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The Loner Girl is an Existentialist: Self-Doubt, Irrational Feelings, and Internal Conflict
The Loner Girl is an Existentialist: Self-Doubt, Irrational Feelings, and Internal Conflict
The Loner Girl is an Existentialist: Self-Doubt, Irrational Feelings, and Internal Conflict
Ebook184 pages2 hours

The Loner Girl is an Existentialist: Self-Doubt, Irrational Feelings, and Internal Conflict

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The Loner Girl is an Existentialist is volume two of the series On Being

Release dateJul 30, 2020
The Loner Girl is an Existentialist: Self-Doubt, Irrational Feelings, and Internal Conflict

J. Guzmán

J. Guzmán was born on January 14th, 1991, at 8:42 a.m., in Lewiston, Idaho, USA. She is the creator of On Being, a self-referential, metaphysical, diary case history where she psychoanalyzes her consciousness throughout Time, uses tools like astrology to facilitate the investigation, and documents the entire process. J is building a life-long, narrative, archival data set of her life for astrologers and other researchers to use to show exactly how their respective theories, methods, techniques, and practices function. J. is the ultimate research test subject.

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    The Loner Girl is an Existentialist - J. Guzmán

    The Loner Girl is an Existentialist


    Self-Doubt, Irrational Feelings, and Internal Conflict




    Loner Girl Press

    Copyright © 2020 by J. Guzmán and Loner Girl Press

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    For permissions and collaborations contact: [email protected]

    You can connect with J. on Instagram @jguzmanwriter, or visit her website

    Sign up for J.’s newsletter called Nothing I Say is True: Open Letters to Void at her website under the Correspondence tab! There you can read her ongoing musings about life, the universe, and whatever the fuck.

    Although the following narrative is of events that actually occurred, the story itself is only subjective truth. All books in the series On Being are J. Guzmán’s personal experience, interpretation, opinions, and feelings, not the Objective Truth of Absolute Reality. Her aim is not defamation and she understands that every character has their own subjective truth regarding events that occurred, and that others’ perspectives could prove contradictory to her own. Characters’ names have been changed to protect their privacy and reputation.

    to my cosmic overlord

    everything is everything

    I invoke you by all your names

    for astrological purposes


    14 January 1991

    8:42 a.m.

    Lewiston, Idaho, USA

    The Loner Girl is an Existentialist

    (eBook version)

    30 July 2020

    7:31 a.m.

    Boise, Idaho, USA

    the loner girl is an existentialist


    10 August 2009

    I’m in Seattle! I’ve moved into the apartments with my teammates and had my first practice. It’s preseason, so we don’t start school for about a month and I won’t move into the dorms until around that time. All the other freshman girls on my team are going to live together in the dorms, but I chose to room with two random people from school. I still haven’t met them.

    Yesterday we moved in and had a barbecue with the whole team, and it was fun and I know it’ll get better, but I still feel awkward and uncomfortable. I don’t miss being home or in Idaho, I just miss being alone or being able to do my own thing, and having people that really understand me be there. I don’t have anything to say to these people!

    I get anxious when I don’t know how exactly I’m going to get somewhere or what I’ll need to bring with me or where to go. Like yesterday we went shopping for food (our coach gives us a ton of money for preseason food, it’s crazy!) and I just wanted to get a whole bunch of other stuff than my teammates, and it’s frustrating for me to have to comply with the majority’s desires. I’d rather have my own stuff and work alone.

    I felt like at practice I was running around with my head cut off. I did well in the mile (my time was 5:38), although I think the track isn’t a full-sized track so that time is probably inaccurate. We also played in miniature games and I don’t think I did well. Ugh. It’s frustrating.

    It’s crazy to think that this is it; I am here to stay for a long time. I’m on my own and I dunno if I can handle that. It’s scary! I’m kind of glad that I’m not rooming with any of my fellow soccer players in the dorms because they are not like me. I can’t connect with them very well it seems like.

    We had our second practice and I felt a bit better. Two practices a day for two weeks, holy shit! We went to this little hole-in-the-wall place for dinner and ate eggs, hash browns, and french toast. It reminded me of the place I went to with Sawyer and Lacy after we went to the hot springs that one time.

    I sat next to a senior on the team who is tiny and has bushy blonde hair and a squeaky mouse voice. She was super nice and told me about how when she was a freshman our coach asked her to say team prayer, since it’s a Christian school. She was uncomfortable speaking in front of everyone so she awkwardly, quietly said prayer, and felt traumatized afterwards. That made me feel better because I just feel extremely uncomfortable and quiet right now. And there’s no fucking way I will ever say prayer, that’s for sure!

    11 August 2009

    Things have been getting better! I feel way more comfortable with the girls, the freshmen at least. Not as comfortable as I’d like, or as I could be with a person, I guess, but itʼs getting there. And it’s only the second day of two-a-days, so I’d say my progress is good.

    It’s weird because all we do is soccer and I feel like I donʼt have a life other than that. I donʼt think I like that. I am excited for the day I’ll have my own apartment and job and be able to buy my own food and have everything the way I want it, and be able to do fun things with friends that actually know me and want to do what I want to do.

    I think I want to live in Seattle when I’m done with college. Itʼs beautiful here and the variety of people and cultures is astounding. I can’t believe I actually live here now; it’s strange. I always felt like I’d be trapped in Boise for the rest of my life, so suddenly being somewhere really different and beautiful and lush and cloudy is hard to transition to.

    For now I think I just need to stay in the moment and have fun living with my teammates and relax around other people and not get so anxious about everything. I wish I knew the surrounding area and had a bus schedule or car or something, but I guess that’s all in time. I’ll figure things out eventually, I suppose.

    14 August 2009

    Today was good. Things are getting much better, I can’t even believe it. My touch on the ball is quickly improving and I’m getting progressively more comfortable playing on turf at such a fast pace.

    The other day Bridgette and Mariah, two other freshmen, both fit into these size large sweatpants, each in a separate leg, at the same time. It was hilarious!

    Bridgette is this super tall girl from California. She always says, Shut up! instead of, like, Oh my god! It’s funny. She’s loud. Mariah is from Oregon, she has straight blonde hair and is very fast. She plays forward. They are both nice and I’ve started feeling less awkward around them, especially after we all laughed uncontrollably while they squeezed themselves into sweat-pant legs.

    It’s midnight and I’m bzzzing on coffee and wearing the same fuzzy grey sweats previously described, but in my own size. All the freshmen got them. I’m glad these things are getting better. I’m excited for school and the future and I hope I meet some interesting people.

    16 August 2009

    Today we had a day off because it’s Sunday. We went downtown to Pike Place Market, and I bought a comic for one dollar for Sawyer for his birthday, which is in a few months. I just saw it and thought it was cool. But the guy sold it to me for less than it actually was, and when I asked him if there was tax he said, Not for you! I felt special.

    Tomorrow’s our last two-a-day practice and on Tuesday we go to Canada for a couple preseason games.

    20 August 2009

    We went to Canada and I roomed with one of the sophomores, Janet. I like her so it wasn’t awkward. She has dark hair and lighter eyes and plays defense. She’s nice and I think pretty religious as well, but not in the preachy, obnoxious way like most religious people.

    That night in our game I didn’t start, but I played 75% of the game and Chadwick, our coach, said he loved how I played, so that was very good. I didn’t feel like I played especially well, but at least he’s happy. Today we played another game and I started and played about 75% again, but I felt like I played badly. I couldn’t breathe and it was hot and humid and terrible. We lost 1-0.

    Also, Alexis, one of the other freshmen, and I had this intense conversation about crazy shit that we think about, and it made me feel sane and not alone in the universe. I like her a lot. She is half Hawaiian and really pretty, with long brown hair which is thin like mine, and big brown eyes and little teeth. She plays defense and everyone calls her Kan because that is her last name. We hung out a lot.

    While walking around Vancouver with our team we found huge, old buildings that looked like they should be in Europe, and we decided which ones we would live in when we become rich and famous.

    21 August 2009

    I realized why I feel insane a lot of the time. I think it’s because society says particular things are good and bad, and I just want to do whatever I want and disregard what people say or think, but people will always judge you! I don’t want people to judge other people and say that what they are doing is bad or wrong or awkward, because they aren’t in the same situation and probably don’t know what’s actually going on.

    I don’t want to think that what some people do is weird or strange. I want to be fully receptive and tolerant and empathetic and understanding. And genuine! I’m worried that I’m judging people that do weird things when they are actually beautiful, artistic, misunderstood people, only because of society’s creeping influence in the back of my mind that I can’t get out, even though I know it’s there.

    I wish there were no drugs and that people would be different only because that’s who they are. I wish people wouldn’t take drugs because it makes them scary and they act strange and not rationally. It scares me because I can’t connect with them and I don’t know why they say certain things and nothing makes sense.

    You know that it’s not actually them when they are on drugs; it’s their brain being warped. So it is like they are crazy at that moment. And I never know how to react to people! I want to think that they are unique and true, but if they are doing something weird on drugs it’s not really them. As opposed to them doing something weird and being normal, like that’s something they would do normally.* Ah, it’s too complicated.

    Something that’s been scaring me is the fact that you can never truly connect with someone because you aren’t in her mind and even if you are having a deep conversation, you never know if she is truly in agreement with everything you are saying. You don’t know if secretly she is disagreeing with you about a certain thing and not telling you. I hate that.

    I wish I knew what people were thinking so I could explain myself, because often people don’t ask you questions when they disagree with you, they just stay silent and wonder why you said something. And criticize you. It makes me feel paranoid. I hate that I don’t know if they understand my perception fully. It makes me feel alone and scared.

    Things are just strange! Like sensing stimuli. Like hearing and feeling. Thinking. Thinking is so fucking weird it makes me so weird. Ugh, it’s kind of beautiful but it scares me. Like how I know certain things are true because other things are true. Logic, doing math, writing an essay. Creepy and lovely at the same time. Or just writing this, even though the thought process is kind of scrambled. And how I know it’s scrambled. And how I know I have to pee right now.

    [*Ana: It actually is possible to be weird, on drugs, and genuine all at once. You can still be yourself on drugs. It depends on the drug and the person. Also, you’d need to define terms such as drug, normal, weird, true, and crazy to have a productive conversation about this. –J.]

    23 August 2009

    Yesterday was the longest day of my life. We got up at nine because practice was at ten, and the night before Kan and I stayed up till 2:30 a.m. talking, so we only got seven hours of sleep.

    After practice the whole team went to Golden Gardens to ice bath in the ocean. It’s this park by the beach and the water is freezing and beautifully, painfully soothing on sore muscles. We got Cuban food at this little pink shack by the beach and went to watch the guys’ soccer team play while we ate.

    When we finally got back to the apartments I took a fast shower, and then Kan, Hope, Mila, Sierra, and I went shopping at Goodwill, Urban Outfitters, and Red Light. I stole some measuring spoons from Urban Outfitters.

    Hope, Mila, and Sierra are sophomores on my team. Hope and Mila are tall and skinny and are both from Colorado. Hope has curly brown hair and is tan and can run long distances faster than most. She has good endurance but doesn’t play much during our games.

    Mila has blonde, straight hair and I like her a lot. She kind of looks like Gwyneth Paltrow. She also has a thing with one of the guys on the soccer team who seems alternative and cool. I think his name is Trevor.

    Sierra is from Utah, she plays center mid like me and is extremely good at soccer. I feel like our minds are similar, like she is awkward sometimes but funny at the same time and sort of on accident. I like her a lot because I feel like she gets it.

    When we got home from shopping, we proceeded to get ready to go out to this fancy restaurant all dressed up. We got fast food first for dinner because we only wanted dessert at the fancy place. I didn’t get anything though because I don’t want the freshman 15 and I figured I would just eat dessert for dinner.

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