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Naked: Completed
Naked: Completed
Naked: Completed
Ebook64 pages48 minutes

Naked: Completed

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" cant you feel the pain, no you can't, so you won't understand.

The pain of a motherless girl, the pain of a rejected daughter-in-law, the pain of a divorced wife.

Yep, you heard just right am here to inform you that three months ago, my dearest darling husband told me I had failed my course in family husbandry, Thus he had seen it fit to strike me with a divorce, right after I came from the hospital, that's right after I heard about my mom's death.

And about two months after such case, I heard that he was married and had impregnated an Italian beauty. Well, what can you expect from one arrange marriage to the next. And I doubt he is going to stay in that for long. Such a hopeless lover, men like those should be banned from fatherhood.

"Breaking news, Kedan has filed for a divorce with Victoria Gabriel, the day she announces her miscarriage, approximately two days after his father's death. Am Nareke'e' Webell you'll hear more after the break."

My water broke."

Release dateOct 5, 2020
Naked: Completed

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    Book preview

    Naked - Anareka Eanar

    This is not for You

    One might think writing a story is easy if it has details of your not so dramatic life. The continuous session of rewriting faults and overthinking sequences in the plot can be hectic.

    Wait, this is it, I can't go further, and hence a writer may post to make the story less dramatic 'This book is under serious editing' Followed by the same cycle deleting inadequate details until midnight arrives. Then morning appears missus not so nice take the case lawyer principal hot on my tail and me being myself refuse to take the blame until it comes down to a simple conclusion, I Am. On. Writers. Block.

    What worst nightmare could I face I have bills to pay, my fridge needs stocking, my cat cutie needs feeding, my rent is due, and my school fee is rising.

    Well, missus not so nice is my landlord, lawyer principal is my big gut of an editor. You heard just right his stomach is so big, probably the size of an air balloon, then you have his head. I mean whose head resembles the size of Jupiter …only Mr. big pants.

    And here am I wondering why we can't get along. Lilly, you are an aspiring writer head straight to the point. And if I go straight to the exact Looser will you step out of the box, to make it more creative. So fed up with this freak!!!

    You see what I'm saying. By the way, the only box I'll be coming out of is this one, and it would neither be creative( sure living in cardboard would be creative) nor for a little while (how can forever be a while.)

    Cutie am doom, like really doom...awe cutie don't berry you are surely coming to hell with me am-

    A loud thud jolted me upright. Who the Lucifer is that. Only two persons have such audacity: my sister and my editor and the owner of my apartment (that slimy mosquito net woman.)t

    Don't judge me well you would have said the same if you were in my shoes. I remember when I just started studying to become a doctor, I was working at a café as a waitress. The amount i was receiving was not very generous. However, it was still enough to cover my bills. One-month didn't go as plan I seriously didn't have enough money to pay the rent. The rent was due, so I avoided her for three days as best I could. I expected her to call me as she would do but was I wrong the stupid excuse of a granny hoe my door down.

    Enough of that, I made my way towards the door, but was not ready for what would be on the other side.

    Lilly Passion Andrews!!! with one hand on my hip and the other in the air, I gesture for her to come in.

    Go a little lower you are disturbing my neighbors. My sister sat.

    I rose my brow at her surprise at her special visit as she would call it.

     Tillia got up as something has just occurred to her and drag me into my room. Their she rummaged through the closet and picked out a dress she had bought me last Christmas and a shoe my ex gave me.

    wait a minute, where are we going, I asked out of concern she only screams curiosity kills the cat" and flung me inside the bathroom.

    Bump Into A Case

    The car stopped thirty minutes after I took a glance outside then turns towards my sister arching my brows.

    Did you run out of gas or something? She shrugged, she shrugged. This girl shrugged like it was nothing.

    We have reached our destination. I chuckled lightly. Tillia never failed to amuse. I remembered the time when we went to our late grandparent's house. Tillia made me dress up because our neighbor frank was having a party. I invested hours in preparing my self because he was my crush. While we were heading towards his house, Tillia said she forgot something. Naïve little me decided to believe her and went ahead. You

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