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The Creative Programmer
The Creative Programmer
The Creative Programmer
Ebook533 pages7 hours

The Creative Programmer

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About this ebook

Programming is a creative act. These techniques will help you maximize the power of creativity to improve your software and your satisfaction in creating it.

In The Creative Programmer you’ll discover:
  • The seven dimensions of creativity in software engineering
  • The scientific understanding of creativity and how it translates to programming
  • Actionable advice and thinking exercises that will make you a better programmer
  • Innovative communication skills for working more efficiently on a team
  • Creative problem-solving techniques for tackling complex challenges

In The Creative Programmer you’ll learn the processes and habits of highly creative individuals and discover how you can build creativity into your programming practice. This fascinating new book introduces the seven domains of creative problem solving and teaches practical techniques that apply those principles to software development.

Hand-drawn illustrations, reflective thought experiments, and brain-tickling example problems help you get your creative juices flowing—you’ll even be able to track your progress against a scientifically validated Creative Programming Problem Solving Test. Before you know it, you’ll be thinking up new and novel ways to tackle the big challenges of your projects.

Foreword by Dr. Felienne Hermans.

About the Technology 

Like composing music, starting a business, or designing a marketing campaign, programming is a creative activity. And just like technical skills, creativity can be learned and improved with practice! This thought-provoking book details practical methods to turn creativity into more effective problem solving, higher productivity, and better software.

About the Book 

The Creative Programmer explores seven dimensions of creativity in software engineering—technical knowledge, collaboration, constraints, critical thinking, curiosity, a creative state of mind, and creative techniques. As you read, you’ll apply insights about creativity from other disciplines to the challenges of software development. Numerous relevant examples and exercises drive each lesson home. You’ll especially enjoy the unique Creative Programming Problem Solving Test that helps you assess how creative you’ve been with a programming task.

What’s Inside
  • The scientific understanding of creativity and how it translates to programming
  • Advice and exercises that will help you become a creative programmer
  • Innovative communication skills for working more efficiently on a team
  • Creative problem-solving techniques for tackling complex challenges

About the Reader

For programmers of all skill levels.

About the Author

Wouter Groeneveld is a software engineer and computer science education researcher at KU Leuven, where he researches the importance of creativity in software engineering.

Table of Contents: 

1 The creative road ahead
2 Technical knowledge
3 Communication
4 Constraints
5 Critical thinking
6 Curiosity
7 Creative state of mind
8 Creative techniques
9 Final thoughts on creativity
Release dateJul 11, 2023
The Creative Programmer

Wouter Groeneveld

Wouter Groeneveld is a software engineer and computer science education researcher. Wouter was an enterprise software engineer for 11 years with a passion for teaching, coaching, and onboarding. Now, Wouter works at KU Leuven, where he researches and writes about non-technical skills and the importance of creativity in software engineering.

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    Book preview

    The Creative Programmer - Wouter Groeneveld

    1 The creative road ahead

    This chapter covers

    Definitions and the origin of the term creativity

    Reasons for being creative

    An overview of the seven Creative Programmer themes

    The Creative Programming Problem-Solving Test

    We humans love to create. Homo faber—creating to control our fate and environment—is a manifestation of man’s innate being in nature, according to philosopher and novelist Umberto Eco.¹ By buying this book, you’ve made your first step toward your innate being as a creative programmer. Congrats, and welcome!

    Chances are that you’ve decided to read this book to become a better programmer. You’ve come to the right place. Only, don’t expect the unfolding of the latest technical marvels, such as a just-in-time compiler of some virtual machine, or to learn more about programming language x or y. This is far from your average programming book.

    Instead, we’ll be working on a different level. You’ll learn how highly creative individuals (and groups) approach problems, what their habits and thought processes are like, and how they arrive at both more productive and more creative solutions. Once you’re a certified Creative Programmer™, you’ll unravel any technical marvel with ease and learn multiple programming languages at once—well, at least according to the theory. Whether you just picked up programming as a new discipline or you’re an experienced developer, my hope is that you will acquire at least a few new creative tricks to have up your sleeve.

    More experience in a technical trade such as programming does not necessarily equal more creative output. I’ve been in the software development industry for more than a decade and have witnessed few highs and a lot of lows. Software seems to be doomed to fail. Pragmatic programmer and cocreator of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development Andy Hunt started his book Pragmatic Thinking & Learning on a similar troubling note:²

    Whether you’re a programmer or frustrated user, you may have already suspected that software development must be the most difficult endeavor ever envisioned and practiced by humans. Its complexity strains our best abilities daily, and failures can often be spectacular—and newsworthy.

    Although Andy’s approach is to teach you how to think and learn, my approach is to teach you how to approach problems more creatively. After witnessing so many software failures (and [un]consciously helping conceive them), I’ve become convinced that the deficit may be one of nontechnical skills, not of technical ability. This obsession even led me back to academia, where I have spent the past four years researching creativity in software engineering. The fruit of my hybrid industry-academia work lies in your hands—provided you’re an old-school book person. But before we can get cracking, we first need to get a few questions out of the way.

    1.1 What exactly is creativity?

    Psychology scholars have been squabbling over this question for decades. The result is the existence of about 100 different definitions of creativity. When you ask your 10-year-old daughter what creativity is, she might insist on sharing her paintbrush to find out together. Your stingy neighbor, on the other hand, thinks that tax evasion is creative. After carefully inspecting the internals of a computer, you yourself might conclude that they are all wrong: it’s the engineers who come up with this that are creative! Who’s right?

    One possible solution would be to boil down the essence of all different opinions into a single definition. Creativity researchers Kaufman and Sternberg³ say an idea is creative if it meets these descriptions:

    It is considered novel and original.

    It is of high quality.

    It is relevant to the task at hand.

    Throwing a NoSQL database at a problem might be a qualitative solution, as has been proven in the past, but I doubt it is an original idea. If your problem is not data related, then it might not even be relevant. Still, if you or your team has never worked with NoSQL databases before, it might be considered novel.

    This essentialists’ take on creativity comes with many drawbacks; for example, it completely ignores context. Creativity research is making a gradual shift toward a more systemic approach that takes into account contextual parameters. This sounds complicated, and I can almost hear you bracing yourself for yet another dry academic definition. Fortunately, quite the opposite is true.

    EXERCISE When do you think something is considered creative? Ponder that question for a few minutes. When was the last time that something you came up with was considered very creative?

    Done? Right. I’ll lift the curtain for you: something is creative when someone else says it is. There, isn’t that easy? Creativity is a social verdict.⁴ Your peers decide whether or not your programming efforts led to something creative. You cannot possibly declare that yourself. It is a sociocultural phenomenon.

    Art experts who proclaim a particular painting to be a stroke of genius dictate our opinion as laypersons (figure 1.1). In response, we dutifully sigh in awe. If that painting was considered plain and uninteresting by critics, we wouldn’t bother to look. It would probably never make it to a museum wall. Because we don’t have the necessary technical knowledge about painting, we have to rely on the experts in the field.


    Figure 1.1 What is art? According to Marchel Duchamp, a signed urinal can be art. A New York gallery rejected it. Duchamp’s Fontaine did manage to shake things up quite a bit in the domain of 20th-century art. It is now considered highly creative. Source: public domain.

    The same is true for programming—or any other domain. If your teammates pat you on the back saying, Nice code! A creative way to circumvent the problem! then you’re suddenly promoted to a creative programmer, on the condition that your teammates as experts in programming are not just fooling around. Yet, that very same solution could be considered boring by another team or in another company: been there, done that.

    Thinking about creativity in a systematic way also explains the sad prevalence of unsung geniuses. It goes without saying that if none of Vincent van Gogh’s paintings had been found, we would not consider him a creative genius. And if none of the art experts in the field had accepted van Gogh’s paintings as evocative and groundbreaking, we would not consider him a creative genius. In fact, that is exactly what happened during his lifetime. His paintings were consistently rejected by the Paris Salon curators, who were responsible for the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts between 1748 and 1890. Their conservatism didn’t last long. The critical mass grew and dethroned the classicists in favor of Impressionism, as the Impressionists started holding their own independent exhibitions. Time and place are equally important contributors to creativity, as we will see in later chapters. Many of van Gogh’s works are now among the most expensive paintings ever sold.

    The origins of the creative

    The way in which we perceive creativity has changed many times throughout the history of humankind. Nowadays, we immediately think of art when we hear the term. In ancient Greece, art (technê in Greek, later adapted to technology) involved strict adherence to rules. Painters and sculpturers imitated; they did not create—only poets were allowed freedom of action. Artists discovered; they did not invent.

    In later Christian-dominated Europe, creativity was reserved for God’s act of creation from nothing (creatio ex nihilo). We humble humans merely made (facere) stuff; we couldn’t—and weren’t allowed to—create.

    Only during the Renaissance period did philosophers and artists begin to see themselves as inventors, shaping new objects according to their own ideas, gradually freeing art from craft and moving toward creativity. It would take two more centuries before the term was actually applied—and it was met with heavy Christian resistance.

    Creativity would not gain traction in scientific research until the 1950s. It is, just like programming, a relatively new concept!

    I might come up with a clever variant of ext4, the most popular journaling file system for Linux. I might perhaps call it WouterFS. That does ooze with creativity (and decadence). If I never introduce it to someone else, there’s a slim chance it would get picked up after my death. Luckily, I’m a realist. Technology changes too rapidly, and by then, they’ll probably be about to roll out ext65, which most likely will make WouterFS redundant. Maybe one day I will find the courage to show my implementation to a few of the ext maintainers. If it is seen as mundane and dismissed—and the chances of that are high—I’ll have to accept my defeat. But if my code is seen as creative, they might even patch a few features into ext4. In other words, all I can do is my best, but it is not up to me to declare my work as creative.

    1.2 Why creativity?

    That does sound rather depressing, doesn’t it? Why would you bother reading a book about becoming a creative programmer if it’s up to someone else’s whims? Because many habits and personality traits explained in the coming chapters greatly increase your potential to be a creative programmer.

    Still, that does not answer the why question. Why bother becoming a creative programmer when you’re already a competent programmer? The answer is—again—multidimensional. Let’s examine the major reasons to lead a creative developer’s life.

    The first reason, simply put, is that employers ask for it. For years, nearly every software development job advertisement contains the word creative.⁵ Everyone knows that job ads are bulging with meaningless words made up by the Human Resources department to attract as many candidates as possible. Soft skills are all the rage these days. Instead of scanning ads, my colleagues and I conducted our own research by simply asking software development experts: Which non-technical skills do you think are needed to excel as a developer?⁶ Guess which word popped up? If you want to sell yourself, you’ll have to be creative.

    EXERCISE When do you consider your own programming work to be creative? When is it anything but creative? When do you consider others’ code creative? Is there a difference? You might be reluctant to answer such mundane questions because the answers might yield (un)pleasant surprises.

    As for the reason why creativity is such a sought-after skill, the answer lies in problem solving. When conventional methods fail, bringing in a splash of creativity might be the way to go. Knowing how the creative process works is half the solution. For example, if your web application is struggling with handling thousands of requests per second, it might be a good idea to look at message queuing, load balancing, caching, or coroutines. If nobody on the team suggests any of these, you’ll likely go in circles. A creative programmer breaks those circles.

    Sometimes, though, problem solving is not enough. Sometimes, the problem hasn’t yet been found—let alone defined. In cases like that, your typical problem-solving skills won’t be very effective: you will need to rely on your creative senses to see the problem.

    When Charles Darwin left Plymouth on the Beagle in 1831, a voyage that would last five years, he had no intention of linking natural selection with the origin of species: the problem domain didn’t even exist yet. The British Royal Navy researchers were tasked only with charting the coastline of South America. The exotic vegetation and animals Darwin encountered and meticulously kept notes of planted the seeds for his theory that would be conceived only years after the voyage itself.

    Darwin wasn’t a problem solver; he was a problem finder. What can we as programmers learn from Darwin’s way of thinking? We’re usually swamped with small and well-defined (sub)problems, tasks in a swim lane that somehow have to make it to the done column. But perhaps, somewhere along the journey, enough dots are collected and later connected to form an entirely new question. Perhaps we discover a problem our clients didn’t even know they had. A creative programmer is both a problem finder and a problem solver. We will revisit Darwin’s voyage around the world in chapter 6.

    The second reason to care about the creative judgments of others is because the opinion of your peers should matter. In case you haven’t noticed yet, software development is a team-based activity. Creativity is meaningless in isolation (more about that in chapter 3) exactly because it is a social construct. The psychological safety that emerges from mutual respect makes everyone feel more at ease, thereby increasing the jelling of the team. This opens up the possibility for you to learn and grow and to help others learn and grow as well.

    Creative product vs. process

    Note that, when admiring creative work, we almost always admire the product: the end result, after the flow of ample blood, sweat, and tears. The end result could be a clever algorithm or a newly invented design pattern. Those would attract admiration primarily from software developers. The end result could also be the whole application, which, ideally, your end users also would call creative.

    Instead of the end product, the process that leads up to the work can also be creative. However, the process is mostly invisible and hence impossibly difficult to evaluate. Creative processes might yield creative products. The emphasis is on might here: the result could also be a train wreck. The opposite also is true: a creative product can be the result of a conventional process.

    Inviting experts to judge the creativity of a product is called theConsensual Assessment Technique, a popular term coined by Teresa Amabile in 1988. Next time you’re watching America’s Got Talent, remember that it’s adhering to sound academic methods!

    A third reason to be creative is because creativity equals fun. Many experts we interviewed mentioned the sole reason for being a programmer is the possibility of being creative. Creative programmers deeply enjoy their work. They love taking a deep dive, getting out of their comfort zone, connecting unusual ideas, discussing different approaches with others, and being in the flow. In short, creative programmers give in to their creative urge. They become Umberto Eco’s homo faber.

    Many creators hope to achieve immortality through their creative work that might outlive their feeble body. The lucky few who realize their dream of leaving a permanent mark on the world are hailed as true geniuses. We, as programmers, working with highly volatile technology, might be better off taming our immortal aspirations. I bet by the time this book is published, dozens of existing technical books on programming can be safely moved to the vintage bookshelf. And we all know what that means.

    1.3 Different levels of creativity

    You might have noticed I’ve casually used the word genius in the context of creativity. Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to be creative. Researchers tried to classify different levels of creativity and came up with the following taxonomy:

    little-c,or everyday creativity—This is personal creativity: doing something original you haven’t done before, for instance, cross-compiling your C++11 game of life implementation to the Game Boy Advance.

    Big-C,or eminent creativity—Doing something original nobody has done before, for instance, porting Ruby 3 to run on your 486 machine under DOS 6.22. Hey, there’s an idea . . .

    Linus Torvalds is a Big-C creator. He completely changed the domain of operating systems (and version control). According to some scholars, geniuses are responsible for important creative products that alter the whole domain. On the other hand, coming up with a creative solution for your web app’s request throughput problem won’t likely shake things up.

    Of course, as with all things in this world, the taxonomy had to be criticized. little-c is sometimes portrayed as too mundane and bland. The greatness of Big-C might have creators succumb to the pressure. Creativity researcher Mark Runco completely dismisses the distinction between little and big, proclaiming that reality is not categorical.⁸ Others develop their own version in response: there are H-creativity (historic: does the invention affect the history books?) and P-creativity (personal creativity), and there are more hidden layers between little-c and Big-C called mini-c and Pro-c. Some researchers, such as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, interview creative geniuses to extract practices for everyday creators, whereas others claim this gives a distorted picture. In short, academic creativity research is a bit of a mess. Still, thinking about creativity in terms of different levels, as clarified in figure 1.2, can be helpful.


    Figure 1.2 An example of different inner circles in which a programmer works. A piece of code deemed creative by close colleagues might bubble up and be lauded as creative by the team. However, another team might have done the same: at the company level, your fame comes to an abrupt end. Because creativity is socioculturally dependent, switching teams also changes the interpretation of creativity. Being mindful of these inner circles can be very useful. Helping the team and company be creative means spreading the word, but starting with yourself.

    1.4 A road map to becoming more creative

    This book is not about how to become a genius, which has little to do with creative genes: you will soon discover, there is no such thing. Instead, it is about the process of problem-solving. By applying different creative methods and insights into creativity, neatly wrapped in seven distinct but heavily intertwined themes, it is my hope that you will be able to become a better programmer. In case you are not a programmer, don’t worry: you will see that many of these methods can be easily transferred to other domains.

    Andy Hunt’s Pragmatic Thinking & Learning starts with a beautiful hand-drawn mind map that doubles as a road map. Because his book also leans to the softer side of programming, I’ve let myself be inspired by his drawing and used it to brighten up a research⁹—which was considered very creative and promptly accepted. The mind map, as visible in figure 1.3 and at the beginning of this book, also serves as a guide for this book. Each tentacle in the map represents a chapter with a distinct theme related to creativity.


    Figure 1.3 The Creative Programmer mind map that ties together all seven chapters of this book.

    NOTE All illustrated figures in this book are hand drawn by me to better fit the creativity theme.

    1.4.1 The seven Creative Programmer themes

    The following adventures await us.

    Technical knowledge

    Anyone who produces something creative must have a firm grasp of the state of affairs in their domain. This might sound so obvious that it almost seems excessive to waste a whole chapter on. A programmer can’t be a creative programmer if they are not a programmer in the first place. Even though learning before doing is quite self-evident, pausing and thinking about various ways to consume information, continuously learn, be aware of cognitive biases, and manage knowledge still pay off.

    Creative programmers understand how to convert a steady stream of knowledge into new ideas.


    Creativity never happens in isolation: refinement of ideas is a social process. Without any kind of feedback, it will be impossible to upgrade your slightly original idea into an excellent one. Your peers can act as catalysts for change. In chapter 3, we’ll explore the concept of genius clusters, how to build dream teams, and techniques to enhance the creativity of teams. In a paper my colleagues and I published,¹⁰ this theme is called communication, so we stuck with that term, but in hindsight, collaboration might be a more fitting name.

    Creative programmers are always aware of the subtle interplay between ideas, individuals, and teams.


    Tackling any kind of problem involves taking constraints into account, whether they are self-imposed or external. Contrary to popular belief, constraints actually spark creativity instead of diminishing it. We will explore multiple cases of creative outbursts that are the result of converting what might look like annoying limitations into sudden advantages.

    Creative programmers know how to take advantage of imposed constraints instead of only complaining about them in retrospect.

    Critical thinking

    Coming up with a lot of ideas is only half the work: the other half, which is arguably more difficult, involves vigorous scrapping until the best idea is left standing. Then and only then, it might be time for action. In chapter 5, we’ll try to engage in a symbiotic relationship between critical thinking and our everlasting fountain of crazy ideas. We’ll discover that creativity is not only about generating ideas but also about decision making and execution.

    Creative programmers are able to fluently switch between sprawling ideation and critical evaluation.


    Why did you pick up this book? Were you curious about its contents? Are you eager to learn? Are you determined to read this book cover to cover? If the answer is yes, we’re off to a great start here! According to creativity researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, curiosity and perseverance are the two most defining personality traits for creativity.¹¹ We’ll regularly revisit Csikszentmihalyi’s excellent work on this subject in the coming chapters.

    Curiosity leads to an implicit motivation to learn new things (technical knowledge). Curiosity leads to asking why questions (critical thinking). We’ll discuss why having a sense of wonder is advantageous, not only for the absent-minded professor but also for the creative programmer.

    Creative state of mind

    We all know that frequent interruptions are detrimental to the programming flow. Getting into the right state of mind will greatly improve your creative work. We’ll inspect how flow and insight work, what insight priming can bring to the table, and how to increase those ever-so-important but fickle aha moments.

    Working on your individual state of mind is one thing. Enhancing the collective state of mind of your team or company is another—and both are equally important to a creative programmer.

    Creative techniques

    Last, we will discuss several practical, creative techniques that can positively affect the concepts explained in all of the preceding chapters. Just like creativity’s systemic definition, these techniques are intertwined with all dimensions of creative problem solving. They do not necessarily fit neatly into one distinct theme. We’ll take a critical look at classic brainstorming sessions and more unconventional techniques, such as giving your ideas some legs.

    1.4.2 The Creative Programming Problem Solving Test

    What if you wanted to follow along in this book and gauge your growing creative programming potential related to a specific assignment or project? A lot of creativity assessment tools exist that measure specific bits and pieces, as we’ll soon discover in the coming chapters. Some determine your divergent thinking skills, and others are mostly focused on evaluating the end product. Unfortunately, none of the existing tools are composed from within the computing domain and apply a systems view.

    To do exactly that, my colleagues and I have designed a self-assessment survey for creative problem-solving based on the seven themes discussed in this book.¹² The survey has been validated for first- and last-year software engineering students and was verified by several industry experts. It is by no means a catchall solution to measure creativity, but it’s the closest thing we have nowadays for programmers to identify the level of engagement for each of the seven themes.

    The questions will make more sense as soon as you’ve finished reading each particular chapter. Some questions will leave you wondering whether or not they neatly fit into a single theme. Don’t worry; many don’t: as we’ll soon discover, creativity doesn’t easily let itself be pushed into a single category.

    Perhaps it’s a good idea to fill in the questionnaire now, before moving on to the first chapter, to get a general idea of your current state as a creative programmer. Remember, it’s a self-assessment test, so try to be honest—lying will only trick you into thinking there’s little room for improvement! When filling in the test, try to relate the questions to a recent specific assignment. The answers will likely vary from project to project.

    Each question should yield a number: 1 (completely disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (neither agree nor disagree), 4 (agree), or 5 (completely agree). Feel free to take out a pencil and insert Xs in the rubric where appropriate.

    Table 1.1 The full set of 56 questions from the Creative Programming Problem Solving Test rubric

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