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So Who's Crazy
So Who's Crazy
So Who's Crazy
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So Who's Crazy

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"America Kills its Wounded" is no mere saying-it's a harrowing reality.

In "So Who's Crazy?" Dr. Jan Lightfoot lays bare a chilling narrative of survival against a backdrop of systemic oppression.

Release dateDec 6, 2023
So Who's Crazy

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    So Who's Crazy - PhD Jan Lightfoot


    About the Cover Design

    The front book cover is from page 50 of my eBook, Breathe Jan—my first attempt to keep myself alive until I can see an honorable earthly judge. Meanwhile, I must expose the crimes and culprits of secrecy operating mental health warrant mills, destructive actions, and debt collections through hidden government initiatives. I am the victim-witness of false imprisonment by a hospital in the home of the Sugar Land 95 slave graveyard—Fort Bend County, Texas, where slavery still lives thru systemic illegal involuntary commitments (SIIC) in committing insurance fraud. The Department of Labor (DOL) and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) initiated the deadly plot, joined by the Texas Medicolegal Mafia under the authority of the Texas Judicial System. The oppressors severely endangered my life by treating their deadly defamations as facts.

    I’ve not received justice, only gaslighting, silent treatments, unresponsiveness, stonewalling, retaliation, and obstruction. So, I must break the silence, not allow this injustice to defeat me or be swept under the rug, knowing it is destroying countless others, only to resurface in causing me to suffer further injury, debilitation, or untimely death. The inconceivable terror of blatant theft and murder caused me to lose my faith, being fully aware of a conspiracy to debilitate me into a nursing home or murder me with lethal dosages masked as medical care by members of my profession. I observed America’s governmental system seeking to murk me undercover, hidden in plain sight, to silence me and stop my earned-entitled disability, injury, and retirement benefits. Thanks to Persons of The Vine, I escaped this deathtrap secretly and falsely branding me as an incompetent-psycho-gun-threat to take my entitlements and my life."

    In 2000, the DOL, VA, and Social Security Administration (SSA) villainized me as a criminalized crazy person, defying my status as an injured federal employee with 45 years of creditable service. They misidentified me to allow these systems to steal my benefits with fabricated documents—where I lived before. Thus, I went to the root of the lies that began with my biological mother—the circumstances of my birth that morphed into government oppression by busybodies (1 Peter 4:15). They used my pre-adoption trauma to create a hostile and delusional environment by rumoring I made myself and my story up. Then my oppressors secretly disclosed and used their lies to bankrupt and destroy me without a trace—to commit a perfect crime and murder.

    Fortunately, one strength resurfaced from my pre-adoption past in Bryan-College Station—my Texas Aggie experience that parallels the irony of this narrative. My oppressors didn’t know Colored Aggie Children of God don’t die in secret lethal actions. So, oppressors should never plot to murder an Aggie, especially a Colored Child of God (CCOG). We’ve been thru hell and high water with whites and blacks and will raise hell to keep breathing until God calls us home, not die in covert plots for government to kill its bill—Me. Instead, Aggies die in public bonfire tragedies."

    C:\Users\Jan Lightfoot\Desktop\Desk Top April-20-19\Musical-notes-gif-niXnX7E5T.gif Kill, Kill, Kill Yo Bill

    Kill, kill, kill yo bill,

    When you want to pay no more,

    When Uncle Sam don’t want to pay you,

    That’s the way he rolls,

    But General Motors would go broke,

    If nobody paid their car notes,

    How do you just kill, kill, kill yo bill,

    When you don’t want to pay anymore?

    C:\Users\Jan Lightfoot\Desktop\Desk Top April-20-19\Musical-notes-gif-niXnX7E5T.gif

    J. Lightfoot


    "To my beloved biological sons—Brandon and Justin Christopher—the two young men who gave my life meaning and caused me not to quit. You suffered the most as I struggled to rear you after being sickened and left with meager means resulting from the brutal retaliation of American oppression. Most of all, thank you for bringing the utmost incredible joy a mother can have—my beautiful grandchildren, Cynai, Asa (Brandon), and Giana (Justin) Christopher, who gave me all the more reasons to push against the turbulent tide with corrective love that conquers all.

    To inspire you, I made my lemons into lemonade, teaching you to approach life with gratitude, responsibility, respect for authority, integrity, character, discipline, and love.

    Thank you for allowing me to continue to be a positive influence in your lives."

    Your ever-loving mom,

    Dr. Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot

    Special Dedications

    To Pastor Quinnzhahn Rodney Barnes (1976–2021), my beloved godson whom I raised with Brandon and Justin for several beautiful years:

    I am thankful for the joy you brought into my heart. This joy outweighs the sadness of your self-inflicted demise and the endangerment of being marked for death in the isolation of immunized governmental abuse. Knowing of the church and federal work abuse I suffered for being diagnosed with an occupational mental illness from the ’90s until now, particularly learning about the VA-Department of Labor-Oak Bend-Fort Bend County 2018 Deadly Christmas Torture when I just came up missing, you said, Oh, no! I can’t risk what you’ve been thru—being shamed, called crazy, stigmatized, locked up, and nearly killed by the government! Since I failed to help you to get the help you needed, I am dedicating my mental health advocacy to you to encourage and guide others in getting good mental health treatment by fighting against the stigma, oppression, and destruction of people who need mental health care. Thus, I am devoted to combatting psychiatric racism, systemic oppression, illegal involuntary commitments, racketeering, criminal conspiracies, and hazardous secret services, causing many to suffer. Even so, it is better to get the help you need, and be stigmatized, than to commit suicide. Oh, how I lament that you did not get the required services. I will miss you and never forget how loved you made me feel. Thank you for the eternal good memories we shared. Rest in peace, Son.

    Your ever-loving godmother, Mama Jan

    Special Dedications (Continued)

    To the late Prophetess Nora Kaye Thomas (1953–2022), Intercessor, Colleague, and Sister: From the time we first met, you laughed at me, with me, and without me, even concerning the present systemic endangerment against me. You knew who I am and considered it nothing for God. Your infectious laughter lifted me from despair, especially during the 2018 Oak Bend Christmas Torture I suffered. You saw beyond the present moment into God’s purpose for me concerning this dangerous oppression that initially caused me to lose my intellectual faith. However, God restored me as I followed your example to laugh, even at myself, whether in a crowd, alone, or persecuted. You considered difficult times as an opportunity for growth and joy and when these challenges tested your faith you developed perseverance, and became more mature and complete, lacking nothing (James 1:1-2). I yet suffer this life-endangering oppression, but, taking your lead, I am confident that God is working everything together for my good to protect, avenge, and empower me to destroy the evil works of Satan. Since, I was broken in the fire in God’s hands, I can feel his loving care. So, I wouldn’t take anything for my journey. Thank you for loving and covering me to the finishing line, even in that encircling cloud of witnesses. Until we meet again in Glory, I’ll continue the fight for what is right. Moreso, since someone spoke up for me, I will speak up for those who are voiceless. IJN, Amen.

    Your ever-loving prayer partner, friend, and sister, Pastor Lightfoot

    To Missionary Lillie Bell Lightfoot (1916−1973)—my Big Mama (grandmother): You taught me many valuable lessons to help me to survive like, Love God, your neighbor, and yourself, Clean as you go, Work before play, Keep your skirt down, You’re just as good as everyone else, Always tell the truth to come out on top, Never believe what folks think or say of you, only what God says, and Don’t answer to a name that is not your name, but you also taught me not to be offended by words, especially the N-word by saying, "NWords come in all colors—yellow, red, brown, black, and white too, but you don’t have to be one of them. Since you are a Colored Child of God, never forget that you’ll always be an NWord to white folks no matter how high you climb. If you forget, they’ll always let you know that they see you as an NWord by using other colored folks against you, just like they did in slavery, with house-NWord and field-NWord mess—using your own kind against you. You’re God’s child, and God is always in control of everything and everyone in heaven and earth, no matter what it looks like! I’m going home to be Jesus, JanJan; when you get ready to accept that I’m gone, I left something for you on my dresser at the family home. I’ll look down on you from above and always do as I taught you, and God will bless you.

    –-Big Mama--

    Dearest Beloved Grandmother,

    Your eternal love and wisdom have carried me through life’s storms. You positioned me to get the help I need by giving me your son (Sonny), love, knowledge, and Jesus. Now, I help others in the same manner I learned from God through you to let me know I am never alone. Thank you, Big Mama!"

    Your ever-loving granddaughter,



    from Clinical Nurse Practitioner Pauline Skinner

    There has always been skepticism of conspiracies to explain harmful and tragic events resulting from the actions of a powerful group. These explanations often reject the accepted narrative and are comprised of psychological factors and distrust of official sources.¹ Conspiracy explanations for hurtful events are not well accepted and may tragically isolate victims in the harmful event. Thus, listening ears and careful attentiveness may be blindsided by any suggestion of a conspiracy theory.

    Unproven conspiracy theories increased in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the Kennedy presidential assassination. However, the Tuskegee study (1932–1972), wherein researchers withheld treatment and allowed more than 100 black men to die despite the discovery of penicillin as a standard cure in 1947, proves governments do conspire against their own citizens.² Explanations of magical thinking and paranoia are also closely aligned with conspiracy theories. Consequently, observable and measurable documentation accompanies this narrative so that readers may decide between fact or fiction.

    I witnessed the effect of this injury on Dr. Lightfoot and examined the medical evidence. Consequently, I do not doubt that this book discloses a real and present American tragedy, not paranoia, delusions, magical thinking, or a conspiracy theory. I appreciate Dr. Lightfoot for penning this eye-opening and humiliating story, offering solutions to fix our broken mental health and medicolegal system. I pray that America’s justice system will accept this revelation as an opportunity to destigmatize, demarginalize, decriminalize, and safeguard those with mental conditions, so that they may heal.

    Pauline V. Skinner, RN, Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Houston, TX [October 22, 2022]


    Laughter is the best medicine because A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.

    (Prov. 17:22, NKJ)

    A Mother’s Lament Opened: After the work injury in 1989, though lost in the fog of faded, unprocessed memories, a mother’s name escaped me, but her mournful voice never left my mind with her crying, The government killed my baby girl because they owed her. She went in for a test but never came out, and nothing was wrong with her. What can I do to get justice for my precious daughter, Dr. Lightfoot? She pushed me to answer her weeping, but when reviewing the record back then, I had no idea I was not looking at her daughter’s history, only a made-up false reality hidden in secret disclosures and blinding codes to the naked eye. Thus, my mind’s eye entered a seemingly endless search for an answer.

    As a victim-witness of the unrequited lament of this mother who lost or daughter to governmental oppression and my lament as a daughter who lost my mother to religious oppression, my soul cried out for answers that led me into a valley of the shadow of death and in the isolation of immunized government abuse where I became targeted for death. Thus, I wrote this book first to clear my name from the detrimental branding of this hidden enemy, causing endangerment to my reputation, livelihood, and life. I also wrote to expose and combat systemic injustice, discriminatory gaslighting, and secret lethal actions resulting in all kinds of crimes against citizens, particularly against the mentally ill. Many of these crimes are encircled by systemic illegal involuntary commitments (SIIC)—secretly taking citizens’ liberty needlessly without due process and protection of the law thru document fraud to commit disability and injury insurance fraud. A lie treated as true is behind these injustices, and Illegal involuntary commitments are the primary mechanism by which these human rights violations and perfect crimes occur.

    Document fraud enacted by secretly altering existing records and inventing records that misrepresent the facts and make false statements is the second mechanism to complete these wrongs through the major medicolegal systems of justice and human services delivery—DHHS, SSA, DOL, DVA, and others. Parties to these crimes revealed themselves as I lived through the horror story of systemic injustice, death plots, and discriminatory gaslighting. This abuse began in my adult life on June 15, 1989, when a federal work injury resulted in a stress occupational disability. Then the abuse extended into my community in 2000 thru retaliatory harassment and the creation of a hostile living environment by the Veteran’s Administration and Department of Labor due to them not wanting to pay me for my federal work injury. Years later, the oppression progressed into a deadly illegal involuntary commitment in Fort Bend County, Texas, during Christmas 2018 at Oak Bend Medical Center in Richmond, Texas, resulting in a vast Medicare fraud case. When I whistleblew this as Worker’s Compensation and Medicare fraud, not to pay my earned-entitled benefits thru debilitation and death, Social Security joined the oppression to steal my earned-entitled SS benefits by violating its jurisdictional authority and laws.

    Hence, this book unfolds my journey through the mysterious underpinnings and inner workings of the systems, practices, secretive codes, and connections that result in criminal conspiracies against the voiceless and vulnerable. Since mentioning "criminal conspiracy, discredits the reporter, expressly if known to have a mental health diagnosis, I have presented true and accurate evidence of these underground injustices that wreak unexplained havoc in the upper ground to prove that a conspiracy does exist. These activities conceal systemic oppression, racism, and discriminatory gaslighting thru document fraud, deception, and illegal detentions that continue the 19th-century enslavement of marginalized populations. Tragically, tax dollars from governmental injury and disability insurance programs finance these predatory, exploitive, murderous, and profiteering crimes. Then, not to pay these benefits, this publication proposes to show how the American justice system steals back entitlements from beneficiaries thru racketeering join-ins between America’s major institutions.

    Since systemic oppression and discriminatory gaslighting underly these malevolent practices my focus is on discriminatory gaslighting crime³ encircled by illegal involuntary commitments and lethal actions by America’s justice system through violations of legal codes whereby the justice system merely calls people crazy, locks them up, and takes their assets, benefits, and their lives in secrecy and silence. I suffered this ongoing American trauma in 2018 that has not yet been given due process. So, to get through it, I had to learn to laugh no matter how much I wanted to cry and give up. However, to benefit to the whole I am now honored to have suffered these egregious acts.

    This systemic abuse occurs through the deprivation of liberty without due process and protection of the law resulting in waste, abuse, fraud, exploitation, assault, sexual assault, debilitation, and death thru 48-hour have-and-holds—referred to as court-ordered mental health services by which the medicolegal system secretly captures citizens and takes their possessions and their lives via perfect crimes and perfect murders. These practices are common-place in Texas where there is no regard for the Texas Health and Safety Codes, the Texas Penal Codes, or the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of human rights to the citizen. I suspect these practices occur in other states, as well, because these discriminatory gaslighting crimes are funded by Workers Compensation and Social Security Administration insurance plans, as I will later explain in the furtherance of this book. These crimes are routinely committed by profiteering, pleasure-seeking oppressors with judicial and fiscal authority—law enforcement, doctors, nurses, lawyers, social workers, human services systems, and government, municipal, and medical authority systems and figures operating as a medical mafia to eliminate government debt (costs for injured federal workers, entitled-eligible beneficiaries, veterans, uncompensated hospital bills, and medical and mental healthcare costs) and to decrease the population.

    In the 1990s, as I entered the fog of my own unprocessed traumatic memories and subconscious triggers reactionary to the death of my secular career due to a federal work injury, a mother’s lament pushed me to seek answers to satisfy this mother’s lament, because as she lamented the loss of her daughter to death, I lamented the loss of my birth mother to distress. This over 30-year journey eventually allowed me to connect the dots between this mother’s lament and my resolve about my mother and this story is sandwiched between illegal involuntary commitments (IIC). This IIC link between these two parallels also settled the cries of the voiceless victims of mental illness stigma, discriminatory gaslighting, and systemic oppression. This book outlines my journey through this maze of American injustice, especially injustice against the mental health diagnosed community.

    So, not only did I write this book to find peace through finding answers to the laments of those who have suffered unexplained loss and death resulting from governmental, municipal, and medical, and mental health stigma against the mentally ill, stressed, and traumatized, I also, wrote this book to (1) declare Judicial Justice or Divine Judgment according to the Spoken Word of God; (2) condemn every tongue that has falsely accused me; (3) expose the criminals and crimes against humanity and God under the guise of good faith and good will; (4) destroy the evil works of Satan in high places of government and religion; (5) combat MHWA⁴ through SIIC⁵ to over-throw mental health Pill- Cosby warrant mills;⁶ (6) stop the debilitation and untimely deaths of innocent citizens; (7) advocate for good mental health by combatting pseudo-psychiatry and bad medicine; (8) expose the Secret Society of Genocide and Secret Services for Lethal Actions; (9) establish my true identity to clear my name and secure my safety; (10) have my name removed any local, state, and federal Secret Service Hit List; (11) warn and protect society from this evil; and (12) laugh along with my offenders who have the last laugh, at least for now.


    This is how the factual story got started!

    The adage, America is a country that kills its wounded, is more accurately stated, America kills those whom America injures, owes, dislikes, and considers liabilities, but that America kills its wounded is no joke! Forensic Clinical Social Worker, Dr. Jan Lightfoot is a victim-witness of this catastrophic reality, occurring in America daily through secretive illegal involuntary commitments and emergency detentions, especially those orchestrated by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, the Department of Labor, the Department of Health and Human Services and law enforcement. These practices defraud, debilitate, chemically incarcerate, and complete perfect murders through top-secret, confidential, medical, fiscal, and intelligence data breaches. Sadly, Jan’s oppressors tragically and annoyingly secretly painted her as an incompetent, fired, psycho, gun, threat, and the justice and health and human services systems accepted this labeling without question. Without ever checking her ID or comparing her true story with the false narratives, the entire medicolegal system joined to destroy her by treating false evidence as truth. This abuse points to two tragic ills of society: (1) The severe nature of mental illness stigma and (2) the severe lack of conscience that has caused the justice and human services systems to disregard its laws, rules, and policies. Thus, human decency is negated to favor profiteering and pleasure. However, Dr. Lightfoot’s ACE and Aggieland Journey prepared her to overcome incapacity and death in an environment where she’d been secretly branded and treated as a Crazy Threat. After eighteen years of sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse in her preadoption family, Jan’s strength emerged in Aggieland. She learned not to be provoked, made ashamed, or to give a care about what others said of her, only what God says of her. Thus, she learned to walk alone in truth.

    The Aggieland journey of survival and victory began for Dr. Jan Lightfoot in 1969 when she enrolled at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. In Aggieland, she had many experiences rescuing A&M pledgees from peril in hazing and fraternity initiation games. These skills helped her to keep herself alive during the Texas Medical Mafia murder plot, wherein all systems stonewalled her to suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1). However, escaping death began for Jan (a.k.a. Janice Marie Banks, a.k.a. Jan Christopher, a.k.a. Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot) at birth when covering up her biological Mom’s secret, someone unplugged her infant incubator in the hopes of destroying her as the evidence of her mother’s side chick secret. The mystery was that the infant Jan was a bun in the oven before marriage. She was, in fact, the bastard child of another man unknown to the rebound pedophile dad—Henry Banks—who is not the father! So, she had an early orientation to deadly secrets services.

    This Oak Bend saga was the first time the guilty parties sought to kill Jan because of her federal employee-retiree status and because she revealed the truth about this secret evil. In the 1990s, she became a target after telling the truth about the VA and DOL’s mistreatment of soldiers and injured workers. This disclosure resulted in the VA and DOL releasing defamations against Jan to disqualify her from receiving her earned benefits. However, eventually, the defamations morphed into a systemic murder plot to destroy her. Little did her oppressors know that she’d been there and done that before during the first eighteen years of her life in her family or origin. So, she was equipped to overcome the deadly schemes thru social formations masquerading as the American justice system.

    The utmost test of survival was presented in 2018 when the Department of Labor’s death plot unfolded at Oak Bend Hospital in Fort Bend County, Texas. This plot ensued under the authority of the State of Texas wherein the State of Texas violated Texas and Supreme Court rulings, laws, and decrees that fall under the 14th Amendment, which states:

    Through the State of Texas, the Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration stole Jan’s identity by hacking, inventing, and leaking false information, into an Oak Bend Hospital mental health warrant medical record through attorneys who secured documents thru deception. Leaking defamations thru the Texas legal system had been occurring for years; yet, the DOL, VA and Oak Bend denied Jan’s complaints when she reported these illegal disclosures by declaring no violation where violations were evident. For example, in 2004, Jan complained that the DOL/VA contacted her former husband accusing her of faking her illness and other harmful disclosures that the DOL denied but was later revealed to have occurred (See former husband affidavit in Exhibit C). Jan complained but the DOL letter dated May 5, 2004 stated:

    These kinds of disqualifying disclosures continued for years until they became deadly at Oak Bend.

    Oak Bend used this false information to justify imprisoning, misdiagnosing, overdosing, and murdering Jan through the Texas Judicial system, wherein Texas failed to enforce its own decrees in Fort Bend County Court No. 1 for Case #: 18-CMH-005317 and violated the Texas Health and Safety Code 571.020, many Texas Penal Codes, FBI Criminal Codes, the US Constitution and the Holy Bible from whence the US Constitution derives. Upon divine authority lies Jan’s authority to decree what God has declared—Give me Judicial Justice or Receive Divine Judgement! Since the Court of Heaven backs the Court of Man, this decree will be performed one way or the other. The Righteous Judge decrees, Death upon false witnesses whose intent it to murder. (Deut.19:18,19). Thus, when Oak Bend bore a false witness to carry out the State’s crime to murder Jan using the DOL false 2nd opinions to justify deadly drug overdosing, the divine death penalty came upon the partakers of these sins. Oak Bend participated in the death sentence by misdiagnosing Jan with severe conditions, preparing her for a nursing home placement, and ordering dangerous drugs to debilitate her to a vegetative state for debilitation or to cause her death. Either situation would stop her work-injury pay by causing premature debilitation or premature death. This activity violated Texas laws, the Supreme Court, the US Constitution, and the laws of God. Whereas, the laws of man protect guilty parties, by decreasing crime to civil matters and immunizing guilty parties, the laws of God demand the death penalty for these guilty parties, which God alone will execute. However, court matters require due⁷ process via divine or earthly decrees.

    So, Jan needed some meantime skills until she could be heard in the Court of Heaven since the Texas justice system deprived her of day in court. Fortunately, during her ACEs⁸ in her preadoption family, Jan had become proficient in escaping death, false accusation, systemic oppression, psychiatric racism, stonewalling, and being made invisible. These skills were strengthened during her adverse federal workplace experiences on her VA job, and during the last thirty years of adverse Department of Labor experiences as an injured worker. Her book, Caesar Took My Cheese, reveals games the government plays to defraud citizens and soldiers out of what rightfully belongs to them—their careers, entitlements, benefits, health, well-being, and lives. She’d learned from the journey of suffering over thirty years of systemic abuse. Even after she’d been medically retired by the VA, with judge’s orders to be paid and left alone—none of these systems regarded the adjudications and continued to badger, harass, and later attempt to murder her undercover. The VA and DOL retaliated against her for years with breaches of false and true information, 2nd opinion medicals to disqualify her through misdiagnoses and secret brandings, and acting like they don’t know her status as a lifetime beneficiary due to her being permanently disabled by the federal work injury—that involved false accusation of Jan threatening a doctor with a gun, being discriminated against based on her mental health disability, covering up a sexual assault by a PA who accused her of being threatening when she complained that he sexually assaulted her, and being subjected to public ridicule and insults for doing the job according to protocols, not violating patients and the law. The Oak Bend Christmas 2018 Torture of Dr. Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot continues the story of Jan’s post-retirement government-derived systemic oppression that resulted in ongoing deadly conduct.

    This firsthand witness-supported story is neither a delusion, myth, nor a conspiracy theory, as the system would lead the public to believe to silence Dr. Lightfoot so that she may not be heard. Rather, this story tells of a heinous reality supported by evidence. Dr. Lightfoot is an injured federal worker with 52 service years, clergy, and a 39-year licensed mental health professional. Yet, her offenders have isolated her in deadly immunized government abuse camouflaged as court-ordered mental health, government affairs, and wellness checks by law enforcement, court systems, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)/Adult Protective Services (APS), and the unresponsive Texas justice and accountability systems—the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, the Social Security Administration, Medicare, KEPRO, the State Medical Board, the State Bar, and other systems that treat lies as truth and make no difference between wrong and right with no regard for the law.

    Individuals within these systems are parties to top-secret, secret, confidential, and fraudulent data breaches that intentionally have caused harm or, worst—intended to cause death through deadly 48- hour have and holds, ⁹ as an action of secretive lethal actions. Dr. Lightfoot’s offenders’ felony disenfranchised her, gaslit her, branded her as a useless-psycho-gun threat, trashed her reputation, trashed her court cases, sickened her, barred her from justice, excluded her from the news media, deprived her of her day in court, billed her for the abuse, and nearly completed a perfect murder against her, with the She’s crazy and made it and herself all up lie.

    They are now stonewalling Dr. Lightfoot to cover it all up by being unresponsive or ruling no wrongdoing for proven illegal acts. Thus, she must break the silence to expose these crimes that result in the debilitation and death of innocent citizens. Dr. Lightfoot is particularly concerned about involuntary commitments orchestrated by the Department of Labor for not wanting to pay federal workers for their work injuries. So, they just orchestrate perfect murders to avoid paying those the government owes for work injuries. The most tragic aspect of the Department of Labor’s oppression is that the scheme is one of retaliation against those the federal government owes who are unprotected non-veterans. Veterans have many services organizations and visibility, but non-veterans who are also DVA employees have no protection and more than likely end up dead or in nursing homes with diagnoses changed from their accepted DOL diagnoses through lethal overdosing gone bad.

    This kind of retaliation ensues through insurance fraud by concocting and secretly leaking false, discredited, and deleterious records to cause severe harm and death. In addition to causing death, the abuse results in taking your job, taking your ability to work gainfully, and taking your earned benefits. They want to leave you with nothing. This is how oppressors engage in crime thru performing NS (See Glossary), i.e., taking your stuff, with your stuff, about your stuff, by lying to stealing your stuff to keep it for themselves, and wanting to make you like it. Then they retaliate against you with reputational and bodily harm when you don’t agree or do not remain silent about the NS—also called Governmental Roaching. (See Glossary).

    These crimes occur against distressed and mentally ill citizens because the mental health-diagnosed community is usually voiceless and thereby does not matter to the justice system, but Dr. Lightfoot is the voice for the voiceless and proclaims, We too matter! Her local and state authorities in Texas do not share this sentiment. Thus far, these systems have ignored her pleas for help. Subsequently, she has asked the DOJ to investigate and prosecute these crimes under FBI jurisdiction. She has asked for justice according to God’s decree to the justice system to be his servant for the public’s good, that the people may not be afraid due to them carrying the sword in vain but only to be an agent of retribution to the wrongdoer, not to the innocent. Thus, respecting the divine chain of command—God, Government, the Citizen—Dr. Lightfoot knows all authority is God-given (Rom. 13); so, God will respect her for honoring this chain of command and handling this breach of authority concerning her. Government is directly accountable to God to rule rightfully (2Sam. 23:3). God warns against government enacting oppression and injustice (Isaiah 10:1). When governmental justice fails, divine justice prevails.

    Sadly, these corrupt systems prevent many from getting the psychiatric and medical help they need. One such person was Dr. Lightfoot’s beloved godson. After observing how Dr. Lightfoot suffered mental illness stigma through the church, the black community, and the government, he opted to commit suicide on October 19, 2021, over being stigmatized for getting the mental health help he needed. Dr. Lightfoot laughs to keep from crying to honor her beloved godson, who laughs no more, saying, He saw the oppression because he was always with me; it was too much for him, and now he is gone forever..

    These bitter-sweet Aggie narratives sarcastically mock Dr. Lightfoot’s painful journey through this valley of deadly oppression. She survived by the healing power of the love and laughter from the Light of the World—Jesus Christ. Sadly, the judicial system enacted this oppression in a way that offends citizens and Christ. During the process, systemic conspirators take entitled benefits from citizens that citizens have earned. Other systemic conspirators (Medicare/Medicaid, Government Hospitals, Court Systems) give away citizens’ entitled benefits to oppressors that the oppressors have NOT earned. However, Uncle Sam needs a better way to reduce America’s national deficit instead of exploiting and killing its citizens through mental health warrant mills, illegal involuntary commitments, mafia law enforcement, Kangaroo courts, fictitious overpayments, and deceptive governmental affairs. Although these judicial systems don’t seem to be mindful, all authority, including governmental authority, is accountable to God—who avenges the innocent of systemic governmental oppression.

    Chapter 1

    This is the factual story behind the fibs.

    The post-retirement systemic murder plot against Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot (maiden/adoptive), a.k.a., Janice Marie Banks (preadoption name now sealed by post-high school legal adoption), a.k.a., Janice B. Christopher (federal employment/marriage), a.k.a., Jan Christopher (retirement), is as follows: On Dec. 24, 2018, Jan drove herself to Oak Bend Hospital in Richmond, Texas, for migraine treatment. She was otherwise medically and psychiatrically stabilized, healthy, walking, talking, and driving, only presenting for treatment of a severe headache. Yet, using the Department of Labor and Veterans Administration concocted records identifiable to Jan, without legal or medical necessity or authority, the OAKBENDERS locked her up in their hospital for seven days, hacked in false diagnoses from DOL records, changed her identity through defamation, and prescribed unnecessary medications in lethal overdoses to make her look crazy, debilitate her, or preferably send her to an early grave. This would serve to cancel the DOL-VA adjudicated compensation owed to Jan for her 06-15-1989 federal work injury that aggravated a permanently disabling mental health condition.

    On Dec. 31, 2018, the OAKBENDERS released Jan sickened, with a 10-pound weight loss, in diapers, on oxygen, and needing emergency care at another hospital ER. The ER receiving hospital determined Jan had been subjected to patient abuse while illegally detained in Oak Bend. Although the triage hospital reported patient abuse to the Department of Human Services and Adult Protective Services, the entire Texas justice system, from the governor’s office to her local police department, treated the concocted Oak Bend-DOL- VA identity theft as true and turned the patient abuse story against Jan, to present Jan as a self-perpetrator of self-neglect who needed involuntary confinement, a guardianship, or nursing home placement. This would bring about debilitation or death and accomplish the Department of Labor and Department of Veteran’s Affair’s plot to eliminate this work-injury debt changing the accepted disabling diagnosis to drug-induced dementia or preferably eliminating the work-injury debt by causing the death of the beneficiary—Kill Yo Bill, Uncle Sam?

    These perpetrators also misused Jan’s unknown adoption against her to concoct the story that, Jan is crazy and made herself up, made her criminal complaints up, and even made her work-injury up, to disqualify her from work-injury benefits and justify having her killed through police wellness checks and an Adult Protective Services civil commitment. However, Jan did not make herself up since Janice/Jan B. Christopher is her retirement/marital name and Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot is her maiden/adoptive name.

    It is absurd to see this kind of nonsense (NS) being practiced in the justice system. The whole Texas legal system participated in these crimes that were eventually joined by the FBI. This collaboration has precluded Jan from justice by reducing these crimes to civil matters, immunizing these crimes through TTCA civil laws that give these criminals sovereign immunity to be released from accountability, and ruling no wrongdoing where crimes are evident. Furthermore, any legal or court system in Texas has not addressed these crimes due to obstruction of justice and other FBI-protected crimes that fall under FBI jurisdiction. This is the same way Since the FBI has refused to protect Dr. Lightfoot from these systemic crimes, they must be aware that Dr. Lightfoot is covered by her covenant relationship with Jesus who protects her from the deadly Local, State, and Federal Government Deadly CABAL—the syndicate to accomplish Secret Service Ordered Hits.

    Although there was no false reality to support a delusional disorder or Schizophrenia, no dangerous false reality, no risk of harm, and no probable cause for restraint by a criminal court system (Fort Bend County Court No.1), the Texas judicial system illegally incarcerated Dr. Lightfoot, causing her deadly injury. This abuse is evidenced by identity theft and fraud causing other heinous crimes. The parties took a part in these crimes without ever checking her ID, to understand her legal name changes. Yet, the parties who called her crazy were all chasing her down behind their own, She’s crazy and made herself up lie about her true Lightfoot identity. So, who’s crazy? The problem is they were chasing to gun down Janice Marie Banks-Christopher (the conformed) and ran upon Dr. Lightfoot (the transformed). They did not benefit from God’s decree saying, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 2:12). Little did they know, they should not have done what they did to the person they did it too—Dr. Jan Elisabeth Lightfoot—because as a scientist, Dr. Lightfoot walks in perfect alignment with God’s word of power, not having a form of godliness that denies the power thereof (2Tim. 3:5), but *dunamis power,* to effect the will of God according to the word of God—giving her the authority to declare what God has decreed in Jesus Christ concerning the things that pertain to servants of the Lord (Ps. 2:7; ).

    The insane irony of how the DOL & Co, flipped the winning facts of Jan’s SSA, EEOC, and OWCP favorable adjudications into deadly fibs of false accusation treated as the truth is the question of this book, So, Who’s Crazy? Parties to these crimes are so distracted by their own selfish and evil desires, deceived by their own lies, deluded by their own disguises of God and goodwill, and made reprobate by suppressing the truth in wickedness, until they don’t even know their own identity or what they are doing—So who’s crazy here? These false accusations, misdiagnosis, and wrong medication pronouncements have been consistently refuted since 1992—no Schizophrenia, no threat, no paranoia, no troublemaker, no dysfunctional brain, no suicidal or homicidal findings, not crazy, doesn’t NOT know her name or who she is and not crazy from birth." Rather Jan’s mental condition is an occupational disease due to recurring job stress. Yet, the justice system has precluded her from justice and covered up their witch-hunt of treating her as, (1) a threat; (2). crazy; (3) a liar; and (4) a whore, to justify their offenses to permanently silence her thru debilitation or preferably death. Even Oak Bend’s falsified record of unlawful restraint does not describe a false reality, probable cause, or incapacity. Oak Bend also forbade Jan to see the judge as required by law.

    So, why did Fort Bend County wrongly detain and wrongly dismiss Dr. Lightfoot leaving her with severe injuries and having been sexually assaulted? Why has justice not been served? Why did the justice system stonewall her from the White House to the Texas Governor’s Office, to the Department of Human Services, to the Galveston Police Department, to the League City Police Department, to the Fort Bend County Sheriff ’s Department, to the Richmond Police Department, to the Sugar Land Police Department, to the Houston Police Department?

    Name-calling victims crazy, liars, threats, and whores is a well-known ploy among common citizens to conceal abuse and crime. Sadly, this *crazy-branding* is also used by the justice system to escape enacting justice. This is exactly what the DOL/ VA has done by spreading a known lie against Dr. Lightfoot, from Galveston to Fort Bend to Harris counties, in Texas. Licensed attorneys secure the false DOL/VA records through deception and secretly disclose them to systems (law enforcement, hospitals, district attorneys, court systems, and the Department of Human Services) so that when the target presents in one of these systems or joins with the target, deployment of the debilitation/death order can be initiated.

    Since this is an undercover government operation, parties to these crimes have been immunized against accountability and prosecution by the justice system. The legal system, including local law enforcement, treated Dr. Lightfoot as an incapacitated, untreated, psycho-threat to the point of nearly killing her, without question, without evidence, and without ever checking Dr. Lightfoot’s valid ID. So, Who’s Crazy?

    Just because the DOL, VA, and DOJ have leaked lies wrongly identifying her as crazy, dissociated, threatening, and paranoid doesn’t mean these labels are accurate. Saying it doesn’t make it so! These lies must be proven, but the guilty justice system doesn’t bother to verify these lies and treats the targeted person as guilty before proven guilty, not innocent before proven guilty. Dr. Lightfoot’s questions are: Who guns someone down behind silly, deadly lies saying, the person is crazy and made up themselves, a sexual assault, and a work injury, unless they are a part of a CABAL—a group of persons secretly united in a plot, and; Who drops a person to zero, just because someone calls them crazy unless they are N-words? Who are the 80% larger group of the Black community from the larger society of all colors who call people crazy to discredit, abuse, misuse, disagree with, control, exploit, fight with, and sexually assault to get away with it? Who runs a person down about their legal name thru adoption considering is a reason to name-call the targeted person crazy, when they’ve never checked the person’s valid state ID or publicly verifiable professional license? Who puts a citizen on a Secret Service Hit List after owing you money for injuring you? The Department of Labor (DOL) and their Cohorts did these things to me—Dr. Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot.

    In brief, the Department of Labor and Department of Veterans Affairs plotted to have Dr. Lightfoot killed uncover, not to pay her for a disabling federal work injury. However, were ordered to pay by an Office of Workers Compensation Hearing Representative (OWCP Judge). They tried to have her killed using their own made-up false realities to brand her as an *incompetent-nursing home ready-psycho-gun threat.* So based on the truth Dr. Lightfoot declares, Who is Crazy? Who Acts Crazy? And, Who Looks Crazy? Certainly not me!

    Only the Department of Labor discredited doctors had ever misdiagnosed Dr. Lightfoot with a Psychosis or Schizophrenia disorder (calling her crazy). No other doctors ever described her as a troublemaker or pronounced dangerous antipsychotic drug recommendations. Moreover, the Oak Benders never explained a false reality or any behavior to validate their labeling of her with a delusional disorder. Her false accusers merely engaged in non- contextual name-calling and false accusations to take her liberty, health, and life. Hence, when this DOL Executive Order for the Perfect Murder against Dr. Lightfoot ensued in 2018 at Oak Bend, she’d already had a great deal of experience keeping herself protected from within-group black-on-black cruelty and outer-group white supremacists’ deadly entrapment plots.

    Previous experiences in which the DOL had leaked defamatory lies to her neighbors, disclosed false information to her former hostile, husband, and came to her place of worship intimidating her church members, gave Dr. Lightfoot an expert capacity to survive the influx of shame, collusions, and death plots by the CABAL. When eyeballing premeditated death in the face at Oak Bend, she quickly recognized the Department of Labor’s systemic murder plot when OAKBENDER NURSE CATHY LANDRY placed an IV in her left arm to administer a lethal dose of HALDOL on 24 Dec. 2018. Per the medical record, IV Haldol is not approved by the FDA and carries a warning label stating: Known to cause SUDDEN DEATH.

    In addition to the OAKBENDER STAFF continuing to order HALDOL needlessly, they continued to do so after Dr. Lightfoot signed a HALDOL withdrawal form. Therefore, Dr. Lightfoot immediately knew the OAKBENDERS were a part of a larger plot to commit the perfect murder associated with her government work-injury status as a dual retiree and federal worker. This dual status made her eligible for lifetime FECA benefits according to worker’s compensation law.

    Hence, the only way the lifetime benefits could be canceled would be for her death to take place. Since she’d not died, the Department of Labor orchestrated her death with systemic joins-ins beginning in the 1990s that eventually become deadly.

    Thus, Jan had many years defying the VA and DOL’s deadly games to secretly and heinously rid themselves of their debt by (1) eliminating her Major Depression diagnosis thru their 2nd opinion doctors who pronounced wrong delusional diagnoses, wrong medications, and life-endangering recommendations for antipsychotic drug overdosing by (2) misdiagnosing her to name- call her crazy to silence her voice and life, and by (3). changing the narrative to turn her injured employee status into that of a psycho-gun threat. Her DOL attending physicians, Jan’s ongoing treatment records, and IME (independent medical exams) always overturned and refuted these false DOL pronouncements. So, Jan never thought these discredited DOL records would be used against her. Little did she know that opposing attorneys and district attorneys were securing the execution of these fraudulent documents by deception and were secretly using them against her to trash all of her civil and criminal defenses for justice since 2016 in Galveston, Texas, even until now. Since the 1990s, Jan was well aware of how the Veteran’s Administration and the Department of Labor breached confidentiality with significant others in her life to create hostile join-ins in retaliation efforts aimed at not paying her for her work injury. Thus, the 2018 OAKBENDER-FORTBENDER CHRISTMAS TORTURE did not devastate her beyond repair because she knew the undeniable proof of this Perfect Murder Plot would be revealed. The FORTBENDERS provided this evidence in 2021 [CAUSE NO. 21-DCV-281435].

    THE CENTRAL QUESTION: Knowing who she is and taking the stance, I‘m not that girl, Dr. Lightfoot’s central question is, "Who were the Big-6 Wipeout Syndicate and Posse + 1, describing, treating, examining, talking about, seeing, accusing and billing when they came for me?

    BIG-6 ANSWER: "We don’t know. We didn’t check her ID, so we’d know she is NOT THAT GIRL from Bryan, TX—Janice Marie Banks. We projected multiple identities onto her because we lied to take her benefits and life. We weren’t looking for any improvement since our patients never improve; we only use them for insurance fraud. It’s easy money because they cannot speak up. So, we made everything up to worry her to death, but when that didn’t work, we plotted to have her murdered by changing her identity to make her look crazy and dangerous to the police, but the tables turned and made us LOOK CRAZY! We neither knew who we were dealing with nor that she could or would speak up. Now, we are so F’ed!


    To increase her survival skills, Dr. Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot began her college career as an Aggie (or Maggie) by attending Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. At Texas A&M, Jan used her natural counseling skills to help would-be initiation rejects devise strategies to overcome pitfalls to group acceptance during hazing and fraternity initiations. So, Jan was familiar with group dynamics and could recognize hazing tactics through her Aggie days long before studying clinical group dynamics in her professional studies.

    Subsequently, she transferred to Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, Texas, to complete clinical individual and group studies. There she completed an accelerated Bachelor’s Social Work Degree. Earning this accelerated degree allowed her to enter an accelerated Master of Social Work Degree program at Our Lady of the Lake University. She completed her Master of Social Work Degree. Afterward, she added to her studies degree programs to complete her doctoral degrees and other specialized training.

    Throughout her educational pursuits, Jan was supported by her maternal uncle, Rev. James Lightfoot, who’d legally adopted her after her high school graduation and committed himself to see that Jan remained productive, healthy, and independent through education, wellness, and religious pursuits.


    Her adoptive father, Rev. Lightfoot, took an active paternal role in Jan’s life, seeing to it that the perils of her adverse childhood experiences (ACE) would not predict the progress of her future. After he realized how severely Jan had been harmed by ACE, he provided a stable, supportive, and affirming home wherein she could succeed. He always had a musician’s position open for Jan to play the organ at his church where he served as pastor, supported her in attending any education training or school of her choice, took her to her doctor’s appointments and medical procedures, monitored her social contacts, and protected her from further harm. However, Jan kept her name given at birth for his sister’s sake, although he’d adopted Jan.

    Jan honored her biological mother’s instruction, Don’t you ever tell anything that goes on in this house, and honored her mother by maintaining her birth name, knowing all the while her name had been legally changed to Jan Elizabeth Lightfoot thru adoption. Jan was devasted when her adoptive father passed away in July 2012, leaving her seemingly defenseless in protecting herself from governmental, social, and church mental illness stigma, and cruelty. She had to learn to protect herself.

    As with hazing using silly and deadly games, the entire justice system presented a threat thru ID theft, by painting Jan for the kill with the She’s crazy, made her story and herself up, and with doesn’t know who she is, lie, although Jan had a valid Texas Driver’s License proving her identity. So, Who’s Crazy?"

    Jan retained her survival skills from her adverse childhood experiences. These skills kicked in when she needed them most—to shield herself from being the murder victim of the dtd 3/6/92-destined to die death plot that culminated at Oak Bend in 2018. This plot originated in 1982 through an encrypted code sent from the Veterans Administration to the Department of Health and Human Services (See Form Below):

    But this deadly encrypted code would not be implemented until 2018 when the Department of Labor and Department of Veteran’s Affairs initiated to murder Jan, masquerading as mental health services, not to pay her FECA benefits for her disabling federal work injury. Not knowing her adoption story, they’d concocted the story that Jan was crazy and didn’t know who she was, having multiple personalities of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). In cahoots with Oak Bend doctors, they equated DID to a Psychosis, rumoring, She’s crazy and made herself up. Subsequently, they hacked the DID-Psycho diagnoses into the Oak Bend records. They had Owen Capocyan complete a Certificate of Medical Examination for Mental Illness for DID (see the following page), equating DID to psychotic and dangerous when DID is not dangerous, not a psychosis, and does not respond to medicines. He also ordered psychotropic drugs in ten duplications that were lethal dosages. So, WHO was Oak Bend treating?

    Fortunately, Jan’s Aggie years gave her skills in handling being hazed. Jan first faced these hazing experiences during her VA chaplaincy training in 2016 through 2018, just before the Oak Bend Torture. Her ability to overcome being hazed would also be tested in Oak Bend. Nonetheless, from her childhood and workplace negative experiences, she was more prepared than she knew to face the systemic murder plot in Fort Bend County than she knew. When the Department of Labor had her locked up behind the DID-Psycho Fiasco, she delighted in what she’d always dreaded as the worst. Her childhood experiences gave her to strength to survive Oak Bend’s Christmas 2018 death trap.

    In 1990 when Jan was hospitalized (by the now late Dr. G. K. Ravichandran), her federal work injury resulted in a disabling mental health condition—major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder due to recurrent job stress. Rev. Lightfoot provided a strong support system for Jan’s treatment.

    Nonetheless, Jan entered a downward spiral after her VA employer contacted her estranged husband, from whom Jan was in the process of getting divorced in 1989. Her employer was unsympathetic regarding the medically required surgeries Jan needed due to a recent car wreck and injuries inflicted during childhood sexual abuse. Rather than listening to Jan, her employer solicited an answer from her spitefully estranged husband who agreed with her employer that Jan’s surgeries were not medically necessary, and her employer ordered her back to work before she’d adequately healed [See Exhibit C in Appendix: Estranged Husband Affidavit].


    This hostile former partner join-in was Jan’s first experience with systemic oppression wherein a government entity—her Veteran’s Administration employer—joined with someone connected to her life, creating a hostile environment. Over the years, these join-ins became a customary tactic for government interference in her life that went from hostile to deadly. During this first M.O. in 1989, Jan’s V.A. employer forced her back to work, threatening to fire her unless she returned. There is a story behind this return-to-work story later revealed in Exhibit C referenced above.

    Consequently, Jan returned to work prematurely but fainted because she was too weak to return. While hospitalized in the VA emergency room after fainting, her employer’s insistence on calling her abusive husband triggered a panic attack that worsened to a disabling stress condition due to prolonged work abuse, including sexual assault by a PA who accused Jan of threatening him when she reported his unwanted touching and privacy invasions.

    Consistent with the cabal murder ploy—falsely accusing a claimant or employee of making a gun threat—the VA made two false gun threat accusations against Jan in 1990 and 1992. There was no evidence to support these accusations, but they were still treated as if they were true. So, the false accusations were factors in the EEOC ruling for prohibited handicap discrimination in Jan’s favor, and was a factor in the Employee Health Physician’s unfit for duty decision that placed Jan on medical disability leave. In both cases, police never found any evidence of these false accusations. Moreover, where was and where is the gun? Just as with the recent gun threat false accusations, there was no gun back then, as there is no gun now, only made-up deadly defamations to get Dr. Lightfoot locked up or killed by the police.

    Dr. Lightfoot did not have, own, or handle a gun at that time. So, it is apparent this is and was a way of harming Dr. Lightfoot and placing her life in danger of being injured or killed by law enforcement or a predatory warrant pill mill, as the OAKBENDERS and FORTBENDERS.

    In 1992, the Veterans Administration’s employee health physician performed a Fitness for Duty Exam and released Jan from duty on April 22, 1992, refuting any of these false accusations. The employee health doctor documented Jan could not perform the essential duties of her profession due to a stress condition, not due to being dismissed as a dangerous employee. Jan’s attending physician agreed with the employee health physician and evaluated her as permanently and totally disabled. The Social Security (SSA) hearing determined the same outcome, and Jan was determined to be permanently and totally disabled due to the federal work injury. Jan was approved for Federal Worker’s Compensation (FECA) and Medical Retirement (FERS)during the same period. Thus, the work injury caused, aggravated, or combined with Jan’s preexisting adverse childhood experiences, i.e., has a causative relationship to the work injury. Since this causative relationship exists, Jan would be compensated for this injury to her death, or for the rest of her life.

    Herewith is the motive for the governmental death plot. Since the only way for this debt to be cancelled is through the death of Jan, the system plotted to kill her to erase its debt by committing the perfect murder by creating a false identity of Jan, secretly leaking the false identity to the medical-judicial system, repeating the same lie as rumors, false records, and secret collaborations until it is believed, attaching the false identity to Jan’s ID and name, then locking her up in a mental health facility using the false identity, false diagnoses, and overdosing meds to complete the perfect murder under the guise of court-ordered mental health, via nursing home confinement or preferably death. The nursing home plan is merely a backup if death does not occur immediately from the lethal Haldol IV dosing.


    NOTE: On Dec. 24, 2018, while kidnapped and locked up by OAKBENDER ER staff in the Oak Bend Jackson Street location without ever examining Jan, OAKBENDER Social Worker Ronnie Cauley wrote a Nursing Home Placement Plan within 30 minutes of Jan’s arrival at the Oak Bend Southwest Freeway location, although Jan was driving, walking, talking, and self-care living in her own home. So, Who’s Crazy for trying to place Jan in a nursing home when she is self-cared at her own home?

    Accordingly, the motive for the perfect murder plot is demonstrated in these efforts to cancel the government’s debt owed to Dr. Lightfoot by debilitating her to a 40% FICA benefits nursing home status or preferably to drop her into an early grave to completely eliminate the 70% FECA

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