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HELL-OLOGY The Study of Death and Hell
HELL-OLOGY The Study of Death and Hell
HELL-OLOGY The Study of Death and Hell
Ebook75 pages41 minutes

HELL-OLOGY The Study of Death and Hell

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Hell-ology – The Study on Death and Hell was written to fill a void on the topic and to clarify, illuminate, expose, and explain accurate doctrines on the topics of death and Hell. This work will explore the possibility of going to Hell after death. There are many erroneous, incorrect, and incomplete teachings on the topic of death and Hell. Dr. Short emphatically states, “The primary objective is to clarify what the Bible says about Hell and dying, nothing more, nothing less.”

Apostle Dr. Orlando E. Short is a highly sought-after preacher, evangelist, revivalist, and teacher. He is a renowned author penning seven books. He was called and answered his call to preach at the young age of 18 years old. He is the founder of the National School of Theology and the National Fellowship of Christian Churches. Also to his credit, he has pastored for over 25 years.

Dr. Short unapologetically delivers fresh revelation and illuminates the Word of God with a prophetic anointing, sage wisdom, and unparalleled strength. His teaching challenges conventional wisdom and inspires you to examine God’s word deeper and develop a deeper relationship with The Father.
Release dateJan 26, 2023
HELL-OLOGY The Study of Death and Hell

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    HELL-OLOGY The Study of Death and Hell - Dr. Orlando E. Short


    The Study of Death and Hell

    By Dr. Orlando E. Short


    © 2023 – Apostle Dr. Orlando E. Short

    All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America.

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Unless otherwise identified, Scripture references are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV), public domain unless otherwise noted.

    Kingdom Publishing Group

    ISBN: 978-1-365-40233-3

    Photo Credit:  Jeff Lawson

    Printed in the U.S.A.


    The Study of Death and Hell

    By Dr. Orlando E. Short

    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1  God’s Intention for Man and the Rebellion

    Chapter 2  Types of Death

    Chapter 3  Is There Life After Death?

    Chapter 4  Personal Experiences  About Death

    Chapter 5  The Origin of the Idea of Hell

    Chapter 6  The Biblical Definition of Hell

    Chapter 7  Is Hell Real?

    Chapter 8  Hell is a Real Place

    Chapter 9  Exactly Where is Hell?

    Chapter 10  The Lake of Fire

    Chapter 11  God is Omnipresent But  Is God in Hell?

    Chapter 12  What Will Hell Be Like?

    Chapter 13  What American Christians Believe About Hell

    Chapter 14  What Do Other Religions Believe About Hell?

    Chapter 15  Judgement Day

    Chapter 16  Salvation

    About Dr. Orlando E. Short

    Other Books by  Dr. Orlando E. Short


    There are many erroneous, incorrect, and incomplete teachings on the topic of death and Hell as it relates to the Bible. The purpose of this work is to clarify, illuminate, expose, and explain accurate doctrines on the topics of death and Hell. We will explore the possibility of going to Hell after death. Other topics revolving around Hell and death will be examined in this body of work as well. The primary objective is to clarify what the Bible says about Hell and dying, nothing more, nothing less.

    I am going to refer to this work as a supposition. Simply put, a supposition is defined as an idea that you THINK is true but may not be able to prove beyond all uncertainty. Thus, this work is technically a supposition. While I will effectively answer many of the questions you might have regarding the subject matter, there will certainly be some questions that cannot conclusively be answered scripturally. To the questions that are answered, I respond with exacting scriptural support, so this is not just my opinion without supporting research.

    I want to thank and express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Stephanie Rose, Dr. Valter Harris, and Minister Lisa J. O’Bryant who contributed to this body of work. It would not have been possible without them.

    Chapter 1

    God’s Intention for Man and the Rebellion

    Genesis 1:31 tells us that when God made the world, He looked upon it and declared that it was very good. It was good because it reflected the intention of its Maker. The psalmist excitedly writes,

    The Heavens declare the glory of the God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (Psalms 19:1 NIV)

    As westerners, we treat the creation as rather inert and lifeless. But the Hebrew mind is far more optimistic and much more poetic.

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