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Opening to Divine Intervention: Expand and Strengthen Your Intuitive Abilities and Spiritual Connection
Opening to Divine Intervention: Expand and Strengthen Your Intuitive Abilities and Spiritual Connection
Opening to Divine Intervention: Expand and Strengthen Your Intuitive Abilities and Spiritual Connection
Ebook361 pages5 hours

Opening to Divine Intervention: Expand and Strengthen Your Intuitive Abilities and Spiritual Connection

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An Intuitive's Secrets to Recognize and Decode Divine Messages 


How would your life improve if you knew how to receive and interpret your intuition, premonitions, and coincidences? Imagine no longer dismissing or second-guessing yourself when Divine messages show u

Release dateSep 19, 2023
Opening to Divine Intervention: Expand and Strengthen Your Intuitive Abilities and Spiritual Connection

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    Book preview

    Opening to Divine Intervention - Karoleen Fober


    The Seed is Planted


    Part I A Change is Coming

    Chapter 1 There is More for You

    Chapter 2 Mom in the Hospital

    Chapter 3 An Angel Appears

    Chapter 4 Eternity Arm Duet

    Chapter 5 Mom’s Near-Death Experience

    Chapter 6 ACUTE: My Five-Step System for Spiritual Communication

    Chapter 7 Dad’s Spirit Visits

    Chapter 8 Mom Dies

    Chapter 9 Selling Mom’s House—Twice

    Part II Broken Open—Grief and Gifts

    Chapter 10 My Grandparents and Queenie

    Chapter 11 Grief and Praying for a Medium

    Chapter 12 Carol’s First Reading

    Chapter 13 Carol’s Second Reading

    Chapter 14 Meditation and Time to Heal

    Chapter 15 Guardian Angel

    Chapter 16 I Love You, I Love You!

    Chapter 17 Love from My Grandmothers

    Part III Never the Same Again—My Divine Gifts Expand

    Chapter 18 The BIG Question

    Chapter 19 Four Mediums and Self-Readings

    Chapter 20 My Mediumship Starts

    Chapter 21 Highly Sensitive

    Chapter 22 Florida Readings

    Part IV Intuitive Readings Transform Lives

    Chapter 23 A Premonition for Gary

    Chapter 24 Manifesting Evelyne

    Chapter 25 The Dragonfly Princess and the Manager

    Chapter 26 Clairalient and More

    Chapter 27 My Face in the Sky

    Chapter 28 Full Circle

    Part V Child of God—My Early Years

    Chapter 29 Meeting Jesus

    Chapter 30 Early Gifts

    Chapter 31 Christ and Kung Fu

    Chapter 32 Car Accident Miracle

    Chapter 33 Husband Prediction

    Part VI Prioritizing My Spiritual Relationship and

    Mid-life Transformations

    Chapter 34 Barbara and Namaste

    Chapter 35 Spiritual Direction

    Chapter 36 Heal Michael!

    Part VII Manifesting and Creative Endeavors

    Chapter 37 A Kiss from Wayne Dyer

    Chapter 38 Healing Touch

    Chapter 39 Premonition of My Dad’s Death

    Chapter 40 Gary’s Healing

    Part VIII Back to the Present—Living the Gifts

    Chapter 41 Manifesting Trifecta

    Chapter 42 Nathan’s Blessings

    Chapter 43 Michele’s Miracle

    Chapter 44 Messages from Loved Ones

    Chapter 45 Miracle Baby


    Call to Action


    Appendix 1 15 Types of Divine Intervention (DI)

    Appendix 2 Five-Step ACUTE System for Spiritual Communication


    About the Author

    The Seed is Planted

    It was 10:00 on a Saturday morning on January 15, 2000. There was excitement in the air. I was sitting on a metal folding chair in a big circle along with about thirty other women. I had signed up to attend a class on intuition and reading Divine Energy with Janine Ambrose, Ph.D. After the education part of the event, Janine, the Divine Energy reader, stood in front of each person and shared the Divine messages she received for each of us. About ten people received their readings before me.

    I paid close attention to each person and what Janine said to them. Many of the women nodded their heads and smiled as they looked up at her, as if in agreement, like they understood what she was saying, and it was making sense to them. I was thoroughly enjoying myself and couldn’t wait for my turn.

    Throughout the time that Janine had been reading, I heard soft chatter and sometimes laughter among the other women sitting in the circle as they listened and waited for their turns. It wasn’t distracting. It felt normal; people were responding to Janine’s Divine gift.

    So, when Janine stood in front of me with her eyes closed, holding her hands out in front of her with her palms facing up, I was ready! I’d brought along my notepad and pen. My pen was upright, standing at attention, poised to write down every word she said.

    Suddenly, there was silence. The room had gone stone cold quiet. Everyone stopped talking. It felt as though everyone, including me, had also stopped breathing. I wrote down the first two sentences she said. And then I felt as if I had become paralyzed. My brain frantically tried to help me make sense of her words. And those words were, You are going to write a book. And this book will be important for the world.

    My Divine Intervention experiences, like the one above, sometimes scared or shocked me initially, especially when the experience or information was so unexpected. I was really startled by this information, and I don’t remember anything else said to me or others the rest of that day. It affected me so much that I was disappointed with myself when I later realized that I didn’t even think to ask her what the book might be about.

    Seven years later, because I was so perplexed by this message, I hired Janine for a private reading. I hoped that she would be able to reconnect and give me more information about this book I was going to be writing. I wondered if she would remember or see what it might be about. Disappointingly, she had no new information about it and explained to me that she never remembers her readings. I carried on with life and put the idea of writing a book on the back burner.

    Still, I energetically resonated with the words she had spoken to me that day, and I never forgot them. I kept wondering what in the world would this book—that I supposedly was going to write—be about? I hadn’t a clue.

    Through the years, I had two more predictions by two different Divine Energy readers that specifically talked about me writing this book. Little did I know at the time of the first book prediction what wonders were to come into my life—how my life would be filled with so many and such widely varying Divine Intervention experiences. How the book that had been predicted twenty-three years ago would, in fact, be about the rich spiritual journey of my Divine Intervention experiences, including my very first Divine Energy reading where Janine predicted I would write this book! It feels right and fitting that the first Divine Intervention story I share with you is the one that has filled me with so much wonder and so many questions.


    My name is Karoleen Fober. I am a wife to Gary and a bonus mom and grandma. I grew up on a farm in Iowa and graduated with a B.S. degree in early childhood education from Iowa State University in 1979. I taught preschool handicapped children for four years and owned my own financial advising practice for fifteen. I sold this practice and created All Inspired Coaching and Consulting in 2001, and I am currently in my twenty-second year as an intuitive business and life mastery coach, with clients throughout the United States.

    Yet maybe the most important thing to say about myself is that I am a child of God. This is how I think of myself first and foremost. Our Creator, who I refer to as God, is the Divine Entity who has given us a temporary home here on earth. We are part of a vibrant and vibrational Divine Energy System that continues to amaze, astonish, and still perplex even the most notable historians, scientists, and theologians. While I am not a historian, scientist, or theologian, I am someone who takes note of what is going on in this world of Divine Energy and of the continually evolving discoveries that have been documented about it.

    But what has most captured my attention and captivated my heart and soul is my relationship with my Creator/God and this Divine Energy System that we have been gifted to live in. And not just since I had that mini-individual Divine Energy reading from Janine over twenty-three years ago. I’ve been captivated by my spiritual relationship with God since as far back as I can remember.

    I consider myself to be a normal person, and I have loved all the joyful activities and relationships in my life that I’ve just mentioned. Yet, there were events in my life that I put in a different category entirely.

    Throughout my life I have experienced moments and events that I kept to myself. These experiences held a different feeling and significance that I rarely talked about in my early years. They were hard to explain, hard to believe—and hard to deny. Many were supernatural, pivotal to my life, always helpful—in the long run—and always felt powerful. Undeniably powerful.

    In my late twenties or early thirties, I found myself referring to these amazing and continually occurring happenings as Divine Interventions.

    These experiences took my breath away. I felt they were directly linked to a loving and immensely powerful entity; I believed they came from God. I still do.

    But life kept whizzing by. In my late twenties, when I became a financial advisor, I was so busy building my business and working that when a Divine Intervention experience happened, I only had a few seconds to take note and marvel about it before I moved on to the next commitment or demand.

    And life didn’t slow down when I married Gary when I was thirty-seven. In fact, it revved up, and ten months later, I became an over-the-moon grandma. Home and career moves, three years of coaching classes, building another business, and seven more grandchildren later, lots of wonderful living had happened. And lots of Divine Intervention had happened, too.

    What to do with all this Divine Intervention? I thought of it here and there and smiled in silent knowing. I thanked God for it and pondered about these miracles in my life. Then I’d tuck them back deep into my heart and cherish them. And I moved on.

    Finally, at the end of 2017, I stopped allowing myself to move on from all the Divine Intervention that I had experienced. It was time to sort it all out. Besides, I had grown frustrated with not knowing what subject I would someday write my book about. (Remember, God doesn’t always reveal all the details of His messages on your time frame. He reveals them at the best time for your spiritual growth and lessons.) While I was still drawing a blank on my book’s subject, I could at least make myself useful and get my Divine Intervention experiences written down.

    If you had asked me how many Divine Intervention experiences I’d had at the time, I would probably have said there were maybe twenty. In my first attempt at listing them, I had thirty. Over the next two weeks, thirty turned into fifty.

    With our winter getaway to Florida coming up, I focused on pinpointing the dates each had happened and putting them into chronological order. I had my precious list of fifty Divine Intervention experiences in my carry-on.

    Once I was in Florida, as I looked at the list, I remembered every vivid detail as if it was happening again. Only this time, instead of individual events that had happened separately throughout my life, they were joined by a strong, yet invisible, powerful line of connecting energy that was alive and pulsating. What a feeling. My entire body tingled. I remember sitting there at my desk when a swirl of energy completely engulfed my being. Out loud, I said to myself, Oh my God! THIS IS THE BOOK!!!!!

    Over the next five years, I added over two hundred more (and counting!) Divine Intervention experiences to my growing list and categorized them into fifteen types.

    While all of them seem like Divine miracles to me, I refer to only a few as miracles. Some of the other fifteen categories are: Divine Energetic Readings and predictions; Divine pivotal moments in my life; Divine lessons; dreams and premonitions; human and heavenly Angels; a near-death experience; natural healing and energetic alignments; prayers asked and answered and manifesting stories; and messages from deceased loved ones. I came up with my fifteenth category, which I call Natural Divine Phenomena, to include those experiences that dealt with nature and my environment. (I have included a list of these fifteen Types of Divine Intervention, with definitions, in Appendix 1.)

    I also share the lessons that I learned from all my Divine Intervention experiences along the way, because God helped me realize they were universal lessons for all of us and wanted me to share them with others.

    The book begins in 2011, right before I experienced the most pivotal and life-changing time of my life. The kind of experiences that change you forever—where you can’t go back to being the person you used to be. I came face to face with undeniable spiritual points of no return. If one survives these, surrendering to the depths of despair has been known to lift a person to a heightened spiritual awareness, spiritual growth, spiritual acceptance, and unimaginable clarity. After healing from the anguish and pain of my mother’s death, I found I had a new spiritual gift of mediumship. At that point I began to revisit and connect the Divine Intervention dots of my life, discovering and claiming an elevated spiritual awareness that has been part of my life since I was born.

    While I came to understand that I have been highly intuitive my whole life and known things that I had no way of knowing how I knew them, I never really thought that much about it, and thought that everyone knew things like I did. I grew up in the 1960s and 70s, when the word intuition wasn’t really part of my everyday language. It was much later when I began to be interested in opening to and deepening my spiritual connection, having a more direct partnership with my Creator/God, and began meeting other people who were also consciously on their spiritual path and intuitively gifted, as well.

    Through the years, I have pieced together an explanation of my spiritual gifts by reading the Bible and many books by authors who have walked this path ahead of me. I have come to accept that we all have God’s brilliantly designed and created intuitive abilities, but not everyone makes it a priority to recognize and use them.

    I learned that most people stop utilizing their intuitive abilities somewhere between the ages of six and eight. It is quite common for younger children to communicate with God, Angels, and deceased loved ones on a regular basis. I’ve talked to many parents and grandparents who attest to this.

    While our current culture doesn’t always recognize, support, or teach about these God-given abilities, it is slowly moving in the direction of acknowledgment. Science understands that our souls are made up of electromagnetic energy that never dies but only transforms. I recommend Mark Anthony’s book, The Afterlife Frequency (2021). He does a great job of enlightening us with his collection and explanation of scientific and historically-referenced documentation of how we can communicate with the Spiritual Realm.

    We are fully able to communicate with this realm because our Creator designed us this way. Our Creator designed every system in our bodies, such as our respiratory system, our digestive system, and our electromagnetic heart and brain systems. And we have been Divinely designed to receive messages through His electromagnetic Spiritual Communication System.

    And what about praying? This is the most basic category of Divine Intervention, one that most of us were taught as children. The act of praying signifies that we can connect with God, that God can hear what we are thinking and saying. This is Spiritual Communication at its core.

    If you pray, it makes sense that you would be open to receiving God’s answers. Praying is a psychic action. According to Google, the word psyche means of the human soul, mind, or spirit. When you take a psychic action, you are interacting from your soul/mind/spirit. When you pray, you are communicating with God through your Divinely given vibrational soul—your electromagnetic soul—that God brilliantly designed for us to use.

    Yet we often ignore all the Divine messages—our answers, inklings, and feelings that everyone is naturally set up to receive at birth. They are discounted, made fun of, kept hidden, or forgotten.

    I believe this is because we fear being persecuted. Those who have focused on power, jealousy, and controlling others have persecuted those who received Divine messages throughout the ages. Jesus himself was persecuted for His Divine abilities and the miracles that he performed. He clearly stated that others could do what he was able to do—and even more than he did—in John 14. In both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, people communicated with God and the Angels through the Spiritual Realm.

    These stories of Miracles and Divine Intervention are a resource to help us maintain our lifeline to God and our spiritual home. When we read and learn about them, they nourish our souls and provide us with the reminder of how much we are loved, protected, and spiritually guided.

    And I feel that God and His Spiritual Realm are still performing miracles and providing Divine Interventions for us all, here on earth, every day. But are we spiritually awake and aware enough to notice? Are we noticing all our Divine messages and miracles?

    Many of us use Spiritual Communication every day, but we don’t acknowledge it. Our gut feelings about people and situations turn out to be true. We are visited by our deceased loved ones in our dreams. We are given insight about a future event. Divine Communication is one of our greatest gifts for navigating life, yet do we appreciate it? So few of us give thanks for it. We rarely even acknowledge it.

    Intuition is like an internal GPS and a Google-like Divine Energy resonating system combined, a Divine gift given to us at birth by our Creator. A gift that works for us all day, every day. When we acknowledge our intuition and use it through the years and learn from great teachers along the way, we can increase our abilities and accuracy, achieving higher levels of mastery to assist ourselves and others in navigating life here on earth. In 1 Corinthians 12:31, we are encouraged to strive for these greater Spiritual gifts, if that is our desire.

    Intuition is our spiritual language, our language of origin, as souls in the Spiritual Realm. This Spiritual Realm, which I also call Heaven or the Other Side, is where God, all the Angels and spiritual guides, and our deceased loved ones are. We are all spiritual beings first and foremost. And while on earth, we are spiritual beings in a human body.

    As a medium, I deliver messages from loved ones who have died and who step forward to offer beautiful messages of love, comfort, and guidance to remind us that their souls are still alive and watching over us. When I feel the messages of love and assistance that come through for their loved ones, it is always a most wonderful experience of connection for me. I never know who or what is going to come through, but it is always an amazing, beautiful, and touching event. I share each time that what will come through will be the most important messages that someone needs to hear in that moment and for the Highest Benefit of All. You may not hear what you want, but you will hear what you need most.

    They say that love is the most powerful yet underutilized energy in the world. There are those who scoff at the abilities of intuitives and mediums. I admit that I might have been one of those skeptics, except for my undeniable experiences, many of which I share in this book. I feel privileged to serve God and humanity and witness the exchanges of love in these most powerful ways. Opening to and understanding that the love bonds that are created in our lives continue and never die is a blessing for me. I believe it can be a blessing for us all. It is with that intention that this book begins.

    And I believe this is the book that Janine Divinely predicted I would write over twenty-three years ago. Whether it is an important book for the world remains to be seen. What I care about most, and hope for, is that this will be an important book for you.

    Part I

    A Change is Coming

    Chapter 1

    There is More for You

    Everything was changing.

    I could feel it, even though I didn’t understand what was happening. Something strong had taken hold of me and wasn’t letting go. It unnerved me, but I shook it off as best I could.

    I’d just arrived back home to Iowa, in March of 2011, after our winter in Florida, where we’d gone to escape the ice, snow, and frigid temperatures. Florida was my husband’s health plan after his surgeon told us seven years earlier that Gary could never fall again unless he wanted to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Since then, as of 2022, he’s had ten joint replacement surgeries on his hips, knees, and shoulders. I call him my Bionic Man, and I’m happy to say he’s not in a wheelchair and golfs three to four days a week. (More about Gary and his healing to come.)

    I was fifty-three years old and had been working on a new creation for my business clients. I was paying another coach handsomely to help me launch a product online that would go nationwide. It was the biggest product I’d taken on thus far in my career as a business and life mastery coach. I’d spent a year delivering the content to a small group of clients and was getting ready to deliver it online to the masses. I felt the pressure to be productive, focused, and to Get It Done!

    I had been making great progress and couldn’t figure out why now, every time I sat down in my home office, I felt all my energy drain out of me. I went in feeling like a full glass of water, but every time I sat down to work on this project, the water leaked out. With a lack of focus, I’d stare at the computer, trying to will myself to concentrate, and rack my brain as to what was going on with me. It got so bad that whenever I walked into my office, I immediately turned around and walked back out.

    The days and weeks went by. I emailed my coach several times to cancel and reschedule our appointments. I felt terrible but didn’t know what else to do.

    One day, I was so frustrated, I simply said, God, please help me! What is going on here?

    And that’s when I heard it.

    The Voice.

    I’d heard this Voice at different times throughout my life. I was still trying to figure out who the Voice belonged to, where it came from; I wanted to give it some kind of definition. But life went at a fast clip, and I’d get distracted back into my busy life full of family and work commitments, letting my questions dangle.

    I knew this much: the Voice felt powerful. Sometimes, it was loud and almost commanding. Sometimes it whispered. Even without feeling confident about its source, it always got my attention, and it always stopped me in my tracks. It had happened enough in my life that I no longer felt afraid of it. I had an uncanny respect and trust in it without really knowing what it was. It felt protective and wise, as if it was always watching over me, and I admit I came to welcome it.

    And one other thing. I always listen to it. I heed it, no matter what.

    The Voice said, "More!"

    I said, More? More what?

    The Voice said, "There is more for you, Karoleen. More for you than this."

    What I wasn’t completely sure of then, but figured out later, was

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