in our mother’s wombs. Every sound, every smell, every shock, every food, every light, every movement, every emotion, every tiredness, every disease... etc…. have formed materials for us from which we learn about our existence that we face without pauses.

    After we go out into the world as independent individuals, the nature of these materials changes, but do not disappear, to make our birth a continuation of the inevitable process, which is learning forever.

    The school came after the vision became clear to the Human being by discovering that he can learn, and that this learning can be intensified through type as well as through time, meaning we may specify what we learn /teach, and we may specify how long we will learn/teach, as well as what is needed to finish the task of learning/teaching. Thus, the idea of the school began to spread among human groups.

    And if we compare the first form of school with the last form, we will know that learning gives us endless forms of development.

    The school, with all the controversy that has accompanied it since its emergence, which cannot modify or reformulate any new meaning for its great role in human history : From his surroundings by understanding the principles of things and the nature of objects.

    Learning is the main character of human privacy. If we talk from the biological point of view that separates man from other beings, then there are several differences that exist and persist, but their use in learning, development and acquisition of skills is what makes man greatly distinguished and gives him preference in assuming the unique message of his presence on earth.

    Learning and biology transport us to the brain, the center of knowledge.

    The human brain elected king over all the brains that have been created so far in terms of its shape and the type of developed parts in it, as well as the presence of an extra layer in the cerebral cortex. (¹)

    The complex and sophisticated level observed in the human cerebral cortex, along with the number of specialized brain regions underlies the emergence of human cognitive abilities. Despite the great similarity between the structure of the brain of humans, mammals and primates, and the many years spent by scientists trying to understand the difference, the structure of the human brain’s shape remains different because of the explicitly selected genes that were expressed to make it, and the difference also affects a number of cell types in addition to the surface area and thickness, without forgetting a number of nucleus, layers, and the burial process that our brain carried out for some of its cortex layers except humans whom have three by folding them inwards to condense its area.

    On the other hand, all vertebrate brains, has two evolutionary levels in each of its cortex layers except humans whom have three:

    Archi (ancient: center of instincts and olfactory)

    Paleo (middle: center of feelings and memory, dietary behavior as well)

    Neo (newer: center of planning, learning, creativity, imagination, coordination, elusiveness, decision, speaking ability, lying…etc…), but these levels are reduced in terms of Neo and Paleo in other organisms except in humans where Neo has more space and Archi is very regressed.

    Learning is a refined cognitive function that takes shape in the Neo and takes hold in the Paleo and thus covers the intervention of the Archi.

    Education disciplines our instincts and makes for them a framework and a sound channel for expression, reflection and participation.

    Learning makes us distinguish truth from falsehood, and we have a polished and appropriate vision for perception, far from primitivism: the primitivism in human behavior laid in his attempt to survive, whatever the price is, even the destruction of others and their removal from the path. And the reason is to avoid the suffering of enduring others, and sharing with them and this salvation requires: not accepting everything that is contrary and different from us or resides in the same centers that require our attention.

    Primitive behavior towards members of society and the physical conditions of existence, such as time, food, for example, does not interfere with the parietal functions of our Archi brain (at the Archi level) in regulating our sleep, our sexual and dietary instincts, our response to danger, and our senses.





    the existence of Human being on earth. The first says that he existed in the form of a creature that was subjected to evolution, and the second says that he was placed with the entire human body shape on earth; after he was created from earthly materials, to be placed alongside other creatures and each retain its kind.

    Whether in the first type of existence, which is a functional development that changes according to the indicators of anatomical, secretory, and histological data, or in the second type, which is an organizational development, where living organisms were placed after their creation, each within a framework and linked by a prominent evolutionary system, the zero point in which human being existed on earth As a unique species characterized by cruelty, its instinctive requirements are present at every step.

    If we assume that it appeared after a functional development, then its new form with straight posture, expansive imagination, limited senses and limited physical strength… requires from him to keep adapting to meet his basic and evolutionary instincts.

    And if the second theory is correct, and his development was organizational, then his presence on earth was sudden, as this would have been more severe; If not really related to some miracles that have been theorized in another context; Thus, he will be recognizing the nature of the land, distinguishing the location of the food, exploring the taste and composition, as well as detecting the danger and avoiding it… A painful and challenging task...

    All of the above requires a course of learning, and therefore our continued presence as HUMANS; to the extent of writing these lines; depends on learning. Learning buys us time and save our species, as well as motivate us to move to a more challenging level, moving from one level to another in the hierarchy of needs. After searching for organisms that are suitable for food, we are inventing machines that look like us and controlling them.



    Learning changes our brains forever... memory is a permanent stimulation that is the tracer of neuronal signaling pathways (links)



    in the journal PLOS Computational Biology, states that a family of enzymes called adenylyl cyclase plays an important role in the process of converting external cellular signals into physical molecules within neurons, which changes their composition, a change that we can call memories.

    This happens because the brain is not like any other organ in the body, as its cells are of a special nature. Although its general system is similar to every other cell, it is characterized by the existence of connections between each other. These connections are not fixed but rather flexible. They may become stronger and larger between a group of cells. Depending on the amount of activity between these cells, they may become weaker and smaller until they fade away. (²)

    In your brain, connections grow and fade almost every moment. This process is responsible for everything you know, from your memories, to your ability to learn, to how you feel about an accident on the street.

    Adenylyl cyclase enzymes have a role in storing memories in the striatum region. Adenylyl cyclase enzymes have a role in storing memories

    In the new study, scientists examined the exact role played by one of the adenylyl cyclase enzymes in modulating neural connections in the striatum region of the brain, which is one of the regions responsible for memory, behavior and learning. (²)

    Enzymes are proteins that play the role of catalysts. More precisely, they control the speed of a cellular chemical reaction, and thus work flexibility to adjust the processes of placing memories in the neural connections between brain cells. (³)

    Intelligence and learning

    Although the general concept prevailing among people for intelligence includes all of these things and people may think that it is related to the power of memory, psychology studies intelligence as a behavioral feature that is independent of creativity, personality, and wisdom, and some people think that natural innate intelligence is the basis, but in fact that Acquired intelligence is of greater importance. Solving math exercises, for example, will give you the ability and speed to solve other exercises that have nothing to do with the previous one, except that the same person becomes quick in solving them, and in this case he did not acquire information, but acquired intelligence.

    It also seems that intelligence and intelligent thinking are different. The first is innate and the second is acquired, and it is a skill that must be developed. The psychologist from the University of Texas at Austin, Art Markman, explained that people are not born with the ability to do smart things, but rather they develop this skill with the passage of time. The truth is that one can become smarter by understanding how to use knowledge to solve problems and develop smarter habits to learn more about the way the world works and describe problems effectively; according to United Press.

    (³) Intelligent thinking is not innate, but rather the result of developing and refining things we know to use them when needed.



    Figure 1: the seven goals of inventing school; being together or group by group; there is no outer goals over this global compilation







    7- Continuity (the human kind needs the social dimension to complete itself and feel its humanity).



    characterized by its striving to escape from natural conditions and other creatures, and for this reason it began to develop methods of catching, hunting and gathering, when it was able to make tools for that and prepare places of shelter, it began to think of living within a family and then groups, this is what was proven by the remains of the oldest tangible sane human being in Mt. IGHOUD in Morocco in 2017, where a whole family of different ages and genders was found sheltered inside a cave, carrying

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