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The A-Z of Service Excellence: The Essential Guide to Becoming a Customer Service Professional
The A-Z of Service Excellence: The Essential Guide to Becoming a Customer Service Professional
The A-Z of Service Excellence: The Essential Guide to Becoming a Customer Service Professional
Ebook273 pages2 hours

The A-Z of Service Excellence: The Essential Guide to Becoming a Customer Service Professional

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About this ebook

Does the job you have (or the job you want) require customer interactions?

Do you want to handle difficult customers with ease?

Do you long for recognition of your customer service skills?

Do you know what it takes to be a customer service professional?

Every business has customers, and employers are seeking to hire, reta

Release dateSep 26, 2016

Cate Schreck

Cate Schreck is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Lightbulb Training Solutions and has over 30 years of experience in finance, retail, employment and training industries. Cate is an influential, inspirational and most importantly a practical workplace trainer, mentor and coach who has the rare ability of giving customer service providers a true sense of value in the workplace.

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    The A-Z of Service Excellence - Cate Schreck



    A bad attitude is like a flat tyre;

    you’re not going anywhere until

    you change it.


    When was the last time you received amazing customer service? I mean, really amazing. When you were so impressed that you told friends and family, and knew you would happily go back to that business again and again. What was it about the service that was so amazing?

    And when was the last time you had a terrible customer service experience? I mean the type that left you so frustrated or angry that you told your friends and family all about it, and vowed to never return to that business. What was it about that experience that was so bad?

    Most of the things we assess as excellent customer service are related to the attitude of the customer service provider. Similarly, most of the things we assess as terrible service also relate to the attitude of the service provider.

    The good news: your customer service attitude is 100 per cent within your control.

    The power of a positive attitude

    I grew up in a small country town in Western Victoria and when I went shopping, customer service was almost always provided by someone I knew. So the experience was very much like having a conversation with a friend. Friendly greetings were exchanged, along with pleasantries about family and perhaps a quick discussion about a current event in the town, and then you gave the other person payment for what you wanted to purchase.

    When I started shopping outside of my small country town, strangers provided the customer service and that made the interaction a little different. Some strangers were nice and straightaway treated me like a friend, and so the interaction was positive. Others barely looked at me, didn’t want to talk to me or were insincere in the way they greeted me. Their service provision made me feel like I was an interruption to their day. Sound familiar?

    Can you remember the first time you were a customer and what the experience was like? If you were like me, your first experience as a customer was when buying lollies. I was the kid that stood at the glass cabinet and asked for, ‘1 of those, and 2 of those and, no, maybe 3 of those and – how much is that and how much do I have left?’ Mixed lollies may indeed be the reason there were so many grumpy customer service providers in the 1970s and ’80s. How we were treated in our formative years as a customer may have had an impact on our current expectations of customer service providers, and our perception of whether or not it has a valuable role in society. And everyone tends to remember the negative experiences over the positive ones.

    Choosing the right customer service attitude is exactly that – a choice. Every day we make choices. From the moment we wake up we choose what to wear, what to eat, who to associate with and what to buy. Some choices we make without really considering the consequences of the decision. And sometimes that’s okay. Choosing to come to work with a negative attitude, however, can definitely have negative consequences. Customer service professionals make a conscious effort to choose a positive attitude every day, because they know how powerful the right attitude can be – not only for them, but also for everyone they interact with.

    When you make the choice to be positive, you can look forward to five things:

    1.   fewer complaints – customers prefer to do business with happy people

    2.   more sales and/or better business outcomes – customers trust people who can focus

    3.   reduced stress – customers never complain about genuine smiles

    4.   increased productivity – co-workers prefer to work with positive people

    5.   job security – employers want positive and productive staff.

    Proving you have a great customer service attitude

    Customer service excellence is as much about projecting a positive attitude as it is about your actions. The more positive your attitude towards your role as a service provider, the more positive the attitude you project to your customers. But remember: saying you have a positive attitude is great, but actions speak louder than words.

    Here are some examples of a great customer service

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