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I Am A Survivor
I Am A Survivor
I Am A Survivor
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I Am A Survivor

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A survivor is having the heart of a fighter and learning who you are no matter what illnesses of trials you face. Like Reba McEntire says "Who I Am is Who I Want To Be: I am a Survivor." This book is about the life of the author. It focuses on her faith, her hope, and her endurance during the years of her illness. In this true story, you will le

Release dateSep 18, 2023
I Am A Survivor

Janice E. Holliman

JANICE E. HOLLIMAN has sone through so much in life like many different illnesses, accidents, trials and much more. She talks about how and why she keeps beating the odds. What she talks about most of is what it takes for her to keep fighting everything she has faced and still is facing. She tells how her view of life helps her to be a survivor. She tells how and why she's learning about and getting to know herself and her body to keep saving her. where she started the healing process first. She wrote this book because she felt that it would help so many by her encouragement. She talks about her Faith, her Hope, and her Endurance. She uses Poems. Tine Stories. Pictures, and Videos Links where you can see her personally. Where you can learn her personality, why she is who she is. You will have wows, ohhs. what's. how's, and I can't believe it and many laughs.

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    I Am A Survivor - Janice E. Holliman



    Being a Survivor is especially important and powerful. It helps me in so many ways. It has strengthened me. It has helped me to listen to others. It has helped me to listen to myself and my body, and most of all it has saved my life so many times in so many ways.

    Knowing each and every breath I take, I thank my Grand Creator above for each, and every breath, for each and everything I have learned, and for each and everything I do because I know my life really depends on it.

    Getting to know one’s-self is the most powerful weapon one can have, to protect one’s-self from anyone and everything we may come across in our life. Knowing one’s-self will help one save their life and maybe someone else’s. I am who I am because of everything I have gone through and how I handle it and knowing that I cannot do anything of my own, or on my own. You may be asking what I am talking about, well, let us see. First, may I ask how well do you know yourself?

    First, knowing yourself is truly knowing when there is the smallest change in your body, your mind, and your inner self. The way you do this is to pay close attention to yourself, your mind, your inner self, and all your surroundings.

    If you do not pay attention to yourself, how in the world can you know yourself?

    I can tell you this, it is not an easy thing to do because you must have the right mindset, willpower, strength, endurance, and most of all you must be strong, and let no one tell you what is and what is not wrong with you and your body. The reason is because they are not God because the very first thing, they say to you or ask you when they come in is How are you today or What brings you in today? Remember that they do not ask for it to be ugly, it is because they really do not know you or what is wrong with you. I am not being ugly; it is just the truth.

    The reason you want to get to know yourself is because you are the only one that can help them save your life because you have all the information. They will need to know in order to tell you what’s wrong and to help you feel better or get well. The questions they ask you are because they need a map to guide them on the right path or road to help you. So, remember to help yourself, is to know yourself and your body.

    Knowing yourself will empower you in whatever you face in life, and it will also give you the strength to fight and live. So, buckle up, and let us take this ride together. There is something that we will need, let us find out.

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why

    By taking the time out, to really get to know myself, because I needed

    to know what was happening to me.

    I tried everything else and wondered what else it could be.

    While I was coming to know myself, I was incredibly determined to learn

    everything I could because it meant I could save my life.

    It means I will be able to have the answers that all my doctors need to

    know without any trifle.

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why!

    I begin to stop and look around, I would

    close my eyes, I would sit, listen to myself, and by

    opening my mind.

    I would listen to the sounds; I could hear from both inside and outside

    my body, and I learned to let them become entwined.

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why!

    I first had to convince myself of my how, how can I help myself;

    how can I know who I am, who I am meant to be?

    I sat; I wondered how life made me who I am today; ‘Wow I am

    extremely interested in the things I found out about me.’

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why!

    As for my why, I wondered why I am here, and what do I have to offer.

    I wondered why I was created then it hit me, I stopped, and

    Looked at everything that I can see and that is all around.

    I am so glad, I listened to everything I heard, and see

    everything around me, I am incredibly happy with what I’ve


    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why!

    Is what made me, the person I have become to be.

    I tell you I am proud of this person I truly see

    and that is the real and true me.

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why

    This means I must take everything I say and do to heart,

    it is great to say I have a heart, and I

    will do my very best, not let it melt or be split apart.

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why

    And for knowing my how, yes, my how!

    I truly can say, I needed all the help I can get right now!

    I did not know how,

    but I did know I needed to do it right now!

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why

    And as for my why!

    I do not have to look at the blue sky!

    All I need to do is say goodbye to the old me,

    and become a new person with my brand-new mind’s eye.

    This means I must always pay close attention to myself; I, me

    see what’s going on, always going on around me.

    This means I must be aware of everything and everyone, keeping an open heart.

    I truly realized this will be my best and the greatest place for me to start.

    Therefore, I can truly say I am glad I decided to become the person I am today.

    I really did it my way!

    I truly can say!

    I truly am Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why!

    Because I am doing it with my open mind’s eye!

    I truly can say, I really did it my way!

    I must do this without being shy!

    I must say, this is a very good way to begin

    Knowing Myself, Knowing My How, And My Why!

    The Five Very Important Things I Need Is Faith, Hope, Joy, Endurance, and Love

    In the World of Illness. Before I Can Heal My Body and Have Inner Peace. The First Thing I Must Do Is Start Healing, I Must Start with My Mind!

    I Have Done It, So Can You See I Am Still Alive Because Of It!

    I Know Now What My Propose Is

    Faith is when I have total and complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Faith, is also having a strong belief in our Grand Creator loyally. It is when I have an allegiance to duty or a person with loyalty.

    Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen; it is a feeling of trust. It is a cherished desire with anticipation to want something to happen or to be true. It is what I feel in my heart. Yes, believing in something and someone beside myself I know I cannot live without it, and I will never want to.

    Joy is what brings a smile on my face when I see I have brought a smile to someone’s face. Joy is what makes me happy when I have done or said something kind for another person and not just myself. Joy also brings me peace of mind when I always bring peace to someone’s life.

    Endurance means to have the ability to keep doing something that may be difficult, unpleasant, or painful for a long time. It is to describe what I need to help me with my physical and mental strength to help keep me going like I am running a marathon or like giving birth, as for mental strength it helps me deal with stressful times, it gives me the Endurance to bounce back from heartbreak even from death of loved ones. This also works very well when I am sick because illness affects me in so many ways, and I cannot do anything without endurance if I want to survive.

    Endurance is the fact or power of ensuring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. It is the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions or stamina.

    Love is the most important thing I will always need and should have. Love never fails, it never has to say, I am sorry, it never shows pride, and it is not arrogant. Love is not selfish, and Love does not stumble! Love puts others first, yes before I can think of myself, I think of others, and it helps me treat others the same way I want them to treat me.

    Love tells me what I may not want to hear. Love helps me accept when others tell me the truth even if it hurts. Love comes in when every one of us just says thank you for caring enough to enlighten me on the matter even though I may not like it. Love should be easy, wait it is, but we are imperfect. Sometimes it is the hardest thing to have, to give, to show, to feel, or even do.

    It is so easy to say, I Love You but it is much harder to show I Love You. Because saying I Love You is like drinking water because we may say it because we must, or we feel we should so we can get through life. Like we need to drink water to keep living, to keep surviving.

    Love is an incredibly beautiful thing. All we need to do is show people that we love them, that we care for them, that we like them, that we will even die for them. Love is what really makes the world go around. There is so much I can say about love in the most positive way.

    Why My Faith, Why My Hope, Why My Joy, Why My Endurance and Why My Love?

    The reason I begin to really investigate and tap into my Faith, my Hope, my Endurance, and my Love. My FAITH because it would, and it has kept me alive. My HOPE is because as long as I know I have something to hope for, it keeps me going. My JOY because it is a joy to be alive. I know, I WILL survive. That's when I realized I need ENDURANCE. No, I can’t do or have any of these if I don’t have LOVE. Because it is what makes the world go around and it’s what keeps pushing me forward, therefore, I can honestly say I Love myself and I love life, I hope everyone Loves themselves too.

    Which is my focus to keep pushing myself beyond my last step. To keep learning all I need to learn about myself and the things going on in my life or the things around me and my life.

    Me learning myself, my how, and my why, as for learning myself I must see beyond what I can see with my naked eye. What was told to me by my family members which means it was passed down through generations. How many of us are told about our family history, and later we find out it may be more to it, or it may not be true? It can be more or less what was told so we really don’t know what is true until we find out for ourselves.

    You May Ask What About Me?

    You may wonder and ask how I can save myself. I asked myself that same question and I came to this conclusion, and I am so happy that I did. Now I can’t help myself, my family, my friends, and anyone else who would need my help or who will let me help them. I do this because I know what it is like to be lost in a place where no one understands you or believes you. I have seen so many people have lost their lives. If they had knowledge about themselves or had an idea of how to learn about themselves, they may have lived longer.

    Again, I must tell you, knowledge is power, and power is knowledge. The very first thing you need to know is you can’t do anything on your own or think that we know everything because believe me we know nothing about ourselves because we can’t guide our own footsteps. This is something that we all must learn; in doing so we must first have an open mind and heart and be willing to learn. Then do as much reading, research, and meditation about the matter as we can. If you are like me before you do any of this, you need to pray in order to really learn what you need to learn and to understand what you will learn about yourself.

    Doing these things will help you have faith, hope, joy, endurance, and love. When you have all these things it will give you the tools to be a Survivor as it did me. It will give you the strength to be a Survivor like it did me too. When you master these things or train yourself by using them the right way you can and will be able to say too, I Am A Survivor.

    This book is about me and my look at the world of illnesses which a lot of us are facing every day. I am writing this book to let people know that as long as we have Faith, Hope, Joy, Endurance, and Love, we can endure anything we face, what doesn't kill us will make us stronger.

    You will see how l view life and how I handle my illnesses, how you can live with yours, by you ruling it and not letting it rule you. I will include my intake on life while I take on all my illnesses and trials. The first thing I will need is faith, which comes from my heart. I need to take a good look at my life, meaning I must look deep within myself. As you read this book you will read about my life during my good and bad days. There will be laughter, joys, tears, and wows. I am dedicating this book to all my family and friends. I will also share some of their illnesses and trials. Some of the joys that come from my heart, I share with others.

    This book is about me going through so many illnesses to the point that a few of my doctors told me I should write a book and tell people about me and how I deal with all the things I have through the years. I told the main doctor that I should write a book. I told him he can write it; all I want is only 10% we both laughed.

    See, the reason they want me to write this is because of all the things I have faced and still facing. The reason is because they felt like people would like to know they can endure anything if they put their minds to it and have the will to live. Let me just say this I am not like everyone else, and my body is so different it’s crazy. You may have said or thought the same thing about yourself. I want to say, ‘it’s okay.’

    As you read you will see what I mean when I say, I don’t see things the same way other people do, I don’t think like others, I don’t act, I don’t expect anything like others, like how I should be, or how I should feel. You will understand that I have a lot of Faith, Hope, Joy, Endurance, and Love which is not by myself or man, they all come from above. Just because we are living in a dark world, I don’t have to live in a dark world, I don’t have to live my life dark. I have learned I can have faith, hope, and joy, which helps me have endurance as well, which has shown me there is also love all around me. If I just look for them and show them, yes, they are here, yes, they all are real. As you read this book it will become clear, and you will understand me and my life. Hope you will enjoy it!



    Iwill begin with the day of our wedding. It was in March of the year 1978. The morning of my wedding it snowed, that was a big deal because that was the first time it snowed in the south that I can remember.

    There were 25 people in our wedding party and our colors were burgundy, pink, powder blue, and white. The groom, Willie, matched the bridesmaids who wore burgundy, and the bride, me, matched the groomsmen including the two best men and a ring bearer who wore white. I had a maiden of honor, and maid of honor who both wore pink, and my two flower girls wore powder blue, cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land. Look at the crowds of water-gazers there.

    It was a nice wedding. I must say we did not have a honeymoon till this day. That Monday after the wedding I was so happy to be able to cook and have my husband eat my food. When he came home, he was shocked because it was a dish that he never had or heard of, we called it Goulash on a bed of White Rice. I really can say it was very good... a good meal, we ate it with Corn Muffins, with a glass of Iced Tea.

    After we ate, I cleaned the kitchen and after washing the dishes, I started wiping down the countertop and the dining table. I looked back, and I saw my husband coming behind me wiping down where I had already cleaned. I looked at him and I put my hands up in the air.

    You want it! You got it!

    March 6, 1978, was the beginning of Willie spoiling me. I cook and he did most of the cleaning for most of the past forty-one years. He was my dishwasher and sometimes he would also cook. I never took out the trash and before we got a washer and dryer, he would go to the laundromat for the first seven years.

    We were noticeably young, over forty-two years of marriage.

    I am very happy; I would not start my wedding until I got my flowers.

    This is one of our Wedding Pictures where we are eating cake!

    I have so much fun laughing at him and with him. He did and still says some of the funniest things. Like the time we went to visit his family he ran into the corner of a box then he looked at me and said,

    Willie: I am going to die because I just swallowed a piece of plastic.

    Everything you are putting me through you are going to get it back in spades through your children.

    We began laughing so hard that his family asked us what was so funny when we told them they began laughing too. I remember the time I asked him to get me some shrimp from the ‘Shrimp Boat.’ He got himself a plate of fried fish. He brought it home and said,

    Willie: I’m not going to eat this because of what I saw.

    He then threw it away; I just shook my head thinking man you are so crazy.

    Don’t tell me because I don’t want to throw up.

    Before we got married, I got on birth control pills because we wanted to wait a while before starting our family. I noticed they were not only making me gain weight, they were making me sick, so I started taking only half of a pill, but that didn’t work either. They still were not good for me. After three months, I stopped, because they really began to make me sicker.

    I gained like eighty pounds and that was the beginning of my health downward spiral. Within the first three months of my marriage, my body began to change. I began experiencing so many changes like pain. Man, oh man, the pain was very severe. I was so sick around that time of the month each month, then about four months later I went to the doctor who examined me and ran tests, told me.

    Dr. Jefferson: You have two tumors, one the size of an orange and the other the size of a grapefruit.

    Tumors are abnormal and function with less mass of tissue that is not inflammatory and arises from pre-existent tissue.

    I wanted a second opinion. Meanwhile, I went home and while I was there, I could barely walk. So, I went to the doctor. It was a female doctor, she examined me, and she told me the same thing, but she also told me.

    Dr. White: You have two choices to make, one is to have the surgery, or you can take (vitamin E,) which will dissolve or shrink the tumors, but I want you to know they can or will come back.

    I have nothing to lose, so I chose to take the (vitamin E.)

    About a week later I began to feel better, so I continued taking them, and they did dissolve or shrink. The reason I know is because I went back to the doctor, and he said they were gone. I was so glad. About two years later, I dealt with another female problem. This time it was to the point that I needed to have a D&C. This was the very first time I had ever been in the hospital or put to sleep. I was in the hospital for three days during our third year of marriage. As time passed, I will never forget this about a year later one of my friends told me.

    Kendrick: I was told that you were picking fun at them.

    I didn’t do any such thing, that’s not in me because I know how it feels when people pick on me. I know how it feels when people lie on me.

    That troubled me so bad that I had to go to the ER. They ran a lot of tests because they thought I was having a heart attack, but they found out that it was stress. I was relieved, I said.

    Oh, that’s good to know I am not having a heart attack.

    ER Doctor: If you don’t stop stressing out over things you will have a heart attack and die.

    This is the very day I decided I will not ever let anyone, or anything stress me out like that again. So, I sat down and thought about how I should handle the issue because I don’t like hurting anyone's feelings. If I am wrong, I will own up to it and make things right. So, I decided to go to that person and have a talk with them about the matter. We got things straight, and we are better friends. I didn’t know it then, but I use my mind to help heal my body and inner self. I did so by thinking about what I needed to do to help myself. I reminded myself that I could not rely on myself or do it alone. This has been over 35 years ago and that was the beginning of me starting with the mind without knowing how, or anything about my true self, without knowing what it takes to endure whatever trial I may face.

    I have tried losing weight many times over the past three years, but it’s like being on a roller coaster ride, because of the birth control pills. I tried different diets. I just couldn’t lose weight and keep it off, because those pills did a number on me.

    A year later, I decided I wanted to lose weight again, so I worked extremely hard to do so. We were living in an apartment on the second floor, when I came home from work, I would drop my bag, pick up my jump rope, and head to the parking lot, and I would jump rope for thirty minutes. Then I would go back inside and work out for another thirty minutes. I dieted Monday – Friday, but I would eat whatever I wanted in moderation on Saturdays and Sundays for seven months I lost weight. I didn’t know how much until I went to my doctor for my checkup. I got on the scale, and it said I lost 80 pounds.

    Oh, yeah I did it, I did it oh, yeah!

    I was so happy when I came out of the doctor's office, I was walking down the street, downtown. No! I was dancing and singing downtown. People were looking at me. I felt like I was making a movie, like a scene in the movie, ‘Singing in the Rain.’

    I didn’t care who and how they were looking at me because I was on a natural high of winning the battle of losing all that weight. Not only was I singing and dancing, but I also decided to treat myself. Yes, I treated myself to food on a Wednesday in the middle of the week! I decided to have Chinese food at our favorite restaurant. In our fourth year of marriage, we decided we were going to Hawaii the next year for our honeymoon and anniversary. So, we sat down and made our plans like how many days, what we were going to do, and the cost.

    Losing Weight Puts Me on A Natural High

    Losing weight is not an easy thing to do, but I know I need to

    get some of this weight off me, I really need to shed

    some of these pounds.

    What do I need to do? How am I going to feel better about myself?

    I know it’s not an easy thing to do, I wonder if I can

    hear myself say, I have lost weight, I have shed pounds,

    I wonder how this will sound.

    Losing Weight Puts Me on A Natural High

    Wow! Losing weight puts me on a natural high, because it makes

    me feel great about myself, it will help me learn something about

    myself, it will help me be the person I want to be and intend to be,

    it will help me see what I need to see.

    Losing Weight Puts Me on A Natural High

    Being on a natural high from losing weight ‘Wow,’ with me singing

    and smiling because, I have reached my goal of

    losing weight, I really, feel great.

    With me knowing I have reached my goal, of losing all this weight.

    I am on a natural high because I feel good about myself,

    now I truly can say

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