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Experiencing God’s Love: A Story of Trials That Turned Into Blessings
Experiencing God’s Love: A Story of Trials That Turned Into Blessings
Experiencing God’s Love: A Story of Trials That Turned Into Blessings
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Experiencing God’s Love: A Story of Trials That Turned Into Blessings

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This story shows how God can work when people call on him. A story of a family, blessed with three children, two of whom have significant disabilities, and overcoming the challenges of raising their children while successfully maintaining their marriage.
Release dateJan 31, 2024
Experiencing God’s Love: A Story of Trials That Turned Into Blessings

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    Experiencing God’s Love - Francine Wolff





    A Story of Trials That

    Turned Into Blessings

    Francine Wolff

    Copyright © 2024 Francine Wolff.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4910-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4909-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023916859

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 04/25/2024


    A Story of Trials That Turned Into Blessings

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Dominic’s School Years


    This book is dedicated to Our Blessed Mother for being our heavenly mother and for leading us closer to God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


    When I was a young girl, I dreamt of what my life was going to be like when I could finally do what I wanted to do. You too? Yes, life has a way of completely shifting our thoughts and dreams around. I’ve learned that life has many challenges and that we cannot plan our lives. I’ve also learned that God is the one who is in control of our lives, not us, even though many mistakenly believe we are in control. This is my story of how God used trials to show me how blessed I really am.


    I was raised in a Catholic family, attended Catholic schools from K-12th grades, and faith was a big part of my life. My faith started to grow when I received my first Holy Communion, and I received a First Communion book that had parts of the Mass. I made a little altar upstairs in our two story house using my miniature China set, saltine crackers, my prayer book, and my mom’s best white handkerchief. I pretended I was receiving the Eucharist. I am sure I entertained the angels daily when I played this.

    That experience in my childhood planted the spark for Jesus, but that spark never turned into a burning flame. Later I found that I never had a personal relationship with Christ and I asked the Holy Spirit to ignite my life. I went to Sunday Mass and to Catholic School my whole 12 years of education. My faith was important to me, but I never had a personal relationship with God. What was a personal relationship with God? I wasn’t sure if I even knew the answer to that question. Over time, I developed this deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God.

    In contrast, my husband Tom’s faith journey was quite different than mine. When Tom was growing up, he never had the opportunity to go to church. His mother was baptized Catholic, but his father was not. His mother never drove and his dad would not take them to Church. So his faith was pretty much nonexistent. What was about to happen in the next few years would shake our faith, test our faith, and eventually bring us back to Jesus in a more powerful and rewarding way.

    Tom and I met, dated for a year, and got married in July 13, 1985. We had our first son, Brandon, in April 15, 1985. My pregnancy was pretty typical with him, until the very end, when I felt a twitch in my side as I worked a night shift as a psychiatric technician at a mental institution. I was past due to see the doctor. I made an appointment for the next day. The doctor checked me over that April morning and said I needed to get to the hospital because my cervix was dilated to six centimeters. The doctor said he would meet me there.

    I went home to get Tom, and by the time we got to the hospital the doctor was waiting for us. A nun on the OB unit informed the doctor and me that the baby was breach. They literally ran me to the operating room to perform a cesarean before the baby dropped into the birthing canal, with Tom running beside me. Brandon was born within twenty minutes and everything turned out ok. For almost 7 years he was our only child.

    After praying and waiting for 6 years, we finally were to be blessed with another child. We were so excited, but in the middle of my pregnancy everything became so different. It started with a respiratory infection. The Physician Assistant prescribed an antibiotic that I was allergic to and I became very sick. It was several weeks until I started feeling better and finally recuperated.

    A few weeks later, I remember going to work at 8:00 a.m., and by 8:15 I was at the doctor’s office at work, asking what I should do. The protocol to go home sick at the mental hospital where I worked was to see the general practitioner first. I explained that the pain was in my lower back and I had trouble walking. The assistant director of nursing gave me her cane to help me walk.

    The doctor recommended that I go see my gynecologist. I went home & called the office. They couldn’t get me in until 4:30, late that afternoon. Even after trying to persuade them, they still wouldn’t budge. I went home and layed on the couch with my feet up and relaxed.

    I enjoyed the day off, but came to realize that the quiet was something I could get used to. The pain subsided and the thought crossed my mind if I should even go to my appointment. I decided to go and soon I was on the way to the doctor.

    I was startled when I opened the door to the doctor’s office and saw the waiting room full of people. There were even people sitting on the floor waiting to be seen. I checked in, and they asked me to have a seat. I felt like I was a number waiting in line at Walmart, just waiting to be helped. As I turned to look for a place to sit, I spotted a small area on the floor over in the corner.

    I was not sure how I was going to get to the floor without falling like a big marshmallow. I gradually went to my knees, one at a time, and got to the floor without any grace at all. After getting situated, I wondered how I was going to get back up. No one asked me if I needed help to sit down or worse yet, no one even offered to give up their seat.

    Then I started to rationalize what just happened. Why should they give up their seat for me? I was nobody to them, and I tried to swallow my pride. I remained on the floor from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., when they finally called me back. I was the last patient to be seen. Thoughts came surging rampantly within my head. Why did they wait to see me last since I was having troubles with my pregnancy? Was I feeling sorry for myself, I thought? I tried to dismiss the thoughts from my head.

    By this time, all the staff had left to go home except for the PA. She checked my uterus and I remember vividly how she chewed me out, saying that there was nothing wrong with me. She said it was just my

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