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Moongate Island Christmas Claim: Moongate Island Mates, #2
Moongate Island Christmas Claim: Moongate Island Mates, #2
Moongate Island Christmas Claim: Moongate Island Mates, #2
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Moongate Island Christmas Claim: Moongate Island Mates, #2

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About this ebook

She's an overworked executive. He's a shark with bite. Together, they jingle all the bells…


A Vampire, needing a vacation, goes to an island predominantly inhabited by shifters. What could go wrong?


How about an accidental claiming ceremony on Christmas Eve that proves binding by supernatural law? It's not a matter of who bit who, despite the feuding couples' claims when they take it to the Island Judge.


The real question is whether Adam, a solitary Shark Shifter, and Eve, a Vampire trying to find peace, will end up claimed for life?


Find out in this Moongate Island Christmas tale.

PublisherC.D. Gorri
Release dateOct 1, 2023
Moongate Island Christmas Claim: Moongate Island Mates, #2

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    Book preview

    Moongate Island Christmas Claim - C.D. Gorri

    Moongate Island Christmas Claim




    C.D. GORRI



    Moongate Island Christmas Claim


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9


    Preview of Doubly Tied

    Excerpt from Moongate Island Christmas Claim

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    Other Titles by C.D. Gorri

    About the Author

    Moongate Island Christmas Claim

    MoonGate Island Mates, Book Two

    Copyright ©2021, 2023 C.D. Gorri

    Cover Design by CDG Cover Designs

    Proofread by: Book Nook Nuts

    Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

    Sale of this book without a front cover may be unauthorized. If this book is coverless, it may have been reported to the publisher as unsold or destroyed and neither the author nor the publisher may have received payment for it.

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    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Jingle Bells

    Shifters Smell

    All Their Pretty Mates

    When One Bites Back

    They Make A Pact

    To Forever Love and Claim...


    She’s an overworked executive.

    He’s a shark with bite.

    Together, they jingle all the bells...

    A Vampire needing a vacation goes to an island predominantly inhabited by shifters. What could possibly go wrong?

    How about an accidental claiming ceremony on Christmas Eve that proves binding by supernatural law? It’s not a matter of who bit whom, despite the feuding couple’s claims when they take it to the Island Judge.

    The real question is whether Adam, a solitary Shark Shifter, and Eve, a Vampire trying to find peace, will end up claimed for life.

    Find out in this Moongate Island Christmas tale.


    "W hat part of we need the orders YESTERDAY was too difficult for you to understand? Oh, really? Well, maybe next year we’ll go with DuMont Industries . Screw Stein & Sons , O’Connell! No, I don’t give a fuck if we’ve been doing business with you for eighty-seven years this Christmas, you fathead!" Eve ended the call with an unsatisfying swipe of her smartphone.

    It was the latest model, had all the bells and whistles, but it just could not give her that same loud SLAM she used to get from the old handheld that sat on the right hand corner of her desk when she had started working for the PR branch of the Sanguinem Council. The rapid change in technology in the last twenty years alone was enough to spin any Vampire’s head.

    As long-lived creatures, Vampires were a little slow on the uptake when new advances were made in certain areas. Still, Eve had to admit NikNak, the social media platform where folks spent time adding hilarious sounds to video snippets, amused the hell out of her. Humans were such wonderful entertainment. Even if they were no longer seen solely as a food source for blood drinkers like Vampires, Chupacabras, Dhampirs, and others with special diet requirements.

    Movies and books mostly had it wrong. Vampires could walk in the sun, though they preferred night because of their supernaturally enhanced eyesight, making it difficult to bear direct sunlight for long bouts of time. Of course, that changed with the advent of sunglasses. Truly, remarkable things, which reminded Eve to jot down a little note on her phone to not forget her new rose-tinted Coach framed peepers.

    They were fabulous and would definitely be put to good use on her vacation. Nerves had her stomach clenching, and she re-thought the tuna salad wrap that was waiting in the fridge for lunch.


    Better stick to liquid only.

    Good thing her thermos was filled with a wonderful ’75 type O, heated to a perfect 98.6 degrees.

    Mated Vampires did not require outsourced blood, but since Eve was single, and would likely remain so seeing as how she sported a little extra length in the old fang department—to her mother’s utter consternation, and her father’s terrible embarrassment. Which was why she was eternally grateful she’d found the most excellent little Chupacabra run butcher in Manhattan who dealt in all sorts of the red stuff.

    She preferred red deer, but like all of her kind was required to indulge in human blood on occasion to keep up her supernatural strength. She only dealt with Sanguinem Council approved suppliers, where plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets were always collected from willing donors, of course. Modern Vampires were very politically correct like that.

    No more lurking in dark corners and glamouring folks for a sip whenever it was required. Which, for her, meant at least once a week. Vampirism was not a curse as much as a mutation among humankind, and without blood, well, Eve’s platelets would bottom out, and she would die. Except with a lot more pain and gore than that little sentence implied.

    She looked outside through the narrow window of her small office. Having been with the Council for longer than she liked to admit, Eve was starting to feel cramped. She no longer loved the hustle and bustle of her work environment, or the city for that matter. New York was noisy, crowded, and too damn cold in December.

    For creatures who relied on the consumption of blood to warm themselves, Vampires tended to not mind the cold. Eve was the opposite, of course. She shivered as more heavy white snow fell from the gray skies onto the cold, concrete sidewalk, and she frowned. Her vacation had been meticulously planned, and though the airports would undoubtedly be filled with Christmas vacationers, she was looking forward to it.

    A secret people watcher, Eve enjoyed the frazzled, but ultimately joyous fracas of a typical New York family attempting a vacation to escape the winter wonderland of a city blanketed in snow. Give her sunshine and beaches anyway, she thought with an anticipatory grin. Her cell phone chirped, breaking her momentary daydreaming, and Eve snarled.

    What is it now? she growled into her phone.

    Ms. Angelle? This is Matthew calling for Mr. Olaf, the tinny voice informed her.

    Eve rolled her eyes. She hated dealing with lackeys. Especially mousy ones.

    Speaking, she replied, trying not to growl at the seconds that passed before Matthew told her why he was calling her.

    Her patience was already wearing thin. There were only ten minutes left of her workday. Afterward, she was going home to a nice mug of B+ and finishing packing her bags. Physically still in the city, Eve’s mind was already switching to vacation mode as she finished sending the last of the day’s emails.

    Ms. Angelle, Mr. Olaf from the eleventh floor is requesting you attend the management meeting on the night of the twenty-fourth and to make sure you bring a tablet to record the session for his later perusal. Shall I tell him seven pm is fine?


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