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It’s Time To Lighten Up
It’s Time To Lighten Up
It’s Time To Lighten Up
Ebook168 pages3 hours

It’s Time To Lighten Up

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About this ebook

In It’s Time to Lighten Up, author White Willow breaks down what it means
to be light by identifying how the body emits light prior to all mind body
functions. She shares how light is integral in how we view life and how we
feel day to day. She offers proven techniques to enhance our light, bringing
the mind and body into homeostasis, calming the chaos in our lives while
enhancing our connection to community. This awareness changes how
people perceive themselves and the world around them.
Offering a new perspective, Willow gives ideas for a new normal, presenting
not only a possibility but a soft urgency to reclaim life in the form of balance.
From evidential sources, life experiences, and personal practices, It’s Time
to Lighten Up speaks to those who crave change from the inside out to
reclaim their light.
Willow provides an encyclopedia of discoveries on a Harvard University level
as well as from others before her and today’s influential, qualified experts
who share their knowledge and values so we may live our best life in the
global world as a whole entity and beyond.
Praise for White Willow
“White Willow is dedicated to sharing coherent healing energy with children
as well as adults and looks forward to embracing a fully cohered sustainable
global community in the near future.”
—Karen Leslie ~ Writer With Heart
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 5, 2023
It’s Time To Lighten Up

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    Book preview

    It’s Time To Lighten Up - White Willow



    To Lighten Up


    Copyright © 2023 White Willow.

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    of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical

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    intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help

    you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-4253-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-4254-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-4255-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023909900

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/02/2023

    I want to thank all the soul-centered colleagues, clients, friends, and relatives who nudged me to write my story down. I appreciate your confidence in my words. An extra special thanks for my papa, Hugo, for loving me unconditionally throughout my life. You’re an exemplary human being, Papa! I love you! To my mother, Julia, who taught me to rise above the opinions of others and be my authentic self, based in heart and soul. You are my greatest teacher, Mama! I love and miss you! To my beloved sister, Monique, you inspire me to be a better human being. To my lifelong friends who listened and accepted my heart, mind, and soul at first sight: Trina, Vivi, Karen, and Giselle. Without my soul sisters, my life would never be as rich as it is. Thank you. I love you with my entire being!

    To those who continue to see the world as a competitive place, this book is for you. May you gain one glimpse of wisdom from these pages: the truth that you are more powerful, capable, and loving than you can ever imagine! Rise up and discover your true nature. I see you!

    With deep reverence for humanity, I bow to your potential.

    In love,

    White Willow (a.k.a. Virginia Biasizzo)




    Section 1

    Chapter 1     Light

    Chapter 2     Body Pathways

    Chapter 3     Basic Needs

    Chapter 4     Old Meets New

    Chapter 5     The Light Of Life

    Section 2

    Chapter 6     A Purified Heart

    Chapter 7     Can I Get A Witness?

    Chapter 8     A Long And Winding Road

    Chapter 9     It’s All Energy

    Section 3

    Chapter 10   A New Day Dawning

    Chapter 11   Reflecting Sets Our Compass On Course

    Chapter 12   A New Paradigm Emerging



    Energy healing does not mean curing. An energy healer is a healing artist. One who creatively seeks to enhance beauty and vitality though heightened levels of intentional thought expression. Thoughts are energy. Energy is information we subconsciously communicate with.

    Curing is the act of eliminating signs of illness. Curing belongs to the realm of neolithic medicine. For all purposes, this book is designated to the art of healing. Art is the expression of human creative skills coupled with imagination in producing an appreciation for their beauty and emotional power.

    I have been dedicated to the healing arts for more than forty years, delighting in helping more people feel amazingly empowered. I creatively seek to enhance my understanding of the human energy field, physiological structures, and emotional patterns to help people feel better. For this reason, this book is in no way offering diagnosis, treatment, or cure for any health issues. Please consult your health-care provider for all your medical needs.


    If I could share one thing with everyone, it would be this: we are light.

    Literally, we emit light from every cell in our body. This light is information communicating with our collective cellular matrix, instructing every cell, atom, and subatomic particle within us in how to function normally. When we infuse our bodies with light, we nourish the light element within us that generates energy, fueling our cells with the power they need to perform and function properly. We feel and look amazing.

    For most people, light emerging isn’t even part of their knowledge base. There are little to no educational or social platforms that talk of our light. It’s considered metaphysical and mystical or too abstract to fathom. It’s been removed from ancient teachings and replaced with insights that lead us to believe we need something outside ourselves to feel better. A pill or a capsule, a drink, or a drug. Something we need to buy and consume to feel good. These are guised as remedies to take away our bad feelings and replace them with upbeat feelings.

    I must share, more people are seeking alternatives to this lifestyle and medical model. The supplemental market has hit the trillion-dollar market with no end in sight. Antiaging products are leading the way. Everyone wants to lead a healthy, long life. Isn’t it time we got the facts on how to do so?

    The human longevity project shows there are very basic ingredients to live a long and happy life. Pure foods, water, and air along with kindhearted social exchanges are the foundation. The social aspect, sharing with others who are living a healthy lifestyle, supports the overall structure of each individual as well as the whole community.

    It’s well known in smaller villages and towns across the globe that when we think of ourselves as integral parts of the whole, we flourish together as one. We are only as weak as our weakest link, or as unhealthy as our sickest neighbor.

    Consider the body and how it integrates with those in our family, our community, and our state. Ah! Is that too much to expand upon? OK! Let’s break it down into a smaller scope.

    A world-famous book says, Let there be light, and there was light. Light is the information structure of all matter. It ignites an electron transference, a transportation of information, a coded message enacted through form. It redeems the notion of a unified field, a universal source manifesting into form.

    The same is true in the body—your body, my body, everyone’s body. The difference is that we’ve been told our body must be under the care of a physician. In case you didn’t know, the word physician comes from the term physicist, a practitioner of natural science. The body is in truth a natural scientific phenomenon.

    Hippocrates studied physics and natural science and is considered the father of modern medicine. He is responsible for the well-known Hippocratic oath doctors around the world swear to uphold. A legal promise to do no harm.

    Yet most medications on the market come with a list of attributes known as side effects that do more harm than good. What if we chose to look at health from a new perspective? One of a healthy whole person rather than an ill individual. Focusing on the necessities to cultivate a thriving internal environment essential in prolonging wellness requires changing one’s view from illness to wellness. This alternative perspective leads to new insights barely visible from the previous vantage point. New insights lead to innovative solutions for outdated ailments.

    I chose this stance at an early age. Looking at the body, knowing that my body is my domain. My area to house my higher self. A safe place to dream, play, and act in any way I chose. That is if my body cooperated. Well, I have to say, I’ve been blessed to have a body that recovers quickly and is resilient to most adverse elements I’ve encountered. However, it wasn’t always that way.

    I was a sickly kid continuously battling a chest cold in the fall and spring seasons. There were a few years I had a cycle of pneumonias I couldn’t shake. From age eight until twelve, I was sickly. Our family doctor would come to the house every Friday afternoon and shoot my butt up with penicillin. Yup, the docs made house calls back then. My folks kept the doc on salary for that stretch of time.

    Funny how having an ailment can lead us to talk about it repeatedly, allowing it to define who we are. Locking us into a mental mindset of rehearsing how we are feeling and how we are going to feel repeatedly. I’ve heard that doing the same thing again and again while expecting a different result is a classic definition of insanity. Well, I was being primed for mental health to set in. After all, it ran in the family.

    Mom had her diagnosis, which I’m pretty sure wasn’t real, and my poor sister got sucked into believing that mental illness was genetic. I’m happy to say I dodged that bullet, only, it took me years to figure it out. I remember being eighteen and thinking, Geez! When is it going to kick in? When am I going to lose my mind like the rest of the ladies in my family?

    I’ve been blessed to recognize genetics has absolutely nothing to do with our health, as much as we’ve been led to believe. It’s the environment that makes us depressed or diabetic, have inflammation or heart disease, etc. The internal and external environment changes how we feel, and these feelings change how our body produces proteins and of course how our body communicates through light. Happy thoughts emit greater light capacity, and conversely negative thoughts drag us down, vary protein production, and diminish our light.

    Is it starting to make sense how important understanding we are light really is? Think about it. If we taught kids that being happy is going to charge their battery cells so they have energy to feel great to run and play, wouldn’t there be happier kids? And if kids were bummed out with low energy but there was a quick fix, wouldn’t you want that quick fix for your kids? If we could go watch a funny movie, jump on a trampoline, or run outside for three minutes to recharge, wouldn’t we see more kids smiling and laughing than taking meds? Wouldn’t that produce healthier, happier adults?

    What about the kids who are slow or unable to focus? What if I told you their brain wasn’t getting the right amount of nutrition in the form of proteins or light emissions? Do you think a fair

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