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2021 Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank: Supporting Low-Carbon Transition in Asia and the Pacific
2021 Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank: Supporting Low-Carbon Transition in Asia and the Pacific
2021 Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank: Supporting Low-Carbon Transition in Asia and the Pacific
Ebook102 pages1 hour

2021 Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank: Supporting Low-Carbon Transition in Asia and the Pacific

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The new Asian Development Bank (ADB) Energy Policy, approved in October 2021, guides ADB's energy sector operations to support energy access improvement and low-carbon transition in Asia and the Pacific. It is consistent with ADB's Strategy 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris Agreement on climate change and anchored on five principles: (i) securing energy for a prosperous and inclusive Asia and the Pacific; (ii) building a sustainable and resilient energy future; (iii) supporting institutions, private sector participation, and good governance; (iv) promoting regional cooperation and integration; and (v) maximizing development impact through integrated cross-sector operations.
Release dateJun 1, 2023
2021 Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank: Supporting Low-Carbon Transition in Asia and the Pacific

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    2021 Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank - Asian Development Bank



    JUNE 2023

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2023 Asian Development Bank

    6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines

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    Some rights reserved. Published in 2023.

    ISBN 978-92-9270-196-3 (print); 978-92-9270-197-0 (electronic); 978-92-9270-198-7 (ebook)

    Publication Stock No. SPR230214-2


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    Cover design by Mike Cortes.

    On the cover: ADB Energy Policy. The Sri Lanka Wind Power Generation Project in Thambapavani Wind Farm, Mannar, Sri Lanka will help increase access to clean and reliable power (photo by Ceylon Electricity Board).

    All photos by ADB unless otherwise indicated.




    On 21 October 2021, the new Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was approved, charting the path for energy sector operations along the aspirations of Strategy 2030 more clearly while also aligning these with the global commitments under the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

    The 2021 Energy Policy comes at an opportune time when the world faces what could be considered the greatest challenge humanity needs to overcome—the battle against climate change, which could either be won or lost in Asia and the Pacific. The region contributes more than half of the global greenhouse gas emissions as most of its economies have just in recent history picked up on their respective growth trajectories. It also stands to be most at risk of the drastic effects of climate change. While at the crux of the climate conundrum, the region can be well poised to disengage economic growth from rising emissions, if it plays its cards well. This is where the 2021 Energy Policy of ADB strives to find its place in supporting its developing member countries in their bid to bring the region to net-zero emissions by 2050.

    There are Five Principles Set Forth by the 2021 Energy Policy to Guide ADB Energy Operations along this Path to Net-Zero:

    (i)securing energy for a prosperous and inclusive Asia and the Pacific;

    (ii)building a sustainable and resilient energy future;

    (iii)supporting institutions, private sector participation, and good governance;

    (iv)promoting regional cooperation and integration; and,

    (v)integrated cross-sector operations to maximize development impact.

    These principles are clear in their intent of pursuing the age-old goal of energy access for all, including the 150 million people in Asia and the Pacific without access to electricity. They speak of securing energy without having to compromise on sustainability and resilience. These objectives can only be achieved if everyone will work together and ensure that no one is left behind in the energy transformation.

    We hope the 2021 Energy Policy will be continually reviewed and updated to not only guide operations but

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