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Notes on Becoming a Spiritual Baddass...
Notes on Becoming a Spiritual Baddass...
Notes on Becoming a Spiritual Baddass...
Ebook146 pages1 hour

Notes on Becoming a Spiritual Baddass...

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Notes on Becoming a Spiritual Baddass is a this year's work by International Spiritual Transformation Author and Self Help Expert Janice M. Mann. This book is a body of knowledge that will start where you are and take you to a higher level of consciousness! Twenty-one chapters in an easy to read format including information on Love, Fait

Release dateFeb 29, 2024
Notes on Becoming a Spiritual Baddass...

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    Notes on Becoming a Spiritual Baddass... - JANICE M MANN




    Janice M. Mann

    All Rights Reserved

    Janice M. Mann

    Janice Mann Worldwide, Inc.

    Copyright February 10, 2024

    Published in the United States of America

    ISBN# 979-8-8689-8773-1

    No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process or in any form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use---other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews---without prior written permission of the author.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly.

    The intent of the author is to offer information of a general nature to help you on your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you may use any of this information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.


    This book is dedicated to all those inquiring folks growing to raise their consciousness with an intention to raise their vibration and come from the transformative power of love. It is also dedicated to all my friends in the 12 Step Recovery Community. You are doing the spiritual work that heals yourself and us all. Afterall, we are all One.

    The most deepest of dedication is to my wife, my partner, the love of my life, Deborah Bradford. She has the been the support for me that so many people pray for and do not receive. I am blessed beyond measure to love you. And be loved by you! I love you more every day! A special THANK YOU to Sean Lyons for his generous technical skills.


    You are already on a journey that started the moment you opened this book to consider becoming a ‘spiritual badass. Janice Mann is the perfect guide if you are ready to grow to the next level of consciousness and happiness. Janice has earned her stripes and then some by living into spiritual badassery and creating a life that demonstrates these down to earth and very real practices.

    You will quickly learn that Janice does not pull any punches and she tells it like it is. Janice delineates the processes of creating a different life based on her own hard-earned experience. She cares enough for humanity and you, her fellow potential ‘spiritual badass’, to write the formula down for you so you can find your way with an already traveled road map. You can have the same results of a transformed life like Janice, that is a living testimony of love and grace, if you follow the wisdom that Janice shares. Her understanding and explanations will guide you if you should choose to follow.

    Spiritual Badass is a title that not everyone can claim but Janice Mann wears it well. May your adventure into this material bring you to your greatest adventure yet! We know you want it so just keep reading and follow your map maker to your best spiritual badass self!

    Reverend Kyra Baehr

    Minister, Unity Bay Area Houston

    League City, TX


    GOD has a profound sense of humor. How do I prove that statement? GOD called me to write this book. Now you need some quick history here, both my Presbyterian raised Scottish Grandfather and my Presbyterian American father were called to the ministry at early ages. I understood far too early for me that the ministry was to be my career. At age ten, I would be in our basement holding a complete church service with no one there but me. I observed and then I acted it out. In my teenage years I felt the call. I fought it with all that I had. I am the preacher’s kid you hear about that is / was wild and reluctant to take on the responsibility of those tasks. I did rebel quite strongly with many years of self-sabotage and self-medicating behaviors. I fought hard.

    At some point I began to read about many religions and belief systems. I was interested in theology. I took some courses on Religion at college. I earned a minor in Religious Studies. I found myself in a student clergy position with Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Churches. Later I was the Lay Pastor at a small West Virginia church. The entire time I was struggling about being lesbian and Christian. I wondered how a loving GOD could create me to be so threatening to heterosexual people. This topic took some time to unravel.

    Back to GOD’s sense of humor. Life kept happening and I found myself working in a mental health system. I was taught by my parents that we were here to serve others. Many years of working in mental health and then in advocacy of those who had disabling conditions kept me hopping. I went into sales on the side to make more money. What did I sell? Spiritual books, tarot, pendulums, crosses, whatever. I sold products that would help others get and stay healthy. The joke was on me. GOD and I were healing all my wounds as I was serving others in many varying facets of life. You see I was not going to take a call to a ministry to a church. But I was serving others and Being the Light.

    Fast forward many years… here I am working on a dual doctorate in Divinity and Metaphysics; writing books to help others become more enlightened, aware and raising their consciousness. Ironic to me that in my world I am doing the same thing Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Paramahansa Yogananda and Krishna were teaching. Being the LIGHT. I’m pretty sure that is answering a call to ministry. Now, please understand I do not consider myself in the same class as these spiritual leaders. Not by a long shot.

    The point is,

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