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Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading: Financial Freedom, #224
Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading: Financial Freedom, #224
Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading: Financial Freedom, #224
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Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading: Financial Freedom, #224

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There are many goals to investing our money in the stock market. Three of the most important are beating inflation, creating a paycheck, and building generational wealth.


I love being an income investor and aiming for 8-10% returns from my portfolio, paid for in cash with dividends.


However, I can sprinkle a few options trading to increase my annual returns by over 30%. 


This extra income ensures I can ultimately withstand any inflation that comes my way. Plus, options trading adds a little excitement to days when I don't receive dividends.


Together, I get a consistent paycheck (dividends) and amazing bonuses (options). Life is good.


PublisherJoshua King
Release dateFeb 11, 2024
Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading: Financial Freedom, #224

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    Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading - Joshua King

    Table of Contents

    MILITARY FAMILY INVESTING | Joshua King | Home of the Free PDF

    Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading

    All Right Reserved Military Family Investing | 01  Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading

    02  Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    03  The Magic of Income Investing 2

    04  I’m Living My Best Life with Dividends

    05  Financial Freedom Road Trip #2: Options Trading

    06  The Importance of US Treasuries

    07  Income Investing for the Win !!

    08  Covered Calls vs. Cash-Secured Puts

    09  Trading Long Strangles for Passive Income

    10  The Options Trading Debit Card

    Try Something New -Free PDF Download

    Also By Joshua King


    Joshua King

    Home of the Free PDF

    Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading

    Let’s Juice Our Returns

    01  Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading

    02  Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    03  The Magic of Income Investing 2

    04  I’m Living My Best Life with Dividends

    05  Financial Freedom Road Trip #2: Options Trading

    06  The Importance of US Treasuries

    07  Income Investing for the Win !!

    08  Covered Calls vs. Cash-Secured Puts

    09  Trading Long Strangles for Passive Income

    10  The Options Trading Debit Card

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    Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

    All Right Reserved Military Family Investing

    01  Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading

    Who doesn’t love getting a paycheck? Receiving our weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly paychecks is perhaps one of the greatest feelings you can have while in the workforce.

    Do you know what's even better? Getting a paycheck when you didn’t work for it is much more exhilarating. That’s the magic of income investing; it allows you to build a custom paycheck for your lifestyle.

    The magic of dividends. We will still need a paycheck as we transition into retirement. We can sell the assets in our 401K or use dividends to pay us continuously.

    Become Middle-Class PLUS

    I prefer dividends because I never have to sell shares to generate income. The dividends keep hitting my account, and I decide whether to spend, save, or reinvest them.

    However, even in retirement, we must remain vigilant not to fall victim to inflation. Inflation and increases in the cost of living are our number one concern as retirees.

    The best way to stay ahead of inflation is to aim for an 8-10% return on your money. You can achieve this income level with an income-investing portfolio—while sacrificing growth.

    There is a way to grow your portfolio faster than the inflation rate while keeping your money invested in dividend-paying stocks. The answer is to add some options trading to your dividend portfolio.

    The magic of options trading. There is only one reason to trade options—to make money. However, the reason we need the additional capital is entirely dependent on our personal situations.

    Create Money, Spend Money, Grow Money

    We must start with US Treasuries to truly understand the power of options trading. Let’s say we invested $20,000 in US Treasuries at 4%. That account would give us an annual income of $800.

    If we had $20,000 invested in our income investing portfolio at 10%, it would generate $2,000 annually. That equates to $167 per month.

    We can take that $20,000 portfolio and easily generate $1,000 per month by trading options. We can

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