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Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners
Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners
Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners
Ebook63 pages55 minutes

Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners

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About this ebook

Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners is a comprehensive guide that takes readers on a step-by-step journey through the fundamental principles and practices of object-oriented programming (OOP) using Python. The book is designed to be accessible to beginners with little to no programming experience, and it provides a solid foundation for building more advanced applications.


The book begins with an introduction to the concepts of OOP and the benefits of using OOP in programming. It then moves on to cover the basics of Python syntax, data types, control statements, and functions, providing a strong foundation for understanding how OOP works in Python.


The book then dives into the core principles of OOP, explaining classes and objects, properties and methods, and inheritance and polymorphism. Readers will learn how to create and manage classes and objects, and how to use OOP to build scalable and maintainable applications.


The book also covers advanced OOP concepts, such as decorators and generators, design patterns, testing and debugging, and best practices for writing object-oriented code. Additionally, readers will learn how to apply OOP principles to real-world applications, such as GUI programming, web development, data science, and machine learning.


Throughout the book, readers will find numerous examples and exercises that reinforce the concepts they are learning. By the end of the book, readers will have a deep understanding of object-oriented programming principles and practices and will be able to apply them to real-world programming projects using Python.

Whether you are a student looking to learn the basics of programming, or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your skills and build more scalable and maintainable applications, Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners is an essential resource for mastering OOP with Python.

PublisherMay Reads
Release dateApr 28, 2024
Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners

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    Book preview

    Python Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners - May Reads

    Tom Lesley

    Table of Content

    Part 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

    Chapter 1: What is Object-Oriented Programming?

    Chapter 2: Understanding Classes and Objects

    Chapter 3: Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming

    Part 2: Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming in Python

    Chapter 4: Basic Syntax and Data Types

    Chapter 5: Control Statements and Loops

    Chapter 6: Functions and Methods

    Chapter 7: Built-in Classes and Functions

    Part 3: Creating and Managing Classes

    Chapter 8: Creating Classes and Objects

    Chapter 9: Properties and Methods

    Chapter 10: Inheritance and Polymorphism

    Chapter 11: Encapsulation and Abstraction

    Part 4: Advanced Concepts in Object-Oriented Programming

    Chapter 12: Decorators and Generators

    Chapter 13: Design Patterns and Refactoring

    Chapter 14: Testing and Debugging Object-Oriented Code

    Chapter 15: Best Practices and Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Part 5: Applying Object-Oriented Programming in Real-World Applications

    Chapter 16: Object-Oriented GUI Programming

    Chapter 17: Object-Oriented Web Development

    Chapter 18: Object-Oriented Data Science

    Chapter 19: Object-Oriented Machine Learning

    Part 6: Appendices

    Appendix A: Glossary of Terms

    Appendix B: Python IDEs and Tools

    Appendix C: Recommended Books and Resources

    Part 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

    Chapter 1: What is Object-Oriented Programming?

    Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that is based on the concept of objects. In OOP, an object is an instance of a class, which is a blueprint that defines the data and behavior of the object.

    The data and behavior of an object are encapsulated within the object, which means that the object is responsible for maintaining its own state and providing methods for interacting with that state. The data is often referred to as attributes or properties, while the behavior is often referred to as methods.

    OOP has four main concepts that it revolves around: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. Encapsulation refers to the concept of keeping data and behavior within an object, while inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and methods from other classes. Polymorphism refers to the ability of objects to take on multiple forms or behaviors, depending on their context. Abstraction allows complex systems to be broken down into simpler parts that can be more easily managed.

    OOP is widely used in software development due to its ability to create modular, reusable code that is easier to maintain and modify over time. It is used in a variety of programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++.

    Chapter 2: Understanding Classes and Objects

    In object-oriented programming (OOP), a class is a blueprint or a template that defines the attributes and behavior of a type of object. An object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class, which means that it is a specific realization of the class blueprint.

    Let's take an example of a class Car. The Car class could have attributes such as color, model, make, year, fuel type, maximum speed, etc. and methods such as start, accelerate, decelerate, stop, etc. These attributes and methods define the behavior and characteristics of the Car class.

    To create an object of the Car class, we can use the class blueprint to define the attributes of the car such as its color, model, make, year, fuel type, etc. and its methods such as start(), accelerate(), decelerate(), and stop(). For example, we could create a car object named myCar with the following attributes:

    goCopy code

    myCar.color = red myCar.model = Mustang myCar.make = Ford myCar.year = 2021myCar.fuel_type = gasoline

    Once we have created an object of the Car class, we can use its methods to perform actions on the car object. For example, we could use the start() method to start the car, the accelerate() method to increase its

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