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No Otter Lover: The Macconwood Pack Tales, #13
No Otter Lover: The Macconwood Pack Tales, #13
No Otter Lover: The Macconwood Pack Tales, #13
Ebook183 pages2 hours

No Otter Lover: The Macconwood Pack Tales, #13

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About this ebook

A newly awakened she-Wolf meets her mate at an underground Shifter casino in Maccon City. Once Shadow lays eyes on Diego, no otter lover will do!


Shadow Capelli was a dormant Werewolf until the Curse of Natalis was defeated. Then everything changed.


With bills to pay, no money coming in, and a clinic full of injured and unwanted animals at Fang & Claw Rescue Center in Maccon City, Shadow just doesn't have time to learn to control her new Wolf. Especially, not her beast's pesky pining for a mate.


In danger of imminent foreclosure, Shadow doesn't know where to turn. When news of an underground Shifter casino reached her ears, she decides to try her luck.


Diego Manuel's inner Otter yearns for his fated mate. But none of the females in his Raft will do. What Diego needs is a change of atmosphere. But where can he go to settle his beast?


While visiting friends in the Macconwood Pack, he runs into the stunning Shadow at a midnight card game. The female claims she isn't interested, but he's determined to have her.


Can Diego convince Shadow no otter lover will do for the sweet she-Wolf?

PublisherC.D. Gorri
Release dateSep 26, 2023
No Otter Lover: The Macconwood Pack Tales, #13

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    No Otter Lover - C.D. Gorri


    D iego, where are you going?

    Out! I am finished with today.

    Hold up, bro, he grunted after him.

    Glenn hurried down the carefully cleared path to chase after his wayward buddy. He zigzagged between the piles of logs his crew arranged during the long days of logging season.

    Soon, it would be time to trim the logs and load them onto trucks. Next, the wood would be measured, cut, and eventually made ready for export at their mill. Logging was a strange business for a Shifter to be in, but not the way he and Glenn did it.

    Shifters had a deep respect for nature. How could they not? The environment was everyone’s responsibility, and they did their part.

    Glenn and Diego were both Giant Otter Shifters, or Boars, as the males were called. Best friends since they were three, and now they were business partners. But there were some things even friends didn’t share.

    Like how unsettled Diego’s Shifter side had grown over the past few months. Glenn frowned at his friend’s back. He could feel his pain in the bonds they shared. The loneliness that plagued him, and the discontent of his Boar were loudest among the rest. Damn. He had no idea it was so bad.

    Diego? Wait, Glenn called over the roar of saws and the hustle and bustle of the day’s work.

    The heat was brutal, but it was good too. They both loved their work, knowing they were sweating for a reason, putting in the time to build their business. Of course, Glenn had found his mate and was happily settled now. But Diego was still a bachelor and no wonder. His ornery beast was always spitting mad.

    I said hold on, he muttered, and Diego finally slowed, running a hand through his dark hair.

    Sorry, Glenn, but I have to go. My Otter is being a damn troublemaker, and for no damned reason.

    I think I know the reason, if you care to listen, Glenn said calmly.

    I don’t want to hear it, Diego replied.

    He growled and closed his eyes, fists clenching and unclenching in agitation. His Otter continued to growl, and Glenn raised his hands in mock surrender. But his friend knew him better than that. Diego narrowed his eyes.

    Stay away from me, Glenn. I am not in the mood to play with you, man.

    Oh yeah? What will you do about it, eh? Huh? I’m talking to you! Glenn growled a warning, then shoved Diego in the shoulder.

    "Droga! You really want to do this?" Diego muttered, cursing softly in their native Portuguese.

    This was it. Exactly what Glenn had been aiming for. Diego turned and moved to shove him back, but Glenn was ready. He ducked out of the way and soon they were wrestling like they used to back when they were pups.

    Blood brothers and the best of friends, Glenn grinned and spat out a bit of blood before motioning for Diego to continue his attack.

    "Maria’s made you soft, amigo," Diego goaded him.

    "You got that wrong, irmão, Glenn said, grinning like the bastard he was. My Maria makes me hard. Ah, but maybe you forgot what that’s like?"

    Fuck you, man, Diego growled, eyes glowing with his animal.

    Pass. I have Maria, remember? Glenn goaded him.

    Everyone assumed Otters were friendly little critters, but that was a mistake. The beasts were anything but. In fact, Otters ranked right up there with Badgers when it came to being bloodthirsty, warmongering, and volatile.

    Even their wild cousins were vicious. But despite their reputation for attacking swimmers and commandeering surfboards, they did not count for even half the aggression of Giant River Otter Shifters.

    As was proven by Glenn and Diego’s friendly little battle. The sounds of their blows echoed through the forest. Even the crew stopped to watch, some of them taking bets as they pounded the shit out of each other.

    Assholes. He should dock their pay, but he wouldn’t. The fact they were all Shifters was the only reason he and Diego would go at it like this in front of them.

    Shifter strength and endurance could not be easily explained to humans, and keeping their secret was tantamount.

    "Fuck, irmão, Maria is gonna be pissed at you. No more selfies to post on the gram with that fat lip," Diego teased.

    "What was that? All I heard was, wah wah wah I am single," Glenn replied, tackling him around the legs.

    Wood chips and other debris from the worksite dug into their skin as they scuffled across the forest floor, sticking to the blood pouring from their noses, lips, and more.

    Glenn was good, but Diego was a fucking brawler. Always had been. Whenever they visited the forest, they let themselves go. Having to hide what they were in town took its toll on a Shifter.

    Logging, even sustainable, responsible logging, was a rough and tough business. Some crews stayed out for entire cutting seasons, whereas office duties required their presence in the city more often than not.

    It was good to get back to nature. They’d been out with the crews for the last two weeks in the heart of the rainforest, but this time was different. Diego was struggling to keep control of his animal.

    Shit, he grunted when Diego kicked him in the shin.

    Come on, old man. You’re going to be a father soon. Better get used to getting your ass kicked, Diego snarked, tackling him to the floor.

    You know, you used to find your chill, getting back to nature. What’s going on? Glenn asked, sliding out from under him and circling back to their makeshift fighting ring.

    "You a therapist now? Fight me or say uncle, irmão," Diego replied.

    Well, shit. That wasn’t going to work for either male. Their Otters would not be placated by anything less than a full fight now.

    Bring it, he grunted, as they exchanged blows.

    Lucky shot, Glenn barked after Diego landed an uppercut to his jaw,

    Yeah, right, his friend responded.

    Hey bosses, you have a call! Ricardo, their foreperson, interrupted and just in time.

    Glenn was winded. He laughed as Diego offered him a hand.

    Draw? he asked.

    The two were well-matched, but Glenn had lost a step. A fact, he happily admitted to himself, thinking about his pregnant wife. Maria was his entire world, and dammit, Diego deserved to have that.

    He accepted his friend’s hand and stood, taking two steps back to give both of their beasts time and space to chill. Both men were breathing heavily from the exertion.

    Who is it?

    Your wife, the foreman said, nodding at Glenn.

    He grabbed the phone. He knew Diego could not help but listen to the rapid conversation he was having with his wife, but that was unavoidable. Cursed Shifter hearing, but at least Diego turned around anyway, to give him some semblance of privacy.

    The logo of their company caught his attention, and Diego grinned at the rendition of an otter floating next to a log with a few ripples to represent water that Maria had drawn. That was how Glenn had met his mate and wife. She was a wonderful woman, an artist and designer, now expecting their first pup.

    I will be home soon, Glenn told his wife. "You know I had to check on him, love. Yes. I will. Love you too, amor."

    Fuck man, I am sorry, Diego said, rubbing the back of his neck.

    The sounds of the crew getting back to work under the burning sun hummed in the background, but Glenn tuned them out. His friend has his full attention.

    Don’t be, Glenn told Diego. She just got back from the doctor. Everything is good.

    Yeah, but it’s my fault you left her this week and joined me on site. I am a real asshole, huh?

    Shut up, Diego. Seriously, we both care about you. Don’t get all weird on me, man.

    Whatever you say, but I know what I am.

    Diego stared into the distance, and Glenn’s heart went out to him. Together the two of them had made Save the Forests Logging Co. the first Shifter run, low-impact lumber company of its kind in South America.

    The other Giant Otter Shifters from the Raft where the two men had grown up never believed they had even the slightest chance of success. Lucky for Glenn and Diego, they were wrong.

    Their company name and motto resonated with several major businesses across the globe and Save the Forests Logging Co. was now one of the largest exporters of lumber based out of Brazil.

    Of course, in his opinion, Glenn had done one better. He’d found and married his fated mate. Something Diego’s own Otter had been hinting at wanting if the fool would only listen.

    He wasn’t even dating anyone. Hell, Glenn could not recall the last time Diego had a meaningful conversation with a woman, never mind any other remotely satisfying connection. The man was adrift, and for an Otter, that was not a good thing.


    Go back home, Glenn. I’m fine, Diego whispered, grabbing a drink from his canteen.

    "I know you, Diego. There is something going on, Glenn replied, and shook his head. I won’t go back until you talk to me."

    Whatever. I’m leaving this afternoon. Ricardo is a good foreman. He will be fine in charge, Diego murmured.

    Fine. Agree. But look man, come home with me. Don’t go to your lonely apartment. Maria would love to have you.

    No, she needs you right now. You have a family, and you should be with them. Alone. Look, I swear I will be okay. I don’t know where I am going, but I really need a break, he shrugged.

    You need a mate. Let me help— Glenn started.

    Wonderful. What, now you’re a pimp?

    What? Maria would have my balls. I am just saying you need to get mated already.

    Really? And how do you suggest I find a mate when you are the only Otter I can stand to be around?

    That was true, though Glenn didn’t really understand why. The second he got within spitting distance of any other Otters, Diego’s Boar immediately went into attack mode, hissing and growling. His beast was a damn monster.

    Who says she needs to be an Otter?

    What? Diego asked.

    Look, you need a mate, but you can’t choose what she will be. That is up to the Fates, Glenn stated.

    Not that again. You know, not everyone finds their fated mate. You were lucky, Glenn. Not me. I just need a vacation. All this work, all this stress. I need a weekend to just relax.

    You serious? Then I have just the place for you, Glenn grabbed his cell phone, and a moment later, Diego’s let out a ping.

    What’s this?

    The Oasis Beachside Resort! It’s a hotel in your old friend’s hometown. Maccon City, NJ, Glenn said. I was looking to take Maria on vacation before the pup arrives. Why don’t you check it out first? I can watch things here and in the office.

    Hmm, this looks interesting. It’s a vacation resort for Supernaturals hidden among normals?

    Exactly, his friend nodded. "They are completely equipped to take care

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