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Adoring Jesus with the Holy Father
Adoring Jesus with the Holy Father
Adoring Jesus with the Holy Father
Ebook100 pages25 minutes

Adoring Jesus with the Holy Father

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Int his series, Thoughts and Prayers of the Pope for Young Catholics, difficult vocabulary and sentence structure used by popes have been adjusted to be easily read by young people, but are still faithful to the original texts.
These four-color, designer, soft-cover prayer books are perfect for sacramental gifts and can be used for private prayer or in school, religious education, or family settings.
Release dateJan 21, 2019
Adoring Jesus with the Holy Father

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    Book preview

    Adoring Jesus with the Holy Father - Jaymie Stuart


    One of the first things that happens in a classroom is the taking of attendance. The roll call might be done by the seating chart or simply by going alphabetically through the list of names. When your name is called you are expected to answer with a nice clear, Here! or Present! We all know why teachers check the list of students each day: to make sure we arrived safely and on time; to keep a record of who missed that particular day’s class; and especially to acknowledge each one’s presence.

    Being present is very important. For one thing it means that a student is serious about receiving an education. It also shows that the student is disciplined and has a plan for his or her life.

    Being present is important also to Jesus. When he was preparing to return to his Father, he promised his followers something that seems impossible: he would leave them, but remain with them at the same time. We know this amazing promise as the Holy Eucharist or the Real Presence. At the Last Supper, Jesus blessed a piece of bread saying: This is my Body. And over a cup of wine he said: This is my Blood. Jesus gave his priests the ability to say these same words in his name. He honors their prayer by being present in the holy sacrament on our altars.

    Jesus is present not only at Mass, but always in the tabernacle of every church. In a sense, this is his classroom. When we visit Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament we are spending time with the best teacher. We adore him as God and we learn from him as Man. We praise and bless him, and pray for our needs and the needs of our family, friends, and the world. We ask his advice, we think about his examples, we pray for his virtue. Jesus will make us his true disciples, the best lesson we can learn.

    The popes through all of Church history have taught us how to pray, especially to celebrate the Holy Eucharist well and to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In this book you will discover beautiful teachings from twelve different

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