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She is My Rock
She is My Rock
She is My Rock
Ebook85 pages30 minutes

She is My Rock

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About this ebook

She Is My Rock is a compilation of poems written about Robin-Louise's life, faith, joy, suffering, which she has experienced during her life. The beginning poem talks about her mother, who was a strong influence and was the major reason she has kept on going and who has continued to keep her strong during her trying times and has helped her enjoy life during the joyful times. This book is written in loving memory of her mother, Linda Jane Albro Burkitt, 1945–2018.

Release dateMay 21, 2019
She is My Rock

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    Book preview

    She is My Rock - Robin-Louise Burkitt

    On a Day of Darkness and Rain

    My soul is full of pain.

    The knowledge that I gain that I cannot maintain,

    The vain grain inside my brain

    That makes me go insane.

    Nothing that will help,

    Nothing you will gain for the advice people will give ends up being mundane.

    The scary monster that once was a man that I loved so much starts hitting things with a cane,

    Flipped a switch that made me go insane.

    When the words rain and plain start twirling around like a turbulent storm inside my brain,

    I so desperately want to reach out to stop this pain that resides inside my brain,

    Before the violent swaying causes my mind to derail the train.

    Who Will Come to My Funeral When I Am Dead?

    When all else is said,

    I curl up in bed.

    I think this is the end,

    For I do not have a friend,

    Who knows me and defends me

    When the world devours and abuses me and does not allow me to flee.

    I am a prisoner in my own mind.

    I am in a bind for my own kind are so blind.

    If I die from the invisible illness that grows from within,

    Some might consider it a sin.

    No one will see the absence of my glee or the presence of the darkness.

    As I pen the pain onto paper, I notice people have the inability to see between the lines.

    For the invisible words could be a sign, for the pain that is mine

    Cannot be felt by those who do not know.

    The beauty and anguish from within are cast away in the shadows

    As I sit in a group surrounded by fellow sufferers.

    It all of a sudden became my

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