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Scares and Dares: A Paranormal Witch Cozy Mystery
Scares and Dares: A Paranormal Witch Cozy Mystery
Scares and Dares: A Paranormal Witch Cozy Mystery
Ebook214 pages4 hours

Scares and Dares: A Paranormal Witch Cozy Mystery

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Mystery

  • Friendship

  • Family

  • Investigation

  • Small Town Life

  • Amateur Detective

  • Small Town Secrets

  • Friends to Lovers

  • Cozy Mystery

  • Witch Protagonist

  • Amateur Sleuth

  • Familiar

  • Whodunit

  • Small Town Romance

  • Small Town Mystery

  • Haunted House

  • Community

  • Magic

  • Halloween

  • Witchcraft

About this ebook

Enjoy this clean, small town, paranormal cozy mystery by award winning and bestselling author, Lucinda Race. 

Welcome to Pembroke Cove, where witches and murders are multiplying.
It’s Halloween in Pembroke Cove, Maine, and witch-in-training Lily Michaels, with the help from her magical and non-magical friends, is determined to give the town a haunted house event they’ll never forget. There’s an extra reason to celebrate too, the engagement of Lily’s best friends, Nikki and Steve.

Of course, Lily’s boyfriend, Gage Erikson—a.k.a. Detective Cutie—will be helping, too. A few weeks earlier they finally went on their first date, it only took fifteen years after they graduated college to admit they were more than just friends. They’re not ready to jump into the marriage pool, but working together on the haunted house will be a great change of pace from solving murders.

But scares and dares don’t always add up to fun. With cauldrons, and potions, and vampires popping out of coffins, everyone thinks the dead clown on the floor is just part of the haunted house festivities. Until it turns out he’s really dead. With so many people in disguise, and magic and spells abounding on All Hallows’ Eve, no one is above suspicion. Lily, with her clue chalkboard, is always ready to solve a puzzle, but Gage is worried about her safety. As Lily and Gage race to unmask the murderer, will the clown-killer get the last laugh?
Scares and Dares is the fourth novel in A Book Store Cozy Mystery Series, although each book can be read as standalone. A sweet and clean cozy mystery with a guarantee the culprit is caught. Happy reading!
PublisherMC Two Press
Release dateOct 1, 2023

Lucinda Race

Lucinda lives, with her husband, in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts. Her writing is contemporary, fresh and engaging. In her debut series, Cari McKenna and her family deal with life-changing events that fill their future with hope and love. She has released two novellas and five novels in the Loudon SeriesBe sure to read-Between Here and Heaven- a novellaLost and FoundThe Journey HomeThe Last First Kiss- a novellaReady to SoarLove in the Looking GlassMagic in the Rain

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    Book preview

    Scares and Dares - Lucinda Race

    Scares & Dares

    Scares & Dares

    A Paranormal Witch Cozy Witch Mystery

    Book Store Cozy Mystery Series

    Book 4

    Lucinda Race

    MC Two Press


    Author’s Note

    1. Lily

    2. Lily

    3. Gage

    4. Lily

    5. Lily

    6. Gage

    7. Lily

    8. Lily

    9. Gage

    10. Lily

    11. Lily

    12. Gage

    13. Lily

    14. Lily

    15. Gage

    16. Lily

    17. Lily

    18. Gage

    19. Lily

    20. Lily

    Chapter 1

    A Free Story for You

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    About the Author

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Copyright © 2023 Lucinda Race

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Author Lucinda Race.

    Editor Trish Long, Blossoming Pages

    Cover design by Mariah Sinclair

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    First Edition October 2023

    Print Edition ISBN 978-1-954520-51-6

    E-book ISBN 978-1-954520-50-9

    Author’s Note

    Hi and welcome to my world of cozy mystery.

    I hope you love my characters as much as I do. So, turn the page and happy sleuthing. If you’d like to stay in touch, please join my Newsletter. I release it twice per month with tidbits, recipes and an occasional special gift just for my readers so sign up here:


    and there’s a free cozy mystery when you join!

    Happy reading...

    **Special note to my readers: My books are drawn entirely from my brain. AI was not used in the creation or editing of this book.

    Welcome to Pembroke Cove

    Chapter 1


    QUICK NOTE: If you enjoy Scares & Dares, be sure to check out my offer for a FREE bonus at the end. With that, happy reading!

    H alloween is four days away. Pointing at the calendar on the wall, I looked at my boyfriend, Gage; my best friend, Nikki; and her guy, Steve, who were relaxing around my kitchen table. We were done stuffing our faces with meat lovers and extra-cheese pizza. I know it’s late in the game, but we’ve been tasked with taking over decorating and running the haunted house on All Hallows Eve. But if we’re going to be successful, we have to come up with a foolproof plan. Everyone in Pembroke Cove expects to be scared out of their boots after dark. So, we need to have two versions, one for the kiddos and an adult-orientated theme.

    Gage ran his finger around the edge of his glass. That doesn’t give us much time to bring in volunteers and build the sets. I can reach out to Corbin Marks, and maybe with a little help from our favorite witches, my mom and your Aunt Mimi, along with you ladies, we can get it done in time.

    My familiar, Milo, stalked into the room and looked at the two dogs—Brutus, a great Dane Gage had adopted and Murphy, Nikki’s retriever—snoozing in front of the door. My dear witch, he grumbled good-naturedly, you should have told me we were having guests. It appears I’ve snoozed through most of the fun if the sleeping dogs are any indication of what happened in here.

    Over the last few months, I had gotten used to my cat talking to me, and the only person in the room who could hear him besides me was Nikki. Both Gage and Steve were non-magical, and what they heard was Milo meowing whenever he spoke. I scooped him off the floor and held him close to my chest, nuzzling his head. We’re planning the haunted house. Any good ideas?

    Now, why would I have any thoughts on that subject. I don’t like anything that is scary. Humans are looking to get spooked when they don’t even realize right in their own backyards are witches, wizards, and a few other paranormal creatures.

    I gently turned his head to look at me. Wait? What did you say?

    Milo tapped my cheek with his soft paw. "Put me down on the floor. I have things to do, and if you would read more of your book, Practical Beginnings, you’d know all that our small town has to offer." He did little to keep the frustration from his voice.

    Before I did as he asked, I had to know, What do you mean others?

    That’s for me to know and you to find out. He wriggled out of my hands and slinked from the room without a backward glance.

    Gage gestured to Milo’s retreating form. What was that all about?

    My familiar just informed me there are other paranormal beings living in Pembroke Cove and not just witches and wizards. I gave Nikki a sharp look. Did you know this?

    She shrugged but didn’t look at me. It’s no big deal and nothing to worry about. Most of the time it’s just witches and the occasional wizard hanging out, and if anyone does come around, it’s in the spring.

    With her noncommittal response, I figured it was a topic of conversation left for another day, especially if we had five or six months before anyone showed up. But what kind of paranormals could there be? Maybe my book, Practical Beginnings, would shed some light on the topic. And when the guys weren’t around, I could get Nikki to open up.

    Alright then, let’s talk about what we can use from last year. I got up and grabbed my laptop from the counter and sat back down. I talked to Alice and Bea who were both on the committee last year, and Bea sent me some pictures of what they stored in the shed behind the animal shelter. I tapped a few keys and turned the screen so my friends could see it. We’re going to hold it at the grange hall like it’s been in past years, but I’m hoping we can have a hay bale walkway and place some skeletons around with spooky music and cobwebs. In the entrance we could have a mural that looks like an old mansion with ripped wallpaper that has fallen into disrepair or something. My ideas were starting to flow so I kept going. Then we can have areas with different scenes; some will have people as props, like the table with the domed platter and when the dome comes off, it’s just a talking head. It goes without saying spooky music and spiderwebs are everywhere inside. Then I’ll ask if Aunt Mimi could have a witch area with a cauldron, stirring up potions, and Nate could be her ghoul.

    Nikki grinned. They’ll jump at the chance.

    I nodded. I’d like to have a couple of vampires popping out of coffins, a mummy or two that’s animated or real, and maybe some people in armor that move around to scare folks.

    Gage rubbed his hands together. A magic mirror and crystal ball are both good options. My mom would be happy to help.

    My enthusiasm seemed to be contagious.

    Steve said, What about doors opening and closing and candles everywhere?

    Battery operated, Gage interjected. We don’t want to have to call the fire company. If we don’t get enough volunteers, the animated props can fill in where we don’t have live bodies.

    There should be jack-o'-lanterns everywhere. I’ll bet Marshall Stone will donate to the cause and maybe he’ll even help carve. Nikki sighed. I love carving faces.

    I’m sure with your kitchen witch abilities, they’re a work of art. I snapped my fingers as my gaze slid to my witchcraft book. We need a fake spell book that opens and closes on its own; Aunt Mimi can cast a spell for that. Maybe with a funny, but fake incantation on the page in case someone reads it.

    Nodding, Gage said, Some well-placed lifelike rats and other critters that move, covered with glow-in-the-dark paint. And I’ll even buy some roses for my girl and she can let them die before using them at the entrance of the haunted house.

    I could feel the frown form on my face. Thinking of our most recent death in town where a local rose grower had been killed and I used this board to jot down clues and suspects two other times. But I didn’t say anything to cause anyone to go down that sad path. I think we have a lot of good ideas. Let’s write them down and see who we can line up to donate or volunteer to help.

    Gage went to the pantry closet and pulled out my clue chalkboard. A chill raced over my arms when my mind drifted to the three murders in town. This time the board would be used for a happy occasion and that would kick the bad vibes right to the curb.

    Good idea. We can take pictures on our phone so if you find something that will work, text me, and I’ll add the information to our master list. I took the chalk from Gage’s fingers and jotted down all the ideas we had come up with.

    Nikki surveyed the list and smiled. This is a good start. Now let’s see about getting people to help. Like Lily said, we don’t have a lot of time to make this happen, and I want to do all we can to give this town the most memorable haunted house ever.

    I flashed Gage an inquiring look. Do you think Dax will help out since his investigation seems to have gone cold? Dax Peters was the most recent, temporary transplant to our small town. He was a big city federal investigator on the trail of a real estate scheme that had infiltrated and had, in some ways, been responsible for two people dying in Pembroke Cove. The head librarian had been forcing people, who had secrets to hide, to pay bribes, and then a real estate agent was swindling people out of profits from selling their homes. All for hefty kickbacks from an unknown Mr. Big. Squaring my shoulders, I pushed all of those worries aside. We had fun to focus on and lots of it. The kids both young and old alike were looking forward to the haunted house.

    Gage tapped out a text on his phone, and it quickly pinged with an incoming message. He grinned. Dax loves Halloween and he’d love to help. Should I ask him to come over?

    I looked at our tiny committee of three plus me. The more the merrier, but see if he’ll swing by the Sweet Spot and pick up a box of pastries if they’re still open. I’ll make coffee.

    Nikki smiled. If I had known your sweet tooth was kicking in and you wanted dessert, I would have baked.

    Glancing at the wall clock, I said, On second thought, just tell him to come on over. William will be closed by now.

    With a quick nod, Gage set his phone aside. Dax should be here in about fifteen minutes.

    Has he finally moved out of the motel? Steve asked.

    Not yet, but last week, when he stopped in the bookstore, I asked him if he was thinking about making our little cove a permanent home, but he’s still on the fence. I’m sure it’s hard to uproot your life and move from a place where you live anonymously to a place where everyone knows when you sneeze.

    Gage raised an eyebrow as if asking me to expand on my conversation with Dax. I shrugged and said, It was no big deal. With no leads to follow up on, he’s been reading a lot more.

    There is a library, Gage grumbled and I had to smile.

    Green has never been your color. I dropped a kiss on his cheek before getting up to start the coffee.

    Nikki joined me. I’ll rustle up something sweet.

    Steve leaned back in his chair and grinned. Sometimes it’s great being engaged to a witch.

    I dropped the glass carafe in the sink and didn’t care if it broke. You’re engaged? Why didn’t you tell me?

    Steve and I decided we’d work it into the conversation. It just happened this morning when I was up to my elbows in pie crust. It was so romantic. A dreamy look floated over her face and she withdrew a stunning diamond ring from her jeans pocket and slipped it on her finger before placing her left hand over her heart. Isn’t it beautiful?

    Gage got up and hugged Nikki and then vigorously shook Steve’s hand. Congratulations. You’re one lucky guy.

    Don’t I know it. He wiggled his eyebrows and said, Jump in; the water’s like a hot tub in winter.

    I couldn’t help but snort. "It took us fifteen years after we graduated college to go on our first date just a couple of weeks ago. We are so not ready to jump in and get engaged."

    Nikki gave me a long look. You and Gage have been better friends than most married couples I know, and that is the basis of a good marriage. Look at me and Steve. It took us a long time to let our friendship develop into love, and now we’re getting married. She grabbed my hands. Please tell me you’ll be my maid of honor?

    Throwing my arms around her, I held her close. Just try and stop me.

    Steve said, Gage. Any chance you’d stand up for me?

    Gage clapped him on the shoulder. No place I’d rather be.

    Nikki giggled. We haven’t set the date yet but probably spring or summer.

    Steve said, Or sooner if I can convince my future wife to agree.

    I overlooked that comment. Like around the time when we might get paranormal company? I hoped my question would prompt a response.

    She clasped my hand. Stop worrying about what may or might not happen. We should all have dinner on Friday and start talking about our wedding plans.

    I looked at Gage, and he said, I’m free.

    Taking his hand and grinning at Nikki and Steve, I said, Then we have our first official wedding planning night.

    A knock at the door stopped the conversation, and with a flick of her wrist, Nikki had a pumpkin cheesecake sitting on the counter. She gave me one of those smiles when she wasn’t trying to show off how strong her magic was and mine wasn’t. It’s no big deal; I just summoned it from my house to yours.

    Gage opened the door for Dax.

    He held up a hand in greeting. In his soft Southern drawl, he said, Hey, everyone. Thanks for including me. Halloween is my favorite holiday. He spotted the cheesecake on the counter and grinned. Just in time for dessert too.

    I glanced at the sink and was relieved to see the carafe was in one piece after dropping it. Come in. I was just making coffee and we can firm up plans for the big event.

    He pulled up a chair and sat down at the table, then noticed the open laptop. Glancing at this list, he said, Impressive. But is there enough time to get this all done and ready in three days? You can’t count the day it opens to still be constructing the scenes. Then it’s all about the finishing touches.

    Gage grinned. You have no idea what these ladies can do when they put their minds to it, and we have a list of volunteers to help too. Mine and Lily’s parents will pitch in as well as her aunt and Nate.

    Nikki said, My parents don’t live in Pembroke Cove anymore, but Steve’s family will help.

    Steve took her hand and grinned. Yeah, especially after we tell them our news. Everyone is going to want to be around.

    Dax looked around our group. News?

    I popped the question to my lovely Nikki, and she said yes.

    I swear if Steve were a witch, he’d be floating, and I knew that was possible based on what I had read in my book.

    That’s great. Congratulations to both of you. His smile was wide, but there was a bit of sadness lingering in his eyes. Could it be he was still feeling like he was on the outside looking in? Hopefully, working on this event would change all that.

    With the coffee pot turned on, I sat in the chair next to Gage. Dax, tell us, do you want to be in a scene or just behind them?

    He sat up straight in the chair and grinned. Are you kidding? I want to be a vampire lying in a coffin.

    I couldn’t help but shudder. There was something about the lore

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