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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENT: First Book Human Resource Management for student
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENT: First Book Human Resource Management for student
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENT: First Book Human Resource Management for student
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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENT: First Book Human Resource Management for student

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This book teaches how to manage Human Resources from basic to advanced in the three-book series The Basic of Human Resource Management.

There are three books published in stages in the trilogy series The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book. In this first book, it is discussed in detail about 5 main and fundamental things in managing humans, namely.
1. Human Resource Management
2. Human Resource Management
3. The Role of the Human Resources Function
4. The Role of Human Resources Practitioners
5. The Role of Front Line Managers
The five discussions are the basis for managing human or human resources in organizations and companies

Release dateNov 28, 2020
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENT: First Book Human Resource Management for student

Eny Lestari Widarni

Dr Eni Lestari Widarni is a practitioner and academic in human resource management. Dr Eni Lestari Widarni is the leader of the university of economics in Indonesia, namely the Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang School of Economics.

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    Human Resource Management For Student

    Eny Lestari Widarni

    Human Resource Management For Student

    Book 1

    © Eny Lestari Widarni and Suryaning Bawono

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electonic, mechanical or photocopying, recording,or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher

    Author :

    Dr Eny Lestari Widarni

    STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang,Indonesia

    Suryaning Bawono,S.E.M.Si

    STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang,Indonesia

    Editor :

    Adriana Assyami (Singapore)

    Lilik Sumarsih (Indonesia)

    Published by :

    Triple Nine Communication Press


    Table of contents

    Table of contents

    Chapter 1 Human Resource Management

    Chapter 2 Human Capital Management

    Chapter 3 Role of the Human Resource Function

    Chapter 4 The Role of Human Resource Practitioner

    Chapter 5 Role of The Front-Line Manager



    Chapter 1 Human Resource Management

    Chapter 1 Human Resource Management

    1.1. Understanding Of Human Resources

    Human resource is a term for individuals who work as employees in an organization and are part of the total personnel who work in a company or organization (Stewart & Brown,2020).

    Human resources are people in the entire workforce of the company who provide talent, skills, time, thoughts and energy in exchange for compensation in the form of salaries, wages and allowances with an amount or amount of money depending on the contribution given.

    The human resources department is a department that is given the authority to manage human resources within a company or organization. The human resources department is in charge of recruiting, motivating, training, developing, and maintaining human resources owned by the organization or company.

    Human resource management has the authority to develop employees or human resources within an organization or company, including talent management. Human resource management has the authority and responsibility to develop human resources, including human capital owned by employees or human resources within the organization or company and their supervision.

    Human resource governance is the process of hiring individuals, training, compensating, developing policies relating to those employed, and developing and maintaining them.

    The goal of human resource management is to empower the people who work for the company to work effectively. The Human Resources Department at least manages the following:

    1. Employee compensation and benefits

    2. Recruit and hire employees

    3. Organization and employee orientation

    4. Employee performance management

    5. Employee training

    6. Organizational development and culture

    Every area managed by the human resources department affects the level of employee job satisfaction and affects employee performance. The management of each part of human resources ultimately determines the success of the organization in achieving the stated organizational goals.

    Human resources working for companies, of course, have motives. There are many motives for someone willing to work for a company, including income motive, recognition motive, self-actualization motive, pleasure motive.

    The income motive is a general motive for someone willing to work for a company. By working someone expects an income following the contribution given.

    Recognition motive is the motive of someone working for the organization to get recognition from others. Various other motives behind this motif follow this. For example, the motive of wanting to be respected by others so that he can contribute optimally to be recognized and respected by his group.

    The self-actualization motive is almost similar to the confession motive. Self-actualization motive is a motive to satisfy one's own desires for what he has achieved so far. So that by contributing maximally to the organization, that person feels satisfied with the results of his work and feels satisfied because he has given the best for another person or organization.

    The pleasure motive is very similar to self-actualization. However, people who pursue this pleasure are more focused on the pleasure they feel by contributing which they are happy to do. Suppose a person who likes diving and enjoying the beauty of the sea. He is happy to be a driving instructor because by being a diving instructor, he can enjoy the beauty of the sea like his hobby for free and earn extra income. So that the main motive is a hobby or pleasure.

    From these work motives, it can be seen that the compensation given by a company or organization to its human resources does not have to be money. Providing recognition and favourable treatment to employees is non-material compensation, including career and expertise development opportunities.

    The contribution that humans make to a company or organization is a skill that is owned and needed by the organization.

    Skills or expertise possessed by human resources can be improved using training and education. These skills or skills can be used in contributing to organizations or companies individually or in groups.

    The skills or expertise possessed by humans are also followed by the knowledge, thoughts and energy and time of these humans in contributing to the organization.

    So that the collection of time, energy, mental and physical health, thoughts, knowledge and skills as well as innovation and creativity is human capital to make the best contribution to the organization called performance.

    So it can be said that human resources are a collection of individuals who are willing to contribute to the organization or company in exchange for the compensation agreed between the individual and the organization or company.

    Something that is offered by these people, which is called human resources is human capital. Where human capital is capital that is owned by an individual to offer to an organization or company to get the compensation he wants, either in cash or material or non-material.

    The greater or better the human capital owned by the individual, the higher the bargaining power they have. So that capital is important for individuals as human resources.

    1.2. Human Resource System

    Human resources have their own system in contributing to the organization or company. The system cannot be separated from human factors that contribute or work itself (Banfield & Kay,2012).

    In general, humans have two elements, namely, physical and non-physical elements. Physical elements related to the body and physical health or body. Non-physical elements are related to the soul or psyche, knowledge, expertise, innovation, creativity and relationships with fellow humans (relationships). Human resource system cannot be separated from these two elements.

    To understand human resource systems, one must first understand the elements of human resources. Starting from the elements of physical health. Raga manual acts as a physical manifestation of humans and performs physical activities or activities such as making handicrafts.

    Making a handmade work, for example, making keramba crafts. In addition to the physical factors needed to make the cage, knowledge is also needed to make the cage plus expertise and equipment to make the cage. Without a physical or human body to make the cage, it is tough for the cage product to be successfully produced.

    When the body is sick, it won't be easy to work or work or contribute to the company. So that physical health is essential to consider in human resource management.

    Physical health is a significant factor in the performance of human resources. Because physical health affects all human work activities, when physical health is disturbed, physical activity is also disturbed, and in the end, the performance of human resources will be disrupted.

    Physical health also affects emotional or mental health and human or social relationships, which can be fatal if physical health is not properly cared for and maintained.

    Physical health is the health of the body or body, which has a direct effect on feelings and human physical activity. Physical health is an important factor in ensuring that people's daily activities are not disturbed. When physical health is disturbed, daily activities will also be disrupted.

    Physical health is the most visible health. Physical health needs to be maintained and maintained to reduce the possibility of falling ill and speed up the recovery period from illness. Physical health can be maintained with a regular diet, a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and adequate and quality sleep.

    Physical health consists of many components or influencing factors. Here are some important factors that affect human physical health:

    l Physical activity: includes sports, activities that use mostly physical activity, such as walking or cycling to work

    l Healthy Diet: includes adequate and balanced nutritional intake

    l Alcohol and Drug Use: Do not or reduce consumption of alcohol and drugs unless required and with doctor's instructions.

    l Self-care: taking care of yourself such as cleanliness, caring for small wounds that can be treated independently and doing refreshing activities to reduce stress

    l Rest and sleep: physically requires rest, so relaxation is needed to maintain physical and mental health including adequate and quality sleep

    Physical activity.

    Physical activity can be done in daily activities such as cycling to work, walking, cleaning the house, playing with the family physically, doing measurable and structured sports and so on. Doing physical activities in daily life is very important in maintaining health.

    Healthy Diet.

    Maintaining physical health requires a healthy and balanced nutritional intake. These

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