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Secrets of Retrograde Planets: Vedic Astrology
Secrets of Retrograde Planets: Vedic Astrology
Secrets of Retrograde Planets: Vedic Astrology
Ebook44 pages30 minutes

Secrets of Retrograde Planets: Vedic Astrology

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About this ebook

This is one of my best presentation on Retrogression in Vedic Astrology. The content in this book you will not find anywhere in internet or with any astrologer in this world. I am trying my best to explain Retrogression and their Nature or behavior. The purpose of writing this book is not to make money but to share this secret knowledge with entire world. In this book you will learn in depth details about the Ascendant and their in-depth studies. I can guarantee after reading this book your opinion on astrology and the way you look at horoscope will completely change. Keep patience and read this book thoroughly and learn the method of understanding Ascendant.
I am giving my lifetime astrology experience in this book. This is not a copy paste material. It took me lot of pain and hard work to write this knowledge. I request everyone not to copy this content and respect my hard work because my emotions are attached with this book. This book is a result of my lifetime work.
The way this book is written you will be amazed and mesmerized and dive deep into astrology. English is not My mother tongue so if I make any grammatical mistakes then please forgive me. By profession I am an IT professional, Trader, investor and an Astrologer. I did multiple roles in my life and I am trying my best to share this divine knowledge of Jyotish (Astrology) to the world.
Release dateAug 20, 2023
Secrets of Retrograde Planets: Vedic Astrology

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    Book preview

    Secrets of Retrograde Planets - Saket Shah

    Saket Shah

    Secrets of retrograde planets

    UUID: 087ac644-2552-4333-8a83-ba873ebad321

    This ebook was created with StreetLib Write

    Table of contents

    Secrets of Retrograde Planets

    Mercury Retrogression

    Jupiter Retrogression

    Venus Retrogression

    Mars Retrogression

    Saturn Retrogression

    Retrogrades in Transit

    Vedic Astrology's Origin

    Maatra-Sparshas Tu Kaunteya Sitosna-Sukha-Duhkha-Dah Agamapayino Nityas tams titikshasva Bharata

    Astrology and Career

    Houses and Their Significance

    Secrets of Retrograde Planets

    Dear Reader,

    This is one of my best presentation on Retrogression in Vedic Astrology. The content in this book you will not find anywhere in internet or with any astrologer in this world. I am trying my best to explain Retrogression and their Nature or behavior. The purpose of writing this book is not to make money but to share this secret knowledge with entire world. In this book you will learn in depth details about the Ascendant and their in-depth studies. I can guarantee after reading this book your opinion on astrology and the way you look at horoscope will completely change. Keep patience and read this book thoroughly and learn the method of understanding Ascendant.

    I am giving my lifetime astrology experience in this book. This is not a copy paste material. It took me lot of pain and hard work to write this knowledge. I request everyone not to copy this content and respect my hard work because my emotions are attached with this book. This book is a result of my lifetime work.

    The way this book is written you will be amazed and mesmerized and dive deep into astrology. English is not My mother tongue so if I make any grammatical mistakes then please forgive me. By profession I am an IT professional, Trader, investor and an Astrologer. I did multiple roles in my life and I am trying my best to share this divine knowledge of Jyotish (Astrology) to the world.

    Planets from the point of view of the earth will tend to be slowing down and become apparently stationary when the relative position between earth and the concerned planet and the sun are in one line. Then they appear to move backward in the sky this motion is known as retrograde motion of the planets. This apparent retrograde movement is due to the motion of the earth’s orbit. The Sun and the Moon never retrograde. Rahu Ketu always move in retrograde motion. Retrograde planets in the natal chart or ephemeris are marked by R or Rx. Mars R or Jupiter Rx both indicates that these planets were retrograde at the time of the chart. Saturn retrogrades for 140 days and remains stationary 5 day before and after.

    Jupiter retrogrades 120 days is stationary 5 days before and after.

    Mars retrogrades for 80 days and is stationary 3 to 4 days before and after.

    Venus is retrograde for

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