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Blockchain Applications for Secure IoT Frameworks: Technologies Shaping the Future
Blockchain Applications for Secure IoT Frameworks: Technologies Shaping the Future
Blockchain Applications for Secure IoT Frameworks: Technologies Shaping the Future
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Blockchain Applications for Secure IoT Frameworks: Technologies Shaping the Future

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This reference presents information about different facets of IoT and blockchain systems that have been recently proposed for practical situations. Chapters provide knowledge about how these technologies are applied in functions related to trust management, identity management, security threats, access control and privacy. Key Features:- Introduces the reader to fundamental concepts of IoT and blockchain technology- reports advances in the field of IoT, ubiquitous computing and blockchain computing - includes the applications of different frameworks- explains the role of blockchains in improving IT security- provides examples of smart grids, data transmission models, digital business platforms, agronomics and big data solutions- Includes references for further reading Blockchain Applications for Secure IoT Frameworks: Technologies Shaping the Future is a handy reference for information technology professionals and students who want updated information about applications of IoT and blockchains in secure operational and business processes.
Release dateJul 8, 2021
Blockchain Applications for Secure IoT Frameworks: Technologies Shaping the Future

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    Blockchain Applications for Secure IoT Frameworks - Sudhir K. Sharma

    An Overview of Smart Grid in the Current Age

    Reinaldo Padilha França¹, *, Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro¹, *, Rangel Arthur², Yuzo Iano¹

    ¹ School of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FEEC), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

    ² Faculty of Technology (FT), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Limeira, São Paulo, Brazil


    Smart Grid is defined as an intelligent electrical distribution system that offers bi-directional energy, which flows from producers to consumers, intending to optimize use to reduce costs and improve the performance of the electricity network, which requires a balance between generators, operators, and system distributors, providing benefits , including reduced power losses, lower costs, and better measurement of consumption with better control, enabling a reduction in carbon emissions. With sensors installed in the electrical networks sending data related to energy consumption directly from the consumer unit, they enable more effective and efficient network planning. Besides, the network is designed to reduce the occurrence and duration of power outages as much as possible. In it, electromechanical consumption meters are replaced by digital smart meters, representing a true revolution in energy supply, meaning that the Smart Grid is a system that automates not only the monitoring but the entire management of electricity use. This chapter contributes to the discussion and overview of Smart Grids, their applications in the current era, as well as categorizing and synthesizing the technology's potential.

    Keywords: Bi-directional energy, Data analysis, Intelligent electrical, IoT, Sensors, Smart architecture, Smart cities, Smart grid.

    * Corresponding authors Reinaldo Padilha França and Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro: School of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FEEC), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil and School of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FEEC), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil; E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected]


    The search for sustainability-related to digital transformation has created new possibilities for the world, with actions aimed at reducing environmental damage with a greater objective than simply saving, but it is necessary to make intelligent and conscious use of what is at disposal.

    Energy management is a prerequisite for a sustainable environment, and Smart Grids are an essential pillar for its achievement. The spread of renewable energy sources has led to a profound modernization of traditional electricity distribution systems and how they are effectively distributed. Smart Grid is defined as an intelligent electrical distribution system that delivers bi-directional energy flows from producers to consumers. Unlike traditional power grids, where power is generated by only one plant and distributed to end customers through the large transformer and substation networks, in Smart Grid, end customers also act as producers [1, 2].

    Internet of Things technology is enabling cities around the world to implement a series of digital transformation projects, such as reducing car traffic in major cities and energy consumption. In addition to its use in home life, IoT promises to revolutionize industries, the security market, and even the medical field. Electricity consumption was also largely impacted by technology. Efforts are being made to design and implement energy-efficient networks that use Smart Grid parameters and apply the Internet of Things, making it possible for the network to work in less time and reduce power consumption [3].

    A company's entire infrastructure depends on electricity, which requires continuous management of its use. In parallel with the search for sustainability, digital transformation has also added to the creation of new possibilities for managing this resource. The concept of this trend refers to a new power distribution architecture that can automate all management of electricity use. For the Smart Grid to function, it is necessary to switch analog meters to digital meters. These are safer, and especially intelligent, devices that enable the integration of information between other connected users [4].

    Smart Grid is generic for applying computational intelligence and networking skills to an electricity distribution system. In recent times, this concept has gained a lot of prominences , especially in Smart Grid projects that seek to improve operations, maintenance, and planning, ensuring that each component of the power grid can talk and listen.It is, therefore, a highly automated, efficient, self-healing, a bi-directional pathway of energy, enabling i nterconnected communications for a highly reliable and efficient utopian world of energy production and distribution [5].

    Considering that in many places, a power company will only know that service is disrupted if a customer calls in a Smart Grid scenario, the company will immediately know why certain network components, such as the use of smart meters in the affected area, have stopped to send sensor data. By ensuring that all network components, from transformers and power lines to household, commercial and industrial electrical meters, have IP addresses and are capable of using bidirectional communication, the company can manage distribution more efficiently. Also, it needs to be proactive in maintenance and respond to outages faster. So, another important component of Smart Grid technology is automation [6].

    Basically, it must communicate in an integrated automated way between components of the power grid, employ detection and measurement technologies, automated controls for distribution and repairs, better dashboard management, and decision support software. It is correct to say that a Smart Grid is an example of the Internet of Things (IoT), in which almost any object can be equipped with a unique identifier and given the ability to communicate over the web [7].

    A Smart Grid is equipped with sensors that collect and transmit data since this information transmission allows to automatically adjust the electricity flows. Remotely located controllers are then informed of the situation in real-time and can act immediately if there is a problem occurring virtually without human intervention. Besides, this type of grid can communicate with any smart meter , for example, turn on consumer appliances automatically when there is too much electricity on the grid, and its prices are therefore lower [8].

    One of Smart Grid's biggest advantages is the ability to track energy performance in real-time. Unlike the traditional meter, where consumption data is collected once a month, digital allows constant tracking. In this way, irregularities are quickly identified and predictive, preventive, and corrective actions can be taken to avoid waste and set goals to improve the company's energy consumption. Also, a more sustainable business model is established, as it enables the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutant residues [9].

    Smart Grid is a promise of a flexible, resilient, performance-safe power grid that allows network resources to be exploited in real-time to optimize productivity. Characterized by the deployment of many thousands of intelligent and interactive control devices, sensors and meters, it ensures the correct interaction between all these elements, as well as significantly improving the network's efficiency, reliability, and freedom for the end customer to control. their consumption conditions [10].

    Among leading distribution automation and distributed power resource applications, this model can provide intelligent energy storage and provide real-time response to fluctuating demand. All this plus client-side demand management from a two-way conversation between devices on the network and also intelligent consumer devices on the edge of the user. In addition to placing the customer in control of their own energy use, this ploy ensures highly automated flexible distribution, encouraging the release or containment of consumption according to the load's circumstances over the infrastructure [11].

    Just as the Internet of Energy (IoE) is a technological term that refers to the upgrading and automation of electricity infrastructures, allowing energy production to advance more efficiently and cleanly with the least amount of waste, being a derivation brought by the increasingly prominent market of IoT technology, which helped develop the distributed energy systems that makeup IoE [12].

    The technology surrounding IoE can be quite a complex concept, since it is the use of IoT technology, which refers to the idea of connecting devices to the Internet with a variety of different power systems, including smartphones, tablets, and mobile devices from television to major appliances, headsets, and cars [13].

    IoT is reaching a branch of applications by creating a sensor network with multiple possibilities such as power monitoring and demand-side power management, and IoT-enabled consumer appliances could help balance energy demand, who operate in a scenario since a washing machine can be connected to the internet and turned on only when there is sufficient solar power on the grid, even for consumers, the use of off-peak energy can save money [7, 12, 13].

    Therefore, this chapter aims to provide an updated overview of Smart Grids, showing and approaching its success relationship, with a concise bibliographic background, categorizing, and synthesizing the potential of technology.

    The present chapter is organized as follows: Section 2 argues Smart Cities concepts. Section 3 lectures the Smart Grid concepts. Section 4 speaks about Smart Grid and its infrastructure. Section 5 presents how a current discussion around the technologies covered. In section 6 the conclusions of the research are presented, finally, Section 7, presents future trends for Smart Grid.


    Cities are achieving rapid evolution along with increasing population levels, while new challenges are appearing in parallel, which leads to the need for public development aiming at continuous improvements that support more quality of life. It is in this sense that smart cities, with the concept that involves the need to build a city adapted to current needs, and, at the same time, prepared for the future, focused on improving the comfort of its inhabitants, allowing more efficient mobility, to have connectivity and to be sustainable, are planned together with digital transformation, creating more opportunities for the population and economic growth [14].

    Smart Cities are those that use information and communication technologies to provide more security, socioeconomic stability, sustainability, and reduced cost of living, that is, it is an innovative urban ecosystem characterized by the widespread use of technology in the management of its resources and infrastructure, i.e., in a smart city where everything becomes connected, it is possible to have high-speed public Wi-Fi for everyone and the interconnected functioning of lighting, traffic, public transport systems, among others. Thus, technology and innovation are merged in a coordinated and integrated way with the traditional urban infrastructure [15].

    In many cities across the globe, this evolution is still in its early stages and presents several challenges related to the provision of essential services in an intelligent way, such as energy, transport, health, education, among others. Therefore, for a city to be considered intelligent, the environment, the economy, and society must be interconnected and coexist, creating a unified ecosystem, i.e., this process involves several aspects of development, such as efficiency and management of public lighting and telecommunications networks that allow offering services in real-time to connected users, development of mobility solutions to save time and reduce pollution, buildings with positive energy coefficient, optimization of waste management, for example. Infrastructure is essential to define how the main services will be made available, offering several possibilities of support with the promotion of the effectiveness of the processes [16].

    Digital Cities are not only synonymous with Smart Cities, since the first focus only on the implementation of free internet signal distribution points throughout the territory, while the second represents all unified technologies, with a connection between the various technological initiatives, resulting in the efficiency in the use of resources, mobility, and services [17].

    The resources are used to promote public policy based on some important points in population development, improving the quality of life and the services offered, such as urban and organizational planning; improving transportation services, and developing new models that can be sustainable and affordable for the entire population; better community life; easy mobility; modern architecture and infrastructure; advanced technologies and resources; clean energy; more efficient and organized emergency services, being possible, mainly related to the optimization of response times; implementation of technologies in school environments, with easy access to equalizing the opportunities of all students; as well as the replacement of printed teaching materials with digital versions [18].

    Smart Cities is an urban model based on the use of information and communication technologies, approaching the vision of the future built on decisive, independent, and conscious attitudes of the different actors of the urban space, such as government, civil society, and academia in the dimensions of economy, governance, mobility, people, environment and quality of life. Where common aspects are environmental issues (energy production, waste management, and others), communication between different users (companies, collectives, institutions, and individuals), use of information and communication technologies to improve the operational functioning of the network, social aspects (health care, education and cultural services available) and urban efficiency [19].

    The phases of building a smart city range from public lighting networks to remote management of urban equipment, electromobility, applications for the operation and maintenance of urban assets and interface with citizens, distributed energy generation, hypervisor, and operation centers. Technological resources allow for a more balanced urban expansion, aiming at sustainability and democracy. Enabling the reduction of the barrier that exists between citizens and the administration, through technological resources that make it possible to obtain information and services [20].

    Since one of the main objectives of the smart city is to promote sustainability, that it is necessary to have planned, acting in the whole process of implantation, review, operation, and maintenance of resources, from the most common ones as urban lighting to reach, among others objectives, energy savings with luminous efficiency and high availability rates, aiming at an efficient functioning of the commercial, residential and business areas of the region, making it easier to obtain services and leisure, also counting on the distribution of green areas, encouraging integration between all built environments. In addition to lighting, traffic lights, and equipment for remote management, which help to streamline and optimize traffic control, contributing to improving the environmental quality of emblematic urban buildings and improving the management capacity of cities with intelligent technology applications [21].

    The development of transport infrastructures, with intelligent electric trams, recover the energy generated by braking, or even with the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles. Creating an intelligent ecosystem with the principle of respecting and promoting ecological actions, paying attention to sustainable eco-development. Thus, there is a concern to reduce heat islands, making the distribution of green areas more functional, generating well-being for the population, and still considering a view of nature [14, 18, 21].

    Smart City is a concept based on recent technological innovations that make municipalities optimized, enabling planned growth for the benefit of human beings, since naturally the concept is also designed to focus on the population and the essential measures for its good functioning, implementation of urban environments based on interaction and social inclusion [15, 20, 21].

    Thus, smart cities tend to improve people's lifestyles, helping the environment, management, and the community to get involved with more quality and efficiency, combining fundamental elements such as transformative social project, sustainability, and administrative autonomy, evaluating categories such as mobility, environment, technology and innovation, urbanism, economy, education, health, security, entrepreneurship, governance, and energy. Which generates a transformation of urban infrastructures, integrating the citizen, and adding management and sustainability capacity for the construction of increasingly intelligent cities [16, 21, 22].


    Energy management is a requirement for a sustainable environment and smart grids represent an essential pillar for its achievement since the dissemination of renewable energy sources has led to a profound modernization of traditional electricity distribution systems and in the way of distribution over there. Together with the search for sustainability, the digital transformation has also added to the creation of new possibilities for the management of electric energy, aiming at reducing environmental damage with the objective of more than simply saving, that is, making intelligent and conscious use. Therefore, a way was developed to optimize energy production intelligently using technology such as IoT, giving rise to Smart Grid [1, 2, 20-22].

    Smart Grid is generic for the application of computational intelligence with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, in which almost any object can be equipped with a unique identifier and receive the ability to communicate through the web, and network resources to one electricity distribution system, provided that the Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows the implementation of a series of digital transformation projects [3, 21, 22].

    3.1. Smart Grid and IoT

    Considering the concept of IoT where all digital devices can interconnect, using the internet, making it possible to remotely control all connected devices since the technology has known potential for revolution and industrial innovation such as the automobile, security, medical, smart cities, and recently electricity consumption. And so, allowing users to integrate communication systems, control energy and electrical flow, measure consumption, monitor the health of their systems, and automate their energy systems, among other applications [23].

    Characterized by the implementation of many thousands of control devices, sensors that allow to automatically adjust the electricity flows, controllers that are located remotely, are informed of the situation in real-time and can act immediately if there is a problem, practically without the need for intervention human, and interactive and intelligent meters, Smart Grid not only guarantees the correct interaction between all these elements, but also provides the expressive improvement of the network in terms of efficiency, reliability, and freedom for the final customer to control their consumption conditions [24].

    Smart Grid is not a project to be implemented but an evolution, in this sense it is necessary to plan the implementation of an architecture that, continuously, includes new technologies adopted, always taking into account the importance of integration between them. The implementation of Smart Grid, in practice, means in cutting edge technologies, such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and cloud computing, implementing sensors and software to deal with this information, making the devices installed on the network allow the identification of fluctuations or peak consumption at certain points, causing this captured data to be sent to the software, which can generate reports or act according to pre-established measures [2, 6, 24].

    3.2. Smart Grid Applications

    Besides, this type of network can communicate with any smart meter and, connecting consumers' appliances automatically at specific times to reduce financial expenses with electricity, for example. Thus, the monitoring and exchange of information on energy flows are additional applications of Smart Grids, through this use of smart meters, automatic control devices, smart switches, and appliances, making the Grid able to anticipate demands in advance expected energy consumption and adapt production and consumption, consequently avoiding peak loads, eliminating possible blackouts and acting promptly in case of failures [4, 24].

    Among the main automation applications through Smart Grid, distributing and generating distributed energy resources, especially in smart grid projects that seek to improve operations, maintenance, and planning, ensuring that each component of the power grid can speak and listen, are the possibility to provide intelligent energy storage and offer a real-time response to fluctuations and demand management from the client-side, based on bidirectional conversation between devices on the network and consumer devices as well on the user's edge [25].

    From the customer's point of view, information related to electricity consumption can also be delivered, to raise awareness about consumption habits and encourage more rational use of energy, giving control of your own energy use, ensuring flexible distribution highly automated, encouraging the release or containment of consumption according to the circumstances of the load on the infrastructure. Since the distributors can offer incentives to conscious consumption or even flexibility in the tariffs charged according to the consumption profile [26].

    From a structural point of view, a distributor will only know that the service is interrupted if a customer complaint, in contrast, in a Smart Grid scenario, the company will know immediately why certain components of the network, considering the smart meters in the affected area have stopped sending sensor data. Therefore, obtaining a vision of an automated, efficient, and self-recovering bidirectional way of energy and interconnected communications, suggesting a highly reliable and efficient energy production and distribution environment [5, 26].

    In the context of Smart Grid, it is ensured that all components of the network, from transformers and power lines to domestic, commercial, and industrial electrical meters, have IP addresses and can use bidirectional communication, enabling more distribution management efficiency. Still considering the proactive ability to maintain and respond to interruptions more quickly. However, one of the biggest problems with the deployment of these many thousands of smart devices and characterized by dispersion is exactly how to control them. Related to the dissemination of control points, making a control issue highly critical, that is, there is a great demand for resources to ensure communication with each of these devices and protect them from cyber threats [27].

    In this respect, encryptions with a minimum key size of 128 bits are the minimum initial criteria for protecting the data flow and devices in this configuration, since 256-bit keys are indispensable. As well as public-key infrastructure technology (PKI), consisting of a system of resources, policies, and services that support the use of public-key cryptography to authenticate the parties involved in the transaction. There is no single standard that defines the components of public-key infrastructure, but a public-key infrastructure generally includes Certification Authorities (CAs) such as Issuing digital certificates, validating digital certificates, Revoking digital certificates, and public-key distribution and Registration Authorities (RAs). The most suitable technology to ensure that each device has a unique key so that in case an invasion occurs on a device, it does not mean access to the entire system [28].

    3.3. Smart Grid Advantages

    One of the biggest advantages of Smart Grid is the possibility of monitoring energy performance in real-time, in contrast to the traditional meter, in which consumption data is collected once a month, digital allows constant monitoring. Another important component of Smart Grid is automation since it is present in the integrated automated communication between components of the electrical network; automated controls for distribution and repairs; detection and measurement technologies; better management of dashboards and decision support software, among other aspects. In this way, irregularities are quickly identified, and predictive, preventive, and corrective actions can be adopted avoiding waste and establishing goals that improve energy consumption, whether for the company or the end customer, establishing a more sustainable business model enabling the reduction of emissions carbon dioxide and other polluting waste [4, 28].

    Making a contrast analogy between the characteristics that differentiate a traditional electrical network from a Smart Grid are the flexibility, which facilitates the management of variations in generation and consumption; accessibility related to all the different energy sources that can be integrated into the network, and due to the interconnections present, consumers can take advantage of the renewable energy generated in large quantities in distant regions, when there is not enough in the locality; reliability due to information sent in real-time and remote network management, the risk of power outages and incidents is reduced; and from an economic point of view concerning better management results in reduced costs [29].

    In this way, Smart Grids is defined as an intelligent electrical distribution system that offers bi-directional energy flows from producers to consumers, which benefit from reduced power losses, lower costs, and better measurement of consumption with better control, enabling a reduction in carbon emissions. Still considering that with Smart Grid, end customers also act as producers, which, unlike traditional energy networks, energy is generated only by a plant and distributed to end customers through large networks of transformers and substations. In the context of energy production in Smart Grid, the energy produced by consumers in microgrids, which can be through wind turbines, solar panels, among other forms, is sent to the main Grid, which, in turn, performs the management and storage [30].

    Thus, a Smart Grid is an intelligent electrical network that reduces costs, optimizes management, and enables better control by electric companies, domestic consumers, and companies. They can also be integrated with Smart Cities for the development of other services, taking energy performance to a new level, ensuring quality, safety, and financial return. As long as there is an efficiently planned system, it allows adaptation, monitoring, and administration in real-time energy consumption, avoiding failures to the multiple energy sources connected to the system. It is a trend that not only solves infrastructure problems but can be considered a first step for cities and companies to take their intelligent path through the digital age [30, 31].


    Smart meters are devices used to measure electricity consumption regularly and the integration of the electrical network as a whole is facilitated by the large flow of information through them, as long as they allow the bidirectional flow of energy, in addition to performing the collecting a lot of information about consumption. It is also possible to know the offers and demands of energy in each region and their respective variations over time, which through this information makes it possible to achieve a better distribution of energy avoiding that there is little supply for regions that have a lot of demand. In this sense, more detailed energy monitoring and charging can be done, compared to traditional meters [32].

    A Smart Grid is composed of a structure composed of basically three networks taking into account that each household has its own network, consisting of a HAN (Home Area Network) which is the smallest of the networks and is present in each residence, and is composed of microgeneration’s of each household, such as solar panels on the roof of the houses and smart energy-consuming devices, it connects these smart, energy-consuming devices, and micro-generations if any. Regarding all information and data related to the electrical consumption and energy production of each HAN, the occurrence of blackouts, and the overall quality of energy use are stored in a smart meter [33].

    In the same sense that the set of several meters in a neighborhood makes up a NAN (Neighborhood Area Network), since the energy demand of several NANs in a region is sent to a data concentrator, which processes this information and sends it to the concessionaire, considering also that each such NAN network sends the information to a data concentrator, which is connected to the measurement management center via a WAN (Wide Area Network) network. Thus, a HAN is the home network, at that same level there is the BAN (Bussiness Area Network), which is a type of commercial network; the NAN would be the neighborhood network comprising multiple HAN; and finally, the WAN encompasses multiple NANs. In the same way that a type of protocol is necessary for this communication since many of the meters and sensors, smart generators, and other IoT devices have some type of information processing done by microprocessors, it is convenient to use communication protocols similar to those of computer networks [34].

    One of these protocols that can be used is DNP3, which has functions equivalent to some layers of the OSI model, having functions for data multiplexing and also division and packaging functions, it is an open-source communication protocol, it defines two types of stations, a master and another slave/outstation, which is useful for using different devices in the same medium, data prioritization, error checking, addressing services (data link layer), transport (transport layer) and functions application (application layer), for an interface between the user and the system because it enables the communication between devices within an automation system such as smart grids [35].

    Another example is PROFINET which is an Ethernet-based protocol for connecting process devices such as sensors, actuators, and devices similar to control systems, following the IEEE 802 Ethernet standard in IEC 61784 and IEC 61158, meaning the possibility of connecting an appliance and an electric meter on the same network. Just like PROFIBUS, which is a traditional digital protocol based on serial communication [36, 37].

    Furthermore, the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocols are the main protocol for sending and receiving data over the internet. And UDP/IP also based on the sending of information packets to speed up the data sending process but removing all the

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