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Learning to Love You Well: A 60-Day Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself and Embracing God's Unconditional Love
Learning to Love You Well: A 60-Day Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself and Embracing God's Unconditional Love
Learning to Love You Well: A 60-Day Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself and Embracing God's Unconditional Love
Ebook175 pages3 hours

Learning to Love You Well: A 60-Day Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself and Embracing God's Unconditional Love

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"Learning to Love You Well" is a life-changing 60-day guide to help women transform their lives and discover the transformative power of God's love and how it impacts self-love. In a world where we're constantly bombarded with messages about how we should look, act, and be, it's easy to forget the most important relationship we have - the one wi

Release dateMar 15, 2023
Learning to Love You Well: A 60-Day Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself and Embracing God's Unconditional Love

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    Learning to Love You Well - Alex Blackburn

    Learning to Love You Well

    Learning to Love You Well

    Learning to Love You Well

    A 60-Day Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Yourself and Embracing God's Unconditional Love

    Alex Blackburn

    Alex Blackburn




    Week 1: Identity

    Day 1: Who Does God Say You Are?

    Day 2: Forget What They Said About You

    Day 3: Forget What You Have Said About You!

    Day 4: Accepting Your Identity

    Day 5: Why is Identity Foundational?

    Week 2: Send it to Exile!

    Day 6: Goodbye Negative Thoughts!

    Day 7: Say Sayonara to the Haterade Juice!

    Day 8: Kick the Habit!

    Day 9: Their Time is Up

    Day 10: Clutter Free Is the Way to Be!

    Week 3: Forgiveness

    Day 11: What’s the Big Deal Anyway?

    Day 12: Repent

    Day 13: Forgive Them

    Day 14: Forgive Yourself

    Day 15: 70 x 7

    Week 4: Health

    Day 16: What Are You Putting in Your Tank?

    Day 17: Dump Depression!

    Day 18: Kiss Anxiety Goodbye!

    Day 19: Walk it Out!

    Day 20: Grab A Buddy!

    Week 5: Date Yourself

    Day 21: It Doesn't Get Any Better Than Yourself!

    Day 22: Get Those Creative Juices Flowing!

    Day 23: Throw Your Dancing Shoes on!

    Day 24: Look Good, Feel Good!

    Day 25: Romanticize Your Life

    Week 6: Make God Your Best Friend

    Day 26: There's No Other Friend Like Jesus!

    Day 27: How to Hear from Your Best Friend

    Day 28: Pray Constantly

    Day 29: Be Present in His Presence

    Day 30: A Date with the Lord

    Week 7: Isolation

    Day 31: The Importance of Isolation

    Day 32: Endure the Loss and Expect Future Gain

    Day 33: Learning to Be Alone

    Day 34: Don't Get Stuck Here!

    Day 35: Come Under His Wing

    Week 8: Community

    Day 36: The Importance of Community

    Day 37: My Experience with Community in the Midst of Isolation

    Day 38: Why You May Struggle to Build Community

    Day 39: Choosing Your Community

    Day 40: How Your Circle Affects You

    Week 9: Healing

    Day 41: Heal So You Can Feel

    Day 42: The Beauty of Being Triggered

    Day 43: How to Know If You Need Healing

    Day 44: Change Your Perspective

    Day 45: Living Healed

    Week 10: Gratitude

    Day 46: Gratitude Changes Things

    Day 47: Don't Let This Steal Your Gratitude

    Day 48: My Testimony with Gratitude

    Day 49: Nothing Good Comes from Ungratefulness

    Day 50: If You Needed Any More Reasons to Practice Gratitude

    Week 11: Spiritual and Personal Growth

    Day 51: The Importance of Spiritual and Personal Growth

    Day 52: Fill Your Mind with All Things Good

    Day 53: Understanding and Knowing Your Worth

    Day 54: Growth is Not Linear

    Day 55: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

    Week 12: Remembrance


    Have You Accepted Jesus Christ as Your Savior?

    Also By Alex Blackburn:

    About The Author

    Copyright © 2023 by Alex Blackburn

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Printing, 2023

    To my daughter, Maliyah, and my sister, Gracie. May you both keep the Lord at the forefront of your hearts and prioritize your relationship with Him. I pray you both forever know your identity and confidence is rooted in Him, and in Him alone. Never let the world tell you differently.


    In March 2022, I published my very first book called, Running with God: 100 Day Devotional. I didn't anticipate writing another book anytime soon. I had assumed I would take a brief pause before navigating another book writing process. But God had other plans! Isn't it funny how that's usually the case? 

    I remember telling a friend of mine after publishing my first book, I was most likely going to wait at least 6 months before starting the writing process of a new book. I'm sure God laughed at that. Because just a couple of days after me saying that, I woke up at 5 in the morning, was hit with revelation, and began writing like a madman. It was like the Lord had opened up my brain and dropped the whole blueprint for my new book. He gave me the name for the book, then poured out the titles for each section, including what each subsection of the book would be about. To say this book is God-inspired, is no exaggeration! 

    This book contains everything that someone struggling to love themselves needs to know. This is the complete blueprint to learning how to love yourself the way that God loves you, learning how to apply it to your life, and how to finally live a peace filled, joy filled, and overall purposeful and fulfilled life. This is everything the Lord taught me during my own personal self-love journey summed up in a 60-day guide to bring you total transformation!

    A backstory to my personal self-love journey and how it began: In 2013, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. Prior to that, I was struggling with substance abuse and was living a very sinful life. I had strong convictions about parenting due to my childhood, prior to ever getting pregnant. I had always promised myself I would be the best mother I could ever be to my child(ren) and I would never allow them to feel the way I did as a child. This deep conviction I held, I held true to. When I discovered I was pregnant, I quit everything I had been doing and I knew I was going to be the best mom I could ever be for my daughter. This is when I began seeking God more and more.

    Throughout all of this, I had been in an on-again off-again relationship that was not pleasing to God, and I had made this person an idol in my life. I was beyond insecure and had no clue of my worth during this stage of my life. Not to mention, after going from always high, to always sober, then learning to be a young mom, I was totally lost and confused! I was in a pure identity crisis. So around this time, the Lord began pursuing me relentlessly for my whole heart. My party lifestyle had been dead and gone since 2013, but the Lord was after my full surrender. I was still compromising in my faith. He wanted all of me, not just some of me. A series of events began unfolding to spark a new change in me and it required the Lord to completely break me down, before building me back up.

    It was in 2017 that I came to the end of myself and was desperate for change. The Lord made it abundantly clear that an unhealthy relationship had to go. After my stubborn heart had put me through heartbreak after heartbreak, I finally obeyed the Lord and cut the cord. That right there was my breaking point. Everything came crashing down on me at once and I was experiencing one of the darkest points in my life. But that became the most transitional and transformational moment of my life. At the moment of one of my greatest heartbreaks, I began the journey to find my worth, my identity, my confidence, and how to love myself!!! I relentlessly pursued change. And change is what I got. And this book has been birthed from that experience, years later, to set other people free, and to teach others everything the Lord taught me. The Lord completely walked me through this process of self-discovery and laid it all out for me. So, it's my honor, and my pleasure, to lay it all out there for every woman who is ready to venture out into the unknown of shedding the old and stepping into a new life of fiercely loving God, fiercely loving themselves, and boldly and confidently living their life. 

    When you read this book, I want you to read it with intentionality and implement what you read. This book is meant to be read one day at a time. It is ultra important that you have the Learning to Love You Well workbook to work through and pair with your daily reading. If you're reading this book and desiring transformation, the workbook is an absolute must. If you don't have it, stop what you're doing now, and purchase it! Don't start reading this book until you have the workbook in your hands! I want you to receive life changing transformation and I believe if you commit to reading this book daily, and working through your daily workbook questions, that's exactly what you'll get! 

    I know the process of learning to love yourself isn't an easy one. But I want you to know that I believe in you. And greater than that, I believe in God's miracle working power to infuse you with strength in every area you feel weak, to fill you with overflowing love and confidence, and to turn your life completely around.

    Week 1: Identity

    Day 1: Who Does God Say You Are?

    My beloved, I understand that right now it is hard to see past the fog…

    If you picked up this book to read, I feel like those are the words that the Father would want to speak to you right now. The Lord just wants to affirm that He sees you and He sees your concerns. Even if you may not realize there’s a fog, if you bought this book, I can assume there is a calling deep within yourself to learn to love yourself in a better way. I’m believing the Lord handpicked this book just for you, to break you out of any boxes that you may have been in. I am believing that the Lord will use this book in your life to set you free from any lies you’ve believed and to lift any fog from your eyes that you may be unaware of! I am believing that light will be shone through every dark place in your life and that you will receive revelation light that will bring you everlasting freedom.

    Freedom begins with knowing Jesus and in knowing Jesus, we come to know our true selves. Without knowing Him, there is a deep gap that needs to be filled. The enemy will do everything in His power to lead you to filling that gap with beliefs and choices that do not bear the truth of who you are and who you’re called to be. That gap was, and is, forever meant to be filled with knowing Jesus. Jesus is the only way to knowing your true identity. It’s in intimacy with Christ where we are able to learn how to truly love ourselves well and it’s in the secret place that we find our identity in Christ. It’s crucial for us to come to understand who it is that God says we are so we can stand on that. When we learn to grasp the truth the Lord speaks over us, that’s when we learn our identity in Christ. Once we’ve grasped our identity, everything changes from there. We can no longer be shaken. We’re forever changed. We talk differently, we move differently, we behave differently.

    When you were born into this world, your mother gave you a name. Before you were born, the Lord gave you a purpose and a calling. And as the years have passed by in your life, others have probably attempted to falsely name you. There may have been people in your life that have chalked you up to be something and someone that you are not just based on their perception of you, and maybe even based on moments in your life that you’re not very proud of. But I want to let you know that those moments you’re not proud of and those opinions that

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