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Amerika Year One+
Amerika Year One+
Amerika Year One+
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Amerika Year One+

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After the events of the 2020 presidential election, a Cuban teacher in Miami identifies signs of the type of society he left behind. Concerned about the conversion of the United States into a totalitarian country, he begins sending email alerts to known people. The mails have become analyses of the evolving situation and a chronicle of the occupation of each field by the radical left. Education becomes indoctrination, news becomes harmful propaganda, and the health system is corrupt and used as a weapon to submit the population, purge people from their jobs, and control the individual. Workplaces, universities, and even the military create commissions that use race as a pretext to purge their ranks. CRT, the Marxist offspring, becomes the doctrine of people in power. The judicial system, including its head and their repressive corps, becomes servers of just one party. People are put in jail just for political reasons, and freedom of speech is canceled under the rules of a fascist document called NSCDT. This is a book with serious accusations but supported by the words and actions of those in power and their servers. It is also a call to react against the serious threat of losing freedom forever.

Release dateJul 10, 2023
Amerika Year One+

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    Amerika Year One+ - Daniel De Prophet

    How Long Are We Going to Put Up with This?

    To Be Free or Not to Be

    March 2021

    I had decided not to send more political messages to my friends, because four of them didn’t take my phone calls any longer. But conscience didn’t let me be silent. Shakespeare said it through Hamlet: Thus, conscience does make cowards of us all, and enterprises of great pitch and moment with this regard their currents turn away and lose the name of action.

    By conscience, he meant the petty grappling of trivial and quotidian pleasures for fear of losing them without realizing that our lack of action to face greater threats will make us lose all pleasures. Thus, my conscience does not allow me to be silent and let freedom disappear without a fight. Paraphrasing Hamlet, this is the question: To be free or not to be? So here I go again.

    The present occupant of the White House is not the president of our country. He is a dictator, because he rose to power over violations of the Constitution to falsely claim a victory in the 2020 election. The ballots counted after the night of November 3, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots, are not valid, as those who changed the election laws did not have the legal right to do so. Only the legislatures of those three or four states are constitutionally authorized to implement changes after a well-defined and controlled process. However, the magnates of the media, in open alliance with the dictatorial machine of the Totalitarian Party, have imposed a censorship to our freedom of speech (another violation of the Constitution), forbidding any comment about the shameful deed. They demand silence, and we all shut up. We all obey like cowards.

    This is more abusive when we remember that these are the same individuals and organizations that spent four years accusing President Trump of being illegitimate and mounted the blatant attempt of a coup d’état they called impeachment, alluding a collusion with Russia they themselves fabricated. In fact, the stealing of the election in November was the culmination of that coup. They kept it active throughout the Trump presidency and hit the finishing stroke in 2020.

    No more cowardice! Let’s take the streets to denounce this dictatorship! Let’s restore freedom of speech! Down with fascio-communism!

    How Long Are We Going to Put Up with This?

    The Totalitarian Plan

    May 21, 2021

    As of today, we have been living under this regime for three months. In such a short period of time, the tyranny, by means of dictatorial directives called executive orders and other punitive actions, has accomplished the following:

    Control almost all information and silence the opposition, violating the First Amendment of the Constitution. On the Internet, they cancel anyone who dares to question the legitimacy of this corrupt, lying, self-proclaimed president. Meanwhile, their serfs in the media stuff the TV channels and papers with lies, calling the opponents racists, White supremacists, and insurgents. The hosts of programs in the two mayor channels that are still critical of them don’t dare to mention the elections and call the dictator president.

    Secure the army under the fists of totalitarian and racist generals who have started a Stalin-style purge and advanced the indoctrination of soldiers in the neo-Marxist doctrine of the Critical Race Theory.

    Introduce indoctrination in schools. Children are deceived with pictures, biased questions, racist rules, and books. They are being racially segregated to demand White kids to hate themselves just for being White and publicly deny themselves as White supremacists. Once initiated, all kids are taken to violent protests to shout against the police. Young adults in colleges and universities are already indoctrinated; now they go for students in public schools, including those in pre-K. The goal is total control over students, even in private schools.

    Start the conversion to a socialist economy by means of bills disguised under the name of relief and infrastructure. In the first one, there are billions of dollars destined to syndicate all workers in the health system (after its approval, the totalitarians celebrated it as the most progressive ever passed). In the second, they attack the energy and education sectors, which from their passing on (unless modified) will answer only to the central state.

    Begin the process of submitting the police to federal control. That is the true purpose behind the police abolition movement. They are not such idiots as to create a country without policemen. With their slogan, they fool even the honest journalists (two or three) who don’t understand the real threat. The totalitarian ideologues at the top of the regime and in Congress say, Reimagine the police. Listen carefully. It means depriving communities, counties, etc. of their police by the regime so it becomes a repressive corps, like the FBI and the CIA, already under control. The initial document to control the police was already prepared, waiting for the culmination of the trial against Derek Chauvin. Yesterday, they announced its title: George Floyd Justice and Policing Act. Observe the continuous manipulation of names and words to offend and silence the opponents. It’s a strategy of fascists and communists.

    Force the discussion for the approval of laws that erase the independence of the states to conduct their electoral process so as to allow a central control by the dictatorship. Such a disguise of legality would guarantee their eternal power. Behind the lies with which they have formed a block to extort the legislature in Georgia due to their reforms, they hide the real goal of passing the HR 1. By this runt, in which people vote without identification, move from one state to another, and vote as many times as they want, the totalitarians harvest ballots among illegal immigrants, underage young people, and senile ones in homes. In other words, they legalize the violations of the 2020 election that allowed this decrepit, ambitious liar to occupy the highest position in the country. If they manage to pass the HR 1, the dictatorship will be disguised as legal.

    Introduce a proposition of judicial reform, another disguise that aims at the absolute control ofthe judicial system. This would be the ultimate insurance for their eternal control of power and the bridge for the approval of new laws that would annihilate the Constitution and kill the citizens’ rights. It would put all the branches of the nation in the hands of the dictatorship.

    Already, at this time, the judicial system is submissive to the dictatorship. Equality before the law and the Fifth Amendment are violated in the face of the cowards of the Supreme Court, scared of the racist terrorists of BLM and Antifa. The courts free without bail (and then clean the records of) the terrorists who burned businesses and stole their merchandise, burned down police stations and police cars, beat and shot agents, and caused around twenty deaths. While policemen who kill criminals are sentenced—I am not denying the right to judge them—the same does not apply to those who repress Trump supporters. The Capitol policeman who killed Ashli Babbitt has been exonerated of any responsibility despite the proof in a video that shows how he aimed slowly, held his hand firmly, and intentionally shot a disarmed woman. Not even the name of the killer is revealed. She was a terrorist and deserved to die suggests the repulsive lackeys of the press and the shameless channels of the dictatorship. Ashli was a veteran who had served the country, but in the video, the policeman seemed to be Black, and she was White—nothing that served the malicious, racist propaganda of the tyrant.

    The FBI invaded the home of Samuel Montoya, whose only crime was taking pictures inside the Capitol and wearing a MAGA hat. For the regime, that is worse than killing an unarmed woman. Thus, he is kept in prison, waiting for a sentence that might be up to seven years. But the existence of two different standards of justice—one for the allies of the dictator and one for his political opponents—is not enough for the tyranny. They go for the total control of the Supreme Court. Not only are they trying to pack the Court with four servile judges to counteract the three or four who, supposedly, do not favor the tyrant (in reality, they are cowards who allowed him to overtake the country), but also, they will impose a limited term of service so they can get rid of the inconvenient ones and substitute them with acolytes.

    Are you still confused about what happened in this country and what will come next? Are you still waiting for a savior? Do you still believe, like the perfect victims on TV, that the next election is going to restore peace and happiness in America?

    If they have imposed so many gags and restrictions in just three months and we have accepted them without a single protest, if we continue watching sports and soap operas as if the world around us does not matter, they will keep getting stronger and imposing more and more controls, followed by a repression guaranteed by the FBI, the CIA, the Revolutionary National Police (like the Cuban PNR), the purged army, and the paramilitary arms of BLM or Antifa or the new ones (Brigades of Rapid Repression), all of it legalized by the new Supreme Court.

    We can’t just remain with our arms folded. With each passing day, the tyranny becomes more powerful. We must organize and present legal demands, go out and protest, demand justice for the people killed and murdered, and fight for the fall of the tyranny.

    Down with the fascist and racist dictatorship! Restore freedom of speech! Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, and all the Internet fascists to jail! Justice for Ashli Babbitt! Free Samuel Montoya! Free the political prisoners!

    Share this with thousands of people to wake them up. Are we going to retreat and surrender, or are we going to react? How long are we going to put up with this?

    How Long Are We Going to Put Up with This?

    The Department of Injustice and the Case of the Century

    June 2021

    The dictatorship has increased its repression and threats against citizens who don’t share its fascio-communist ideology. While the corrupt and lying usurper of the government spewed his false and hypocritical propaganda of unity and the repugnant media kneeled over eulogies to his voice and persona instead of the content of the speech, his words proved that we are heading to a tyranny.

    The tyrant said for the third or fourth time that no article of the Constitution is absolute. Clearly, forget your constitutional rights. He made a veiled reference to his shot to kill freedom of speech by claiming that it was not the same to express a positive critic as to yell fire in a crowded theater and call it freedom of speech. Few people knew this was not an original phrase. Plagiarizing is another habit of this cynical politician. In this case, it is an expression wielded by the courts during Woodrow Wilson’s presidency to deprive the political opponents of any argument against him. In case people did not understand, Biden added that he was going to continue to chase down the greatest danger the country was facing: White supremacists. He meant all people who did not think like him, especially those present in the rally on January 6, inside or outside the Capitol Building.

    The attorney general Merrick Garland, chief of the incorrectly called Department of Justice, is a marionette who executes any order form the party. This henchman has just initiated the investigation of three departments of police by the FBI instead of undertaking the fight against crime, including murders, the percentages of which have frightfully increased. Thus, instead of criminals, he is pursuing policemen, making official the assault against law and order by the regime. Meanwhile, they keep in jail unarmed people who only entered the Capitol Building or took pictures. On the other hand, they free and erase the crimes in the records of the incendiaries, thieves, and terrorists of the riots that caused several deaths in 2020.

    Everybody has abandoned the people indicted for the January 6 incident, labeling them insurgents, racists, White supremacists, and domestic terrorists, surrendering to the tyranny’s classification. Ashli Babbitt’s death has been ignored by this Department of Injusticeor worse, justified. Neither the Republicans in Congress nor the bravest of political analysts dare to defend those involved in the Capitol riots, because they would have to tell the truth: the people on J6 did not attack democracy, as the liars of the tyranny and the cowards in the media repeat. They went there to prevent the violations of the Constitution, to save democracy. It was wrongfully executed, because it had to be organized, they had to take a list of claims to the legal bodies of the countries, and they had to demand that the Supreme Court overcame its cowardice and fulfilled its duty of invalidating the victory of the charlatan in the White House as the violations of the Constitution proved. Legally, we are justified in calling him a dictator.

    If a valiant lawyer appears and presents to the Supreme Court the defense of the J6 people as fighters for the Constitution, this could be the case of the century, maybe of the history of the United States.

    All the horrors we’re living, all the new violations of the Constitution that this tyranny commits so often, are consequences of that coup d’état disguised as the elections in November. The Supreme Court never made a statement about it; the justices only refused to listen, scared of the violence that, as we saw in the recent trial of Derek Chauvin, would be unleashed by the paramilitary groups of the Totalitarian Party, fka (falsely known as) the Democratic Party, if they did not get a verdict in their favor.

    Encouraged by such a proof that they can violate the founding documents of the nation, they won’t stop before anything. While he kept lying about his unifying mission, the tyrant sent (he gives the signal, and Garland and the FBI obey) seven FBI agents to Rudy Giuliani’s apartment at 6:00 a.m. Without any accusation or proof of crime, they carried a warrant and seized all his electronic equipment with the hopes of finding the slightest fault and make it appear big and silence him like they have done with various Trump followers or team members. The true purpose of this unconstitutional invasion of privacy is not Giuliani but finding something against Donald Trump. If they can’t find it here or anywhere, they are going to create it.

    As an irony that proves the unequal treatment before the law, Giuliani told them, If your warrant tells you to seize all the equipment, why don’t you take the copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop also? They told him, Not that one. Rumors are that they are trying to implicate Giuliani in illegal representation of a foreign country (Ukraine). FARA again! That’s something that only applies to Republicans, not to the totalitarian elite and their families and acolytes. Hunter is the one who may have committed that violation by his dealings in several countries, being guilty of illicit business in the name of his father, the real capo behind the crime. Where is Hunter now? Offering lectures in universities about fake news. Only in the worst countries of the world can something like this get a free pass by the media!

    There is nothing left, neither freedom of speech nor honest media or justice. We must not abandon those being unfairly chased. We must unite and proclaim fearlessly that we won’t stop accusing the tyrants, repressors, henchmen, censors of the Internet, terrorists of the paramilitary groups, and false representatives of the law.

    Down with this fascist dictatorship! Justice for ashli babbitt! Free Samuel Montoya and the political prisoners from january 6!

    How Long Are We Going to Put Up with This?

    Totalitarian Declaration and Cult of Impersonality

    June 2021

    We the People is the Government, said the illegal occupant of the White House in his speech before Congress. Never before in the history of this country had a political figure in power dared to utter a declaration so openly offensive to the Constitution. Such a phrase is a variation of the one pronounced by Louis XIV: I am the State. Plagiarizing phrases is a habit of this corrupt dictator whom they have imposed upon us. His words and program are the creation of the manipulative team behind him. As we haven’t done anything against their many violations of the Constitution, they have now launched this not-too-subtle and repeated insinuation of their purpose to change the foundational document. It has started this week already with the discussion by the Senate of the so-called HR 1, by which they intend to sequester the election process and place it in the hands of the dictatorship.

    Are we going to wake up and react, or are we going to continue showing this naive passivity that lets their hands loose to grab power? We need to understand that everything they say has a malign purpose. It is not a coincidence that this ambitious individual, capable of joining the destructors of democracy, insists that no article or amendment of the Constitution is absolute and now deforms its introductory phrase. When the Founding Fathers wrote those three words (We the People) they were postulating that no individual, group, or party has the right to prevail above the people. Only a tyrant is so possessed as to identify his government with the people—in words, not in actions. It is only natural for a party and its top, who violated the Constitution, to proclaim a false victory in the elections. It’s been only six months since this crime, and they have already placed a razor-wire fence around the Capitol Building! That is a pretext to justify their assault, not prevent one, and is also a symbol of guilt, which shows their fear to reactions against their coup.

    With the army under the control of fascist generals who have initiated a Stalinist purge, the Department of Justice being under a henchman who only yesterday ratified the steps he’s taking against the grave danger of "White supremacists" while freeing thousands (it’s not an exaggeration) of criminals (some serving a life sentence) to win votes for the party; the FBI turning into a repressive corps against political adversaries, the CIA spying on American citizens instead of guarding the country against the increasing foreign threats, the police in total retreat and disintegration under inspections until it becomes another repressive force to the service of the dictatorship, the paramilitary groups of BLM and Antifa and their dirty jobs, the universities and colleges controlled by Marxist indoctrinators, who have already spread their poison to elementary and secondary schools, and the influx of two million illegal immigrants (the population of the state of Nebraska), already considered by the totalitarians for inclusion in the voting rolls—what is left?

    There is a small group of lawyers, educators, and parents who are opposing a passive but brave resistance to school indoctrination. There is a small group of politicians and legislators who are trying to put the brakes on the picking up of immigrants for the totalitarian voting rolls. The dictatorship has forbidden the use of the word crisis in the frontier. Instead, they call it a challenge. They don’t have any crisis; they created a crisis for Texas, Arizona, etc. Neither Biden nor Harris is going to take care of the problem. Harris, nominated to deal with that, doesn’t even want to visit the frontier. There is also a small group of honest journalists who report the real facts, but the huge majority in the media is just at the unconditional service of the dictatorship and even begs for the termination of the others. To be remembered: members of the media are asking for censorship. That would be astounding if not for the fact that they belong to the billionaires who plan to share totalitarian control with the dictatorship. They instruct their lackeys about the topics to mention and how to present them. If you don’t believe me, listen to their comments after the speech. Instead of analyzing the danger embedded in such totalitarian speech, the horde of genuflect-kneeling, miserable beings followed the instructions of focusing on the superficial.

    CNN: It was beautiful. He is developing a kind of positive populism.

    NBC: I think it was an extraordinary speech. He was so relaxed that it looked like he was in his own home! He often talks about the soul of America, and he is so passionate when he speaks about the knee on Black America.

    MSNBC: His use of voice modulation was rather extraordinary given the television era. Every single sentence had a very clear punctuation, and every line of it had Biden’s humility.

    ABC: He was really trying to bring the country together!

    Telemundo: The most beautiful part of it was the fact that for the first time, a president had two women in the background. That was comparable to the gesture he made when he kneeled on a lawn to pick a flower for his wife.

    There was more of this aberration, like praising his unambitious, almost Rooseveltian spirit and his connection to the people (MSNBC) or his whispering grandfather voice (CNN). I thought the journalists formed in Cuba under communist indoctrination had touched bottom, but these detritus have proven to be at that level or even lower. It is not accidental that all of them elude the essence and focus on the superficial. The purpose is to create some kind of cult of the individual, because they know that treating the content would force them to reveal the macabre accusation against eighty million Americans of being racist White supremacists. But they play the ridicule shamelessly knowing that this despicable individual does not have any personality. It is, in fact, a cult to impersonality. The main trait in the character of this being is his lack of moral qualities. I can write one hundred pages (this is not an exaggeration) with proofs of his tens and tens of lies (this is not an exaggeration either; I insist!), aiming to materialize his search for enrichment, his corruption and hypocrisy to assume any position as convenient, or his ambition to become president. (He is not, and I hope legal documents disqualify him in the future.) I call for somebody to write a book about all his lies. I might write the hundred pages, but for the time being, I just want to point out that his words in Congress and other events for almost five decades already in his political life of dirty climbing are recorded in the acts or in videos.

    Among many of his actions, we find his opposition to racial integration in school buses, because [his] children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle, and his alliance with Robert Byrd, opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and great activist of the Ku Klux Klan, with whom he appeared hand-grasping and smiling in a photo and whom he declared his mentor in the mournful ceremony. This dictator, who called predators the rioters and criminals Black Lives Matter style in the 1990s, is now on their side just to win votes; this hypocrite, who justified his acceptance of the vice presidency under Obama by calling him the first clean and educated Black man, now proclaims himself the savior of the soul of the country, labels eighty million Americans White supremacists, and unleashes a persecution against his political opponents.

    If he has managed to take the power, it is thanks to the malign strategy of the fascist and communist ruling class of this party, falsely known as Democrats, and the servile propaganda of the media. Calling populist somebody whose first dictatorial order was depriving 55,000 workers of their jobs, calling modulation of the voice the harsh cacophony of a clumsy person who even makes mistakes when reading, and calling Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris women (two monsters for which that denomination is worthless) is an offense to common intelligence.

    It does not matter whether you’re a man or a woman or anything else or what color you are; what matters is what you do and how you do it. The witch who poisoned Snow White was also a woman. But this comparison leads me to a different topic, because Disney has become another enemy of our kids. If you’re not aware of it, I’ll send it in another mail.

    The initial question is still in the air: Are we going to react? Are you still waiting to be saved? How long are we going to put up with this?

    How Long Are We Going to Put Up with This?

    The Last Bastion and the First Traitors

    June 2021

    The most destructive tyrannies in history consolidated their power, because in their strategy, above control over repressive civil organs and the propaganda of media and educational indoctrination, they placed the control of the military apparatus. Such power can’t be defeated with weapons alone. In a democracy like the one that existed in this country until 2020, the military was supposed to be the last bastion against the birth of a dictatorship. However, there is always a weakest link; and in this case, it is the military regulation itself. All the lower levels must obey orders from the superior ones. The alternative may lead to a court-martial, execution, or in peaceful times, dishonorable dismissal or voluntary resignation.

    All tyrants know this very well. They just need a pretext to justify their grab for power, the nomination of unconditional, high-level chiefs, the concession of privileges to guarantee their fidelity, and the creation of parallel corps to behead the potential resistance.

    Hitler manipulated the fire in the Reichstag (the German capitol), blamed the Jewish and communists, and assumed plenipotentiary powers as chancellor. He immediately replaced the military chiefs with Nazi acolytes, like Himmler, Göring, and many others of infamous legacy. Charged with keeping the most daring in check, the Gestapo became a supramilitary model to imitate for further tyrannies.

    Stalin forced his push as supreme leader of the party and the Red Army over a well-orchestrated campaign about an assassination plot against him. He accused all dissenters of being counterrevolutionary populists and, after highly promoted trials, executed his former comrades. Trotsky escaped temporarily until the red pike finished him off in Mexico. Then Stalin labeled his opponents Trotskyites, invigorated the NKVD (the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs), promoted Yezhov as commissar and later Beria, and started the terror known as the Great Purge. This cleaning process was directed against many military chiefs and party members but was soon extended to the population.

    Fidel Castro had his own army when he conquered power, and that allowed him to discharge the military and policemen from the previous regime. He then orchestrated the summary proceedings (with prefixed decisions) that affected not only criminal officials but also the population. One example: he issued the law for crimes against the economy, by which three young men, a minor among them, were shot by a firing squad in Jovellanos just because they damaged a sunflower field. The Ministry of the Interior and Department of State Security played the role of the NKVD. During the never-explained trial of General Ochoa, the army was placed under supervision by those corps.

    The totalitarian team in the White House, headed by the corrupt, immoral individual labeled president, manipulated the events of January 6 in the Capitol to secure the submission of the military apparatus. With their characteristic habit of fabricating lies and multiplying them in Congress and the media, they repeated hundreds of times that the disturbances were part of an armed insurrection planned and organized by the White supremacist followers of Trump. As not a single one of the people involved had firearms, they made up another lie: that they had killed a Capitol guard by hitting his head repeatedly with a fire extinguisher. For three months, they hid the autopsy that proved the truth: Officer Brian Sicknick did not receive any blow neither on his head nor on any other part of his body. But it did not matter; they filled TV channels and the Internet with this falsehood, followed by offenses worthy of being kept in the hope that they would have to pay for that in the future. Even worse, the killing of guards was included, together with the accusation of insurrection, in the second impeachment versus Donald Trump. Despite being unconstitutional, it was run thanks to the betrayal of several members of the Republican Party. The first traitors, with Liz Cheney in the lead, capable of repeating the lies advanced by the Totalitarian Party, fka the Democrat, and abandoning the prisoners and the killing of Ashli Babbitt, are Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, and Pat Toomey. Neither the illegality of the process nor the presentation of edited videos that were dismantled by the defense stopped the traitors. At the end, seven Republicans (Richard Burr was the new addition) and all members of the Totalitarian Party, of course, voted for forbidding Donald Trump to ever enter the Capitol again or engaging in politics. However, the Senate still needed two-thirds to be in agreement to approve such a decision, and it did not pass.

    In good faith, some people thought the nightmare had passed and showed satisfaction in the only two channels where you still had a certain extent of freedom of speech. They didn’t know the tyrants well, because neither the politicians nor the people in this country were ready to protect themselves against a tyranny and such evil beings as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden, just to mention the visible heads of the top. The henchman in the Department of Injustice, Merrick Garland, had already advanced in the persecution and repression—FBI roundups at the homes of people present in the protest (even those who did not enter the Capitol)—and already had some forty of them in solitary prison, an unconstitutional cruelty only used against dangerous terrorists. But in his statements and the FBI’s, "White supremacists are the greatest threat to this country, greater than Al-Qaeda or ISIS."

    Biden repeated these words in his totalitarian speech before Congress and ratified them last week in the most divisive speech ever pronounced in the history of the United States. His abhorrent lies in Tulsa, Oklahoma, deserve an analysis apart, beginning with the timely choice. He waited just a few hours after Memorial Day to restart his betrayal of the people. He said that the flames of those burning crosses torched every region of the country. Millions of White Americans belonged to the Klan, and they were proud of it. And that hate became embedded systematically in the systemic racism in our laws and in our culture. The implications of such an offense to the nation are many, but the immediate objective is to label all opponents, especially Trump voters, as racists and terrorists. He said that spirit manifested in Charlottesville four years ago: It was an act of hate and domestic terrorism. And it exists today still. Neo-Nazis, White supremacists, the KKK…

    This brazen racist, who supported segregationist laws, rejected integration of Black kids in school buses, and praised the KKK guru, close friend, and mentor Robert Byrd (among many other racist tirades), pretends to pass himself as the savior of the soul of the Nation and protector of the Afro-Americans. But his sole goal is to divide us so he keeps his power. Questioning his legality would be confessing to being a White supremacist. He made it clear: Terrorism from White supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today. Not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda; White supremacists.

    These words are repeated every day by the puppets of the Department of Injustice, the FBI, General Austin, and the totalitarian members of Congress. To name one, the liar Adam Schiff, who should be in jail after his perjury and horrible lies during the Russia hoax and the first impeachment, referred to the disturbances as a racial attack: America has been through a Civil War, World Wars, a Great Depression, a Pandemic, and now a Trumpist and White Nationalist insurrection.

    The monster in the shape of a woman and last name Pelosi, unsatisfied with the investigation and repression of the DOJ–FBI, organized a session of Congress where the most despicable lies were uttered. The main attraction was Malcolm Nance, founder of a fascist group that he called the Terror Asymmetrics Project and author of The Plot to Hack America (wherein he accuses Trump, whose picture is on the cover). Nance is another example of how to commit a crime and blame the opponent. This individual is a terrorist, as his own words (written and on TV) prove. Among many to choose, take these: You can’t differentiate between an Islamic terrorist and a Christian terrorist. They very well look alike in the antiabortion movement. In other words, if you’re not for abortion, you are a terrorist like those who blew off the Twin Towers. And in 2017, Nance loaded up a picture of the Trump Towers in Istanbul with this footnote: This is my nomination for first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property. The first Trump property to bomb! Welcome, ISIS. You may continue with the one in New York!

    In case you thought it was too hard to call Pelosi a monster, just look at the friends she invited to Congress. She selected Nance because he had compared Trump to Benedict Arnold and taken the Russian hoax to giant levels. Naturally, he testified, without any proof, that the riot on January 6 was an insurrection preplanned by Trump organizations disguised under the idea of a patriotic resistance but in fact identical to the Ku Klux Klan, fascist international groups, anti-tax extremists, antiabortion extremists, anti-immigrants, and the like, because the 2016 election of Donald Trump gave them a tribal chieftain they could all rally behind. Now Pelosi felt that the creation of a commission under her control to investigate the January 6 events and take effective measures was justified.

    Only naive people believe that to be the purpose of the commission. The obvious intention is attacking Trump once again from another angle. They are not going to rest until they destroy him politically and personally. While I write this, the repugnant Cyrus Vance Jr., notoriously infamous because of his protection of sexual abusers and criminals in courts, is poking into Trump’s finances, taking declarations to Trump’s ex-wife, and fingering through school expenses in search of whatever he can find. From another front, the New York attorney Letitia James is processing all Trump business documents, hoping to find any error to put him in jail, as she has promised since 2017. She has the grand jury ready to help her. Ms. James campaigned during 2018 with this promise, and despite having no proof, she was granted permission to investigate Trump. Without any crime or evidence, you’re not allowed to investigate a person because of his political position. That only happens in a tyranny. Xavier Becerra, nominated by Biden for secretary of health and human services, won’t waste his time dealing with your health or your services, because, first, he has to prove his doggish fidelity to the dictator. He has presented 124 legal demands against Donald Trump. And if Trump escapes the bias of so many judges, the majority of them educated on the Marxist ideology of universities, the nameless being Pelosi, a living counterexample of the theory that we all have a percentage of good and bad, has the Stalinist commission ready.

    Initially, she proposed as chief the retired general Russel Honoré. You don’t have to be a soothsayer to guess what can be expected; she always finds the worst of the species. This gloomy general is also clumsy, because before initiating any investigation, he declares what he is going to find. In a radio interview that same day, he said that the attack was an inside job in complicity with the Capitol Police, which in a percent from 30 to 40 are Trumpsters, including the sergeant at arms. He claimed that the Parler website was implicated 100 percent and that Senator Ted Cruz was a little peace [sic] of shit with his Yale degree who should be run out of DC and disbarred. For Representative Lauren Boebert, he said, Put her stupid ass on the no-fly list. Similarly, Representative Liz Stepanek, Senator Cruz, and Senator Hawley, just for wanting a review of the election, should be treated like terrorists and placed in the no-fly list. No investigation is necessary for Honoré; he already has all the guilty people and the punishment.

    Nothing stopped Pelosi, not even the sworn statement of sergeant at arms Steven Sund before Congress that those claims [were] disrespectful to [him] and to the members of the Capitol Police Guard. She took the proposal of a commission to the House, and it was approved with the vote of all members of the Totalitarian Party and thirty-five traitors of the Republican Party. I don’t have their names, but it is worth finding them for their constituents. This time, the Senate Republicans did not concede; and last Saturday, at least for now, the commission did not become official. The dictator and the sinister Pelosi and Schumer have pledged to insist until they get it. By now, they must be looking for a way to disguise it with a different name or embed it in some bill loaded with money or in a dictatorial order labeled as executive. But you may be sure that the commission will be created, because they need it until the elections of 2022 and 2024 as a propaganda weapon. That’s the only way in which a party that does not offer anything good for the nation and its citizens can rake votes.

    Meanwhile, the purge and the indoctrination in the military field have been accelerating. Initially, twelve members of the defense near the dictator were dismissed. Now it’s the turn of the chiefs who don’t swear fidelity to the cabal in power. The method is simple: make them read the book White Fragility and force them to fill a questionnaire. This determines whether they are in favor of the Totalitarian Party.

    Commander of the air space unit Matthew Lohmeier was one of the first victims. Noticing the imposition of the Critical Race Theory, he denounced it as a Marxist ideology, and he was demoted. His words were this: I saw what I consider fundamentally incompatible and competing narratives of what America was, is, and should be.…It was spreading throughout the United States military. And I have recognized those narratives as being Marxist in nature. When General Austin called to combat the extremist ideologies inside the military and delivered the guidance memorandum to all service members, Lohmeier followed the regulations; he consulted the public affairs office and the legal team before denouncing Marxism as implicit in the extremist ideology of the CRT. The answer was his dismissal. Are you aware of this, an officer in the United States military deposed for not being a communist?

    The cadets in West Point are being forced to swear an oath to abjure White supremacy and adopt this racist ideology. The Critical Race Theory has been officially approved by the superintendent of the academy. One of the first lessons carried the title Whiteness and White Rage under the instruction of Professor Carol Anderson. This openly racist teacher (White people are motivated by their advantage over Black people, she wrote) is a teacher from Emory University and author of a book titled White Rage. She revealed her political position—not that we needed to guess—in one of her posts on Twitter, where she described all Republicans as White supremacists. Like in China, the former Soviet Union, or Cuba, the army is being purged and indoctrinated in fidelity to only one party. Do you need more proof?

    In one of the flyers bearing the heading White Power in West Point, they embrace the totalitarian propaganda by calling White policemen murderers. Eight thousand executives of Lockheed Martin (in charge of the aviation) have been subjected to mandatory training in a program whose instructions say that being White is practically equivalent to being a member of the KKK. Here’s the text: "White men are associated with: privilege, racism, reactionary behavior, conservatism, being Republican, angry, the Good Old Boys network, the Aryan Nation, guns, Chauvinism, NASCAR, founding fathers, centers of power, KKK, guilt, shame, male exaltation, anti-woman, etc. I skipped some blatant ridicule and the exercises to review 156 White male privilege statements." Think about it. Anybody who expresses being a Republican or who admires the Founding Fathers is a White supremacist sympathizer of the KKK. These are the Key White Male Characteristics they give: survivor mentality that focuses on the future; a tendency for rugged individualism; a can-do attitude; operating from principles and conscience; a focus on hard work, actions, and task completion; a focus on status and rank over connections; etc. I left some other idiotic phrases out. At the end of the training (I leave a lot of trash in between), they ask, WHAT’S IN IT FOR WHITE MEN? And among the several advantages—[being] better able to deal with the generations who are coming on board, having a less nagging sense that I am the problem, or [improving] the brand, image, reputation of White men, or how we are viewed—there comes a threat: I won’t get replaced by someone who is a better full diversity partner. There is another advantage that I don’t know whether to interpret as another threat: I will live longer. You tell me.

    Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier denounced that in the preparation for the Extremist Stand-Down Day called by General Austin when they reached the point of discussion about race, it established that the country was inherently evil and founded in 1619 over slavery, not in 1776.

    As you can see, the military apparatus has totally fallen into the hands of racist, extremist, fascist, and communist chiefs without even firing a shot. Superior orders must be obeyed: you are forced to hate White people, American history, and the present structure of the nation. Everything must be changed.

    Of course, words are followed by measures, and the takeover keeps rolling. The Pentagon Special Operations Command has promoted Richard Torres-Estrada to Chief of Diversity and Inclusion with the responsibility of supervising the recruitment process. In the note, they highlight that Torres-Estrada will be helping us recruit the best of the best, because diversity and inclusion are operationally imperative. Who is this individual going to recruit? You can easily guess. Torres-Estrada manages a website in which there is a picture of Donald Trump with a Bible in his hand and backed by a crowd, and next to it is a picture of Hitler with his book Mein Kampf in his hand, backed by a crowd. He has also made a montage about the story of Goldilocks, but don’t think it is humorous (maybe for him, as this man has to be mentally ill). The three bears are outside their house. One is being held up, hands up high, by a policeman, another is being handcuffed, and the third one lies dead on the ground with a policeman kneeling on his neck. (You don’t need my interpretation.) Finally, Goldilocks, mouth wide open, is talking to a reporter’s mike. The subtitles read, If you still don’t understand how racism works, remember SHE broke into THEIR house. Stop Racism. In other pieces of Torres’s website, you can find Black Lives Matter propaganda, offenses against the police and its racism, etc. Imagine the Navy SEALs he will recruit!

    Competing to be more than an indoctrinator, Lieutenant General Brad Webb, chief of the Air Force Education and Training Command, also announced changes in the course for civil licenses. He instructed to eliminate the dominating systemic racism by means of an update to the pilot tests so they don’t exclude, you know, various ethnic groups, he said. What is the racist system in place? Major General Ed Thomas wrote about it in Yahoo: 86% of the pilots are White men. Here’s why this needs to change. It does not matter whether you know how to control an airplane or want to fight in the air; what matters is the color of the skin of the pilot or his sexual preference (they are now offering free sex reassignment surgery to the military). Thus, to expedite the darkening of the skin of pilots, they have found a painless procedure: reduce the rigor of the tests. You have to wonder how imbecility has managed to fly higher than the planes. And a marginal question is, why don’t we apply this Equity to the NBA, where the percentage of Whites is so low? I said we, so let me answer: because we want quality, not racial preference, and maybe people prefer playing basketball than flying a plane.

    One of the main indoctrinators of cadets and soldiers is General Ramón Colón-López, senior enlisted adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was in charge of telling the troops about the events on January 6.

    I am concerned about the way some people are looking at the current environment and what they are thinking they can do and act upon based on their personal beliefs. [We have to] make sure that military members understand the difference between Seattle and Washington, DC.

    What are those differences? BLM, he explains, is fighting for social justice: When the military called upon us to go ahead and support the effort in Washington, we did. We never were called for law enforcement in Seattle. These are the lies he is going to teach cadets and soldiers, because they are not allowed to have their personal beliefs. The general is lying in more than one way. Justifying the destruction, the arson, the theft of stores, the killings, the one hundred days of attack to a federal court, the burning American flags, the tumbling of the statues of the Founding Fathers, and the secessionist occupation of a portion of United States territory should be more than enough to at least sentence a general to jail. But this is exactly what the tyranny wants the soldiers to be told: their terrorists are social fighters. The followers of Trump, who did not fire a shot or burn anything, are violent terrorists jailed and kept in solitary.

    In case somebody in the military is not convinced yet, General Austin has created his political commissariat, only he calls it Countering Extremism Working Group. Do we have a supra-apparatus like the Gestapo so early? You’ll be the judge.

    Bishop Garrison is the head of that job. In no time at all, this extremist delivered the training materials and put into place a plan describing the duties of the group: (1) redefine extremism in the Department of Defense, (2) commission a study on extremism in the military, and (3) recommend how to change the military justice system to counter extremism. This was given great importance, as it was issued on DARPA’s internal training materials. Read each point carefully. Redefining extremism contains a section where, among the ideologies now considered extremist, you find "PATRIOT EXTREMISM. This ideology holds that the United States government has become corrupt, has overstepped its constitutional boundaries, or is no longer capable of protecting the people against foreign threats." It is an obvious support of Trump attackers in the FBI, the CIA, and the Totalitarian Party—the really corrupt pushers of the Russia hoax. It is the tacit classification of Trump supporters as extremists. All his statements about the corrupt who have forgotten the people of the USA and his claims about the violations of the Constitution (real cause of the J6 events) are now considered patriot extremism by our military. It’s the justification of the unfair jailing of 445 mostly innocent people (36 in solitary) for five months already. It’s the justification of the future persecution and the killing of Ashli Babbitt.

    This is not going to be restricted to the military. The surveillance has been extended to the post office and the Internet (honest people have risked their life and denounced what’s happening), the persecution of personal information (Bank of America has been exposed for providing personal, secure information to the government), and the repression of all opponents by special units catching suspects of being at the Capitol, inside or outside.

    In November, when the coup that began in the first impeachment was finally executed in the sequestered process of the election, I wrote a booklet asking for military intervention to save the country. I thought it was the last bastion for democracy and against a dictatorship. Now the military apparatus is the strongest protector of the tyranny.

    As long as they pass undetected, many soldiers are furious, and some have denounced the treason in letters or emails to members of Congress in the committee that theoretically still controls the Pentagon. A few officials risk their position and also expose the totalitarian conversion of the military. One of them is Aaron Reitz, major of the Marine Corps Reserve, who declared to the press that in the training to root out extremism, they were told that anyone who had anti-government [understood as being against Biden’s tyranny], anti-authority or anti-abortion related ideologies was an extremist.

    The opposition to indoctrination is also under attack! Above all, the purge continues. (Garrison is called the hatchet man for his role in this cleaning.) Second, two of the Republicans in Congress who demand accountability from the military have been placed on the target. One of them, Matt Gaetz, has been nullified. He is being accused of corruption of a minor (for traveling with a seventeen-year-old woman), and although he has claimed that it is a false accusation and part of a blackmail by an FBI member with the dirty complicity of The New York Times, he has been silenced in the interim. There is a recorded proof by Project Veritas in which corrupt partisans of CNN plan the campaign to denigrate Gaetz. The technical director Charles Chester confesses the following:

    If the Agenda, say, is to, like, get Matt Gaetz right now…he’s like this Republican.… He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in the passing of laws and what not. So, it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out. So, we’re going to keep running those stories to keep hurting him and make it so that it can’t be buried. That’s propaganda because it’s helping us in some way.

    The last obstacle for them is Senator Tom Cotton, whose website may be accessed to denounce the betrayal carried out by this indoctrination. He is trying to pass resolutions against it, but remember that the totalitarian party controls Congress and supports the indoctrination of CRT, BLM’s actions, and the purge in the military. There are many proofs of this, the last one being the order to all US embassies to wave the BLM flag in Floyd’s death anniversary, the flag of a Marxist organization! The chair of the House Internal Security Committee went to MSNBC to promote actions against White supremacy in the ranks, the growing anti-government sentiment (by government he meant their tyranny), and how we identify the people who hold these beliefs to get them out of the military. Totalitarian and racist Mazie Hirono revealed, I’m considering legislation to create a stand-down punitive article in the uniform code to address violent extremism in the ranks. Of course, she was not referring to BLM’s violence (that’s her party’s). And General Austin complied by initiating the purge and calling many soldiers enemies. Some of the enemies are in our ranks, he said. What an insult! They don’t really need any legislation; they began the purge with impunity above the law and the Constitution.

    Write to Senator Tom Cotton and demand the ousting of communist indoctrinators from our military. Demand justice for Ashli Babbitt and freedom for the political prisoners of January 6. Don’t let the regime scare you. Senator Cotton knows the effort and money this tyranny is spending to defeat him too. We need the strength of the people to combat these treacherous plans and initiate legal actions against the dictatorship. How long are we going to put up with this?

    How Long Are We Going to Put Up with This?

    The Battle for Education

    June 2021

    Now that the school year 2020–2021 is over, it is extremely important to get ready for the next one. What is happening in school districts and boards, in schools and in classrooms, is a total occupation of the curriculum by pernicious ideas. The minds of our children are being poisoned with Marxist indoctrination, racism, pornography, and terrorist training. If this seems to be an exaggeration to you, keep on reading, because I’m going to provide proof for those still innocent of this crime. We must react quickly and combat, as we are losing this battle; such is the degree of the occupation.

    This is a battle in which we should all participate. If you are a teacher or you occupy a position in the staff of a school, if you are a student, or if you have a son or daughter in school, you are on the first line of combat. Even if you only have a friend with children in a school or no educational contact at all, you will be harmed by the terrible social effects inherently associated to an intentionally malign education. The enemy—this is not a metaphor—has advanced for years due to the naïveté, passivity, and incapacity or fear on the side of the people who should be our security guard. We ourselves have allowed the disease of the educational system to expand like a gangrene now

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