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The 10 Biblical Laws of Success: A Pathway to Biblical Prosperity, Divine Purpose, and Lasting Happiness Study Guide
The 10 Biblical Laws of Success: A Pathway to Biblical Prosperity, Divine Purpose, and Lasting Happiness Study Guide
The 10 Biblical Laws of Success: A Pathway to Biblical Prosperity, Divine Purpose, and Lasting Happiness Study Guide
Ebook173 pages1 hour

The 10 Biblical Laws of Success: A Pathway to Biblical Prosperity, Divine Purpose, and Lasting Happiness Study Guide

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It can be used in study groups, Bible classes, as a biblical course, or for personal encouragement, motivation, and spiritual growth. It reinforces the "10 Biblical Laws" and s

Release dateFeb 13, 2024
The 10 Biblical Laws of Success: A Pathway to Biblical Prosperity, Divine Purpose, and Lasting Happiness Study Guide

Ph.D. D.Min. Toote Christopher E. L.

DR. CHRISTOPHER TOOTE is an ordained minister and a certified chaplain whose lifework focuses on Christian growth, ministerial training, and developing spiritual leaders in teaching, preaching, and practical forms of ministry. He has served for over thirty years in ministerial, educational, and pastoral leadership. His heart is to encourage each person to maximize their full God-given potential in life.

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    The 10 Biblical Laws of Success - Ph.D. D.Min. Toote Christopher E. L.


    This study manual is dedicated to all who desire to know and live in the full potentiality, success, and purpose of God for their lives.

    This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

    (Joshua 1: 8 KJV)


    Are you living your best life? Living your best life is what God wants for you. Actually, you will be completely fulfilled and happiest when you are living your best life.

    Life is an opportunity. Life is a blessing. It is embedded with purpose and filled with potential. Life is truly what you make it. Life shouldn’t just happen to you—you should make it happen. This study manual is based on the book The 10 Biblical Laws of Success.

    It is important to note that we are born to win. We are born to succeed. We are made with the potentiality to be purposeful, successful, productive, and contributory to society. We are made with the composition that is coded with success DNA. However, many persons allow their codification for success to become invaded by negative resistors that alter its original structural and functional purpose. These negative resistors are in antithesis to your God-given potentiality and creative intentionality.

    A vital part of individuals maximizing their potential is recognizing, connecting, and being infused by the power, wisdom, and divinity of the One who made them, God – the Creator. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he who hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Psalm 100: 3 KJV)

    The word Success is not a bad thing. The word Prosperous is not a bad word. Many Christians feel uncomfortable using the words success and prosperity. Well, I have great news for you. God wants you to be prosperous and successful. No apologies. Here it is: Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (Joshua 1: 8 NIV) The Bible further clarifies the desires of God for us: Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. (3 John 2 NKJV)

    Christians should not apologize for their success or desire to be successful. The same holds true for prosperity. Nothing is bad, degrading, unspiritual, or sinful about one being prosperous or having wealth, possessions, and money. It has always puzzled me why individuals in the faith community would denigrate the wealthy and successful, yet solicit money to build new churches, renovate old churches, start new ministries, and run major fund-raising campaigns for improvement and research and development (R&D) projects. It’s not the money that is evil; it’s the love of moneyFor the love of money is the root of all evil… (1 Timothy 6: 10 KJV)

    This study manual will stimulate you to process and assimilate more deeply the principles and information in The 10 Biblical Laws of Success. The 10 Biblical Laws of Success is written primarily through the lens of the Bible, the Holy Word of God.

    The purpose of The 10 Biblical Laws of Success is to clearly express to all - especially believers, Christians, Bible readers, and students of the Word - that God is intentional, serious, and invested in each person’s personal success and prosperity. This success and prosperity which I reference is not restricted to the material - but includes the spiritual, physical, social, and financial. This success is comprehensive and all-inclusive. God wants us to enjoy life to its fullest and be a blessing to others.

    As you work through this study manual, it is my sincere prayer, hope, and expectation that you will experience the God of all resources and His riches will become evident in your life.




    This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shat meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8 KJV)

    ’For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

    Success is a lifestyle. Success is a mindset. Success is attitudinal, dispositional, and relational. Success happens as a result of obedience to the precepts of God. God guarantees success and a prosperous life as a result of a daily encounter with Him. Success is a guaranteed, promised benefit of a healthy relationship with God.

    Success is not a static state. It is a perpetual, continuous condition and an active ongoing quest—it’s the progressive awareness, pursuit, and realization of worthwhile goals, aspirations, ideals, objectives, and desires that you deem to be important. Success is a daily recipe for the menu of our lives. You are the one who determine what success means to you, not those around you. Success is defined by the subject, not the object; the author, not the reader; the initiator, not the imitator; and the actor, not the audience.

    Even more so, success in the life of the believer is directed, influenced, empowered, and ascertained by God Himself. The Lord is the Assurer, the Guarantor, and the Backer of the successful outcomes of our lives.

    Success has its own laws—and throughout this study manual, you will better understand and appreciate these laws. The laws identified in this study manual are Biblically based, hence the title: The 10 Biblical Laws of Success. And just as the law of gravity causes apples to fall down from trees, The 10 Biblical Laws of Success will cause you to enjoy the fruits of success that your Creator has purposed for you.

    As with other laws such as scientific laws, these laws of success provide outcomes that are predictable and based on solid and undeniable principles. No one who applies the 10 Biblical Laws of Success to their life will fail. In fact, failure is impossible. By applying these laws, you cannot help but create the success journey that will bring you progress and fulfillment through your chosen goals. And, remember, the Guarantor is God Himself. We can trust in His Word. We can depend on His promises.

    My sincere prayer is that this study manual will stretch you to be the best you that God has purposed for your life. I encourage you to apply these laws to your life and audibly recite the four Action Steps that accompany each law. You will experience an immediate transformation attitudinally, perceptually, mentally, strategically, and spiritually. Even persons who are already experiencing success will notice their successes multiplied and enhanced. Your territory will be enlarged. May the Lord’s rich blessings and favor chase after you forever! Amen.


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