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One Man's Opinion
One Man's Opinion
One Man's Opinion
Ebook167 pages2 hours

One Man's Opinion

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A series of articles contributed by the Author expressing scenarios depicting possible factual, Fictional, Educational, Philosophical, Instructional, Science, and a touch of sensitivity: You be the Judge...

Release dateJan 3, 2023
One Man's Opinion

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    Book preview

    One Man's Opinion - Dr. Reinaldo Irizarry Sr. PhD


    Reinaldo_-_Ebook_(Book_1)Paul HendricksF212018-03-29T10:19:00Z2023-09-19T00:02:00Z2023-09-19T00:02:00Z21732101182979Aspose152442921465116.0000

    One Man’s Opinion

    Reinaldo Irizarry, Sr., Ph.D.

    Copyright © 2022

    All Rights Reserved

    A series of articles contributed by the Author expressing scenarios depicting possible factual, Fictional, Educational, Philosophical, Instructional, Science, and a touch of sensitivity:

    You be the Judge…

    Description: Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\Pictures\Pictures\#4\BLUEPOWERRANGERMIKE\Pictures of Mikey\Pictures of Mikey 020.jpg


    This book is dedicated to my lovely Wife, Ellie, with all my love, who has supported me and has given me encouragement and inspiration.

    Thoughts to ponder.

    Love your neighbor as you love God! Think positive, stay focused on everything you do throughout your life and try to help everyone you meet along the way. Be the best that you can be at anything you put your mind to, which will serve as an example for others to follow. Be a Mentor, a brother, but most of all, a friend. Be compassionate, trustworthy, loyal, understanding, faithful, and a good listener, and you will have the world at your feet alongside the side of GOD. Keep an open mind to all good possibilities that may affect your life, your family, and your friends. Stay positive, my friend, and you will have the blessing of the Universe and all its wonder.



    Bombs over the USA

    Sloppy Joes in Police Work

    Guilty Until Proven Otherwise

    The Lonely Unfortunate Ones

    The Modern Gladiators

    Sample Narrative of a Violent Domestic Incident Police Report

    This Desert called Earth

    Analyzing Your Profession in Police Work as a Police Chief

    In Search of Sam

    The Steam Kettle Rocket

    The Age of Innocence

    How do we identify the Enemy?

    The Devil finally emerges

    The Captains in Charge

    Basic Creole for Police Officers

    Nature of Police Work

    My Police Philosophy

    I'd walk a mile for the purpose of living

    Sample narrative of an Armed Robbery incident Report

    To the Moon and beyond

    Combat Strategies Against the Enemy

    Mr. President, we have a problem

    Coming Home from NAM—1966 to 1967

    Reinaldo_-_Ebook_(Book_1)Paul HendricksF212018-03-29T10:19:00Z2023-09-19T00:02:00Z2023-09-19T00:02:00Z21732101182979Aspose152442921465116.0000

    Bombs over the USA

    Since Israel became a state in 1948, it has been on guard against invaders from all sides, in been surrounded by lifelong enemies seeking its destruction. The country, which is small, is always seeking stable and peaceful relations with its neighbor in the area. For over Sixty years, Israel, with belief in peaceful co-existence, has been waging a losing battle with its neighbors to stop their aggression, a long time for a country to be concerned about its well-being, security, and survival.

    During the first war in 1991 between the US and Iraq, they endured Scuds missile bombing attacks from Saddam Hussein against their homeland. They suffered destruction losing many lives. It is difficult to stand by idle while receiving missiles over your head, knowing they are killing your people, and not be able to retaliate because you are asked not to do so. You would think a country so small, being under so much pressure for so long, would be used to it by now. I cannot begin to imagine the frightening experience everyone goes through every day living in that country. Yet they go on with their everyday lives with striving and perseverance

    Israel has shown and exercised self-restraint more than any other country in the region. Showing the rest of the World they could endure hardship and misery just as they had done during World War II and centuries before. Still, be victorious by not retaliating when the US asked not to during the war with Iraq. It takes great people and a great Nation to be well discipline-exercising self-restraint in moments of great personal danger and misfortune. The confusion they face while getting up every morning and going on with their daily routine in trying to live a healthy life must be horrendous.

    When Saddam Hussein started to expand his philosophy of tyranny after the Iraq, Iran War, it would have been but a matter before he attacked Israel, causing an incident more disastrous than he could have imagined. Much greater than when he invaded Kuwait. The cruel and deadly treatment he exercised against his own people while he was the Dictator is on record for all to read.

    He proved to have had weapons of mass destruction when he used poisonous gas, killing thousands of people in the Northern Part of Iraq. There are rumors that he used it against Iranian soldiers during his conflict with Iran. When realizing the United States would finally be on his doorstep, he had no other choice but to have them transported to Syria. He had them placed in underground bunkers somewhere in the desert. One of his former Generals who knew and was aware of their locations revealed this information to the public and to the US. It would have only been a matter of time before Saddam Hussein would have expanded his power by further using them against Israel and becoming a menace in the entire area.

    In miscalculating his political actions and creating bad relations with the US, Saddam Hussein brought on his own destruction and that of his country. However, the real threat was not Iraq but Iran; they are the ones causing all the problems in the region; they were doing it before; they are doing it now. They are the ones responsible for all turmoil in the area. They are the ones who are training all the outside fighters who are coming into Iraq to kill our soldiers. They are the ones that want to see Israel wiped off from the face of the Earth with the good old USA. If left unchecked, Iran would eventually run over the Middle East and, in time, challenge the USA in a Nuclear War: They will first strike Israel with nuclear weapons and use it as an excuse to fight against the USA. They are fanatics who believe that their way is the only way. They know we will not hesitate to come to the aid of Israel, and that is what they are seeking, the end to civilization as we know it.

    Iran is the Country everyone should be concerned with because they have a fanatical and crazy agenda behind their religious beliefs. They believe they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Their main objective is turning the Middle East into a ball of fire or a burning inferno. They believe by killing themselves and taking as much of the so call infidels with them; they will reach heaven and have sixty virgins waiting for them. How sad to know there are people with such low-level of intelligence who believe such nonsense and false expectation:

    Now it looks as if they may have the ability and the means to do it. The more they keep talking, the more they keep stalling. Allowing them more time in which they can complete building the bomb. Once they have it, they will use it. These people do not discriminate between races; they offer equal opportunity to erase everyone on this planet with their nuclear bomb. They will use them; there is no doubt about it…

    In addition, if that were not bad enough, you have Mr. Chavez, from Venezuela and Castro, from Cuba, joining forces with this nut from Iran in this search for Islamic Utopia.

    I call on the people of the United States, Citizens of the World, wake up… wake up… wake up. Our government should be at its highest alert stage, which is (RED). An ounce of prevention could well mean our survival. We must not allow it to happen. Not to Israel, not to any other country and certainly not the good old USA.

    We must not allow ourselves to be taken by surprise with our pants down when the bombs are flying overhead. We must stop them now because later, it will be too late. It must be a joint effort between various countries, not just the great USA.

    Sloppy Joes in Police Work

    What is it that makes young man women, when they graduate from the Police Academy, forget the basics involving police work? Instead, they develop a sense of being Sloppy Joes. For some unknown reason, they discard all the training they have received insensitivity in dealing with the public.

    The majority are right out of High school, have no life experience, and have limited education, with many only two years of college. Others are on a career move and just need a job. Others seek the opportunity to get a job with the potential to use for the wrong reasons: When the average citizen becomes a criminal, they are amateur. However, when a police officer goes outside the law and becomes a criminal, then you have good reasons to worry.

    I was at the Academy when they advised and stressed strongly to all Police Recruits to be respectable and polite to the public and watch their language while not taking the job personally. I can assure you, throughout my twenty-Six-year career as a Police Officer, I followed that advice and still successfully performed my duties as described by the Constitution of the United States. To safeguard the rights of all persons regardless of their ethnic background or religious beliefs.

    In today’s world, events are happening fast. Everyone is in a hurry and not knowing where they are heading. Police Officers and members of Law Enforcement know well what modern technology has done to affect police work. It is a thankless task. Not understood by the average person; In addition, they are hated by criminals. However, as police officers, we must never lose touch with the actions we take because there will be an equal and opposite reaction, which will later affect our lives. In addition, regardless of who we are, we are accountable for our actions.

    The average Police Department can hold fast to its well-established reputation that most of their Police Officers when they retire, do so with honor. However, because of their greed for power, unscrupulous individuals join the police force for personal gain, causing other good and faithful, devoted officers to suffer. Those who chose the profession with the best intent soon realize others who want to profit from the power that it brings them makes a black stigma on the profession.

    Since my retirement from the force, I have had several instances where Officers have stopped me for no apparent purpose. When stopped, I asked why, and they just looked at me without a response walking away back to their Police vehicle. After ten minutes, they returned with my credentials and my license and, without giving me an answer, got back into their patrol car and drove away. I have had many of these unpleasant experiences with young Police Officers, both men and women.

    The men, while talking to me, have been rude and disrespectful with their remarks. Showing me little regards, knowing I was a retired Officer. The women, on the other hand, are more understanding; however, they have displayed to be just as rude, lacking consideration while projecting a real macho image.

    I can recall the many times I stopped a motorist for traffic violations. I always kept in mind I never knew whom I was stopping. Regardless of who it was, I would show respect and listen to what they had to say. This method gave me

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