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C++ for Beginners: A Complete Course to Master the Fundamentals of C++ Programming
C++ for Beginners: A Complete Course to Master the Fundamentals of C++ Programming
C++ for Beginners: A Complete Course to Master the Fundamentals of C++ Programming
Ebook107 pages1 hour

C++ for Beginners: A Complete Course to Master the Fundamentals of C++ Programming

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If you are looking for a way to learn C++ programming from scratch, you have come to the right place. This book will teach you everything you need to know about C++, from the basics to the advanced features. You will discover how C++ works, how to write and run your own programs, and how to use C++ to solve real-world problems.

This book is suitable for beginners who have no prior experience with C++ or any other programming language. It is also a great resource for intermediate and advanced programmers who want to refresh their knowledge or learn new skills. By the end of this book, you will be able to:

Understand the syntax and structure of C++
Use variables, data types, operators, expressions, and statements
Control the flow of your program with loops, conditions, and functions
Organize your code with classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism
Implement generic programming with templates and macros
Handle errors and exceptions with try-catch blocks
Work with files, streams, and input/output operations
And much more!

This book is packed with examples, exercises, and tips to help you learn C++ in a fun and effective way. You will also find links to online resources and references for further learning. Whether you want to pursue a career in programming, enhance your existing skills, or simply enjoy coding as a hobby, this book will guide you through your journey into the world of C++ programming.

PublisherVere salazar
Release dateFeb 28, 2024
C++ for Beginners: A Complete Course to Master the Fundamentals of C++ Programming

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    Book preview

    C++ for Beginners - Vere salazar

    C++ for beginners

    A complete course to master the fundamentals of c++ programming

    Vere salazar

    Copyright © [2024] by [vere salazar] all rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by u.s. Copyright law.

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, investment, accounting or other professional services. While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional when appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, personal, or other damages.

    Table of contents


    Chapter 1: anatomy of c++

    Chapter 2: declaring constants

    Chapter 5: operator type and overloading

    Chapter 6: macros and template

    Chapter 7: classes

    Chapter 8: library

    Chapter 9: stl



    We,lcome, to the, wonde,rful world of programming, the, chapte,rs containe,d in this book will give, you a basic unde,rstanding of programming in c++. by its final chapte,r, you will be, able, to cre,ate, a comple,te, program on your own, using c++.

    This guide, is aime,d at ne,wcome,rs to c++. if, howe,ve,r, you are, e,ntire,ly ne,w to programming, i re,comme,nd first re,ading our prime,r to programming. it cove,rs all the, conce,pts, te,rms, programming paradigms, and coding te,chnique,s that a comple,te, novice, ne,e,ds to know.

    This guide,book is going to take, some, time, to look ove,r all of the, things that we, can do with the, c++ language,, and how be,ne,ficial le,arning this language, can be,.

    This obje,ct-orie,nte,d programming course, in c++ language, pre,se,nts le,arne,rs with the, conce,pts and te,chnique,s ne,ce,ssary to de,sign, de,ve,lop and imple,me,nt a robust program mode,l e,ffe,ctive,ly. as a le,arne,r, you will be, able, to grasp practical knowle,dge, on how to apply the, fundame,ntal conce,pts of obje,ct-orie,nte,d analysis and de,sign and solve, various proble,ms in your day to day activitie,s.

    C++ is a compute,r programming language, wide,ly use,d for ge,ne,ral-purpose, programming. it is an e,xte,nsion of c-language,. the, basic unde,rstanding of c++ can be, acquire,d from c. that’s why both compute,r language,s are, re,pre,se,nte,d as c/c++. bjarne, stroustrup de,ve,lope,d this multi-paradigm language, in 1979.

    In today’s world, many ope,rating syste,ms use, c++ as the,ir basic language,. some, syste,m drive,rs, browse,rs, and game,s are, base,d on c++ programs. it is a fre,e, form, compile,d, and statically type,d programming language,. many profe,ssionals be,lie,ve, that c++ is the, most e,fficie,nt language, to achie,ve, the, de,sire,d re,sults.

    Le,arning code, is ultimate,ly the, language, of the, future,. we, have, all he,ard some,thing close, to that at some, point in our live,s.

    By the, time, you re,ach the, e,nd, you should have, no proble,m re,ading c++ code, and writing programs that are, both inte,re,sting and use,ful. so, le,t’s dive, in and le,arn c++.

    Chapte,r 1: anatomy of c++

    Introduction to programming language,s

    As you alre,ady know, the, program is nothing but a se,t of instructions. the,se, instructions are, e,xe,cute,d by the, hardware,, which is the, physical compute,r machine,ry. though mode,rn compute,rs are, fast, the,y have, the,ir limitations. compute,rs can only unde,rstand a se,t of instructions give,n in the,ir native, language,. for this, you should unde,rstand the, conce,pts of machine, language,, asse,mbly language,, and high-le,ve,l language,s.

    Machine, language,

    Though compute,rs are, ve,ry advance,d machine,s, the,y cannot unde,rstand language,s like, c++ dire,ctly. a compute,r only unde,rstands 0s and 1s. the,y are, calle,d bits. and the,y can only unde,rstand instructions give,n in the, binary format. e,ve,ry se,t of instructions that we, give, to sle,e,p you are, translate,d into a se,t of instructions that te,ll the, proce,ssor to do a particular job. you should unde,rstand that diffe,re,nt type,s of proce,ssors have, diffe,re,nt type,s of instruction se,ts. for e,xample,, the, pe,ntium proce,ssors will only unde,rstand the,ir instructions se,t. it is a similar case, with macintosh. in the, ve,ry be,ginning, programme,rs had to write, the,ir instructions in the, binary language,. it was ve,ry time,-consuming and challe,nging. luckily, we, don’t have, to go through all of that.

    Asse,mbly language,

    As the, machine, language, is tough to de,al with, a ne,w language, calle,d the, asse,mbly language, was inve,nte,d. he,re, e,ve,ry instruction is give,n a short name,, and the, variable,s are, re,place,d by name,s and not by binary digits, making it e,asy for a programme,r to write, code,. you may ask how you can unde,rstand and asse,mbly language,. it cannot. the, asse,mbly language, will be, conve,rte,d into machine, language, with the, he,lp of an asse,mble,r. you should re,me,mbe,r that e,ach cpu has its asse,mbly language,. so, the, asse,mbly language, of a cpu cannot be, run on a diffe,re,nt cpu. e,ve,n asse,mbly language, has got its drawbacks. the,y re,quire, large, se,ts of instructions, e,ve,n for simple, tasks.

    High-le,ve,l language,

    The, high-le,ve,l programming language,s came, into e,xiste,nce, to solve, those, proble,ms that the, asse,mbly and machine, language,s we,re, causing. the,se, can run on any compute,r. high-le,ve,l language,s come, with a program calle,d a compile,r. the, role, of a compile,r is to ge,ne,rate, an e,xe,cutable, file, or a program that a cpu can dire,ctly unde,rstand. the,se, programs are, standalone, programs. the, mode,rn compile,rs that are, available, today are, ve,ry e,fficie,nt and fast and conve,rting the, code, into an e,xe,cutable, format. some, of the, programming language,s use, the, inte,rpre,te,r.

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