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Srsly Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids
Srsly Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids
Srsly Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids
Ebook56 pages17 minutes

Srsly Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids

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What word looks the same same backwards and upside down?


Why did pilgrims' pants always fall down?

Because they wore their belt buckles on their hats.

Why was the broom late?

It overswept.
What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?

The next time your young comedian is looking to serve up priceless entertainment, share Srsly. Best. Jokes. Ever.!
Get ready for unending hilarity and unyielding giggle attacks, because these jokes do not quit!
If you do not think cows and pigs could get any funnier, think again. Srsly. Best. Jokes. Ever. is sure to have you rolling on the floor with laughter with smiles so big your cheeks hurt...srsly! 
Release dateMay 1, 2017
Srsly Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids

Chantelle Grace

CHANTELLE GRACE is a witty wordsmith who loves art, music, and competitive games. As she works her way through medical school, she knows it’s important to share the gift of laughter with those around her. When she’s not studying abroad, she makes her home in Prior Lake, Minnesota. 

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    Book preview

    Srsly Best Jokes Ever - Chantelle Grace


    What happens when you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?

    It gets wet.

    What’s black and white, black and white, and black and white?

    A zebra caught in a revolving door.

    What’s black and white, black and white, and green?

    Two skunks fighting over a pickle.

    When is a black dog not a black dog?

    When it’s a grey-hound.

    Why did the tomato turn red?

    Because it saw the salad dressing.

    What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

    A carrot.

    What bird is always sad?

    The blue jay.

    What’s green and smells like blue paint?

    Green paint.

    What color is a burp?


    What do you do when you find a blue elephant?

    Cheer it up.

    What do you do with a green monster?

    Wait until it’s ripe.

    What happened when a red ship crashed into a blue ship?

    The crew was marooned.

    What would you call the USA if everyone had a pink car?

    A pink carnation.

    What is a cheerleader’s favorite color?



    What goes through towns, up and over hills, but doesn’t move?

    The road.

    What did the little mountain say to the big mountain?

    Hi Cliff.

    What do you call a funny mountain?


    What is the best day to go to the

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