Wellness Creation: A Workbook and Journal to Guide Your Wellness Journey
About this ebook
Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr. DSL
Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr., DSL, is an author, entrepreneur, consultant, speaker, coach, and trainer. He has a doctorate in strategic leadership with a concentration in global consulting from Regent University. He received a master’s degree in sociology from Fayetteville State University and a bachelor’s in psychology from Rowan University. He is a certified professional life coach (CPLC), Certified Wellness Coach (CWC), Certified Life Coach (CLC), Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (P-NLP), Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (M-NLP), Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (P-NLP), Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (M-NLP), and a Certified Hypnotherapist. Dr. Wilson is the owner and principal consultant of Robert Wilson Consulting and Wilson Global Outreach Solutions LLC, as well as the founder and lead trainer of Global Solutions Education and Training Academy. He has worked in the field of mental health, leadership, and organizational development for more than twenty years. His areas of focus are personal and professional leadership and organizational education, development, and training. He is a national trainer and certified mental health first aid instructor for the adult and youth curriculum.
Read more from Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr. Dsl
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Wellness Creation - Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr. DSL
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ISBN: 978-1-6657-4577-2 (sc)
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Archway Publishing rev. date: 08/07/2023
I would like to acknowledge, thank, and dedicate this workbook and journal to all the people who want to live well and successfully—to those who dare to discover, unlock, and maximize their potential and possibilities for optimal wellness, and to those who are willing to do the work and tap into their power to create the life and wellness they want. Much success on your journey!
Introduction: Wellness
Part 1 Wellness Creation Workbook
Chapter 1 Setting Expectations
Chapter 2 The Eight Dimensions
Chapter 3 Self-Image
Chapter 4 Self-Awareness and Self-Determination
Chapter 5 Self-Determination Theory
Chapter 6 Mind-Set and Mind-Shift
Chapter 7 The Power of Words
Chapter 8 Affirmations
Chapter 9 Afformations
Chapter 10 Setting SMART Goals
Chapter 11 Your Eight-Dimensional Wellness Plan
Part 2 Wellness Creation Journal
About the Author
This workbook was created with you in mind. It was developed to help you become aware, understand, and apply this information about wellness creation to get unstuck, get clarity, gain momentum, develop discipline, and tap into your self-determination and motivation for optimal success. The workbook provides you with the tools, strategies, and the process necessary for you to take inspired action to create, change, improve, and get the results and outcomes you want! If this resonates with you, then stay tuned to what is coming up next during the rest of this journey.
I hope that this workbook and journal will help you to raise your awareness and build literacy toward increasing your wellness from the inside out. I would like to dispel the myth that change starts on the outside. The goal is not merely to change your behavior in order to change your outcomes or results, but to empower you with understanding and making the choices that will bring the results you desire. Your behaviors reflect your self-image of what wellness is and how it applies to you—what it looks, sounds, and feels like for you internally. Your behavior will support outwardly what’s happening inwardly. You can choose a new behavior, but first you must choose your self-image, which will be supported or reflected in your behavior. The image that you see, the vision of your wellness, is the missing component of how to create lasting change and true transformation (Wilson