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The Power Of Release: Transforming your life by breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving success
The Power Of Release: Transforming your life by breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving success
The Power Of Release: Transforming your life by breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving success
Ebook120 pages2 hours

The Power Of Release: Transforming your life by breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving success

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About this ebook

"The Power of Release" is an inspiring self-help book that delves into transformative power of letting go of negative thought, emotions, and experiences that can hold us back from living our best lives. written by Sara Zein, this book offers practical strategies and insightful advice on how to identify and release the mental and emotional baggag

Publishersara zein
Release dateApr 11, 2023
The Power Of Release: Transforming your life by breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving success

Sara Zein Zein

Sara Zein is a Lebanese writer who discovered the power of words at a young age. When her father passed away suddenly when she was just fifteen, she turned to writing letters as a way to cope with her grief. For Sara, writing is a form of art that allows her to express her feelings. she is a passionate advocate for the power of writing to transform lives. She believes that each of us has the potential to be the writer of our own story, and by finding the courage to peruse our dreams and passions, we can unlock the power to create a life of happiness, fulfillment, and success. Through her writing, Sara seeks to empower others to find their voice, follow their calling, and create the life they truly want to live.

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    The Power Of Release - Sara Zein Zein

    The Power of Release

    Transforming your life by breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving success.

    Sara Zein


    The Power of Release



    I had always wanted to be a writer, a journalist, or a TV presenter. I believe that this is my call, and this is what I want to be. Even though I love one more than the other, they all seem very similar to me, belonging to the same field, and giving me the same feelings of joy and passion while doing any of them.

    I would also like to be the successful doctor Ellen Pompeo in Grey’s Anatomy or the powerful lawyer Gabriel Macht in Suits. The reason is not only the profession of a doctor or a lawyer itself, nor only because they do good stuff. It is beyond that. I might even like to be Alice Braga in Queen of South, who played the role of a powerful drug dealer. Yes, you read that right. While watching the series, I felt that I wanted to be her. Even though what she did was bad, she managed to succeed at it, becoming so damn powerful, and so out of reach. I loved how she went from nothing to sheer power and success.

    That is who we are; we see success, we smell it, and we feel it. We love to embrace it. No matter what, we want it so badly because it is nice and it brings us money, power, fame, and all that we want. Or at least that is what we think

    To become successful, you might wait for luck to turn up, or you can decide to start working harder and smarter on yourself to achieve what you want. But before becoming successful in anything, you have to know what your thing is. Did you ever think what is my thing? What makes you alive is what’s going to make you successful. But what is it? You might think you’ve already known it and earned it. But actually, you haven’t, or else you’d already be successful by now having it all, or you might have it and still crave for more.

      We’re sharing the same mind and soul, and it is not only words you’re reading, it is the reflection of yourself. That is the beginning of success, when you meet your true selfand get to know it better. That is the first step to real success.

    I will walk you through some incidents in my journey, and I hope that you feel it and find yourself between the lines. So, you can reach the mindset I worked hard to achieve today. A place where life is a beautiful place, and success is a happy journey.

    In this book, you’ll learn how to know yourself first. You will know what you want to become. You will discover your real weaknesses and strengths and where you truly want to be. You will know what you want to become. Those discoveries, which you didn’t know before, will tell you why you’re not where you want to be yet.

    After making sure of knowing your dream call, you’ll pass through a lot to reach your goals.

    You will let go of things and people that no longer serve you, and you’ll make a room for new habits. You’ll learn how to befriend and embrace your fears and utilize them for your own benefit, and you’ll be more confident in yourself and jealousy will have no room in your world. You’ll learn to love yourself and love serving and being kind to others. You will set your priorities in life, and most importantly, you’ll maintain balance in everything, because balance is the only key to a successful and peaceful life. And after passing through all this, you will be ready for a happy, successful life.


    My name is Sara Zein. You can call me Sera, this is what people used to call me at work or on my social media accounts.

    When I reached university, I was confused and didn’t know what major I wanted to study. I felt lost, while most of my friends knew what they wanted since high school, or even before that. Maybe it was what they were told, and not their own choice. I never knew.

    I did not know anything about my calling back then, and I did not notice that writing is my passion. I considered it as a hobby only, and I thought back then that I should study something that will bring me a lot of money. So I studied translation, but it wasn’t my choice, it was my doctors’ choice and they convinced me in a way. I didn’t realize that nothing pays back more than doing what we love. Even if we don’t make a big fortune, we’ll be happy throughout the whole journey, and that is the most important thing. Life will teach us that the journey is more important than the destination.

    It took me time to know what my calling is, and I studied a major for four years that I ended up not liking. Besides, I took a side job that occupied all of my time. I was paying for my university, so semester after semester, I found it hard to change my major and start over from the beginning. All I wanted is to graduate and be relieved from paying university checks. Despite that I love studying and learning new things and skills, but the checks were huge burdens on my shoulder.

    In one of my summer semesters, I took a class named Career and Life Skills with Dr. Alissar El Shami. The course she gave helped in clearing my path and made me question myself a million times to know what I really wanted. And I’ll give it to you now in my turn, hoping that I could help you save some time. Things that no told me about me back then and when I discovered them, it seemed too late to me. But it was never too late. Sometimes all you need is a wake-up call. All I want from writing you this book is to help you find yourself and find success and happiness in your journey, and to know what you want especially in your teenage years when you feel so confused and lost in choices, and no one helps you to discover your true self or guides you in your journey. Even people in their thirties and forties are still lost sometimes, and that is because they did not find the truth about themselves from an early age.

    Some of us know what we want from our early school years, and we really go for it, and some of us stay confused about ourmessage in life till the age of 40 or above, and some come into this world and leave without even knowing what they really want, or what they really came for.
    Each and everyone in this life should know that he or she is very important. They didn’t come here by accident; they have a message they came to deliver before departing in peace.
    It is very hard if you live as if you didn’t exist at all. You spend all those years through their days and nights, through hard times and moments, through ups and downs. Everything around you falls apart, and you gather your broken pieces and manage to rise again. The cycle is repeated over and over until the end comes, and you go away without doing the right thing, leaving nothing behind to remind of you.

    It doesn’t have to look perfect, and it is not as simple as you might think. Knowing what you want and becoming successful isn’t so easy or comfortable.

    We think that if we know what we want, we will be confident all the time, and in complete control of our lives. But even the most successful and confident people have had some moments where they questioned what they were doing; if they were doing it correctly, and whether it was what they really wanted or not. But I can promise you that when you do like your choices, even if the road seems awful sometimes, you will be a happy person through the journey and this is a success. And I will walk you step by step, baby steps to live a happy, successful, and balanced life.

    We all have many qualities and talents in us. And that’s what chapter one speaks about; what is within you, what you are capable of, and who you really are.

    Chapter one

    Discover Your Power

    Chapter two

    Master the detachment

    Just move on

    Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. It is the most beautiful feeling in the world that makes us alive. It is the act of caring and giving to someone else. Giving pure feelings to someone is a big thing, and it makes you become a giver. You give without waiting for any return when you truly love someone. What makes them happy makes you happy. Their sadness is yours. You don’t know why you love this person and when you ask yourself, you might not find any answer.

    I used to have answers for why I love each person in my life. Until someone someday asked the man that I love why he loved me in front of me.

    He answered: Reason is powerless in the expression of love.

    Rumi said, "Reason is powerless in the expression of love. Love alone is capable of revealing the truth of love and being a lover. The way of our prophets is the

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