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3000+ German Conversation Starters: German Language Readers, #2
3000+ German Conversation Starters: German Language Readers, #2
3000+ German Conversation Starters: German Language Readers, #2
Ebook225 pages5 hours

3000+ German Conversation Starters: German Language Readers, #2

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About this ebook

Are you looking to take your German language skills to the next level? Look no further than "3000+ German Conversation Starters"!


This comprehensive book features over 3000 conversation starters across 50 diverse topics, ranging from languages and climate change to German cuisine and interior design. Whether you're a teacher seeking creative ways to inspire classroom discussions or an independent learner looking to expand your German vocabulary and improve your speaking skills, this book is the ultimate resource for you.


Designed for all levels up to advanced speakers, this book is your perfect companion throughout your entire German learning journey. The carefully crafted questions not only encourage you to use new vocabulary, but also provide an opportunity to research the topics in more detail, deepening your understanding of German culture and language.


One of the unique features of this book is that you can answer the same questions again as your German progresses, allowing you to track your language development and see how far you've come. It's also an excellent tool for preparing for German language exams and becoming a more confident speaker.


The conversation starters in this book are a great way to have more interesting conversations and improve your German language skills. They encourage you to use new vocabulary, spark creativity, and provide an excellent opportunity to practice your written German skills.


So, whether you choose to use these prompts alone or with a teacher, "3000+ German Conversation Starters for Teachers and Independent Learners" is the essential tool for improving your German language skills. With its diverse range of topics and carefully crafted questions, this book is guaranteed to make your German language learning journey more engaging and enjoyable. Get your copy today and see your German language skills soar!


About the author

"3000+ German Conversation Starters" was written by lifelong language learner Jenny Goldmann. After marrying a German native speaker, Jenny honed her speaking skills by using conversation prompts with her husband. Her personal experience inspired her to create a comprehensive guide that would help learners of all levels to become more confident in their German-speaking abilities.


Jenny is passionate about language learning and is a firm believer in the power of conversation to improve language skills. Her experience using conversation prompts with her husband led her to understand the value of having a diverse range of topics and questions to initiate discussions and improve vocabulary. With "3000+ German Conversation Starters," she aims to provide a tool that will help learners break the ice, stay engaged in conversations, and expand their understanding of the German language and culture.


As a lover of languages, Jenny understands the challenges of acquiring a new language, and she has created this guide with learners of all levels in mind. She hopes that her book will be a valuable resource for language teachers seeking to inspire classroom discussions and independent learners looking to improve their German skills.

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
3000+ German Conversation Starters: German Language Readers, #2

Jenny Goldmann

Jenny Goldmann is a lifelong language learner and published author. She speaks three languages, and is currently studying her fourth. Her new series of easy language readers are designed to offer learners stories based on topics they love.

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    Book preview

    3000+ German Conversation Starters - Jenny Goldmann

    About the Author

    Hi! I am Jenny, a life-long language learner and writer married to an amazing German man. I now consider German to be my second language, having worked incredibly hard to master this wonderful language. That’s right—it’s not easy! But, for me at least, being able to speak confidently on lots of different topics really was the turning point in my language journey.

    Speaking spontaneously and at-ease is the hardest thing to master, but absolutely the most rewarding. While I was learning German, I would give my husband questions to ask me on lots of different topics. It meant we weren’t just talking about what we were having for dinner, or about tomorrow’s weather. It helped immensely.

    And now, I hope that this book can help you on your journey to being a confident German speaker, too.

    I have written questions that are designed to be challenging and to make you think, even in your own language. For many of the questions, you may need to do some research to be able to answer the questions. Try to do this research in German, for an added challenge!

    However you use this book, have fun and don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Don’t have someone to talk to in German? No worries! Despite having a German husband, I spent most of my time talking to myself in the mirror. You may feel silly at first, but after a while you’ll find yourself having some quite amusing conversations with yourself.

    So, here’s to your German learning journey!

    Using this Book

    Using conversation starters is an excellent way to improve your German speaking skills, and with over 3000 conversation starters in this book, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice your language skills. Here are some tips on how to use conversation starters effectively to improve your German speaking:

    Start by choosing a topic that interests you. This will make it more engaging and enjoyable to practice speaking about it.

    Read the question carefully and make sure you understand the vocabulary and grammar used in the question. If you don’t understand something, use a dictionary or ask a teacher or language partner for help.

    Practice speaking out loud. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as this is part of the learning process. Speaking out loud will help you improve your pronunciation and fluency, and will give you more confidence in your ability to speak German.

    Try to use new vocabulary and grammar structures in your responses. This will help you expand your knowledge of the language and become more comfortable using it in a variety of contexts.

    Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. If you’re practicing with a teacher or language partner, ask them to correct your mistakes and offer suggestions for improvement. This will help you learn from your mistakes and become a more effective communicator in German.

    Use the conversation starters regularly. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become with the language, and the easier it will be to have fluent, natural conversations in German.

    Most importantly, viel Spaß!

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