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The Foundation: The Foundation, #1
The Foundation: The Foundation, #1
The Foundation: The Foundation, #1
Ebook86 pages54 minutes

The Foundation: The Foundation, #1

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The foundation is a series of research papers. It aims to assist the reader navigate the Qur'ân verses and give clear answers to the fundamental questions regarding Islam

The first part's main points are:

  • The monotheism and concept of God in Islam
  • The Creation of the First Human-Female
  • Adam's story, and his journey between the earths


Finally, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read the foundation.



From the Publisher:- 


"Allah is One God. He is The Eternal. He neither begets nor is born. There is none comparable to Him," a believer says.

[Sûrah / chapter (The Monotheism) 112:1-4] 


The Monotheism concept of God and its related Quranic verses are discussed in The Foundation #1.



He grew you gradually from the earth. Afterward, He will return you to the earth and extract you again from it. [71:17-18]

A sign for them is the dead land. We revive it and bring forth from it grain to eat. [36:33]

The creation of humans is mentioned in various parts of the Quran, and the narrative is often conveyed in a poetic and symbolic language. The key verses related to the creation of humankind are explained in detail. In addition to highlighting specific verses that make clear that creation began with a single female.



The likeness of Îsâ (Jesus) with Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, and then He said to him, "Be!" - And he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters. [3:59-60]

Adam and Jesus -- alike.

Adam and Jesus were created from dust.

  • The Mother >>> Adam
  • [Mary] >>> Jesus



"Satan has touched me with distress and torment," Job said.

 Strike with your foot; this is cold water bath and drink. [38:41-42]

Prophet Job used cold water as a cure.



Allah said, "Adam, dwell you and your wife in the garden and eat both of you freely with joy, anywhere you wish (Thrive), but don't come near this tree, or you both will be among the wrongdoers (Trial)." [2:34-35]

Adam's story: the first scene.

Foundation #1 narrates the story of Adam and his wife and their journey between earths.

Release dateSep 3, 2023
The Foundation: The Foundation, #1

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    The Foundation - Adam...

    "Creator of the heavens and earth, grant me the grace to die a faithful believer

    and unit me with the righteous."


    Cairo, Egypt

    September 2023

    The Foundation

    Part One

    The Foundation aims to assist the reader navigate the Qur'ân verses, and give clear answers to the fundamental questions regarding Islam.

    The Qur'ân is the holy book for Muslims, and is considered the direct word of God revealed to prophet Muhammad in Arabic more than 1400 years ago.

    Muslims believe that the Qur'ân is the literal word of God and has remained unchanged until today. They also believe that the Qur'ân is the last revelation from God to humankind.

    The next pages will quote verses from the Qur'ân. It is the foundation verses, and I will clarify why I refer to them as the foundation verses throughout the pages.

    It will explain the following: (based on the meaning of the Arabic Qur'ân)

    Concept of God in Islam

    Distinction between the spirit and the self in the human being

    The Creation of the First Human

    The Creation's Story

    Adam's Story (The Father)

    The Qur'ân is divided into 30 parts and comprises 114 chapters.

    The total number of verses in the Qur'ân is 6236.

    "She gave me the motive to detail the verses, though it was never my intention to do so."



    الله أكبر

    Allah is the greatest

    [Allah] "People, We have created you from a male and a female. We have made you nations and tribes to know one another. The most honorable of you with Allah is the most righteous of you. Allah is all-knowing and all-aware." [49:13]

    [The Qur'ân] (Sûrah / Chapter) 49: (Ayât /Verse) 13

    There is a clear guide in the Qur'ân for the people who worship Allah. I have sent you (Prophet Muhammad) only as a mercy for Al 'Alamin (the worlds). [21:106-107]

    [The Qur'ân] (Sûrah / Chapter) 21: (Verses) 106-107

    We have revealed the Qur'ân; and We will protect it. [15:9]

    [The Qur'ân] (Sûrah / Chapter) 15: (Verse) 9

    Whoever does good, it is for himself or herself — (self). Whoever does evil, it is against him or her — (the self). Then to your Lord you will return. [45:15]

    [The Qur'ân] (Sûrah / Chapter) 45: (Verse) 15

    He is the One who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons bad deeds. He knows what you do. [42:25]

    [The Qur'ân] (Sûrah / Chapter) 42: (Verse) 25

    [Guidance] O children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you like it seduced your parents. Satan led your parents out of the garden, and it (Satan) was the reason that your parents saw their bodies' private parts after they stripped of their clothes. [Caution] Satan and its tribe see you, and you do not see them, but We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe. [7:27]

    [The Qur'ân] (Sûrah / Chapter) 7: (Verse) 27

    The Criterion


    The criterion is a cornerstone in the Qur'ân. It is the standard between truth and falsehood

    Glorified be He who has revealed The Criterion to His servant, to be a warning [Qur'ân] to the worlds. The kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to Him. He has not chosen a son, nor has He chosen a partner in the kingdom. He has created everything and measured it with precision. [(chapter) 25: (verses) 1-2]

    Disbelievers have taken gods besides Him; gods are created and cannot create anything; gods cannot benefit or harm themselves; and gods are not capable of causing death, giving life, or resurrecting. [25:3]

    Disbelievers said, The Qur'ân is a false book; he invented it with help from others. It is a book of old myths, and he has written it down اكتتبها. It is words given to him in the morning and evening.

    [Allah] It is a falsehood and unjust what they said. [25:4-5]

    "The Qur'ân has been revealed by The One who knows the secrets of heaven and earth, and He is all-forgiving and compassionate," Prophet Muhammad has clarified. [25:6]

    What, a messenger eats food and walks in the market, disbelievers said. He should have an angel beside him as a warner, possess a treasure, or own a garden to eat from.

    And wrongdoers jumped in and said, You are following a bewitched man. [25:7-8]

    [Allah] They are judgmental. They have become misguided, and they have lost the right way. [25:9]

    Blessed is He who gives you the best reward when He decides. He rewards gardens; beneath the gardens are flowing rivers, and He rewards palaces as well. [25:10]

    [Allah] "They have denied the hour

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