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AP Calculus Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 12 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice
AP Calculus Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 12 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice
AP Calculus Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 12 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice
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AP Calculus Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 12 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice

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Be prepared for exam day with Barron’s. Trusted content from AP experts!

Barron’s AP Calculus Premium, 2025 includes in‑depth content review and practice for the AB and BC exams. It’s the only book you’ll need to be prepared for exam day.

Written by Experienced Educators
  • Learn from Barron’s‑‑all content is written and reviewed by AP experts
  • Build your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent exams
  • Get a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day‑‑it’s like having a trusted tutor by your side

Be Confident on Exam Day
  • Sharpen your test‑taking skills with 12 full‑length practice tests‑‑3 AB practice tests and 3 BC practice tests in the book, including one diagnostic test each for AB and BC to target your studying‑‑and 3 more AB practice tests and 3 more BC practice tests online–plus detailed answer explanations for all questions
  • Strengthen your knowledge with in‑depth review covering all units on the AP Calculus AB and BC exams
  • Reinforce your learning with dozens of examples and detailed solutions, plus a series of multiple‑choice practice questions and answer explanations, within each chapter
  • Enhance your problem‑solving skills by working through a chapter filled with multiple‑choice questions on a variety of tested topics and a chapter devoted to free‑response practice exercises

Robust Online Practice
  • Continue your practice with 3 full‑length AB practice tests and 3 full‑length BC practice tests on Barron’s Online Learning Hub
  • Simulate the exam experience with a timed test option
  • Deepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert advice
  • Gain confidence with scoring to check your learning progress

Release dateJul 2, 2024
AP Calculus Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 12 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice

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    Book preview

    AP Calculus Premium, 2025 - Barron's Educational Series


    As you review the content in this book to work toward earning that 5 on your AP CALCULUS AB exam, here are five things that you MUST know above everything else:

    derivatives (p. 99) and antiderivatives (p. 191) of common functions;

    the Product (p. 99), Quotient (p. 99), and Chain Rules (p. 100) for finding derivatives;

    the midpoint, left and right rectangle, and trapezoid approximations for estimating definite integrals (p. 224);

    finding antiderivatives by substitution (p. 202);

    the important theorems: Rolle’s Theorem (p. 115), the Mean Value Theorem (p. 114), and especially the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (p. 217).

    use L’Hospital’s Rule to find limits of indeterminate forms (only and ) (p. 116);

    find equations of tangent lines (p. 141);

    determine where a function is increasing/decreasing (p. 143), is concave up/down (p. 144), or has maxima, minima, or points of inflection (pp. 145, 150);

    analyze the speed, velocity, and acceleration of an object in motion (p. 160);

    solve related rates problems (p. 168), using implicit differentiation (p. 111) when necessary.

    the average value of a function (p. 237);

    area (p. 255) and volume (p. 262);

    the position of objects in motion and distance traveled (p. 307);

    total amount when given the rate of accumulation (p. 313);

    differential equations, including solutions and slope fields (p. 325).

    answering all the multiple-choice questions;

    knowing how and when to use your calculator, and when not to;

    understanding what work you need to show;

    knowing how to explain, interpret, and justify answers when a question requires that. (The free-response solutions in this book model such answers.)


    As you review the content in this book to work toward earning that 5 on your AP CALCULUS BC exam, here are five things that you MUST know above everything else:


    AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC are both full-year courses in the calculus of functions of a single variable. Both courses emphasize:

    (1) understanding of concepts and applications of calculus over manipulation and memorization;

    (2) developing the student’s ability to express functions, concepts, problems, and conclusions analytically, graphically, numerically, and verbally and to understand how these are related; and

    (3) using a graphing calculator as a tool for mathematical investigations and for problem solving.

    Both courses are intended for those students who have already studied college-preparatory mathematics: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and elementary functions (linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, and piecewise).

    Content Areas

    The AP Calculus course topics can be arranged into four content areas:



    3.Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem


    The AB exam tests content areas 1, 2, and 3. The BC exam tests all four content areas. There are BC only topics in content areas 2 and 3 (such as planar motion, Euler’s method, and logistic growth). Roughly, 40 percent of the points available for the BC exam are BC only topics.

    To review all of the specific topics covered within each of these content areas, be sure to consult the review chapters throughout this book and visit the College Board website for any recent updates.

    Exam Format

    Both the AP Calculus AB exam and the AP Calculus BC exam follow the same format. Both exams are 3 hours and 15 minutes long, and the shared format of both exams is outlined in the table.

    Scoring of the Exams

    Each completed AP exam receives a grade according to the following five-point scale:

    5Extremely well qualified

    4Well qualified


    2Possibly qualified

    1No recommendation

    Many colleges and universities accept a grade of 3 or better for credit or advanced placement or both (a score of 3 has been historically awarded for earning over 40 of 108 possible points). Be sure to check the AP credit policies on individual colleges’ websites.

    The multiple-choice questions in Section I are scored by a machine. Note that the score will be the number of questions answered correctly. Since no points can be earned if answers are left blank, and there is no deduction for wrong answers, you should answer every question. For questions you cannot solve, try to eliminate as many of the choices as possible and then pick the best remaining answer.

    The problems in Section II are graded by college and high school teachers called readers. The answers in any one exam booklet are evaluated by different readers, and for each reader, all scores given by preceding readers are concealed, as are the student’s name and school. Each free-response question in Section II is graded out of 9 points, and all problems in Section II are counted equally. Readers are provided with sample solutions for each problem, with detailed scoring scales and point distributions that allow partial credit for correct portions of a student’s answer.

    When determining the overall grade for each exam, the two sections are given equal weight. The total raw score is then converted into one of the five grades listed previously. Do not think of these raw scores as percents in the usual sense of testing and grading. In general, you will not be expected to answer all the questions correctly in either Section I or Section II. For instance, if you average 6 out of 9 points on the Section II questions and perform similarly well on Section I’s multiple-choice questions, you may possibly earn a 5.

    Great care is taken by all involved in the scoring and reading of exams to make certain that they are graded consistently and fairly so that a student’s overall AP grade reflects as accurately as possible the student’s achievement in calculus.


    Students who take the BC exam are given a Calculus BC grade and a Calculus AB subscore grade. The latter is based on the part of the BC exam that deals with topics in the AB syllabus.

    Using Your Graphing Calculator on the AP Exam

    Guidelines for Calculator Use

    1. On the multiple-choice questions in Section I, Part B, you may use any feature or program on your calculator. Warning: Don’t rely on it too much! Only a few of these questions require the calculator, and in some cases using it may be too time-consuming or otherwise disadvantageous.

    2. On the free-response questions in Section II, Part A:

    (a) You may use the calculator to perform any of the four procedures listed below. When you do, you need only write the equation, derivative, or definite integral (called the setup) that will produce the solution and then write the calculator result to the required degree of accuracy (three places after the decimal point unless otherwise specified). Note that a setup must be presented in standard algebraic or calculus notation, not in calculator syntax. For example, you must include in your work the setup even if you use your calculator to evaluate the integral.

    (b) For a solution for which you use a calculator capability other than the four listed below, you must write down the mathematical steps that yield the answer. A correct answer alone will not earn full credit and will likely earn no credit.

    (c) You must provide mathematical reasoning to support your answer. Calculator results alone will not be sufficient.

    The Four Calculator Procedures

    Each student is expected to bring a graphing calculator to the AP exam. Different models of calculators vary in their features and capabilities; however, there are four procedures you must be able to perform on your calculator:

    C1. Produce the graph of a function within an arbitrary viewing window.

    C2. Solve an equation numerically.

    C3. Compute the derivative of a function numerically.

    C4. Compute definite integrals numerically.

    The Procedures Explained

    Here is more detailed guidance for the four allowed procedures.

    C1. Produce the graph of a function within an arbitrary viewing window. More than likely, you will not have to produce a graph on the exam that will be graded. However, you must be able to graph a wide variety of functions, both simple and complex, and be able to analyze those graphs. Skills you need include, but are not limited to, typing complex functions correctly into your calculator including correct notation, which will ensure that the graph on the screen is what the question writer intended you to see, and finding a window that accurately represents the graph and its features. Note that on rare occasions you may wish to draw a graph in your exam booklet to justify an answer in the free-response section; such a graph must be clearly labeled as to what is being graphed, and there should be an accompanying sentence or two explaining why the graph you produced justifies the answer.

    C2. Solve an equation numerically is equivalent to Find the zeros of a function or Find the point of intersection of two curves. Remember: you must first show your setup—write the equation out algebraically; then it is sufficient just to write down the calculator solution.

    C3. Compute the derivative of a function numerically. When you seek the value of the derivative of a function at a specific point, you may use your calculator. First, indicate what you are finding—for example, f′(6)—then write the numerical answer obtained from your calculator. Note that if you need to find the derivative of the function, rather than its value at a particular point, you must write the derivative symbolically. Note that some calculators are able to perform symbolic operations.

    C4. Compute definite integrals numerically. If, for example, you need to find the area under a curve, you must first show your setup. Write the complete integral, including the integrand in terms of a single variable, with the limits of integration. You may then simply write the calculator answer; you need not compute an antiderivative.


    Calculator answers must be correct to three decimal places. To achieve this required accuracy, never type in decimal numbers unless they came from the original question. Do not round off numbers at intermediate steps, as this is likely to produce error accumulations that could result in a loss of credit. If necessary, store intermediate answers in the calculator’s memory. Do not copy them down on paper; storing is faster and avoids transcription errors. Round off, or truncate, only after your calculator produces the final answer.

    Sample Solution for a Free-Response Question

    The following example question illustrates proper use of your calculator on the AP exam. This example has been simplified (compared to an actual free-response question); it is designed to illustrate just the procedures (C1–C4) that you can use by supplying the setup and the value from your calculator.


    For 0 ≤ t ≤ 3, a particle moves along the x-axis. The velocity of the particle at time t is given by . The particle is at position x = 5 at time t = 2.

    (a) Find the acceleration of the particle at t = 2.

    Solution (a)

    The acceleration is the derivative of the velocity—that connection must be made in your work. (C3) Since the velocity function is defined, you can use the derivative at a point function on your calculator to find v′(2). The calculator gives the value as v′(2) = –3.78661943164, which you may write as either v′(2) = –3.787 or v′(2) = –3.786 under the decimal presentation rules.

    Your work should look like this:

    (b) At what time(s) is the velocity of the particle equal to zero?

    Solution (b)

    (C2) You will need to solve the equation v (t) = 0. Some calculators have a solve function on the calculator/home screen, but sometimes they are a little difficult to work with. (C1) Our suggestion is to graph the function, v (t), and use the calculator’s root/zero function on the graph page. There is only one zero for v (t) on the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 3, and it occurs at t = 2.64021.

    Your work should look like this:

    (c) Find the position of the particle at t = 1.

    Solution (c)

    (C4) You will use a definite integral by using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC) to find the position. The form of the FTC you use is . Using this form of the FTC, you need to know a value of the function, f(a), and the rate of change of the function, f′(x). Here we know the position at t = 2 (i.e., x(2) = 5), and the rate of change of the position is the velocity, x′(t) = v(t). We want to find x(1), so our setup using the FTC is , and our calculator gives a value of 0.4064274888. Notice in the work below that we left the integrand as v(t); you may also do this on the AP Calculus exam since it is a defined function.

    Your work should look like this:

    A Note About Solutions in This Book

    Students should be aware that in this book we sometimes do not observe the restrictions cited previously on the use of the calculator. When providing explanations for solutions to illustrative examples or to exercises, we often exploit the capabilities of the calculator to the fullest. Indeed, students are encouraged to do just that on any question in Section I, Part B of the AP exam for which they use a calculator. However, to avoid losing credit, you must carefully observe the restrictions imposed on when and how the calculator may be used when answering questions in Section II of the exam.

    Additional Notes and Reminders

    SYNTAX. Learn the proper syntax for your calculator: the correct way to enter operations, functions, and other commands. Parentheses, commas, variables, or parameters that are missing or entered in the wrong order can produce error messages, waste time, or (worst of all) yield wrong answers.

    RADIANS. Keep your calculator set in radian mode. Almost all questions about angles and trigonometric functions use radians. If you ever need to change to degrees for a specific calculation, return the calculator to radian mode as soon as that calculation is complete.

    TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Many calculators do not have keys for the secant, cosecant, or cotangent functions. To obtain these functions, use their reciprocals.

    For example, .

    Evaluate inverse functions such as arcsin, arccos, and arctan on your calculator. Those function keys are usually denoted as sin–1, cos–1, and tan–1.

    Don’t confuse reciprocal functions with inverse functions. For example:

    NUMERICAL DERIVATIVES. You may be misled by your calculator if you ask for the derivative of a function at a point where the function is not differentiable because the calculator evaluates numerical derivatives using the difference quotient (or the symmetric difference quotient). For example, if f(x) = |x|, then f′(0) does not exist. Yet the calculator may find the value of the derivative as

    Remember: always be sure f is differentiable at a before asking the calculator to evaluate f′(a).

    IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Most calculators can compute only definite integrals. Avoid using yours to obtain an improper integral, such as

    FINAL ANSWERS TO SECTION II QUESTIONS. Although we usually express a final answer in this book in simplest form (often evaluating it on the calculator), this is hardly ever necessary for Section II questions on the AP exam. According to the directions printed on the exam, unless otherwise specified (1) you need not simplify algebraic or numerical answers and (2) answers involving decimals should be correct to three places after the decimal point. However, be aware that if you try to simplify, you must do so correctly or you will lose credit.

    USE YOUR CALCULATOR WISELY. Bear in mind that you will not be allowed to use your calculator at all in Part A of Section I. In Part B of Section I and Part A of Section II, only a few questions will require one. The questions that require a calculator will not be identified. You will have to be sensitive not only to when it is necessary to use the calculator but also to when it is efficient to do so.

    The calculator is a marvelous tool, capable of illustrating complicated concepts with detailed pictures and of performing tasks that would otherwise be excessively time-consuming—or even impossible. But the completion of calculations and the displaying of graphs on the calculator can be slow. Sometimes it is faster to find an answer using arithmetic, algebra, and analysis without turning to the calculator. Before you start pushing buttons, take a few seconds to decide on the best way to solve a problem.

    Diagnostic Tests

    Diagnostic Test Calculus AB

    Section I

    Part A


    1. is





    2. is





    3.If, for all x, f′(x) = (x – 2)⁴(x – 1)³, it follows that the function f has

    (A)a relative minimum at x = 1

    (B)a relative maximum at x = 1

    (C)both a relative minimum at x = 1 and a relative maximum at x = 2

    (D)relative minima at x = 1 and at x = 2

    4.Let . Which of the following statements is (are) true?

    I.F′(0) = 5

    II.F(2) < F(6)

    III.F is concave upward

    (A)I only

    (B)II only

    (C)I and II only

    (D)I and III only

    5.If f(x) = 10x and 10¹.⁰⁴ ≈ 10.96, which is closest to f′(1)?





    6.If f is differentiable, we can use the line tangent to f at x = a to approximate values of f near x = a. Suppose that for a certain function f this method always underestimates the correct values. If so, then in an interval surrounding x = a, the graph of f must be



    (C)concave upward

    (D)concave downward

    7.If f(x) = cos x sin 3x, then is equal to





    8. is equal to




    (D)ln 2

    9.The graph of f″ is shown below. If f′(1) = 0, then f′(x) = 0 at what other value of x on the interval [0,8]?





    Questions 10 and 11. Use the following table, which shows the values of differentiable functions f and g.

    10.If P(x) = (g(x))², then P′(3) equals





    11.If H(x) = f–1(x), then H′(3) equals





    12.The total area of the region bounded by the graph of and the x-axis is





    13.The graph of is concave upward when

    (A)x > 3

    (B)1 < x < 3

    (C)x < 1

    (D)x < 3

    14.As an ice block melts, the rate at which its mass, M, decreases is directly proportional to the square root of the mass. Which equation describes this relationship?





    15.The average (mean) value of tan x on the interval from x = 0 to is





    16.If y = x² ln x for x > 0, then y″ is equal to

    (A)3 + ln x

    (B)3 + 2 ln x

    (C)3 + 3 ln x

    (D)2 + x + ln x

    17.Water is poured at a constant rate into the conical reservoir shown in the figure. If the depth of the water, h, is graphed as a function of time, the graph is



    (C)concave upward

    (D)concave downward

    18.If , then

    (A)f(x) is not continuous at x = 1

    (B)f(x) is continuous at x = 1 but f′(1) does not exist

    (C)f′(1) = 2

    (D) does not exist

    19. is





    Questions 20 and 21. The graph below consists of a quarter-circle and two line segments and represents the velocity of an object during a 6-second interval.

    20.The object’s average speed (in units/sec) during the 6-second interval is





    21.The object’s acceleration (in units/sec²) at t = 4.5 is





    22.The slope field shown above is for which of the following differential equations?





    23.If y is a differentiable function of x, then the slope of the curve of xy² – 2y + 4y³ = 6 at the point where y = 1 is





    24.In the following, L(n), R(n), M(n), and T(n) denote, respectively, left, right, midpoint, and trapezoidal sums with n equal subdivisions. Which of the following is not equal exactly to ?





    25.The table shows some values of a differentiable function f and its derivative f′:

    Find .





    26.The solution of the differential equation for which y = –1 when x = 1 is

    (A) for x ≠ 0

    (B) for x > 0

    (C)ln y² = x² – 1 for all x

    (D) for x > 0

    27.The base of a solid is the region bounded by the parabola y² = 4x and the line x = 2. Each plane section perpendicular to the x-axis is a square. The volume of the solid is





    28.Which of the following could be the graph of ?





    29.If F(3) = 8 and F′(3) = –4, then F(3.02) is approximately





    30.If , then F′(x) =





    Part B


    Questions 31 and 32. Refer to the graph of f′ below.

    31.f has a local maximum at x =

    (A)3 only

    (B)4 only

    (C)2 and 4

    (D)3 and 4

    32.The graph of f has a point of inflection at x =

    (A)2 only

    (B)3 only

    (C)2 and 3 only

    (D)2 and 4 only

    33.For what value of c on 0 < x < 1 is the tangent to the graph of f(x) = ex x² parallel to the secant line on the interval (0,1)?





    34.Find the volume of the solid generated when the region bounded by the y-axis, y = ex, and y = 2 is rotated around the y-axis.





    35.The table below shows the hit rate for an Internet site, measured at various intervals during a day. Use a trapezoid approximation with 6 subintervals to estimate the total number of people who visited that site.





    36.The acceleration of a particle moving along a straight line is given by a = 6t. If, when t = 0, its velocity, v, is 1 and its position, s, is 3, then at any time t

    (A)s = t³ + 3

    (B)s = t³ + t + 3



    37.If y = f(x²) and then is equal to





    38.Find the area of the first quadrant region bounded by y = x², y = cos (x), and the y-axis.





    39.If the substitution x = 2t + 1 is used, which of the following is equivalent to ?





    40.An object moving along a line has velocity v(t) = t cos t – ln (t + 2), where 0 ≤ t ≤ 10. How many times does the object reverse direction?





    41.A 26-foot ladder leans against a building so that its foot moves away from the building at the rate of 3 feet per second. When the foot of the ladder is 10 feet from the building, the top is moving down at the rate of r feet per second, where r is





    42.The functions f(x), g(x), and h(x) have derivatives of all orders. Listed above are values for the functions and their first and second derivatives at x = 3. Find .





    43.The graph above shows an object’s acceleration (in ft/sec²). It consists of a quarter-circle and two line segments. If the object was at rest at t = 5 seconds, what was its initial velocity?

    (A)–2 ft/sec

    (B)3 – π ft/sec

    (C)π – 3 ft/sec

    (D)π + 3 ft/sec

    44.Water is leaking from a tank at the rate of gallons per hour, where t is the number of hours since the leak began. To the nearest gallon, how much water will leak out during the first day?





    45.Find the y-intercept of the line tangent to y = (x³ – 4x² + 8)ecos x² at x = 2.





    Section II

    Part A



    1.When a faulty seam opened at the bottom of an elevated hopper, grain began leaking out onto the ground. After a while, a worker spotted the growing pile below and began making repairs. The following table shows how fast the grain was leaking (in cubic feet per minute) at various times during the 20 minutes it took to repair the hopper.

    (a)Estimate L′(15) using the data in the table. Show the computations that lead to your answer. Using correct units, explain the meaning of L′(15) in the context of the problem.

    (b)The falling grain forms a conical pile that the worker estimates to be 5 times as far across as it is deep. The pile was 3 feet deep when the repairs had been half-completed. How fast was the depth increasing then?

    NOTE: The volume of a cone with height h and radius r is given by: .

    (d)Use a trapezoidal sum with seven subintervals as indicated in the table to approximate . Using correct units, explain the meaning of in the context of the problem.

    2.An object in motion along the x-axis has velocity v(t) = (t + et)sin t² for 1 ≤ t ≤ 3.

    (a)At what time, t, is the object moving to the left?

    (b)Is the speed of the object increasing or decreasing when t = 2? Justify your answer.

    (c)At t = 1, this object’s position was x = 10. What is the position of the object at t = 3?

    Part B



    3.The graph of function f consists of the semicircle and line segment shown in the figure below. Define the area function for 0 ≤ x ≤ 18.

    (a)Find A(6) and A(18).

    (b)What is the average value of f on the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 18?

    (c)Write an equation of the line tangent to the graph of A at x = 6. Use the tangent line to estimate A(7).

    (d)Give the coordinates of any points of inflection on the graph of A. Justify your answer.

    4.Consider the curve: 2x² – 4xy + 3y² = 16.

    (a)Show .

    (b)Verify that there exists a point Q where the curve has both an x-coordinate of 4 and a slope of zero. Find the y-coordinate of point Q.

    (c)Find at point Q. Classify point Q as a local maximum, local minimum, or neither. Justify your answer.

    5.The graph above represents the curve C, given by for –2 ≤ x ≤ 11.

    (a)Let R represent the region between C and the x-axis. Find the area of R.

    (b)Set up, but do not solve, an equation to find the value of k such that the line x = k divides R into two regions of equal area.

    (c)Set up but do not evaluate an integral for the volume of the solid generated when R is rotated around the x-axis.

    6.Let y = f(x) be the function that has an x-intercept at (2,0) and satisfies the differential equation .

    (a)Write an equation for the line tangent to the graph of f at the point (2,0).

    (b)Solve the differential equation, expressing y as a function of x and specifying the domain of the function.

    (c)Find an equation of each horizontal asymptote to the graph of y = f(x).

    Answer Explanations*

    Section I: Multiple-Choice

    Part A

    1. (A)Use the Rational Function Theorem (page 84); the ratio of the coefficients of the highest power of x is .(Review Chapter 2)

    2. (D)

    , so .(Review Chapter 3)

    3. (A)Since f′(1) = 0 and f′ changes from negative to positive there, f reaches a minimum at x = 1. Although f′(2) = 0 as well, f′ does not change sign there, and thus f has neither a maximum nor a minimum at x = 2.(Review Chapter 4)

    4. (C) , and .(Review Chapter 6)

    5. (D) .(Review Chapter 3)

    6. (C)The graph must look like one of these two:

    (Review Chapter 4)

    7. (D)f′(x) = 3 cos x cos 3x – sin x sin 3x.

    (Review Chapter 3)

    8. (B) (Review Chapter 5)

    9. (B)Let . Then f′ increases for 1 < x < 2, and then begins to decrease. In the figure above, the area below the x-axis, from 2 to 3, is equal in magnitude to that above the x-axis; hence, .

    (Review Chapter 6)

    10. (D)P′(x) = 2g(x) ⋅ g′(x); P′(3) = 2g(3) ⋅ g′(3) = 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 = 12.(Review Chapter 3)

    11. (D)Note that H(3) = f–1 (3) = 2. Therefore

    (Review Chapter 3)

    12. (C)Note that the domain of y is all x such that |x| ≤ 1 and that the graph is symmetric to the origin. The area is given by


    (Review Chapter 7)

    13. (D)Since

    y″ is positive when x < 3.(Review Chapter 4)

    14. (C) represents the rate of change of mass with respect to time; y is directly proportional to the square root of x if .(Review Chapter 9)

    15. (B)

    .(Review Chapter 6)

    16. (B) and .(Review Chapter 3)

    17. (D)As the water gets deeper, the depth increases more slowly. Hence, the rate of change of depth decreases: .(Review Chapter 4)

    18. (C)The graph of f is shown in the figure above; f is defined and continuous at all x, including x = 1. Since

    f′(1) exists and is equal to 2.(Review Chapter 3)

    19. (B)Since |x – 2| = 2 – x if x < 2, the limit as x → 2– is .(Review Chapter 2)

    20. (A)

    Note that the distance covered in 6 seconds is , the area between the velocity curve and the t-axis.(Review Chapter 6)

    21. (C)Acceleration is the slope of the velocity curve, .(Review Chapter 4)

    22. (D)Slopes are: 1 along y = x, –1 along y = –x, 0 along x = 0, and undefined along y = 0.(Review Chapter 9)

    23. (A)Differentiating implicitly yields 2xyy′ + y² – 2y′ + 12y²y′ = 0. When y = 1, x = 4. Substitute to find y′.(Review Chapter 3)


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