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Powering Up: Unleashing the Clean Energy Supply Chain
Powering Up: Unleashing the Clean Energy Supply Chain
Powering Up: Unleashing the Clean Energy Supply Chain
Ebook437 pages6 hours

Powering Up: Unleashing the Clean Energy Supply Chain

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Former chief scientist Alan Finkel shares his compelling insights and expertise and makes the case for Australia leading the way in the global transition to clean energy.

The clean energy transition is humanity's biggest ever economic challenge. In Powering Up, former Australian chief scientist Alan Finkel shows how to remove the barriers that prevent nations transforming from petrostate to electrostate.

Finkel considers the entire supply chain, from raw materials through power infrastructure, the workforce, transportation and household customers. He reveals the outlines of a new geo-economic order and explains in persuasive, practical terms how we can get there.

If governments, investors, industry and consumers get this right over the next three decades, history will judge us as the generation who ushered in the Electric Age and helped to save the planet. The world will be transformed – with Australia, if we seize the opportunity, as a global leader.

Release dateJun 13, 2023
Powering Up: Unleashing the Clean Energy Supply Chain

Alan Finkel

Alan Finkel is a neuroscientist, engineer and entrepreneur. As Australia's chief scientist from 2016 to 2020, he developed the National Hydrogen Strategy and the Low Emissions Technology Roadmap. He was chair of the 2022 Sydney Energy Forum, an international meeting on the rapid transition to clean energy.

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    Book preview

    Powering Up - Alan Finkel

    Published by Black Inc.,

    an imprint of Schwartz Books Pty Ltd

    22–24 Northumberland Street

    Collingwood, VIC 3066, Australia

    [email protected]


    Copyright © Alan Finkel 2023

    Alan Finkel asserts his right to be known as the author of this work.

    Certification of human origin: other than its behind-the-scenes involvement in web searching, Alan Finkel declares that artificial intelligence software had no role in the authorship of this book.


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    9781760644598 (paperback)

    9781743823071 (ebook)

    Cover design by Tristan Main

    Typesetting by Typography Studio

    Cover image by Bobyramone / Shutterstock

    Internal images by Alan Laver

    Author photograph by Andre Goosen

    To Elizabeth, who always challenges me



    1. Setting the Scene

    The story so far

    Power and energy

    Shaping the Electric Age


    The Sydney Energy Forum

    The clean energy supply chain

    Global energy security

    Electrostates and the Electric Age

    2. Energy Transition Materials: Mining and Refining

    Group 1: traditional metals

    Group 2: battery minerals

    Group 3: rare earth elements

    Group 4: solar-panel materials

    Group 5: hydrogen metals

    Ethics and social licence

    3. Energy Transition Materials: Minimising Future Demand

    Recycling and re-use

    Innovation to reduce demand


    Innovation in mining

    4. Renewable Electricity

    Magic that works

    Solar power

    Wind power

    Nuclear power


    Natural-gas-fired electricity

    5. Firming: Unlocking the Full Potential of Renewables


    Firming using dispatchable low-emissions sources

    Capacity mechanisms and capacity markets


    Firming using system design


    6. Shipping Sunshine: Green Hydrogen

    Same movie, or a sequel?

    Hydrogen production

    Guarantee of origin

    Hydrogen storage

    Domestic distribution logistics

    Myth busting

    Use it where you make it

    Green iron

    Green ammonia

    Green fertiliser

    Renewable diesel

    Sustainable aviation fuel from biomass

    Solar kerosene

    Direct air capture of carbon dioxide

    Green cement



    7. Getting the Policy Settings Right

    Carrots vs sticks




    Well-functioning markets

    The moral dilemma of coal exports

    The developing-world dilemma

    Interest rates


    Closure of coal-fired electricity plants

    ESG: environmental, social and governance standards

    Carbon credits and offsets

    Credibility is variable

    Individual consumer behaviour

    Energy equity


    Regulatory reform

    8. Opportunities for Australia

    Mining and refining

    Shipping sunshine

    Electrolyser manufacturing

    Other manufacturing opportunities

    Decarbonised products

    Credible carbon-offset exports



    Best of times, worst of times

    The rise of subsidies

    Electricity is magic

    From petrostates to electrostates

    Investment, not divestment

    Dealing with the deficit

    Release the parking brake

    Australia – the lucky country




    ‘It won’t be easy getting to zero, Kathleen.’

    We were at a dinner party soon after the May 2022 Australian election, which saw the Labor Party, led by Anthony Albanese, form government, with an unprecedented number of seats won by the Greens and by climate-focused independents. Rolling her eyes, Kathleen pressed on in a triumphal tone. ‘With the new political will locked in, surely we’ll get there quickly.’

    Quickly? Kathleen was not in a position to see what lay ahead. Our energy system is a behemoth nourished on fossil fuels. Replacing that rich diet with lean wind and solar energy is a task of barely imaginable proportions. Think forests of wind farms carpeting hills and cliffs from sea to sky. Think endless arrays of solar panels disappearing like a mirage into the desert. What we have now has to be scaled up by a factor of twenty.

    It will take mining on a massive scale to extract the minerals needed for batteries and solar panels. It will take giant factories to build the parts for towering wind turbines. It will take untold miles of high-voltage transmission lines to carry the electricity to power the mines and factories and the 24-hour buzz of civilisation. It will take engagement with and support for affected communities; financing at unprecedented scale; strategic government policies that convert targets into actions.

    The sheer scale of the task, I pointed out to Kathleen, is why we’d barely made a dent in reducing global emissions despite three decades of effort and concern. Between 1990 and 2021, the behemoth known as global civilisation only reduced its fossil-fuel diet from 87% to 83%. Let me spell that out. We shaved off 4% in the last thirty years. In the next thirty we need to shave off 83%.

    Kathleen’s expression shifted from triumph to despair. In that moment, I realised I needed to write this book.

    I am an engineer. I’ve been trained to solve problems. And I’ve spent over a decade thinking about the climate problem. As Australia’s Chief Scientist I presided over the review of Australia’s electricity market, the development of the national hydrogen strategy and the national low-emissions technology roadmap. Five years before that, I worked at Better Place, a start-up ahead of the times, conceiving the recharging infrastructure for electric cars.

    The intention of this book is to help individuals like Kathleen, policy makers in government and strategists in companies appreciate the scope of what must be achieved so that we can power up our response. The task ahead is immense, but there is reason to be optimistic.

    We know what to do. We need to replace fossil fuels with zero-emissions electricity. Our ambition must be to usher in the Electric Age to replace the Industrial Age.

    The journey has begun. Although solar and wind supplied only 5% of total global energy consumption in 2021, they got there off a zero base in 1990 and are now increasing by a factor of four every decade. If that rate of increase can be maintained for the next two decades, we will be approaching full decarbonisation of the energy system.

    To keep the engine of change operating at that pace, we will need an efficient global supply chain. The basic elements are there, built up over decades. But they are vulnerable – think Covid, think the Ukraine war.

    With American leadership, after the Second World War protectionist tariffs and quotas around the world were dropped, resulting in a thriving international economy. But there have been quirks, including excessive concentration of supply. The dependence of Europe on Russian gas was made clear when Russia cut supplies in 2022. That alerted all countries to the risk excessive supply-chain concentration could pose to the clean energy transition. Nearly all the world’s battery materials are refined in China, and the vast majority of solar panels are produced there. Most of the world’s cobalt for electric vehicle batteries comes from the Congo.

    We must massively expand mining for energy transition materials: lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel and graphite for batteries; silver and silicon for solar panels; rare earth elements for magnets in electric vehicle motors and wind turbine generators; aluminium for lightweight vehicles and copper for their internal wiring; platinum and iridium for hydrogen production.

    As mining expands, there is an opportunity to diversify supply across a broader mix of countries. Simultaneously, mining companies must shoulder their responsibilities to preserve biodiversity and rehabilitate the local environment. Their labour policies must without exception avoid child exploitation and forced labour. Welfare and education for workers, their families and affected communities must be provided.

    Coal-fired plants have no future, but shutting them down before the firmed solar and wind generation plants are built would risk extended electricity blackouts. That would not just be a disaster for modern life; it risks rescinding the social licence for moving as fast as we can to net zero.

    As coal mines and oil and gas wells shut down, and coal-fired electricity generators become obsolete, workforces will need to be trained and re-trained to support all aspects of the clean energy supply chain, from operating new mining vehicles through to extensive manufacturing opportunities in batteries, electrolysers and solar panels. Local and national governments will have to coordinate and collaborate with communities and companies to ease the pain, maximise the opportunities and minimise the dislocations.

    Getting things right also means being alert to unintended consequences. The road to hell is often paved with good intentions. One example of this is the recent trend by companies under pressure from shareholders to improve their green credentials by divesting their fossil-fuel assets. However, for every seller, there is a buyer. If, as is often the case, the buyer is a private-equity company or a state-owned corporation, they are not accountable to the scrutiny of pesky shareholders and operate their new acquisition with poorer practices. Net result? The planet is worse off.

    Another example of perverse outcomes is when rich countries improve their emissions scorecard by offshoring heavy industries to developing nations. Again, the planet is worse off because the developing countries tend to run their factories on higher emissions energy sources.

    Instead of divesting or offshoring, industry and governments should invest in renewable technologies to make them ever more competitive and render fossil fuels obsolete. The mantra should be investment, not divestment. By investing in renewables such as hydro, solar and wind electricity, more countries than before will enjoy the geopolitical security of a domestic energy supply. Equally important, they will benefit from the cheapest form of energy, completely decoupled from global price spikes.

    Given the goal of getting to net zero, communities will have to accept technologies that many would prefer to forever banish. Nuclear power is one, since not every country is blessed with the land and climate to build solar, wind and hydro power at scale. Another is carbon capture and storage (CCS), which according to the United Nations and the International Energy Agency is the only way we can get to net zero, as there will always be residual emissions such as methane from agriculture and decaying waste, and carbon dioxide from the chemical reactions in cement production and other industrial processes.

    Where there is an alternative to fossil fuels, it must be pursued. The supply chain for steel making is poised to be flipped on its head. Instead of using coal to melt and chemically transform iron ore into pure iron in blast furnaces, new facilities are being built that will use solar, wind and hydropower electricity for heat and to make hydrogen. The hydrogen will be used to chemically transform the iron ore into pure iron. The amount of coal used in future iron production will fall to precisely zero.

    The transition to clean energy systems cannot be left to chance. There are two ways that governments are nudging industry and investors.

    The first is through carbon pricing, either as a carbon tax or an emissions trading scheme. While this is the favoured approach of economists and sensibly operates by putting a price on emissions to encourage a shift to low-emissions alternatives, where it has been instituted it has been limited in breadth of coverage and undercut by exemptions that are necessary to protect trade-exposed industries. Further, instead of investing in low-emissions alternatives, companies can and do take the short-term option of purchasing credits that often have very little long-term benefit. These practical limitations mean that the rate of decarbonisation is too slow.

    The second option for governments is to offer incentives to make investing in clean technologies more attractive. This worked well to stimulate the solar markets in Germany, China and Australia, and the wind markets in Denmark and the UK. Driven by these and other government incentives around the world, solar deployment has rapidly increased and solar electricity prices have dramatically fallen. Onshore wind is not far behind, and the price of offshore wind is now highly competitive. California led the world with incentives for buyers of electric cars. Direct incentives have also been strongly adopted in the United States through its Inflation Reduction Act.

    China, of course, continues to invest despite the trade war started by President Donald Trump and maintained by the Biden administration. China’s dominance in solar panels is now being replicated in electric vehicles, with nearly 60% of electric vehicles sold in 2022 worldwide made by Chinese companies. This success was stimulated by strong industrial policies backed by government mandates and incentives. These approaches are so effective that the US Inflation Reduction Act has been described as the United States trying to out-China China.

    These direct incentive packages will speed up the clean energy transition by focusing investment on low-emissions technologies. The concern is that because some of these climate incentive packages double up as domestic industrial policy, they could undermine the benefits of globalisation.

    The task ahead is daunting, but I am a great believer in human ingenuity to overcome such challenges. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope defied decades of setbacks and pessimism and is now revealing the beginning of our universe in all its glory. At the other end of the scale, microprocessors continue to defy predictions that we will reach the limit of what can be packed onto a computer chip. The technological improvements and cost reductions in solar panels, wind turbines and lithium-ion batteries are equivalently astonishing.

    In Australia’s case, with our abundant minerals and renewable energy, we have the opportunity to become an electrostate of the future, supplying the world with the energy transition materials it needs and with decarbonised products.

    Technology can deliver the clean alternatives that will enable us to continue to enjoy the benefits of our existing and evolving modern civilisation. This book is not about the technologies, but about how we can nurture the supply chain of materials, markets, government policies and finance to put them into practice at scale, and fast. It is an acknowledgement of the essential role of energy in modern civilisation. It is about the importance of deploying zero-emissions electricity to push fossil fuels out of the market rather than shutting down fossil fuels and hoping that zero-emissions electricity will fill the void. It is about getting the parameters right for responsibly mining the massive quantities of energy transition materials required to usher in the Electric Age. It is about the importance of governments stimulating private sector investments without undermining the benefits of globalisation.

    The task is not easy. However, if we optimise the supply chain, ensure integrity in financing, invest in constant technological improvement and keep open minds, we will get there. The famous American architect Buckminster Fuller said, ‘You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.’

    Let’s do what we can to build and scale up our new model – clean technologies.

    By doing so, we will make the old model – fossil fuels – obsolete.


    Setting the Scene

    In the first week of March 2020, coronavirus panic gripped Melbourne. Driven by the nightmare scenario of being in the bathroom without a square of toilet paper in sight, vast numbers of my fellow Melburnians flocked to the local supermarket and cleared the shelves. Purchasing quotas were imposed, enterprising social media entrepreneurs offered toilet paper rolls for hundreds of dollars online and there were even reports of rolls being stolen from public toilets. After decades of smoothly operating retail markets, the Covid-19 pandemic was the first introduction to the issue of supply-chain bottlenecks for most Australians.

    For me, professionally, the issue of supply-chain efficiency was sheeted home when I became involved in helping to secure intensive care unit (ICU) ventilators for Australia. In the middle of March, I received two calls from senior medical colleagues, who independently asked me, ‘What are you doing about ventilators, Alan?’ Given that I was Australia’s Chief Scientist at the time, they had good reason to expect an answer. The next day, I checked with officials from the Australian Department of Health and the Department of Industry. They were already geared up to secure supplies of personal protective equipment and diagnostic kits, but ventilators weren’t yet on their radar.

    ‘Can you help?’ was their response, and that simple question was the start of an extremely busy period of my life. Within 48 hours, I had spoken in depth to more than a dozen ICU physicians, respiratory specialists and hospital procurement executives. I came to a tentative conclusion as to what type and how many ICU ventilators we could clinically utilise in Australia and I submitted a report to the federal minister for health, Greg Hunt. Three days later the Australian Government COVID-19 Ventilator Taskforce was established, with me as the advisor.

    Our strategy to ensure that Australia would have enough ventilators included purchasing from international vendors and creating a domestic manufacturing capability. Our timeline was short; the pressure was on for those ventilators to arrive in just a few months. Both approaches were difficult, but to my surprise, purchasing from international vendors was the harder of the two.

    There was fierce competition from other countries desperate to purchase. It was the toilet-roll-hoarding phenomenon played out between countries, each seeking to procure its supply of life-saving ventilators no matter the cost and mostly irrespective of their immediate needs. The established manufacturers could not meet the demand. In just a few weeks, shady vendors were offering novel products that didn’t exist, and dubious wholesalers were offering established products from warehouse stocks that didn’t exist. In both cases, the suppliers wanted payment upfront. They were like internet scammers targeting national governments.

    Prior to these events I hadn’t personally experienced serious problems with the supply chain. I ran a manufacturing company headquartered in Silicon Valley for 23 years until the early 2000s. We used lots of electronic and mechanical components, sourced from American and international suppliers. Of course, not everything was available off the shelf, but if we were quoted an eight-week delivery time, in most cases that’s how long it took for the parts to arrive.

    Broken supply chains were things I read about in history books, in a military context. A resonant lesson was the nearly complete loss of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s army of more than 600,000 soldiers in his disastrous 1812 invasion of Russia. The surprise realisation is that the French army did not lose a single battle against the Russian army until they began their retreat. Instead, they were defeated because Napoleon underestimated the difficulty of supplying his men and horses with food and water. His lack of preparation was compounded by the decision by the Russian command to feint and withdraw, pulling the French army ever further into Russia until their supply chain collapsed and the French soldiers literally starved to death or died of dysentery at the end of the advance and during the retreat.

    Would Napoleon have won the war if he had paid as much attention to his supply-chain logistics as he did to his battle tactics? That would be idle speculation, because a good supply chain is necessary but not sufficient for success.

    Fast forward to the present. During 2020, 2021 and 2022, workforce shortages occurred repeatedly, because of lockdowns to stop the spread of disease and because large numbers of workers were unable to attend their workplaces because they were in personal isolation. Inevitably, shipping and factory outputs were disrupted, resulting in shortages and rising prices. The term ‘supply chain’ became a regular phrase in the popular lexicon, invoked, for example, to explain the shortages of toys and luxury goods in the lead-up to Christmas.

    And now, in the modern era, Russia’s involvement in supply-chain disruption looms large again, this time at a global level. The horrific and unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and Russia's manipulation of gas supplies to Europe created shortages and price rises that resulted in a global energy crisis.

    The war in Ukraine has acted like a catalyst to speed up the investment in energy supply chains, but the response has been complicated, with affected countries doubling down on their commitment to clean energy sources while at the same time augmenting their non-Russian supplies of coal, oil and gas. The consequences of overreliance on Russia for fossil fuels sounded a warning for the world’s clean energy transition – customers should value supply-chain diversity and avoid overdependence on single countries such as China for any essential commodities and products.

    Awkwardly, these global supply-chain problems are occurring at a time when most countries have committed to reinventing their economies to achieve net zero while continuing to drive economic growth. We must get it right. At the Sydney Energy Forum in 2022, Gauri Singh, deputy director-general of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), observed, ‘Supply chains are essential if we are going to keep up with the pace and scale needed for renewables.’

    The story so far

    Greenhouse gas emissions – mostly composed of carbon dioxide and methane – cause global warming, which in turn causes climate change.

    The dominant source of these emissions is our use of fossil fuels, accounting for more than 70% of total annual greenhouse gas emissions. The process of replacing the use of fossil fuels is known as the clean energy transition.

    Greenhouse gas emissions are what we can directly control. However, despite international agreements at Kyoto in 1997 and Paris in 2015 – despite targets, declarations of intent and all our efforts to date – as shown in Figure 1, the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration continues to rise.

    Because of the rising atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, global temperatures are relentlessly increasing and extreme weather events driven by climate change are punishing communities across the planet.

    In 2021 we saw the temperature reach an Australian record of 50.7°C in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, and experts began warning us to prepare for 50°C in metropolitan areas such as Western Sydney.¹ In the European summer of 2021, with one country after another reporting record temperatures, wildfires raged across the continent, incinerating crops and destroying homes. In the United States, the Great Salt Lake in Utah dried out and explosive wildfires burned out of control in California. During the northern summer of 2022, extreme drought in China dried the mighty Yangtse River to its lowest level ever, halting shipping, cutting irrigation for farmers and reducing hydropower for the electricity grid. At the same time, unprecedented floods devastated Pakistan.

    Figure 1: Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is continuing to rise, at an accelerating rate. There has been no slowdown since the first international treaty calling for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions was agreed in Kyoto 1997, nor since the Paris Agreement in 2015. (Source: capegrim.​csiro.​au)

    In most countries, the intellectual battle has been fought and it was a win for science. The reward is the widespread adoption by governments and companies of targets for emissions reduction and an associated boom in new investments. At the highest level, targets were agreed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris in 2015 and beefed up six years later at the Glasgow conference.

    However, to state the obvious, it is important not to take comfort in targets. We should focus on outcomes. And there, at a global level, we are far behind. Look at the global greenhouse gas emissions shown in Figure 2 and you can see that annual emissions continue to rise.

    Figure 2: Worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, mainly carbon dioxide, plus other greenhouse gases such as methane converted into carbon dioxide equivalents. (Source: World Bank, 'Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions', worldbank.​org)

    Notwithstanding this gloomy situation at the global level, we should take heart that in some countries there is substantial progress. OECD countries that have cut their emissions by 20% or more between 2005 and 2019 include Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.² Emissions in the United States, the second-highest-emitting country in the world, are down by about 12%.

    However, while much of the progress in these countries is the result of the clean energy transition, a substantial fraction results from deindustrialisation and the replacement of domestically manufactured products by imported products. This reduction of emissions-intensive manufacturing in importing countries merely pushes the emissions into the national greenhouse inventory of the countries where the products are made, particularly the industrial powerhouses of Asia. Partly for this reason, the emissions in China and India, the first and third largest emitting countries, have risen compared with their 2005 baseline.

    Given the globally dominant emissions from fossil fuels, the clean energy transition to replace them is the most important step we can take in our pursuit of net zero.

    Figure 3: Growth in global energy supplied from non-fossil energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, nuclear power and modern biofuels has been against a background of relentless growth in the use of coal, oil and gas. In this graph, primary energy is calculated based on the ‘substitution method’, which takes into account the inefficiencies in fossil-fuel production. (Source: ourworldindata.​org/​energy-​mix)

    We’ve known this for a long time. I presented a speech in 2013 titled ‘Electric Planet’ about my vision for a future in which zero-emissions electricity would replace coal, oil and gas. The reality is that although the title of my speech was novel, the core concepts had been touted for decades. Nevertheless, despite awareness and considerable successes, there is still a long way to go.

    The global effort to achieve the Electric Planet must be accelerated. In support of this ambition, the main focus of this book is consideration of what can be done to optimise the supply chain so that clean energy solutions can be deployed much faster, at much greater scale, across all nations and at an ever-decreasing cost.

    To date, at a global level, progress in the clean energy transition has been sluggish. The numbers tell the story. The first number to consider is that back in 1990, 87% of all energy consumed came from oil, coal and gas. The balance came from traditional biomass, nuclear power and hydropower.³ Fast forward thirty-one years to 2021, and the share of global energy provided by fossil fuels had fallen slightly, to 83%.⁴

    This is a surprisingly small reduction given that during that period, solar and wind electricity deployment began and continued at an ever-increasing rate. However, the introduction of solar and wind electricity occurred in the context of total global energy consumption simultaneously rising by 72%. Despite the investment in renewables, most of this overall growth was provided by fossil fuels. The increase in fossil-fuel energy during this period and the emergence of solar and wind power can be seen in Figure 3.

    The stark reality is that despite only achieving a four-percentage-point reduction in 31 years from 1990 to 2021, we have to eliminate the remaining 83 percentage points before 2050.

    For thousands of years, and still to this day in many parts of the world, humans used traditional biomass – wood, agricultural waste, dried manure – to provide heat for cooking, warmth and hot water. Around 1850, coal started to be used in earnest. It was valued as a high-density fuel, much more cost-effective and easy to transport than biomass. It powered the Industrial Revolution and enabled the rapid growth of modern civilisation. Coal use consistently increased in the last 170 years, and while demand has plateaued recently, it continues to be used in huge quantities.

    Around 1900, abundant free-flowing oil was discovered. It had many advantages over coal, such as being suitable for internal combustion engines. It powered the transport revolution on the ground, in the oceans and

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